Arizona Right to Life Files Opening Brief with Arizona Supreme Court Opposing Radical Nine-Month Abortion Proposition on the Ballot

Arizona Abortion Supporters

Arizona Right to Life (AZRTL) appealed a trial court judge’s rejection of its lawsuit challenging the Right to Abortion Initiative, Prop. 139, which will appear on the ballot this fall.

AZRTL filed an opening brief with the Arizona Supreme Court on Monday, asking the court “to find the Ballot Measure legally insufficient for placement on the Arizona Ballot because the petition’s summary misrepresented and concealed the principal provisions of the Ballot Measure.” Prop. 139 will legalize abortion up until ninth months of pregnancy, including partial-birth abortion.

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Former Pro-Life Champion Legislator Nancy Barto Reveals Details of Arizona’s Radical 9-Month Abortion Proposition on the Ballot

Nancy Barto

Former Arizona legislator Nancy Barto, who was defeated for reelection in 2022 due to progressives targeting her over championing pro-life legislation, spoke to a church in Casa Grande Thursday evening about Proposition 139. Barto told the group of 158 at Cowboy Church of Pinal County about the negative ramifications of Prop. 139, the Right to Abortion Initiative, which is almost certain to be on the ballot this fall. 

The proposition legalizes abortion up to nine months, including partial-birth abortions, removes requirements that doctors be involved, eliminates parental consent, and removes penalties for those who assist with obtaining abortions. Arizona’s current abortion law prohibits abortions after 15 weeks.

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Lawmakers Demand Attorney General Merrick Garland ‘Conduct Comprehensive Investigation’ into Deaths of Five Late-Term Babies Aborted in Washington, DC

House Pro-Life Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) led 69 members of Congress in a letter Friday that calls on Attorney General Merrick Garland to “conduct a comprehensive investigation” into the deaths of five late-term babies, apparently aborted in Washington, DC, to determine whether federal crimes were committed by the abortionist.

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Members of Congress Demand Full Investigation, Autopsies into Deaths of Late-Term Infants Aborted in Washington, DC

More than 20 members of Congress have signed a letter to both the mayor of Washington, DC, and the Metropolitan Police Chief, demanding “a thorough investigation,” including “autopsies,” into the deaths of five late-term infants allegedly aborted in Cesare Santangelo’s Washington Surgi-Clinic.

Led by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the lawmakers wrote to Mayor Muriel Bowser and Police Chief Robert J. Contee III Tuesday that, when the police “recovered the remains of five preborn children apparently from the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.,” the Metropolitan Police “made the assumption that each child died as the result of a legal abortion.”

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Leftist Pro-Life Group Calls for Full Investigation into Deaths of Late-Term Babies, Prosecution for Abortionist

Pregnant woman holding ultrasound photo in front of stomach

A group of pro-life activists – most of them identifying as “leftist” or “progressive” – held a press conference Tuesday to demand the Washington, DC, police conduct a full investigation into the deaths of the five late-term infants whose bodies were discovered last week at the home of Lauren Handy, one of their members.

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Pro-Life Leaders Demand Investigation Into Whether Late-Term Infant Bodies Discovered May Have Survived Botched Abortions: ‘Beyond Horrific and Devastating’

Leaders of a national pro-life organization are demanding an investigation into the deaths of five late-term infants whose bodies were discovered last week at a Capitol Hill region home in Washington, DC.

D.C. police discovered the bodies of the babies last Wednesday at a home occupied by pro-life activist Lauren Handy, WUSA9 reported.

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