Legal Expert Phill Kline Details What to Look for on Election Day to Prevent Fraud

MPL and Kline

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and current law professor at Liberty University School of Law, detailed the tactics the Left may deploy on Election Day to commit fraud and ensure a victory for Vice President Kamala Harris and other Democratic candidates.

Kline said tactics to influence election results have been underway long before this year’s general election, including President Joe Biden’s 2021 executive order permitting federal agencies to promote voter registration and participation in U.S. elections.

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Legal Expert Phill Kline: Election Laws ‘Not Prepared’ to Handle Current Effort to Manipulate Elections to Benefit One Party

Phill Kline

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and current law professor at Liberty University School of Law, said current election laws in the U.S. are “not prepared” to handle the current level of effort seen by leftist nonprofits and the administrative state to manipulate elections in favor of Democratic candidates.

Kline said in the past, election laws were challenged based on “procedure,” which is no longer the case today.

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Democrats Push Overseas Voting, but Republicans Sound the Alarm over Fraud Concerns

Counting ballots

As Democrats are pushing overseas voting in the November election, Republicans and election integrity advocates are sounding the alarm over possible fraud that could occur with absentee ballots sent from other countries.

With the Democratic Party pushing for more overseas absentee ballots in a close presidential race, Republicans and proponents of election integrity are concerned about the verification of overseas voters and their ballots.

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Legal Expert Phill Kline Says Vice Presidential Debate Will Influence Election

Phill Kline

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and current law professor at Liberty University School of Law, said two very different worldviews were presented by U.S. Senator JD Vance (R-OH) and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) during the vice presidential debate on Tuesday evening, which Kline said “will make a difference” in the November 5 general election.

Kline said Vance “won” Tuesday’s debate, hosted by CBS, as the Republican vice presidential nominee delivered a worldview and policy standpoints based on “reason” instead of “emotion.”

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Legal Expert Phill Kline: ‘Deeply Concerning’ DOJ Publicly Released Letter Written by Second Would-Be Trump Assassin

MPL and Kline

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and current law professor at Liberty University School of Law, described the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) release of a hand-written letter by Ryan Routh, the man accused of attempting to assassinate former President Trump on September 15, as “deeply concerning.”

In the letter, which the DOJ publicly released on Monday, Routh confirmed his intent to assassinate the former president and offered a $150,000 bounty to whoever could “complete the job.”

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Law Expert Phill Kline Explains How the Left Transformed the Government to View the Public as a Threat to Its Power

Phill Kline

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and current law professor at Liberty University School of Law, said the Left has transformed “the attitude of our government” in a way that views the American public as a threat to its maintenance of power.

Kline used the example of the government’s ongoing refusal to release the full manifesto of the Covenant School killer as a way it works to “shape” what the public “thinks,” “knows,” and “believes.”

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Early and Mail-In Voting Begins Two Months Before Election Day amid Lawsuits, Integrity Concerns

People Voting

Absentee voting for the presidential election will begin this week, two months before Election Day, as early in-person voting starts nationwide later this month amid lawsuits over election administration and election integrity concerns.

The presidential election begins this week as absentee ballots are mailed to voters in one state, with others to follow in the coming weeks. However, election integrity concerns from the last presidential election remain as various courts determine how mail-in ballots and voter rolls are to be handled with only two months before the next president will be elected.

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Election Integrity Law Expert Phill Kline: ‘The Democratic Party Lost Faith in Democracy a Long Time Ago’

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General and current law professor at Liberty University School of Law, said the Democratic Party “lost faith in democracy a long time ago,” specifically citing multiple occasions when Democrat-occupied executive branches “stretched the law” to act without legislative consultation or approval on partisan issues.

Kline said Democrats have abused the executive branch to stretch emergency powers to advance partisan policies, including the environment, gun control, and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Harris Promoted Paper Ballots Before 2020 Election, but Democrats Now Push Back on Election Integrity

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris promoted using paper ballots for elections the last time she was a presidential candidate, but since then, Democrats and the Biden administration have largely pushed back against election integrity laws that Republicans have promoted.

Five years ago, Harris was part of a bipartisan effort to encourage the use of paper ballots. However, since the 2020 presidential election, Democrats have called Republicans “election deniers” for promoting such election integrity measures, and the Biden administration is focusing on suing states with election integrity laws.

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Fulton County Policy Suggests Both DA Willis, Wade Were Required to Disclose Relationship

Fani Willis Nathan Wade

A Fulton County policy regarding the disclosure of a romantic relationship with an employee may have applied to both District Attorney Fani Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade, yet they testified that they did not inform any county employees of their relationship, according to lawyers observing the case. 

A hearing was held on Thursday and Friday regarding Willis’ relationship with Wade and the resulting potential conflicts of interest regarding the case against former President Donald Trump. Willis last year indicted Trump and 18 co-defendants over his efforts to challenge the 2020 election results in Georgia. She had hired Wade as a special prosecutor to pursue the case.  

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Election Integrity Advocate Sets Up Non-Profit to Support Alternate Electors Facing Criminal Charges

Phill Kline, director of the election integrity group The Amistad Project, has set up a non-profit to financially support the alternate electors in the 2020 election who are facing criminal charges. 

“The funding will be distributed to their attorneys on an equal basis,” Kline said in a phone interview Monday night with Just the News. “It will also include those (Trump’s co-defendants) in Georgia.”

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Phill Kline Commentary: Redefining America

We are witnessing a long-planned and allowed assault on three cornerstone rights necessary for the protection of individual liberty – the right to affiliate or assemble with persons of your choosing; the right to speech and thought, and the right to petition your government for changes or improvement.

Long-planned in that Marxist thought has merged with progressive-left action to undermine American institutions that once protected these rights – education, the church, and the family.

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Wisconsin Lawmaker Flags Payments Used to Mobilize Voters for Liberal Judge

A Wisconsin lawmaker is questioning whether it was legal for a political action committee to pay people to encourage others to vote for liberal Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz in the state Supreme Court election in the latest mobilization tactic to raise integrity concerns in the battleground state.

Wisconsin Takes Action, a project of Organizing Empowerment PAC, held live Zoom training sessions during the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, instructing potential “community mobilizers” on how to reach out to people to encourage them to vote and get paid hundreds of dollars for their outreach efforts.

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Lois Lerner 2.0: IRS Chilling Dissent with Interrogation of Nonprofit, Election Integrity Activist Says

Much as the Obama IRS targeted conservative groups for audits, the tax collection agency has subjected an elections nonprofit to a battery of prying questions about its policy positions, language choices and methodology for arriving at correct opinions and conclusions prior to peremptorily rejecting its application for tax-exempt status without appeal.

Starting in 2010, the IRS Exempt Organizations Unit directed by Lois Lerner targeted the Tea Party and other conservative groups for intrusive scrutiny, effectively freezing them with lengthy audits. After the politically motivated harassment was exposed in 2013, the Obama administration claimed to find the IRS actions “inexcusable.” But after Lerner invoked her 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination to avoid testifying before Congress and the House cited her for contempt, the Obama Justice Department declined to pursue criminal charges.

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Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline Warns About the Destruction of the Rule of Law if Kari Lake’s Election Lawsuit is Dismissed

As Kari Lake’s lawsuit contesting the results of the gubernatorial election winds its way through the legal system, various legal experts are speaking out on the merits of the case. Former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline, who is currently a professor at Liberty University and director of the election integrity legal organization Amistad Project, warned on Friday that if Lake’s lawsuit is dismissed, allowing Democrat Katie Hobbs to become governor, it will undermine the rule of law. 

Kline tweeted, “If Hobbs is successful in dismissing Lake’s suit it only proves 1) election officials can violate procedure and law without accountability 2) partisan private vendors can still be used to conduct core government functions 3) legislators & others have failed to learn from 2020 and 4) many of those who claimed to fix the 2020 problems are wrong!” 

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Rejected, Spoiled Ballots at Maricopa County Vote Centers Mishandled, Election Observers Allege

As many vote centers in Maricopa County experienced issues with election equipment on Election Day 2022, many ballots were rejected by tabulators and spoiled, but not always properly, according to a report filed with the Arizona attorney general’s office.

The affidavit was compiled by Mark Sonnenklar, a roving attorney with the Republican National Committee’s Election Integrity program in Arizona, from observations he and 10 other roving attorneys made as GOP election observers at Maricopa County vote centers. The 11 observers visited a combined 115 of the 223 vote centers in Maricopa County on Election Day.

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Counties in Ohio, Tennessee, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and More Flooded with Requests for 2020 Election Records as Mandatory Preservation Window Expires

With the recent expiration of the federally mandated 2-year window for preservation of 2020 presidential election records, counties across the country have been inundated with public records requests from Americans concerned about election integrity.

During his “Moment of Truth Summit” last month spotlighting 2020 presidential election irregularities, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell exhorted “every single person in the country” to ask for cast vote records from the election from their local county clerk’s office. His website links to the Ordros Analytics, Inc., website, which provides templates of public records requests for cast vote records.

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Amistad Project Has Yet to Receive USPS Report on Ballots Allegedly Driven from New York to Pennsylvania

Shot of USPS vehicles

According to the director of the nonprofit Amistad Project, the U.S. Postal Service has yet to release a report on thousands of ballots allegedly driven from New York to Pennsylvania in 2020.

The allegations originated from York, PA resident Jesse Morgan, a driver who said he made out-of-state deliveries for a USPS contractor. In an affidavit signed on November 26, 2020 and in a press conference on December 1, 2020, Morgan described delivering 24 large cardboard boxes filled with trays containing “completed ballots” from Bethpage, NY to Lancaster, PA on October 21, 2020. 

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Election Watchdog: ‘Not Ready for 2024’ Elections, ‘Still Have Many of the Same Problems’ from 2020

Election integrity issues from the 2020 presidential election have yet to be resolved, “so we are not ready for 2024,” Phill Kline, Director of the Amistad Project, warned on Monday.

Kline was asked by “Just the News, Not Noise” TV show cohosts John Solomon and Amanda Head if election integrity issues had been solved after the 2020 election. “No, we still have many of the same problems,” he replied, explaining that this is “because the legislatures have not taken the time to understand the problem.”

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Michael Patrick Leahy Talks About Pop Up Nonprofits Used for Partisan Political Purposes

  In a special interview, Thursday on First Principles with Phill Kline – host Kline talked with Michael Patrick Leahy, CEO, and editor-in-chief of The Star News Network who uncovered partisan non-profit popups in swing states and the importance of election integrity as the deciding fate of America’s constitutional Republic. Leahy: And it turns out, Phill, as you see the story in Michigan, it was the only state where that Center for Election and Innovation and Research money did not go to the Secretary of State. Now, if it goes to the Secretary of State, it’s discoverable how it was spent. Kline: Right. Leahy: It went to a shell 501 (c) (3) organization that has been around about ten years that had been established by the current Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. And they got $12 million bucks. They sent it to a 501 (c) (3) called the Michigan Center for Election Administration. We just got a copy of their Form 990s from the IRS. And – here’s the punch line – that $12 million dollars was basically all spent in two different groups. $11.8 million dollars went to a Democrat media buy firm that’s a subsidiary of the…

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December 8 Deadline for Selection of Electors Does Not Apply to Disputed States, Amistad Project Says

In a white paper released Friday, The Amistad Project of the non-partisan Thomas More Society is arguing that the current Electoral College deadlines are both arbitrary and a direct impediment to states’ obligations to investigate disputed elections.

The research paper breaks down the history of Electoral College deadlines and makes clear that this election’s Dec. 8 and Dec. 14 deadlines for the selection of Electors, the assembly of the Electoral College, and the tallying of its votes, respectively, are not only elements of a 72-year old federal statute with no Constitutional basis, but are also actively preventing the states from fulfilling their constitutional — and ethical — obligation to hold free and fair elections. Experts believe that the primary basis for these dates was to provide enough time to affect the presidential transition of power, a concern which is obsolete in the age of internet and air travel.

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Amistad Project Asks Michigan Supreme Court to Preserve Evidence of Election Irregularities

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society said it filed a lawsuit on Thanksgiving asking the Michigan Supreme Court to physically secure all evidence of irregularities in the 2020 election and declare the results invalid on the basis of alleged unlawful conduct by state and local officials.

“In numerous instances, state and local officials brazenly violated election laws in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” said Phill Kline, Director of The Amistad Project. “The pattern of lawlessness was so pervasive and widespread that it deprived the people of Michigan of a free and fair election, throwing the integrity of the entire process into question.”

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Amistad Project’s Georgia Lawsuit Targets 200K Ballot Deficit Caused by Improper Counting of Ballots

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society filed a lawsuit contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, saying fraudulent votes cast were 15 times greater than the margin separating Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

The organization said in a press release that it filed the lawsuit Tuesday, because well over 100,000 illegal votes were improperly counted, while tens of thousands of legal votes were not counted.

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Coalition Files Lawsuits to Stop Gov. Whitmer From Silencing Free Speech in Elections, Secretary of State Benson From Undermining Absentee Ballot Integrity

A coalition filed two lawsuits in Michigan on Monday, a federal case against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for allegedly silencing political speech, and a state suit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for reportedly circumventing state law protecting the right of Michiganders to have their vote properly counted.

The lawsuits were announced on a new website launched by the coalition: Got Freedom? The website is available here.

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