Hearing Granted in Georgia on Forensic Inspection of Fulton County’s Mail-In Ballots

Fulton County Superior Court has granted a hearing for a forensic inspection of Fulton County’s mail-in ballots. Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA) relayed the news in an email sent to The Georgia Star News on Thursday. The announcement followed Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee’s motion to request all absentee mail-in ballots from Fulton County on Wednesday. The next day, the subcommittee sent their formal request to the county.

The hearing will take place Monday at 11 a.m. EST. The Senate subcommittee hasn’t filed a petition with the court, but instead has sent a letter to Fulton County officials, requesting a response by noon Thursday. Their request would include all absentee mail-in ballots processed at the State Farm Arena. VoterGA organized voters into plaintiffs a little over a week ago to obtain a court order granting similar relief.

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President Trump to Stump for Loeffler and Perdue in Georgia the Eve of Election Runoff

President Donald Trump will host another Georgia rally in a show of support to incumbent Senators Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA). The “Victory Rally” will occur January 4th, one day before the runoff election date for the two senate seats.

Others joining Trump at the rally are incumbent Georgia Public Service Commissioner Lauren “Bubba” McDonald, Jr., and a coalition of unnamed Republicans. McDonald will also appear on the January 5th election runoff ballot, defending his District 4 position for the Georgia Public Service Commission (GPSC). The incumbent will face Democratic challenger Daniel Blackman. Prior to serving as commissioner, McDonald served two decades as a state representative. 

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Two Georgia Representatives to Challenge Electoral College Votes

Two of Georgia’s representatives plan to challenge the Electoral College votes during the January 6th session of Congress. Representative Jody Hice (R-GA-10) and Representative-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA-14) will join a congressional coalition in objecting the electoral college votes.

Hice met with the President Donald Trump to strategize their objection to the Electors earlier this week. Others in the meeting included Trump’s legal team, Vice President Mike Pence, members of the House Freedom Caucus, Greene, and several other congressional members.

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President Trump Names Dr. Carol Swain Vice Chairman of 1776 Commission

President Donald Trump announced the appointees for the 1776 Commission on Friday, an advisory group to the President on America’s founding principles. The 1776 Commission was formed last month, one day before the election, for the purpose of restoring an accurate understanding of the nation’s founding and history.

The commission will ensure compliance with the celebration of Constitution Day as required by law for all federally-funded educational institutions, and ensure that the departments of education, defense, and state prioritize federal resources in support of the American founding. The commission’s duties also include producing a report on the country’s core, founding principles and their perennial application in the Union; advising and aiding the President and the Semiquincentennial Commission on the 250th anniversary celebration of America’s founding; developing and implementing an award for students accurately versed in the founding; and generally advising or supporting agencies, public initiatives, and public knowledge as they pertain to the American founding.

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Vanderbilt Poll: 88 Percent of Tennessee’s Republican Voters Doubt Legitimacy of Presidential Election

A Vanderbilt University poll suggested that 88 percent of Tennessee’s registered Republican voters doubt the legitimacy of the presidential election. According to the university, the poll’s purpose was to discover any correlation between support of the COVID-19 vaccine and views on the election’s integrity. The poll lasted 21 days, surveying just over 1,000 individuals. Nowhere in their methodology did the research include the exact number of Republicans, Democrats, independent, and “other” respondents.

A supplementary video summarizing the polling results noted that 83 percent of Democrats pose a large public health problem, as opposed to 47 percent of Republicans. After providing that information, the video noted that 97 percent of Democrats believed nationwide votes from the Presidential election were counted fairly and accurately, as opposed to 12 percent of Republicans.

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Vice President Pence Hosts Defend the Majority Rally in Augusta, Stumping for Senators Perdue and Loeffler

Vice President Mike Pence hosted a “Defend the Majority” rally in Augusta, Georgia, gathering a crowd of 500 on a Thursday. The vice president stumped for incumbent Republican senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in their bid to win re-election in the upcoming runoff election.

The rally occurred at Augusta Regional Airport in the early afternoon. Perdue was in attendance though Loeffler was absent – the latter senator was attending the funeral of her campaign staffer.

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Georgia Secretary of State Backs Out of Testifying Before Georgia House Committee Hearing on Election Fraud Due to Legal Advice

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger declined to testify before the Georgia House of Representatives about potential fraud in the 2020 general election on Thursday. The House Governmental Affairs Committee oversaw the hearing.

Many of the claims presented during the hearing resembled those offered during the State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing last week. The secretary of state’s office reportedly declined to attend that hearing as well. 

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Georgia’s Coffee County Refuses to Certify Electronic Recount Results, Cites Irreconcilable Anomalies with Voting Machines

Coffee County election officials refused to certify the electronic recount earlier this week, citing irreconcilable anomalies with the voting machine results in a letter to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

In the letter, the Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration stated that the electronic recount was unable to repeat duplicate, credible results. 

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Trump Campaign’s Georgia Lawsuit Goes Public, Alleges Nearly 453,000 Fraudulent Votes Cast

The Trump campaign’s lawsuit in Georgia became public yesterday, alleging nearly 453,000 fraudulent votes were cast. 

The lawsuit claimed that thousands of voters and the named defendants broke Georgia’s Election Code. It quoted Georgia Supreme Court precedent indicating that plaintiffs only had to show enough irregular ballots to cast doubt on the election results – not how voters would’ve voted normally.

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Governor Kemp Breaks Silence Again, Says He’s Always Asked for a Complete Audit

Governor Brian Kemp called for a complete audit of absentee ballot signatures late Thursday evening. The governor appeared on Fox News to express concern with the findings presented during Thursday’s Georgia Senate hearing.

“I called early on for a signature audit. Obviously, the Secretary of State per the laws and the Constitution would have to order that – he has not done that. I think it should be done. I think, especially from what we saw today, it [the evidence presented] raises more questions. There needs to be transparency on that. I would, again, call for that.”

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Bombshell: Trump Legal Team Witness Alleged That Ware County Audit Results Revealed Dominion Machine Flipped Ballots from Trump to Biden

An elections expert alleged that the Dominion tabulating machine flipped votes from President Donald Trump to Democratic candidate Joe Biden in Ware County. It was estimated that the percentage of mis-applied votes, if distributed across the rest of the state, would be slightly greater than Biden’s lead over Trump.

Constitution Party of Georgia Elections Director and Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VOTERGA) Co-Founder Garland Favorito was called to testify this information during the State Senate hearing this week.

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Three Percent of Audited Arizona Ballots Found Altered, Could Be Enough to Change Election Results

With three percent of a small sampling of 100 ballots audited in Maricopa County, Arizona found to be altered, similar results across the more than two million votes cast there would be enough to change the outcome of the presidential election in the state.
With 11 electoral college votes at stake, Arizona certified the results of the presidential election in favor of Biden on Monday with a margin of about 10,000 votes over President Trump.

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Gwinnett County Official Confirms Vote Data Was Uploaded to Laptop Via USB Drive – ‘It’s Protocol’

A Gwinnett County, Georgia elections official confirmed that Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) representatives use USB drives to upload vote count data to laptops for external processing. The USB drives are also known as “memory sticks,” “thumb drives,” or “flash drives.” It is standard protocol for Dominion, as well as for most electronic voting systems.

The county official issued the statement in an emailed response to a viral video claiming that a Dominion representative manipulated vote data. In the film, a Dominion technician appears to load vote count data from county monitors onto a USB. Then, he proceeded to plug the USB into a separate laptop.

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Georgia Secretary of State Defends Election Systems, Says Office Investigating Third-Party Voter Registration Organizations

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Voting Systems Manager Gabriel Sterling discussed the elections and lawsuits in a press conference on Monday. Both men asserted that the latest recount will confirm the election results, that the lawsuits made baseless claims, and that the upcoming runoff elections are their focus.

Raffensperger announced that the latest recount is scheduled to be completed by midnight on Wednesday. He added that his office will be releasing the recount results online.

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Trump Campaign Estimates 38K to 45K Illegal Absentee Ballots Cast in Georgia Election

The Trump Campaign alleged that between 38,000 and over 45,000 illegal absentee ballot votes were cast in Georgia. According to their estimations, the campaign requested that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger do a complete audit on the absentee ballot envelope signatures.

The letter marked the campaign’s fifth petition filed to Raffensperger.

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Georgia Secretary of State Says Trump Should Give Up and ‘Leave Quietly’

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger stated that President Donald Trump should give up and “leave quietly” from the White House. The secretary of state made these comments in an interview with Atlanta Journal-Constitution published Saturday.

“When you lose an election, you should leave quietly. It’s the will of the people that has been expressed,” stated Raffensperger.

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Loeffler Campaign Sends Cease and Desist Letter Against False Claims in ‘Looting Loeffler’ Ads

Legal representation for Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) sent a cease and desist letter to a station regarding an attack ad. Though the recipient of the letter was redacted, MediasTouch was identified as the creator of the ad dubbing the senator “Looting Loeffler.”

MediasTouch describes itself as a Democratic super PAC, created earlier this year by three brothers with the express primary goal of defeating President Donald Trump.

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Sidney Powell ‘Releases the Kraken’ in Georgia Lawsuit

Attorney Sidney Powell filed her “Biblical” lawsuit on Wednesday in Georgia, making good on her promise to “release the Kraken.” The defendants were named as Governor Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and State Election Board members David Worley, Rebecca Sullivan, Matthew Mashburn, and Anh Le. The lawsuit called into question around 146,600 votes at minimum.

The 104-page lawsuit claimed that Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) engaged in virtual ballot-stuffing through its electronic voting software. It bolstered its claim by alleging that the software design was created to manipulate the Venezuelan elections of Hugo Chavez, and was designed in a way to hide vote manipulations from any audits.

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Georgia Begins Second Recount – No Audit of Absentee Ballot Signatures

Georgia initiated its second recount Tuesday of the votes cast in the general election. During this recount, the votes will be processed electronically rather than hand-counted – but there will be no audit of absentee ballot signatures.

In a virtual press conference, Georgia Secretary of State Voting Systems Manager Gabriel Sterling asserted that their office would continue to “follow the law” for this recount. He explained that no state law exists requiring or outlining signature matching after initial confirmation upon receipt of the ballot. That, and workers separate ballots from their signed envelopes to protect ballot secrecy.

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Sidney Powell Makes Explosive Allegations About Dominion; Firm Won $107 Million Contract with State of Georgia Months After Former Staffer for Gov. Kemp Signed on as Lobbyist

At the center of the pending lawsuits surrounding this general election is the integrity of electronic voting systems and the companies that own them. One company of particular interest is Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion), referenced by attorney Sidney Powell in multiple press conferences and interviews.

Powell has claimed that Dominion is responsible for switching, losing, and assigning different weights to votes. The attorney has also claimed that those who awarded contracts to Dominion did so for sweetened deals: guaranteed increased power and massive payouts. Powell further alleged that Dominion’s software and executives have ties to Venezuela and the late Hugo Chavez.

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Attorney Lin Wood Confirms Trump Legal Team’s Evidence Will Be Enough to Overturn Election

ATLANTA, Georgia – Attorney Lin Wood stated that the evidence from Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell will overturn the election. Wood filed suit against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, alleging that the state official changed election law. He confirmed this during The John Fredericks Show for an exclusive interview following his court loss on Thursday.

“I’ve not only talked with Sidney, I’ve met with her in length. I’ve seen the evidence. So I know what she said in her press conference yesterday is one hundred percent accurate,” stated Wood. “The elections in this country have been fraudulent for several election cycles.”

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Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger and Gov. Kemp Certify Election Results, Leave it to Trump Campaign to Contest Results

ATLANTA, Georgia – Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified the election results on Friday afternoon officially, following completion of the statewide vote audit. Raffensperger held a brief press conference in which he validated the results of the recount and indicated that election integrity could be improved upon.

“Working as an engineer throughout my life, I live by the motto that: ‘Numbers don’t lie.’ As Secretary of State, I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct.”

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Trump Lawyers Bombshell: We Have More Than Enough to Overturn the Election

President Trump’s lawyers hosted a press conference saying they have more than enough evidence to overturn the election. Attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis gave the joint preliminary presentation.

Giuliani offered state-by-state breakdowns outlining evidence of voter fraud; Powell delved into the fraud committed using electronic voting systems, including Dominion Voting Systems; and Ellis explained how the legal process would work to investigate the alleged multi-tiered orchestration of fraud that occurred.

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Lin Wood: Affidavits Can Expose Massive Georgia Vote Fraud

Ahead of the emergency hearing, famed attorney Lin Wood shared affidavits indicating a massive, layered orchestration of voter fraud. At the time of publication, Wood attached 17 affidavits.

One of the key affidavits included within the filings came from a purported aid of Hugo Chavez. The redacted filing tells the story of an ex-military, ex-security guard for Chavez who witnessed how the dictator “creat[ed] and operat[ed]” a “sophisticated electronic voting system that permitted the leaders of the Venezuelan government to manipulate the tabulation of votes.” The witness stated that they were involved directly in the creation of Smartmatic – a voting software that the witness claimed is a direct ancestor of Dominion Voting Systems.

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District Judge Denies Motion to Delay Certification of Votes in Lin Wood Case Against Georgia Secretary of State

ATLANTA, Georgia – A district judge denied attorney Lin Wood’s motion to delay certification of the Georgia voting results. Wood presented 17 affidavits alleging potential voter fraud, from both monitors and workers. One affidavit came from a purported former right-hand man of prior Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, detailing the electronic voting systems’ relation to ones used in the 2020 election.

“1. A motion to delay certification of GA vote based on a flawed recount was denied this evening by Atlanta Judge Steven D. Grimberg. The oral ruling was unclear but he may have overreached to dismiss my claim that election was unlawful due to @GaSecofState consent agreement. 2. The recount issue was separate from unlawful election issue. Sounded like Court thinks GA voter has NO standing to challenge unlawful federal election. Lawyer for Sec. of State suggested only state AG could do so. What? AG represents @GaSecofState. Makes no sense. 3. GA voters have rights. It is OUR right to vote. We The People must have legal right to challenge backroom deals cut by state officials. They will not sue each other. An appeal will be filed to Eleventh Circuit. I did not do this for GA voters because it was easy. Stay tuned.”

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Famed Attorney Lin Wood Blows the Doors off Alleged Georgia Vote Scam; Predicts New Election

Attorney Lincoln “Lin” Wood Jr. stated that Georgia may undergo another election if his lawsuit succeeds.

Wood is best known for his work with high-profile clients such as Richard Jewell, JonBenet Ramsey’s parents, Gary Condit, and Kobe Bryant’s alleged victim. Most recently, Wood made headlines for defending teenagers Nicholas Sandmann and Jacob Blake.

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‘Stop The Steal’ Rallies a Second Time in Nashville with Double the Numbers

At a second Nashville-based “Stop the Steal” rally, hundreds of Trump supporters descended on the Tennessee State Capitol grounds downtown. Every person wore the hallmark shade of MAGA red. American flags waved alongside deep blue “Trump 2020” or “Keep America Great” flags. Cars decked out with patriotic and pro-Trump flags, stickers, and signs looped the capitol, blaring their horns as they passed. Some wore masks while others chose not to.

All throughout the event, the crowd would chorus chants of “Stop the steal!”, “We love Trump!”, or “Four more years!” Despite the reason behind the rally, the atmosphere was cheerful and confident. The organizers would pause between scheduled speakers to announce they’d found a lost license, or to hand out free copies of the Constitution to teenagers in attendance.

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RNC Chairwoman Confirms 12K Incident Reports and Over 400 Affidavits Filed for Voter Fraud

According to a press release, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has confirmed about 12,000 incident reports and over 400 affidavits filed concerning potential voter fraud.

McDaniel appeared on Fox Business to provide the brief update. The chairwoman shared that the campaign has issued nine lawsuits currently nationwide. 

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All Republicans, Conservatives of Virginia Invited to ‘March for Trump’ Washington Rally

Virginia’s Republicans and conservatives are invited to join the March for Trump in Washington, D.C. this Saturday. A bus will depart from Richmond on Saturday morning for the event, also called “Million MAGA March.”

City of Richmond Republican Committee member Jennifer Anderson came up with the idea to bus Virginians to the rally. In an interview with The Virginia Star, Anderson shared that the widespread mistrust in election integrity inspired her to take action.

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Georgia’s Protections, Checks and Balances on the Vote Counting Process

In the disarray and distrust inspired by alleged voting irregularities in Georgia, it stands that the hallmarks of a trustworthy vote-counting process should be revisited.

The Tennessee Star contacted the elections officials a range of the most populated counties in the state to gain insider perspective and knowledge. However, several of the officials refused to offer comment, and the remainder didn’t respond by press time.

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Georgia Whistleblower: Officials Used Ballot Machines Missing Security Seals in Gwinnett County

A GOP poll watcher reported that officials allowed workers to use ballot machines that were missing security seals in Gwinnett County, Georgia. Beth Sexton first called into The Tennessee Star tipline to report the incident on Monday.

According to the report Sexton gave the tipline, a group of concerned-looking poll workers were gathered around a ballot machine. When Sexton approached them, she overheard them discussing missing security seals.

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Glitch-Prone Dominion Voting Software Used in Georgia Counties

A glitch-prone voting software called Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) was used in all 159 of Georgia counties. Dominion classified their presence in Georgia as a “statewide voting system rollout.”

This past week, Dominion has caused delayed voting and reporting results in Gwinnett County, Morgan County, and Spalding County. Gwinnett County is the same location a whistleblower claimed had ballot machines used that were missing security seals.

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Pennsylvania Poll Volunteer: Election Totally Chaotic and Suspicious

A poll worker who checked in voters at the Radnor Municipal Building located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania’s Sixth Ward – about 13 miles outside of Philadelphia – said Tuesday was “total chaos.”

The worker, who we will call Sue (to protect her identity and safety), said that she worked the greater Philly area polling precinct in 2016 and never saw what she witnessed in droves on election day 2020.

People were angry, according to the election volunteer.

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Where the Republican Party Stands: Virginia’s Political Shifts in the 2020 Election

The 2020 election outcomes revealed a telling political trajectory occurring in Virginia and the nation. Final tallies indicated that Republicans’ future chances of winning in the state may be ever-slimming. A consistent theme across the board – Republicans fell short with the unprecedented number of absentee voters.

Although Republicans increased their presidential vote totals from 2016 by about 185,000, Democrats increased their votes by nearly 400,000. In every election since 2008, Democratic candidates had only enjoyed about a 10,000 vote increase per year.

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Viral Video Alleged Gov. Whitmer Sent Health Officials to Bar Poll Challengers in Detroit

In viral video posted Wednesday afternoon, a woman alleged that Governor Gretchen Whitmer had ordered health officials to block poll watchers and challengers from entering a Detroit ballot counting facility.

The woman, Connie Johnson, shot the video using Facebook Live. She showed herself standing on the second floor of the TCF Center in Detroit. The following is her account of the ballot counting on Wednesday afternoon in Detroit.

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Republicans Dominate the 2020 Tennessee Election Cycle

Tennessee’s elections were called for Republicans across the board not long after the polls closed on Tuesday night. The red state remained red, for the most part. One state-level seat flipped in Davidson County: a blue dot surrounded by red.

On the national scale, President Donald Trump won with an approximate 23 point lead over Democratic candidate Joe Biden. That lead is 3 points shy of his 2016 victory against Hillary Clinton. A total of just over 3 million votes were reported. Absentee votes favored Biden by just under one percent.

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Hong Kong Democracy Protesters Support Trump, View Biden as Weak

Prominent pro-democracy Hong Kong protesters support President Donald Trump’s re-election bid citing his strong stance on China.

The protesters who have demonstrated against China’s tightening grip on Hong Kong believe that if Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden wins Tuesday’s election, the U.S. stance on China would be weak, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP). As vice president, Biden lead former President Barack Obama’s China policy, according to The Atlantic.

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Tennessee’s Democratic Representatives Cohen and Cooper Fear-Monger Voters Ahead of Election Day

Representatives Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) and Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) tweeted that voters should be fearful heading into Election Day. Both representatives issued their remarks on the day before the election.

The tweets from Cohen and Cooper reflect one of two messages: encouraging individuals to submit their votes and questioning the integrity of the election. The day before Election Day, Cohen suggested that the election’s aftermath should be feared.

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Commentary: Michigan Has One More Chance to Reject the Political Establishment – It Might Not Come Again

Joe Biden is not merely a presidential candidate; he is a vehicle for returning the establishment elite to power.

Michiganders of both parties rejected the establishment in 2016. In doing so four years ago, the voters shocked Hollywood, labor bosses, left-wing journalists, and other political elites who thought we fit neatly into one of their ideological boxes. People across the Midwest correctly recognized that the political class had long ago ceased to be responsive to our needs, and so we revolted. Not much has changed since then.

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Over 200 ‘Adorable Deplorables, Chumps, and Uglies’ Show Up to Virginia Beach Trump Rally

Well over 200 people showed up on a rainy, gray Sunday to a Trump Rally supporting their Republican candidates: Scott Taylor for Congress and Daniel Gade for Senate. The rally took place inside the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach. 

Virginia Beach attorney Tim Anderson hosted the rally, with The Star editor-in-chief and Trump Virginia Delegation Chairman John Fredericks emceeing.

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Tennessee DCS Revokes Foster Parent ‘Cultural Awareness’ Curriculum for Violating Executive Order on Diversity Trainings

The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) revoked a cultural awareness training on Tuesday for violating President Trump’s Executive Order. DCS is reviewing the program, Cultural Awareness for Foster Parents, currently.

DCS sent the memo to agency provider trainers on the same day the curriculum was pulled.

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