Trump Leads Biden in Georgia Poll Including Kennedy Ahead of First Debate

Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and RFK

A Monday poll found former President Donald Trump holds a five-point lead over President Joe Biden in Georgia ahead of the Thursday presidential debate in Atlanta, which will mark the first time the presidents have shared a stage since their final debate prior to the 2020 election.

The poll found Trump has the support of 43 percent of Peach State voters, giving him a five-percent lead over Joe Biden, who had just 38 percent of support.

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Democrat’s Debate Lineups for June 26-27 Are Set: Four Highest Polling Dems In Second Night Faceoff

  With 20 candidates qualifying for the first debates over two consecutive nights in Miami later this month, the Democratic National Committee decided to use a “lottery” process to divide the qualifiers into two ten candidate groups. The idea was to avoid a “varsity and junior varsity” division where the top candidates debate each other and the lesser-known candidates are relegated to the “kids table.” But despite the DNC’s hopes to sprinkle the top polling candidates into both pools, the process has four of the top five in the second-night event while only one will be appearing on the first night. Former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg are four of the highest polling candidates at this point…and all will face off with six other contenders on the second night of the debates. The fifth, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), will appear on the first night. The second night of debates will also include Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO), former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), entrepreneur Andrew Yang, and spiritualist Marianne Williamson. Joining Warren in the first round will be Sen. Cory…

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Democrat Rep. Jim Himes Pushes Back on DNC’s Decision to Bar Fox from Hosting Debates

by Nick Givas   Democratic Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut on Monday disagreed with the DNC’s decision to bar Fox News from hosting primary debates, saying it was a wasted opportunity for the party. “Well, with all due respect to the DNC, no, I don’t think it was the right decision,” Himes said on CNN’s “New Day.” “You know, look, it’s no surprise to anybody, including the Fox News watchers, that Fox is largely an instrument of the right-wing of the Republican Party. It’s a propaganda arm for the White House. However, and the reason I go on Fox, is that it’s watched by millions and millions of Americans.” The DNC announced Wednesday that it would not allow Fox to host any of the party’s primary debates and claimed the network is unable to maintain proper impartiality. Himes said Democrats should seize the opportunity to appeal to Fox’s vast audience to help push their agenda on heath care and education. “I’m a big believer that if you put our ideas, Democratic ideas, which are about universal healthcare, making it easier for kids to go to college, making retirements more secure against whatever the nonsense is on the other side, cutting taxes for corporations and very wealthy people.…

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