Canada Lawmakers Helped Foreign Powers Influence Elections, Report Alleges

Canadian Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc

The Canadian Parliament’s National Security Committee implicated multiple parliament members of “semi-witting or witting” cooperation with foreign powers to influence elections, according to a recent report.

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) supported their findings with 4,000 documents totaling 33,000 pages. Their findings allege “pervasive and sophisticated foreign interference” in Canadian politics, including allegations that multiple unnamed parliament members worked with foreign actors to influence elections and campaigns in 2019 and 2021.

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Canadian Trucker Urges Nationwide Strike over COVID-19 Rules in Viral Video

police officers standing outside in the snow

In a now-viral video an unidentified man encouraged a national strike in every Canadian business sector, along with active support for those who are opposing COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates in the country. 

“You’ve seen what’s happening in Ottawa,” the man, whose face was blurred in the video, said. “Canadians are known around the world to be among the most kind, most peace-loving people anywhere. And so you know when Canadians star rising up by the millions, to oppose what their government is doing, something is horribly wrong.”

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Police Clear Bridge at U.S.-Canadian Border, Arrest Remaining Protesters Blocking Key Trade Route

Royal Canadian Mounted Police in riot gear

Police in Ontario on Sunday arrested protesters still blocking the Ambassador Bridge, seeking to clear the major trade route between Canada and the United States after days of COVID-19 restriction protests that captured the world’s attention.

Windsor police told the Associated Press that arrests began and vehicles were towed starting just after dawn at the bridge linking Detroit and Windsor, Ontario — the busiest northern border crossing to the U.S.

“Television images showed officers detaining protesters. Only two pickup trucks and less than a dozen protesters blocked the road to the bridge before police moved in. Afterward, police barricades remained and it was not immediately clear when the bridge might be opened,” AP reported.

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Freedom Convoy Backs Up Traffic on Ambassador Bridge, Jams Shipping Route to Canada

A bridge linking a major international shipping route between the U.S. and Canada is blocked, thanks to a a weeks-long protest by truckers in that country who are against COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

“Cameras over the highway on I-94 depicted a massive traffic jam building up near Port Huron, where the only bridge port of entry linking Canada to the U.S. that remained open became overwhelmed with diverted truck traffic,” according to WJBK.

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Former Personal Sniper for Trudeau Heads Truckers’ Freedom Convoy Security as Movement Spreads Globally

Daniel Bulford

The former Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) personal security detail for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is now head of Freedom Convoy security for the truckers whose anti-mandate protest is growing beyond Ottawa, into more Canadian cities, and across the globe as well.

Corporal Daniel Bulford, who was resigned from the force after refusing to take a mandatory COVID vaccine, said during a press conference Saturday some in the media and on social media platforms have been attempting to smear the truckers, associating them with “agitators” who have been arrested for property damage and an assault.

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Commentary: Keep on Truckin’

Very odd things are happening in Canada, not the least of which is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau fleeing the capital city for security reasons, or so officials say. Canadians are a notoriously compliant, unquestioning, deferential lot. But this hasn’t stopped thousands of them from gathering near the parliament buildings in Ottawa to effectively shut down the central part of the city.

The trigger for this unprecedented protest is a vaccine mandate for long-haul truckers, whose big rigs now line the streets, horns blaring between a variety of protest chants, some of which are more printable than others (“Truck Trudeau,” and variations thereof, has been a common refrain). Last week, as the convoys moved toward and converged on the capital from the east, west, and south—numbers are disputed, but it seems certain they formed the longest convoys in history—it became clear that the list of grievances had grown to include just about everything associated with some of the most enduring, draconian, and nonsensical COVID restrictions in the world.

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Kudlow: Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Betrayed Us, ‘Stabbed Us In The Back’

Larry Kudlow

by Robert Donachie   White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Sunday that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “stabbed” the U.S. “in the back” when he announced his nation will impose retaliatory tariffs against America. President Donald Trump, Trudeau and other leaders of the G7 nations — Britain, Canada, Japan, Italy and Germany –met for a two-day summit over the weekend to discuss the possibility of ending a potential trade war. “We had long night sessions. He (the president) was a participant. Not only did we play, we were in the communique. Team players, really, really, team players here to help the Western alliance and then Trudeau throws him under the bus with very harsh language,” Kudlow told Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union.”  “Jake, it was a betrayal. It was a kip diplomatic betrayal. That is not good, and we were close to negotiating a trade deal with Mr. Trudeau,” Kudlow said. Trudeau announced in a post-summit press conference that Canada is considering imposing tariffs against the U.S. if America does not back away from tariffs on steel and aluminum. “The United States has moved forward with significant tariffs on our steel and aluminum industry,” Trudeau said. “I highlighted that it was not helping in our renegotiation of…

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Unthinkable: Democratic Congressman Backs Trump in Trade Dispute with Canada’s Trudeau

Raja Krishnamoorthi

by Henry Rodgers   Illinois Democratic Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi joined President Donald Trump and White House advisers in blasting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for feuding with Trump during the G7 summit, in a statement released Sunday. “While I have serious concerns about President Trump’s approach to trade talks with Canada, Prime Minister Trudeau has placed our trade relationship with Canada at risk by publicly feuding with President Trump on the world stage,” Krishnamoorthi said in a statement posted on his website. The Democratic congressman said Trudeau is “sabotaging” world leaders to fight instead of getting things accomplished. Krishnamoorthi’s comments come as Trudeau criticized Trump after he left the G7 summit, saying that Canada would retaliate if the U.S. does not remove the recently implemented tariffs. Trudeau trashed Trump’s decision to place tariffs on steel and aluminum from U.S. allies, calling it “insulting.” “Prime Minister Trudeau is sabotaging that cause by driving both sides into their corners instead of encouraging a more diplomatic dialogue. Prime Minister Trudeau may reap some political benefit through feuding with President Trump, but by engaging with the President on the terms he has so far, instead of on mutually productive ones, he is imperiling the economic well-being of millions of Canadians and Americans,” Krishnamoorthi’s…

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