Truckers Plan ‘Stop the Wheels’ Shutdown in Protest of Joe Biden’s Plans for Fracking Ban, Green New Deal


If you notice store shelves that are empty of toilet paper and canned food again, it may be because of a truckers’ shutdown and not the Chinese coronavirus.

Truckers have been taking to social media to try to organize a “Stop The Wheels 2020” shutdown in protest of Joe Biden’s plans for the Green New Deal and a fracking ban in the event he assumes the presidency.

Today was to have been the first strike day, with more coming Nov. 26-29.

Organizers said, “Please let it be known that the dates are 11/26, 11/27, 11/28 & 11/29. NOT 11/29 alone. Please share and get this information out because there are some who are quoting just the 29th. This is not when it starts.

Their Facebook group, StopTheTires2020, had more than 45,000 members as of Wednesday.

Jeremy Rewoldt, the organizer of the event, was unable to be contacted at press time. Page administrator Cara Carroll posted that Rewoldt was “in Facebook jail.”

In response to questions by The Tennessee Star, Carroll referenced a general media statement, available here.

It said in part:

We want it to be known that the views of the movement may differ from some of our members. While we are entrusting our movement and our page with Mods, this is overly sensitive, and we want to make sure that this does not take on a life of its own with negative feedback. We want it to continue to hold the meaning we intended.

Shockingly, along with our members, we have been completely overwhelmed by the support & dedication that the trucking community has shown. We prefer not to call it anything other than what it is. This is a movement to protect 19 million jobs. This is a movement to protect our country. Let us make this extremely clear, while we are a huge group of republicans and conservatives, our focus in this movement is our blue-collar workers of America. We are extremely grateful for what Donald Trump has done for the American people. With this being said, of course we are wanting him to remain in office, but we know change is bound to happen. We are embracing the change but have a voice that needs to be heard by the people and for the people. No matter who is in office. It is about what our President stands for. For ALL of us! To repeat what was stated in Jeremy’s original post about our message, we do not support the Green New Deal and banning of fracking that is associated with the Biden/Harris administration.

If you are not aware of what fracking is, and why it is important to the trucking community and all communities, I advise you to do a little research in your spare time. Also, investigate their plans of the Green New Deal. These plans for America will cripple us as a whole and cause severe repercussions in our way of living. In the way of living for our children and their children. 19 million jobs are at stake. Let us take a stand.

The group has drawn national attention, with stories appearing on trucking industry website The Trucker and on Fox Business.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.







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17 Thoughts to “Truckers Plan ‘Stop the Wheels’ Shutdown in Protest of Joe Biden’s Plans for Fracking Ban, Green New Deal”

  1. Tracy A Price

    I support Truckers always! I didnt vote for Biden and his leftist proposals. We can weather this for awhile as patriotic citizens!

  2. Terry huffine

    Yes this needs to be done. To wake up Washington that they do not control us. We control are future. That is why we are Americans. And our constitution. WE CONTROL AMERICA FUTURE. my son is a trucker. Go get them. God bless you all. Thank you

  3. Charlene

    I support truckers.

    1. Chris Campbell

      America is with you truckers dont bow down to our government if you do you lose your job your truck and most of all your freedom we are Americans we dont bow down for no one ever #Americas freedom depends on you truckers

  4. anne barnoski

    I stand behind out truckers 100% I agree with “STOP THE WHEELS” Not only against fraking and the green new deal. But to wake up America and the deep state. Without truckers we have nothing. Protest against the shut downs, the Covid Scamdemic. Remember they stopped our drivers from obtaining food, showers and bathrooms.

    Truckers need to make a stance and support America. We understand that shelve will be empty, and we will have a set back. with that said STOP THE WHEELS!

    1. Dorothy Cecchi

      Ditto, Ditto and Ditto Yes Stop the Wheels. I will stand on the street corner to make a stand. Dee

  5. Jim lunde

    Hope it will go! The only way to wake up this country is for all trucks shut it down! It wouldn’t take long if we all stand together! God bless the truckers!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Kenneth Guudty

    I sign the petition to do so ,love to se the outcome of them idiots

  7. Mary

    Hope this goes a trucker and I’m not moving. People don’t appreciate us.lets see them not get the crap they want.biden will only hurt this country but only smart people know this.

  8. Joe Belusar

    To have a real show on what happens when you stop using coal, oil, natural gas and gasoline, how about we shut-down the power plants and refineries for a 3 day period. Remember it’ll take awhile to get all plants on-line 100%. This is what these morons ran on, let us do it now.

  9. Rebeccah Getchey

    I Commend you all. As the wife of an ex tracker and a friend of a trucker this makes me do proud. Go get um guys. I support this 100%

  10. joyolo


  11. LM

    It is encouraging to see that others are standing up to the Green New Deal and fracking ban. I hope that the movement is quickly contagious and that we and our conservative government officials can together keep this country’s prosperity , liberty , and freedom from bring stolen.

  12. Gordon Shumway

    prediction, if joe is put in office gas will double before two years is up. or will go up even more.

    1. Christopher Stone

      Thank all of you for doing this

    2. Daniel James

      Fire them all
