JC Bowman Commentary: Time to Separate PACS from Lobbying


Professional Educators of Tennessee will continue to lobby for public education.  However, we will never endorse political parties or candidates as an organization on behalf of our members.  We also do not have a PAC, nor do we plan to ever start one.  It would harm our effectiveness.  We must advance public education without the divisive tribalism of partisan politics, and we will only get involved in education related issues.

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Commentary: Monument Mayhem, History Hysteria, Rooted in Poor Public Education

It’s the education, stupid. That, in a nutshell, is a major reason why America’s monuments and national symbols are being torn down, removed, relocated and otherwise blotted from the public square. If students in America’s public schools were properly taught the foundation of this country – the roots that made it great, the causes that both…

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