Another Complaint Adds to Mounting Evidence of FBI’s Political Bias and Whistleblower Retaliation

Evidence is mounting that the FBI—the country’s premier law enforcement agency—has resorted to basing decisions to suspend or revoke security clearances on FBI employees’ political views.

The evidence, which suggests political motivations in how the bureau has treated several of its own workers, has surfaced through whistleblower complaints recently filed internally and with the Justice Department’s watchdog.

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New Evidence Turned over to Congress Disputes Hunter Biden Testimony About Controversial Firm

Hunter Biden in front of US Capitol building (composite image)

Already accused of lying to Congress about other issues, Hunter Biden’s February impeachment inquiry testimony distancing himself from a controversial securities firm directly conflicts with evidence the FBI seized years ago, including his signature on an employment contract that made him the firm’s vice chairman.

The documents were gathered by FBI and SEC agents back in 2016 and were recently obtained by Congress and shared with Just the News, but not until after Hunter Biden had already given his deposition in February to the U.S. House as part of his father’s impeachment inquiry.

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Hunter Biden, Partners Aided Chinese Bid to Corner Nuclear Energy Market with U.S. Tech, Memos Show

Hunter Biden

While his father was still vice president, Hunter Biden and his business partners tried unsuccessfully to help a Chinese energy firm acquire one of the United States’ premier nuclear technology companies in a secret attempt to “control” the global market, according to new evidence turned over to Congress in President Joe Biden’s impeachment inquiry.

The evidence, which includes a detailed strategy memo, shows Hunter Biden was directly involved in emails and correspondence on the project in 2016 and that the goal was to exploit the future first son’s access to power and his family reputation to make Washington and Beijing comfortable with a potentially controversial deal and then to shield the acquisition of Westinghouse by China CEFC Energy behind intermediaries.

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Arizona U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs Sat Out State of the Union Address: ‘I Do Not Respect Joe Biden’

Rep Andy Biggs

U.S. Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) confirmed in a Monday appearance on C-SPAN that he was not in attendance for the joint session of Congress to hear the State of the Union address delivered by President Joe Biden last week, citing his lack of respect for the 81-year-old president.

Asked about the State of the Union address Monday on The Washington Journal, Biggs characterized Biden’s remarks as “a campaign speech” before revealing he watched from his office and did not attend in person.

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Rep. Eli Crane Leads Three Arizona Republicans in Warning New EPA Rule Will Increase Water Rates

Four of Arizona’s congressional Republicans submitted a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday, warning that a new rule about so-called “forever chemicals” will result in higher water rates and legal liability for Arizona businesses.

Representative Eli Crane (R-AZ-02) was joined by Representatives Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05), Paul Gosar (R-AZ-04), and Debbie Lesko (R-AZ-08) in a letter requesting the EPA modify its new rule to keep Arizonan citizens and businesses from bearing “the economic burden of any necessary remediation when they have had no association with water pollution.”

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GOP Lawmakers Raise Concerns About WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, US Involvement in Agency

The World Health Organization, widely considered the most powerful health authority in the world, is pursuing a Pandemic Preparedness Treaty that critics say could make the organization even more powerful and jeopardize U.S. sovereignty.

The United Nations-affiliated WHO says the draft treaty – or “zero draft” – is designed to protect the world from future pandemics and last December announced that member states “agreed to develop the first draft of such as a legally binding agreement.”

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Outrage Continues over Federal Rule to Charge Higher Fees to Home Buyers with Better Credit

A new federal rule that would charge higher fees to home buyers with good credit to help subsidize those with poor credit goes into effect Monday.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency announced in January it would increase Loan-Level Price Adjustment fees for mortgage borrowers with higher credit scores to help keep fees lower for those with worse credit.

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New Revelations of FBI Efforts to Infiltrate Catholic Church Provoke Storm of Protest

Revelations this week of FBI efforts to develop intelligence sources inside the Catholic Church elicited howls of protest — from Capitol Hill, the Church and an FBI whistleblower.

Amid the latest revelations of political bias and retaliation by the FBI, Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) is calling for the increasingly polarizing law enforcement agency to be purged of politicized personnel and possibly defunded.

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Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels Speaks in Washington on Southern Border Crisis Affect in Arizona

Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels spoke at the US House Judiciary Committee’s Wednesday hearing on the southern border crisis, speaking on how his county has been affected by the ongoing issue.

“Our southern border, against all public comfort statements out of Washington D.C., is in the worst shape I have ever seen it,” Dannels said. “Communities have been neglected and abandoned, relying on our own local and state resources to address a border that is in crisis mode.”

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McCarthy Agrees to Key Rule Change in Effort to Solidify Support for Speakership Bid

With the election for Speaker of the House of Representatives taking place on Tuesday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has agreed to a major rule change in an effort to secure conservative support for his shaky bid for leadership.

The Daily Caller reports that McCarthy agreed on Sunday to make it easier for a vote of no-confidence to be brought up against a sitting Speaker, changing the procedure so that any rank-and-file member of the House can call for such a vote. Previously, a vote of no-confidence, also known as a motion to vacate the chair, could only be brought by a member of party leadership.

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Affidavit Details Election Day Problems in Maricopa Far Wider than County Admitting

Numerous issues plagued vote centers in Arizona’s Maricopa County on Election Day 2022, from ballots rejected by tabulators to hours-long lines for voting, according to affidavits filed with the Arizona attorney general’s office.

According to an affidavit report by Mark Sonnenklar, a roving attorney with the Republican National Committee’s Election Integrity program in Arizona, he and 10 other RNC roving attorneys reported their observations and those of Republican observers at vote centers on Election Day.

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Top Conservative Groups, Lawmakers Call for Delay of GOP Leadership Elections

A group of leading conservative research and political activist organizations have called on the House and Senate Republican Conferences to delay leadership elections, challenging the leaderships of Rep. McCarthy and Sen. Mitch McConnell.

The two-paragraph letter has called for the elections to be delayed until after Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff election, between Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker, on December 6. Former Rep. David McIntosh of Indiana, who heads the Club for Growth and was a signatory to the letter, has said that the elections must be delayed “until we know the outcome of all the elections—specifically the Georgia runoff and the remaining 23 House races,” per a statement on the group’s website.

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Arizona Officials React to August Southern Border Encounter Statistics

New southern border encounter statistics from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) revealed that officials encountered over 200,000 migrants at the border for the sixth month in a row, which Gov. Doug Ducey said is especially harsh on Arizona border towns.

“Border towns bear the weight of this record illegal immigration. Government services, hospitals and food banks are strapped. The Yuma sector had more than 24,000 migrant encounters in August – almost a quarter of the town’s population,” tweeted Ducey.

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Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs Invites White House Press Secretary to Tour of Southern Border

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) invited the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, to tour the southern border after she made false claims about border crossings.

“White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s continued dismissal of the nation’s border crisis is outrageous,” Biggs said. “As the chief spokesperson of the President of the United States, she is either deliberately lying to the American public or is utterly unaware of this catastrophe that stretches across the nation’s 2,000-mile border with Mexico.”

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Biggs Ready to Impeach Biden, Others on ‘Day One’ After Midterms

A U.S. congressman from Arizona says Republicans plan to impeach President Joe Biden and other high-level officials following the midterm elections, when the Republican Party is expected to regain control of the House of Representatives. 

“On Day One, my colleagues and I will be looking to impeach President Joe Biden, Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Attorney General Merrick Garland,” said Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) on Twitter. “All three are in dereliction of their duties. We have the resolutions ready to go.”

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Arizona Legislators Bash Biden over Student Loan Forgiveness

Following President Joe Biden’s recent announcement that his administration would forgive federal student loan debt, Arizona’s legislators quickly bashed the policy, including Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ-04), who called the action favoritism.

“You may ask, rightly, why you should pay your mortgage, rent or car payments? If some people get student loans written off, why can’t your mortgage or car loan be written off? I will not tolerate such inconsistent blatant favoritism. Either we all pay our debts or none do,” Gosar said. “There is no constitutional basis for any of these actions. The problem is not student loans. The problem is exorbitant college costs and useless college degrees.”

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Arizona Representative Presses Secretary Mayorkas for Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Fly on Commercial Airplanes Without Proper ID

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) recently pressed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and demanded answers regarding the department allowing illegal immigrants to fly on commercial airplanes without presenting acceptable identification.

“President Biden’s DHS is failing to adhere to its mission of ‘safeguard[ing] the American people, our homeland, and our values,'” Biggs said in a press release. “Transporting potentially tens of thousands of lawbreakers throughout the country—with virtually unknown backgrounds—is a national security risk and defies the recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission. It also incentivizes more illegal immigration to our country at a time when the border has already passed its breaking point.”

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Biggs Slams Fauci as ‘Coward’ for Resigning Before Republicans Can ‘Hold Him Accountable’

After Dr. Anthony Fauci announced that he will resign from his positions as Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden and head of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID), one U.S. Congressman from Arizona says Fauci will still be held accountable by a potential Republican Congress.

“Dr. Fauci is conveniently resigning from his position in December before House Republicans have an opportunity to hold him accountable for destroying our country over these past three years,” said Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05). “This guy is a coward.”

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Arizona Leaders Respond to CBP’s July Southern Border Encounter Statistics

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently shared the total number of encounters at the southern border in July, and several of Arizona’s leaders have spoken on the new numbers, including Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar (r-AZ-04).

“For the seventeenth straight month, more than 150,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border including [nearly] 200,000 illegal aliens in July 2022. Since Biden and the open border democrats took over in January 2021, they have facilitated an invasion of our sovereign borders of more than 4.2 million illegal aliens. Included in this invasion are terrorists – over five dozen documented so far, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and common criminals,” Gosar said.

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Mark Brnovich Files Lawsuit Against the USDA over Regulations That Threaten Nutritional Assistance for Schools

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Monday, which aims to stop the department’s recent guidance that makes a school’s nutritional assistance dependent on its gender policies.

“USDA Choice applies to beef at the market, not to our children’s restrooms,” Brnovich said in a press release. “This threat of the Biden administration to withhold nutritional assistance for students whose schools do not submit to its extreme agenda is unlawful and despicable.”

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Andy Biggs Votes Against Legislation That Prohibits Assault Weapons

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs recently announced he voted against House Rule (HR) 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2022, which aims to prevent the sale, import, manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiautomatic assault weapon.

“Rather than address the bona fide root causes of mass shooting violence–including the destruction of the American family unit, mental health, or bureaucratic hurdles for law-abiding gun-owners–Democrats exploited the heightened emotions of a grieving nation to push through their radical, anti-Second Amendment agenda,” Biggs said. “This legislation is a reactionary move that will not reduce violent crime or the likelihood of mass shootings.”

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Andy Biggs Introduces Legislation to Prevent the Biden Administration from Using Federal Funds to Impose Woke Ideology Abroad

Arizona Representative Andy Biggs introduced legislation Tuesday called the Stop Imposing Woke Ideology Abroad Act, which seeks to prohibit federal funding for the State Department’s Equity Action Plan (EAP).

“Using taxpayer dollars to fund the Biden Administration’s woke programs abroad is a complete misuse of federal funding and further strains our relationships with countries abroad,” Biggs said in a press release. “This legislation ensures we protect American interests and curb the Biden Administration’s detached social agenda abroad.”

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Andy Biggs Sends Letter to U.S. Departments Demanding They Stop Transporting Illegal Immigrant Minors Across State Lines for Abortions

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs sent a letter Friday to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and the Department of Health and Human & Human Safety (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra, demanding they cease transporting illegal alien minors across state lines to receive abortions.

“The Biden Administration is now savagely transporting alien minors in federal custody to receive abortions,” Biggs said in a press release. “This outrageous use of federal resources to transport minors across state lines for abortions or otherwise providing or facilitating abortions in DHS or HHS custody is a heinous act and must be stopped.”

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Andy Biggs Demands Oversight Committee Hold Hearings to Investigate Claims Made in the ‘2000 Mules’ Film

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) recently sent a letter to the Chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Carolyn Maloney (D-NY-12), demanding an immediate hearing to investigate the claims made in the documentary 2000 Mules.

“As the chairwoman of the House’s oversight committee, Congresswoman Maloney has an obligation to hold an immediate hearing to further determine the veracity of these claims,” Biggs said in a press release. “The film exposes serious, potentially illegal activity related to the 2020 election. The committee should investigate these allegations to ensure the integrity of our elections.”

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Andy Biggs Sends Letter to U.S. Attorney General Questioning Unfair Treatment of Trump-Appointed Immigration Judges

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) recently sent a letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland, questioning the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) seemingly unfair treatment of Trump-era immigration judges amid a historic border crisis.

“Trump Derangement Syndrome is still widespread within the Biden Administration,” Biggs said in a press release. “The DOJ’s abrupt firing of well-qualified immigration judges during an unprecedented border crisis—likely because they were appointed by President Trump—is unacceptable.”

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Andy Biggs Speaks Against Damaging Pro-Abortion Protests, Saying They ‘Have Jeopardized Public Safety’

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) recently spoke against the pro-abortion protests occurring across the country that have caused damage to state and public buildings, demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) take action against what he calls ‘domestic terrorism.’

“I am a staunch supporter of our First Amendment and peaceful protest, but the pro-abortion protests related to the Dobbs v. Jackson decision have jeopardized public safety,” Biggs told the Arizona Sun Times via email. “These types of activists have besieged state capitol buildings, pregnancy centers, homes of Supreme Court Justices, and those who support the pro-life movement. I co-sponsored Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s legislation to classify the recent actions of two pro-abortion groups–Jane’s Revenge and Ruth Sent Us–as domestic terrorism while also co-signing letters to Attorney General Merrick Garland that demand a response from the Department of Justice.”

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Andy Biggs Sends Letter to Department of Agriculture Challenging Gender Policy Changes

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) recently sent a letter to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack, challenging woke gender policy changes that threaten school meal plan funding.

“In an effort to appease the Left’s woke gender agenda, the USDA is now attempting to hold American schools hostage,” Biggs said in a press release. “USDA’s definition changes of ‘sex discrimination’ would only harm American students. The department is coercing American schools to adopt the Biden Administration’s radical gender equality platform or else it will strip student benefits from these schools.”

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Paul Gosar Gives Condolences to the Family of Queen Creek Mayor Gail Barney

Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ-04), among other Arizona officials, released a statement offering condolences after the recent loss of Queen Creek Mayor Gail Barney.

“Maude [Gosar] and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Mayor Barney and we send our deepest condolences to Pam and her family. Mayor Barney loved Queen Creek and was a tireless champion for all those that live in this community,” Gosar said. “Today, we lift his entire family up in prayer during this most difficult time.”

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Walter Blackman and Shawnna Bolick Among Arizona Officials Who Applaud the Landmark SCOTUS Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Arizona State Representatives Walt Blackman (R-Sedona) and Shawnna Bolick (R-San Miguel) are among Arizona officials who released a statement applauding the landmark decision from the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in Dobbs v. Jackson, which overturns Roe v. Wade.

“As state legislators, we support protecting all lives, especially our most vulnerable. We will continue to advocate for families and promote life. Now that Roe has been overturned, decisions about abortion policy become a states’ rights issue,” the representatives said in a joint statement.

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Andy Biggs Reintroduces Bill to Uphold the Fourth Amendment by Prohibiting Warrantless Surveillance of American Citizens

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) reintroduced the Fourth Amendment Restoration Act Wednesday, which seeks to prohibit warrantless surveillance of American citizens.

“We cannot continue to provide our government with clandestine spying powers that violate the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans,” Biggs said in a press release. “It’s imperative to have a surveillance apparatus to address national security concerns, but it also must protect Americans’ constitutional rights.”

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Andy Biggs Demands a Briefing from Senator Mayorkas over Move to Discipline Border Patrol Agents

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) sent a letter to the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, demanding a briefing on the investigation into Del Rio, Texas, border patrol agents amidst reports that these agents will be disciplined.

The letter requests that Mayorkas provide a briefing by June 24, 2022. Biggs’s spokesman told the Arizona Sun Times that the DHS has not responded to Biggs’s letter yet.

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Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs and Other Reps Blast the January 6 Committee, Calling It a ‘Show Trial’

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05), among other Arizona Reps., recently slammed the January 6 committee, calling it a show trial and distraction.

“The January 6 committee is nothing more than a partisan sham the Democrats are using to distract Americans from the massive failures of the Biden administration that has created unprecedented price hikes and inflation at a 40 year high,” Biggs tweeted.

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Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs Introduces a Resolution Condemning Chuck Schumer for Rhetoric that may Endanger Government Officials

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) and other House Republican colleagues introduced a resolution on Thursday to condemn Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for inflammatory rhetoric that may have contributed to the assassination attempt on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“Rhetoric that incites violence toward any elected or appointed member of the three branches of our constitutional government is dangerous and condemnable,” Biggs said in a press release. “Unfortunately, Senator Schumer does not understand how his volatile language may potentially incite violent conduct, something that is made more likely as he is the leader of his party in the Senate.”

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Paul Gosar and Other Arizona Reps. Blast the New Gun Restriction Bill That Passed the U.S. House

Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ-04) released a statement opposing a new gun restriction House Rule (HR) that passed through the US House yesterday, calling it “unconstitutional.”

“It didn’t take long for Joe Biden and House democrats to use the tragedies in Buffalo and Texas to push for more gun control measures. They blatantly disparage our God-given and Constitutionally protected right to self-defense. As crime rises to record levels across our country, thanks to democrat socialists who run our major cities, self-defense is more important than ever. In Washington, D.C., the democrats suggest with a straight face that if it wasn’t for a gun, these murderers would be well-adjusted individuals. Millions and millions of people are law abiding gun owners, knife owners and car owners. If a knife, car or gun is used in a crime, it is the person using those tools that should be prosecuted for their actions. Punishing law abiding gun owners is non-sensical and I won’t stand for it,” Gosar said.

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Arizona Representative Shares Plans to Hold Biden Administration Accountable Amid Border Crisis

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) began sharing his plans to make the Biden Administration secure the border on Saturday during an appearance on Newsmax’s “The Benny Report.”

“We’re going to have to basically use every leverage point we have, and we’ve got a few coming up here, even in the minority. But we have to use every leverage point against Joe Biden and say you’re not going to get any spending; you’re not going to get anything you want unless you secure our border,” Biggs said.

Biggs also shared other plans he has for Biden administration officials.

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Gas Prices Reach $5 Per Gallon for First Time in Phoenix

Phoenix residents are feeling the effects of the highest gasoline prices in American history, as Tuesday marked the first day that the city’s average price for a gallon per gas was $5. 

According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), the average price per gallon of gas in Phoenix Tuesday was exactly $5, an 11 cent jump from Monday’s average of $4.89, and a 28 cent jump from last Tuesday’s average of $4.72. A month ago, the average price of a gallon of gas in the city was $4.56. 

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Biggs, Lesko Slam Biden for Ending American Oil Lease Sales

Amid surging gas prices and 40-year high inflation, a congressman Thursday reacted to the news that the Biden Administration has canceled domestic oil and gas lease sales. 

“Biden just canceled massive oil and gas lease sales in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico amid historic gas prices. Just wait for him to blame Putin for all of this!” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) said on Twitter.

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Arizona Republicans, Others Sound Off on $40 Billion Ukraine Deal

The few dissenters from the U.S. House of Representatives who opposed a bill sending $40 billion to Ukraine while inflations crushes Americans are expressing their displeasure over the bill’s passage. 

“Biden wants to send FORTY BILLION that has been taken from taxpayers to Ukraine while our borders remain wide open with historic crossings. This Regime prioritizes every other country before it even thinks about our own – this is the definition of America Last. I VOTE NO!” said Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ-04), who was one of 57 Republicans to vote against the spending package. 

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Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs Introduce Resolution to Block Proposed Biden Asylum Rule

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) introduced a measure to block the Biden administration’s plan for the asylum process.

Biden’s proposal, known as “Procedures for Credible Fear Screening and Consideration of Asylum, Withholding of Removal, and CAT Protection Claims by Asylum Officers,” would allow asylum request to be processed by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officials, rather than judges.

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Nearly Two Dozen Alleged Terrorists Arrested by Border Patrol Last Year, Some in Arizona

A U.S. Congressman from Arizona Monday reacted to a report that nearly two dozen suspected terrorists were caught crossing the border into the United States illegally in 2021. 

“As seen by the events on 9/11, we know that it only takes a handful of harmful actors to wreak devastation on our country,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) told The Arizona Sun Times. “[U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s] latest figures are alarming but are not unexpected.”

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Rep. Andy Biggs Lists Ramifications for Ending Title 42

As President Joe Biden’s White House plans to end a rule implemented by the previous administration that helped to expeditiously expel illegal aliens, an Arizona Congressman voiced his concern.

“What’s going to happen is you’re going to have a cascading catastrophe,” Rep Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) said on Fox News. “What’s going to happen is you’re going to have the Border Patrol totally overwhelmed. So, you’re going to have more opioids, fentanyl coming across [the border], it’s going to cheapen that drug, and it’s going to make it more accessible. You’re going to have more opioid overdose problems.”

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Arizona Reps. Gosar and Biggs Discuss Voter Fraud at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest 2021

At Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest 2021 conference in Phoenix, election integrity is one of the most important topics, in part due to the high-profile ballot audit in the Maricopa County 2020 presidential election. One of the main panels at the conference focused on this, featuring Rep. Paul Gosar (R-04-Ariz.), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-05-Ariz.), and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-01-Texas). 

The main topic of the panel was how to prevent election fraud in the future. All three panelists urged everyone to get involved and make a difference, whether by poll watching, putting pressure on elected officials, or looking for fraud. Biggs advised, “Be loud and proud. Do it with a smile on your face, they hate that.” 

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Congressman Andy Biggs Challenges Lawmakers over Consequences of Infrastructure Bill

Andy Biggs at podium, speaking

U.S. Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) advised both Democratic and Republican lawmakers that they will regret the passage of a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed earlier this month.

Pointing to the rising cost of energy consumption and many other services, Biggs described that the new legislation may impose added “inflationary pressure.”

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Arizona Gov. Ducey: Cartels Using ‘Uber-Like’ System for Human Smuggling

After a Wednesday meeting with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Tucson Sector, Gov. Doug Ducey (R) explained to KTAR what he learned. 

“One real eye-opening thing that we learned yesterday is that the cartels are using social media to pick up folks that have been trafficked over the border,” Ducey reportedly said. “They’re actually offering American citizens cash on the spot if they’ll deliver people from border drop-off points, like an illegal Uber into the state.”

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Attorney General Garland Denies Knowledge of Claims that Zuckerberg ‘Bought’ 2020 Election

During Wednesday’s hours-long grilling of Attorney General Merrick Garland by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, which mainly focused on the events of January 6 and Garland’s directive to investigate parents who speak School Board meetings, one critical question went almost unnoticed. 

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) questioned Garland about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s $400 million spending spree during the 2020 election. The money was allocated through Zuckerberg-funded non-profits the Center for Tech and Civic Life, described by Influence Watch as an “organization [that] pushes for left-of-center voting policies and election administration,” and the Center for Election Innovation and Research. 

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Ohio Rep. Bob Gibbs Leads Group That Files Articles of Impeachment Against Biden

U.S. Representative Bob Gibbs (R-OH-07) on Tuesday introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden, pointing to the ongoing border crisis and the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal.

Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05), Brian Babin (R-TX-36), and Randy Weber (R-TX-14) announced their support of the measure and signed on as co-sponsors of the articles of impeachment.

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