Trump Expands Push in Blue States as Virginia Appears Competitive

Donald Trump in Philadelphia

Former President Donald Trump appears poised to invest heavily in Virginia in the 2024 election as new polling data suggests the Old Dominion could be competitive for Republicans for the first time in 20 years.

The state has not backed a Republican for president since George W. Bush in 2004 and trended increasingly Democratic over the years until GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s upset win in 2021 reignited Republican hopes in the commonwealth. The GOP struggled, however, in the 2023 legislative elections, with many analysts pinning the blame on the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, which forced Republicans to play defense on the issue of abortion during that cycle. The party lost control of the House of Delegates and failed to seize control of the state Senate in those elections.

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Lawmakers, Veterans Say ‘Woke Diversity Initiatives’ Cost Taxpayers, Hurt Military

A growing concern about progressive ideology on race and gender at all levels of the U.S. military has sparked outrage and became the center of a Congressional hearing. Critics have launched a barrage of attacks on the progressive ideology they say is infiltrating the ranks, calling it a waste of taxpayer dollars and arguing it hurts morale, breeds division among troops, and hurts recruitment.

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U.S. Senator JD Vance Requests Clarification from Biden National Security Advisor on Ukraine Spending

On Monday, U.S. Senator JD Vance (R-OH) along with U.S. Congressmen Chip Roy (R-TX-21) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01) sent a letter to the National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden, Jake Sullivan requesting clarification regarding “major discrepancies” between claims made by administration officials regarding American aid given to Ukraine.

This follows Sullivan stating at a White House press briefing on September 21st, 2023 that the Biden Administration had sent approximately $79.9 billion in aid to Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February 2022.

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GOP Lawmakers Raise Concerns About WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, US Involvement in Agency

The World Health Organization, widely considered the most powerful health authority in the world, is pursuing a Pandemic Preparedness Treaty that critics say could make the organization even more powerful and jeopardize U.S. sovereignty.

The United Nations-affiliated WHO says the draft treaty – or “zero draft” – is designed to protect the world from future pandemics and last December announced that member states “agreed to develop the first draft of such as a legally binding agreement.”

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Texas Launches Probe into Children’s Medical Center for Potentially ‘Illegal’ Trans Procedures

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) is launching a probe into the Dell Children’s Medical Center, a non-profit hospital located in Austin, after a video surfaced showing staff at the facility allegedly saying that they are treating children who are transitioning genders as young as 8 years old.

Paxton issued a Request to Examine to the medical center on Friday to ensure the nonprofit complies with Texas law, which deems most gender transition treatments for minors as child abuse.

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Nearly 9 in 10 in New Poll Hold Feds Responsible for Border Crisis, Most Expect States to Fix

Almost 87 percent of Americans blame the federal government for the border crisis, according to a new poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group for Convention of States Action.

“With local and state government law enforcement resources overwhelmed by the large increase in illegal immigrants and asylum seekers needing assistance and increased drug cartel activity,” respondents were prompted, “do you believe it is the responsibility of states or the Federal government to handle these increased costs at the southern border?”

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As Pentagon Struggles to Fill Military Requests, Funding Goes to Diversity, Critical Race Theory

The Pentagon is increasingly struggling to fill the weapons and equipment requests for the war in Ukraine. At the same time, taxpayer funds are going to pay for ongoing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts in the military, most recently one controversial Pentagon official pushing anti-police and pro-critical race theory books at schools for the children of military families.

The New York Times recently highlighted the Pentagon’s manufacturing problem with a story headlined: “From Rockets to Ball Bearings: Pentagon Struggles to Feed War Machine.”

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Biden’s Plan to Surrender U.S. Health Sovereignty to ‘Corrupt, Chinese Communist Party Entity’ World Health Organization Draws Fire

Many constitutionalists, lawmakers, and healthcare professionals are sounding the alarm over the Biden administration’s plan to forfeit the United States’ decision-making power over its healthcare policies to the World Health Organization (WHO), an organization Rep. Chip Roy’s office (R-TX) calls a “corrupt, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) entity.”

In January 2021, Roy introduced HR 419, which seeks to end U.S. taxpayer funding of the WHO, an agency of the United Nations, but in recent days more lawmakers have signed on as co-sponsors since proposed amendments by the Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to the WHO’s International Health Regulations, are scheduled to be voted upon May 22-28 at the World Health Assembly.

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Abortionist Accuses Rep. Chip Roy of ‘Inflammatory Language’ When He Describes What Actually Happens to an Unborn Baby During Abortion

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday on abortion rights, an abortionist accused Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) of using “inflammatory language” after he described the gruesome reality of what happens to an unborn baby during abortion.

Using the language of the abortion industry, Dr. Yashica Robinson, an at-large member of the board of directors of Physicians for Reproductive Health, said during the hearing she provides abortion “care” up “until 20 weeks gestational age.”

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Virginia’s Entire Congressional Delegation Votes for Ban on Russian Energy Imports

Virginia’s entire congressional delegation, Republicans and Democrats, voted Wednesday in favor of a ban on Russian energy imports. The bill passed 414 to 17, with two progressive representatives and several America-First Republicans voting against the bill.

“Tonight, I voted to send a unified message to Vladimir Putin that we do not wish to enrich Russia as it continues its unjustified invasion into Ukraine. Unfortunately, this legislation and President Biden’s ban will have little practical effect on Russia’s energy profits without a unified effort from our friends in Europe. I call on the Biden Administration to do more to rally the alliance he claims to have built to this cause and impose real economic sanctions on Russia,” Congressman Bob Good (R-VA-05) said in a press release.

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Pfizer Plan for COVID Vaccine Series for Babies of 6 Months Draws Fierce Controversy

closeup of a baby

Pfizer announced last week the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had asked the drug company, and its partner BioNTech, to submit data on a COVID vaccine series for babies as young as 6 months old.

Albert Bourla, chairman and CEO of Pfizer, said in the statement:

As hospitalizations of children under 5 due to COVID-19 have soared, our mutual goal with the FDA is to prepare for future variant surges and provide parents with an option to help protect their children from this virus. Ultimately, we believe that three doses of the vaccine will be needed for children 6 months through 4 years of age to achieve high levels of protection against current and potential future variants. If two doses are authorized, parents will have the opportunity to begin a COVID-19 vaccination series for their children while awaiting potential authorization of a third dose.

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Texas Republicans Sound Off On Biden’s ‘Pathetic’ Claim That He’s Too Busy to Visit the Border

Texas Republicans described President Joe Biden’s immigration policies as reckless and criticized him for claiming that he has been too busy to visit the southern border since taking office in January.

Biden said Thursday night that he “should go down [to visit the border] but the whole point of it is I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to,” during a CNN town hall. The last time Biden was near the border was when he flew into an airport in El Paso, Texas, where his motorcade took him to New Mexico for a campaign event in 2008, according to The Washington Post.

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Rep. Bob Good and Freedom Caucus Blast Infrastructure Bills and Democrats, Republicans, who Pass the Bills

Congressman Bob Good (R-Virginia-05) and other members of the House Freedom Caucus blasted infrastructure legislation in a press conference Monday afternoon. The representatives said the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed in the Senate has only $100-$200 billion in real infrastructure, warning that other provisions in that bill and a larger $3.5 trillion package are ‘woke’, part of the Green New Deal, and would weaken the U.S.’ position against China.

“No matter how good some parts of the $1.2 trillion might be, a little sliver of it, we don’t have the money. The latest combined $5 trillion in spending will put us on a path to increase our national debt from the current $28 trillion to $45 trillion in ten years, all to fund, as others have said, amnesty for some 10-20 million illegal aliens in our country, to greatly expand and further bankrupt Medicare more quickly, to pass extreme environmental energy climate policies, a Green New Deal, all to transform us into a Marxist, socialist country,” Good said.

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Nearly 300 Unaccompanied Minors Crossed into U.S. Through Arizona Last Weekend

In four separate groups over a period of less than 24 hours over the weekend, 280 unaccompanied minors illegally crossed into the United States, with Arizona as their destination.

“Within 24 hours, 4 separate groups, totaling over 400 migrants, surrendered to #Tucson Sector #BorderPatrol agents after illegally crossing the border. More than 280 were unaccompanied migrant children,” said Tucson Sector U.S. Border and Customs Protection (CBP) Interim Chief John R. Modlin on Twitter.

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Texas Congressman Calls for Impeachment of Biden over Immigration Policy

Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Joe Biden and the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, citing their “reckless immigration policy” that many lawmakers argue is endangering the lives of Texans and Americans.

“Total encounters: 205,029. Total known getaways: 37,400. 1.3 million for 2021 so far. Largest monthly encounter number since 2000,” Roy tweeted.

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Commentary: Representative Chip Roy Takes a Stand to Force Congress to Actually Vote, Much to the Chagrin of Democrats

by Rachel Bovard   People often question whether it’s still true that one man can make a difference in the modern Congress. This week, Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) proved that it is. Fed up with the House passing legislation on autopilot (that is, passing amendments and bills “unanimously” without recorded votes and no one in the chamber) and outraged that House Democrats have been blocking the Trump Administration’s request for border funding, Roy used the power he has as a member of Congress to force his will on the body: he objected. Roy objected to unanimously passing amendments, to unanimously agreeing to procedural motions, and even to continuing House business altogether. He objected more than 100 times, forcing the House to take recorded votes on amendments as it processed spending bills that totaled well over $1 trillion. Roy and his colleagues lined up on the House floor demanding that these spending bills include money to address both the security and humanitarian elements of the ongoing crisis at the border. Predictably, they suffered the slings and arrows of their colleagues, many of whom had never taken this many roll call votes in a row. “Wow, who is this a—hole making me stay…

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Wendy Davis Is ‘Very Seriously’ Considering a Congressional Run Against Chip Roy

by Molly Prince   Failed Democratic Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis revealed Friday that she will likely make a decision “in the next month or so” whether she will launch a bid to unseat Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy in 2020. “I’m looking very seriously at [running for] Congressional District 21,” Davis announced while on “The Rabble” podcast. “I live in that district now and we came very close to winning it in 2018.” Roy defeated his Democratic challenger Joseph Kopser by nearly 3 points, replacing Republican Rep. Lamar Smith, who stepped down after 16 terms — the race was seen as a second-tier battleground. “Joseph Kopser gave a valiant effort and [Democrats] came very, very close. The question is, can we do it for 2020?” Davis continued, noting Texas is not a red state but rather a “non-voting blue state” Davis gained national attention in 2013 after she held a 13-hour-long filibuster to block Texas Senate Bill 5, which would ban abortions after 20 weeks. She subsequently ran for governor in 2014, but was handily defeated by Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. During the podcast, Davis contended she believes there needs to be more women in politics, but not Republican women. “We don’t just…

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