Rep. Green Introduces Bill to Give Rural Hospitals More Flexibility

  U.S. Reps. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) and Bennie Thompson (D-MS-02) on Thursday introduced a new bipartisan bill to boost rural hospitals, Green said in a press release. The Rural Health Care Access Act of 2019 would repeal what Green called an arcane rule – “the 35-mile rule” – that bars hospitals from pursuing a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) designation. Currently, a rural hospital must be at least 35 miles away from another hospital to receive the CAH designation. If passed into law, this bill would allow states to designate a facility as a CAH if it meets all the other requirements. Those requirements include: The hospital must have 25 or fewer acute care inpatient beds. Must provide 24/7 emergency care services. The average length of stay for acute care patients must be 96 hours or less. “Folks living outside cities must not be left without health care access,” Green said. “We need to act now to remove old, onerous federal regulations and update our laws so that rural communities get the care they need.” Thompson said, “Rural hospitals are an integral part of the rural healthcare system. We must make sure rural communities have the same access to health…

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Sen. Blackburn, Reps. DesJarlais, Green Publicly Support President Trump’s Meritocracy-Based Immigration Reform Plan

  President Donald Trump’s “big, beautiful, bold” immigration overhaul plan has at least three backers in Tennessee’s congressional delegation. U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and U.S. Reps. Dr. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) and Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) issued statements backing the president. Trump this week rolled out a plan to “transform America’s immigration system” from one of random entry to a meritocracy, The Tennessee Star reported Friday. The president acknowledged that his proposal wouldn’t immediately pass and would have to wait until after the 2020 election. Provisions include: legal immigrants entering for jobs would rise from 12 percent to 57 percent; family-based immigration would decrease from two-thirds to one-third; asylum and diversity visas would decrease from 22 percent to 10 percent; and priority would be given to spouses, children and parents, but not extended family. Regarding the plan, DesJarlais said, “The President’s plan is a well-thought-out, sensible one that would end the chaos at the border and across the United States, because of weak border security, bad laws and judicial decisions. As opposed to the random lottery we have right now, we need a merit-based immigration system that attracts high-skilled workers who will not displace American citizens or become a public…

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So Far During His First Term, U.S. Rep. Green Introduces Nine Pieces of Legislation

  U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green, a freshman legislator, has introduced nine pieces of legislation so far in his tenure, Congressional records show. The nine pieces of legislation are more than any other Republican freshman member has sponsored, records show. The average amount introduced by freshmen members is 3.3. Here are the pieces of legislation Green has sponsored: H.R. 847 – Protecting Gold Star Spouses Act of 2019 H.R. 1563 – Chester County Reversionary Interest Release Act H.R. 1810 – Kids to College Act H.J.Res. 52 – Amendment to Limit SCOTUS Seats to 9 H.R. 2047 – Allied Burden Sharing Report Act of 2019 H.R. 2589 – Unifying DHS Intelligence Enterprise Act H.R. 2715 – Medicaid Improvement and State Flexibility Act H.R. 2716 – Protecting Gold Star Children Act of 2019 H.Res.304 – Raising a question of the privileges of the House Rep. Green also introduced one amendment that was considered on the House floor. H.Amdt. 77 was offered to alter H.R. 1. House Democrats voted down Green’s amendment to protect free speech in the resolution, which seeks to give the federal government control of elections, The Tennessee Star reported in March. Green is the president of the Republican freshman class.…

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U.S. Rep. Green Introduces Bill to Allow States to Pilot Programs in Which Medicaid Recipients Use Swipe Card to Make Medical Purchases

  U.S. Rep. Dr. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) on Tuesday introduced a bill to give Medicaid recipients more choice and power in their healthcare decisions. The Medicaid Improvement and State Flexibility Act would authorize states to begin pilot programs giving Medicaid recipients a “swipe card” with dollars on it designated for medical purchases, Green said in a press release. What is not spent from the card is returned to the holder at year’s end in the form of an Earned Income Tax Credit. Coupled with a catastrophic insurance plan, this ensures Medicaid recipients a safety net while at the same time introducing competition into the healthcare market that will improve the quality of care and drive down costs, the congressman said. “The Republican solution to our country’s healthcare crisis is more choice and better care,” Green said. “We need to move forward and utilize the power of markets to fix our broken system and help those in need. I hope Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle recognize the need for patient choice and join this effort.” Green introduced his bill as House Democrats are promoting legislation to protect parts of the Affordable Care Act and lower prescription drug…

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Rep. Green Promotes Income Share Agreements Plan to Solve Student Debt Crisis

Mark Green

  U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) wrote an op-ed recently explaining how one of his bills would solve the student debt crisis. Green published the op-ed last Friday in The Daily Signal discussing his Kids to College Act, which is cosponsored by U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX-15). The op-ed is available in its entirety here. Colleges could begin offering “income share agreements,” where students agree to pay for college with a percentage of their future earnings. This way, colleges and universities would be incentivized to help students secure good paying jobs after they graduate, because tuition payments would depend on it. Responsibility would fall on the student as well. Income share agreements would encourage prospective students to research starting salaries for their major and learn what they can expect in return for their studies. In a desire to see income share agreements more widely offered, my Democratic colleague Vicente Gonzalez of Texas partnered with me to introduce the Kids to College Act, a bipartisan bill that would encourage more schools to utilize these agreements. In his op-ed, without naming names, Green criticized 2020 Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) plan to wipe out up to $50,000 of student loan…

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Rep. Green Introduces Bill to Streamline Intelligence Sharing at Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) on Thursday introduced a bill that would streamline and improve intelligence sharing at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The bill requires the Department of Homeland Security’s Chief Intelligence Officer (CINT) to establish a homeland intelligence doctrine for the department, according to a press release from Green’s office. Also, the bill ensures the CINT will have dedicated staff. Green’s new bill is similar to H.R. 2468, titled the “Unifying DHS Intelligence Enterprise Act,” which was introduced during the previous Congress on May 16, 2017. The goal is to ensure all of the entities at DHS are speaking the same language, using the same tradecraft and disseminating their products to the appropriate stakeholders, which include both the intelligence community and State and local partners, according to the press release. Green said, “As a former member of an Army special operations task force, I know the value of synchronized intelligence processes when on a mission. That experience has prompted me to introduce this bill so that DHS can fulfill its very important mission to keep Americans safe.” In other national security news, Green tweeted, “In the past year, the rates of active-duty military suicides have increased dramatically.…

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Iran Says Will Withdraw from Obama’s Nuclear Deal, Threatens Resumption of Uranium Enrichment

  Iran’s president said Wednesday the country will stop complying with parts of former President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal, Fox News said. Hassan Rouhani set a 60-day deadline for new terms before resuming higher uranium enrichment, Fox News said. It has been a year since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from Obama’s 2015 agreement. The breakaway could further escalate tensions between Iran and the United States. ABC News reported that the recent decision to send an aircraft carrier and bombers to the Middle East to deter Iran stemmed in part from intelligence that the nation was possibly transporting missiles on boats in the Persian Gulf. In response to Iran’s announcement, U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07), gave the following statement: “President Trump was absolutely right to back out of the Iran Deal in 2017. Technically, the Obama administration willed the JCPOA into existence. Iran never signed the deal in the first place and it was never a treaty approved by Congress. Now Iran is announcing it is pulling out of that same nuclear deal and sets an ultimatum to renegotiate terms. How do you back out of a deal never acknowledged in the first place? “Clearly, Iran is…

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House May Vote Today on Green’s Resolution to Force Vote on Whether to Refer Cohen to Justice Department for Perjury Investigation

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) filed a motion in the House Tuesday to force a vote on referring Michael Cohen to the Justice Department for a perjury investigation, with a showdown coming as early as today. Cohen is President Donald Trump’s former lawyer. House Resolution 304 is meant to hold Michael Cohen accountable for his alleged lies to the House Oversight and Reform Committee, Green said in a press release. “The integrity of the Oversight Committee and entire House is at stake. We must defend our honor, refer Michael Cohen’s testimony to the Justice Department for a perjury investigation and show the American people that the People’s House will not tolerate a man lying under oath,” said Rep. Green. “Sixty-two days ago, Chairman Cummings welcomed convicted liar Michael Cohen to testify before the House Oversight Committee. Republicans warned the Democrats against giving Cohen a platform and in return Chairman Cummings promised that if Cohen lied again, the Chairman would hold him accountable. During Cohen’s testimony he lied at least seven times and yet the Chairman has yet to uphold his pledge of maintaining the integrity of our Committee in the face of these false statements that were given under oath.…

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Rep. Green Joins Republican Effort to Force Vote on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

U.S. Rep. Dr. Green (R-TN-07) announced Tuesday he would sign the petition to force a floor vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The act was filed by House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA-01) and Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO-02) and would require medical care to children born alive after surviving a botched abortion. “Now, more than ever, the American people need clarification – where exactly does the Democratic party stand on the issue of abortion? Are they really comfortable letting already born infants die? This is not a trifling matter. I urge my colleagues in Congress to break party lines and protect these vulnerable and innocent children from this demise,” Green said in a statement. A simple majority (218) of signatures are needed for a discharge petition to be successful, Green said. That means 21 Democrats must join Republicans. At the end of Tuesday, the measure had 191 signatures, Politico said. Only one of three Democratic cosponsors – U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) – added his name to the petition. Freshman U.S. Rep. Ben McAdams (D-UT), who is not a cosponsor, also signed. According to Politico: Still, the GOP plans to use the petition as a cudgel against Democrats,…

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Rep. Mark Green Says Trump Is Right to Veto ‘Meaningless and Partisan Resolution’ Seeking to Block President’s Emergency Declaration to Build Border Wall

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) declared his support of President Donald Trump’s veto of Congress’ resolution to block his declaration of a national emergency in order to build a border wall. “President Trump is right to veto this meaningless and partisan resolution,” Green said. “It’s been established by this and former Congresses that securing the border with a physical wall is good policy.” “In 2006, Congress passed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 with widespread Democrat support from then Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Chuck Schumer,” Green said. “And, in the recent appropriations bill, Congress appropriated even more money towards a wall. President Trump is not bucking Congress and doing something they have expressly forbidden. He’s merely expanding on what Congress has already said is a good way to secure our southern border through legal authority Congress gave him through the National Emergencies Act of 1976.” “I applaud President Trump for transcending the fray, fighting back against the rabid anti-Trump Resistance and doing what’s best for Americans,” Green said. In making his declaration, Green joined U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in supporting the president, unlike their colleague from Tennessee, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), who voted against Trump. The…

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House Democrats Derail Rep. Green’s Attempt to Protect Free Speech By Voting Down His Amendment to Bill That Would Give Feds Control of Elections

House Democrats on Thursday voted down an amendment by U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) to protect free speech in House Resolution 1, which seeks to change campaign finance, election and lobbying laws. Tracking information on H.R.1 is here. “Free speech should be protected,” Green said in a hearing at the Committee on Oversight and Reform. “House Resolution One is a misguided bill with many problems. One problem in particular has united everyone from the Heritage Foundation to the ACLU. It’s the bill’s assault on free speech.” Video of Green’s speech is available here from C-SPAN. Green pointed out a statement by the ACLU that the bill will “chill speech essential to our public discourse.” “When the ACLU admonishes a Democrat bill … everyone should take notice,” he said. Green said his amendment reaffirms the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.” The congressman tweeted, “I offered an amendment on the House Floor today to H.R. 1 expressing the sense of Congress that free speech should be protected. Why are Democrats opposing an amendment simply reaffirming free speech?″ I offered an amendment on the House Floor today to H.R. 1 expressing the sense of…

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Huge Turnout at Williamson County GOP Victory Party

FRANKLIN, Tennessee–A huge crowd turned out for the Williamson County GOP Victory Party held at the Cool Springs Marriott in Franklin on Saturday night. More than 300 people attended the event, which featured speeches from Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07), Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives Glen Casada, and State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R-Franklin), among others. Blackburn, Casada, and Johnson are all residents of Williamson County. Though not a resident of Williamson County, Green is a resident of the 7th Congressional District he represents in Congress, which includes much of Williamson County. The event’s success was a tribute to the organizational leadership of outgoing Williamson County Republican Party Chairman Debbie Deaver, a grassroots conservative leader who began her tenure with a stunning victory two years ago over a more established opponent in February 2017. Deaver’s victory was one of the first stories reported by The Tennessee Star, which launched just days before, on February 6, 2017. Musical entertainment for the event was provided by State Sen. Johnson and his band, the Austin Brothers.    

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Democrats’ Same-Day Voter Registration Bill Is ‘Micromanaging’ That Would ‘Seize Control of Elections in Tennessee,’ Rep. Green Says

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) on Wednesday morning gave Democrats a tongue-lashing over legislation designed to force Tennessee and other states to offer voter registration the same day of elections. Green made the remarks during an Oversight and Reform Committee hearing over the Democrats’ H.R. 1 bill, “For the People Act of 2019.” The bill’s language and other information is available here. Green said the bill should be called the “Fill the Swamp Act.” He added, “It seems every year that passes more and more power is shifted away from the people and into the hands of a wealthy, elite few in Washington. These politicians and bureaucrats can’t help themselves from micromanaging more and more of our everyday lives. “From our roads and bridges, our firearms, the relationship with our doctors, our elementary schools, our farms, and even our toilets, these freedom and federalism hating politicians can’t help themselves. “And now … now you want to decide how we run our elections?” Green did not finish there. He said, “The fact remains there is no constitutional authority for the federal government to come down and seize control of elections in Tennessee. The Constitution creates a federalist system with power…

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Sen. Kamala Harris’ Medicare for All Plan Is ‘Insane,’ Rep. Mark Green Says

A plan put forth by U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) to pay “Medicare for All” is “insane,” said U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07), who added, “Earth to Senator Harris. Earth to Senator Harris.” Green made the remarks on Fox News’ Outnumbered Overtime. The video is available here. During a townhall meeting Monday in Iowa, Harris, a 2020 presidential candidate, vowed to eliminate private health insurance in order to enact “Medicare for all,” or a single-payer system, Outnumbered Overtime host Harris Faulkner said. That would eliminate the private insurance system for about 150 million Americans. Faulkner played a clip of Harris saying medical care takes too long because doctors have to get approval from insurance companies and because of all the paperwork. “Let’s eliminate all of that,” Harris said. Green, who previously ran a medical staffing company, said Obamacare and Harris’ plan were “attacks” on the insurance market that would take away choices for the middle class. Obamacare has shifted higher costs onto the backs of small businesses. The nation cannot afford to eliminate the third-party payer system. Green cited a study by Dr. Charles Blahous of the Mercatus Center of George Mason University showing that a single-payer system would…

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Rep. Mark Green Questions Democrats’ Trustworthiness Over Government Shutdown, Border Wall Fight

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) questions Democrats’ trustworthiness in a new op-ed. The op-ed ran on Fox News’ website Friday. It is available here. Green writes: Top Democrats are using this line as their new drumbeat, “Open the government and then we will secure the border.” But how can we trust them to keep their word? Here are four instances in the past 12 months where President Trump and Republicans have reached across the aisle looking for a deal. At every opportunity, Democrats have refused to work with Republicans to secure our border or fix our broken immigration system. Green goes on to list the examples, including a fight last year over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on the brink of a potential government shutdown. He also makes reference to this shutdown’s damage to the economy and making the country look weak, and asks if Democrats are afraid Trump will win in 2020 over the border wall. Trump on Friday laid out a plan to end the government shutdown, Breitbart reported: Trump agreed to reopen the government for three weeks while negotiations continued — with no apparent wall funding concessions from Democrats. The president warned that if Congress could not successfully…

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Rep. Green, Senators Blackburn, Alexander Back Trump Immigration Compromise Offer Which Pelosi Has Dismissed

At least three members of Tennessee’s Congressional delegation came out in support of President Donald Trump’s offer Saturday to end the government shutdown with a compromise on immigration. U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander and U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green issued statements of support for Trump’s proposed compromise. Blackburn said: The president has once again shown he is willing to work with Democrats to end this shutdown and find a compromise that will secure our border,” said Senator Blackburn. “This proposal that has bipartisan support would provide the much-needed $5.7 billion for a border barrier. “The border patrol agents have repeatedly asked for three items: a physical barrier, more technology, and more agents and officers. As members of Congress we must deliver for them.” Green said: “The president has made yet another effort to engage Democrats on the crisis at the border, something I’ve called an arterial bleed. It’s time to stop the hemorrhage. Will Speaker Pelosi come to the table and negotiate? Do Democrats care about the American lives being devastated by crime and the drug trade? Do they care about our hard working govt. employees? Speaker Pelosi?” Alexander said in a statement: “The President has proposed…

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U.S. Rep. Mark Green Discusses First Two Weeks in Congress, Chides Democrats for Shutdown and Failure to Protect Border

Freshman U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) provided an update on his first two weeks in Congress in a Facebook video Saturday. The video is available here on Facebook. The transcript follows. “It has been emotional to say the least,” Green said. “I raised my hand and I took the oath – the same oath that I took at West Point when I was 17 years old. I just thank the people of the Seventh Congressional District who gave me the opportunity to once again serve our great nation. “It’s been a challenging two weeks. The government is still shut down. We have federal employees that aren’t getting paid because the Democrats won’t give us 5.7 billion dollars to protect our southern border. Money that they voted on before in the past. Money that they’ve all been quoted saying was needed in the past. And they’re just ignoring the human suffering in our country from things like heroin addiction and overdose and death, the murders. Lindsey Graham  said it the other day – at least our federal employees will get back pay, but the wife of Officer Singh will not get her husband back. “It’s a national crisis. We’ve got…

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Tennessee Republican Party Supports President Trump’s Commitment to Border Security

Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden has come out in support of President Trump’s visit to the U.S.-Mexico border Thursday. “The most important job a president has is to protect Americans, and today’s visit to the southern border by President Trump further illustrates his strong commitment to our nation’s safety,” Golden said in a statement. “While Democrats continue to play petty partisan games with our security, drug dealers, human traffickers and enemies of this country flaunt our sovereign border. The games have to end, and Democrats need to work with President Trump to make America a more secure nation. This is non-negotiable.” Trump visited the border in Texas Thursday, Fox News reported: During an afternoon briefing with border agents at a patrol station in McAllen, Trump highlighted the prevalence of guns and drugs along the border. The president spoke in front of a table of items border agents have seized, including a rifle, handguns, a plastic bag full of cash and black-taped bricks of heroin and meth. “If we had a barrier of any kind, a powerful barrier, whether it’s steel or concrete…We would stop it cold,” Trump said of human trafficking. The president posted a Twitter video of himself with…

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U.S. Rep. DesJarlais Supports President Trump’s Border Policy ‘100 Percent’

U.S. Rep. Dr. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) said he supports stronger border and immigration security in the wake of President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address to the nation. On Tuesday, Trump said, “This is just common sense. The border wall would very quickly pay for itself. The cost of illegal drugs exceeds $500 billion a year vastly more than the $5.7 billion we have requested from Congress. The wall will also be paid for indirectly by the great new trade deal we have made with Mexico.” In a statement, DesJarlais said: Weak border security and bad laws are causing a humanitarian crisis at the southern border and in our local communities. Erecting more effective physical barriers would prevent drug and human smuggling into the U.S. We need more border agents and ICE officers, too, but Democrats oppose a wall, a fence and even ICE itself. But over ninety percent of heroin crosses into the U.S. from Mexico, killing Americans, and cartels and gangs are also smuggling women and children. Illegal immigration is overwhelming our court system. “The President presented these clear facts, including his offers to sign legislation Democrats supported until he took office. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are now describing…

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Fox News Power Player of the Week Rep. Mark Green on Trump and Border Wall: ‘I’m Supporting Him in This’

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) appeared on “Fox News Sunday” as one of two “Power Players of the Week.” Fox News’ Chris Wallace hosted Green and U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI-08), both freshmen. The discussion ranged from bipartisanship to military service to border security. (Slotkin served with the CIA in Iraq, and Green was on the special operations team that captured Saddam Hussein.) A summary of the interview follows. The full video is available here. On compromise and gridlock, Slotkin mentioned the shutdown and said, “Start having a real negotiation about border security, border forces, more technology at the border, fencing if we need it in some areas – it doesn’t just have to be a wall.” Wallace pressed for commentary on the attitude in Washington, to which Green replied, “She’s prior military and I’m prior military and we want solutions. And we’re sick and tired of it not happening.” Slotkin said that military and CIA experience helps one focus on mission, which is missing in Congress. “People have treated it as if they don’t have a mission, that they’re for themselves, they’re show horses, whatever,” Slotkin said. Green said that with the wall, both sides of the aisle…

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U.S. Rep. Mark Green Refuses Salary During Partial Government Shutdown

Freshman U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) has asked that he not be paid during the partial federal government shutdown. Green sent a letter Friday to the U.S. House of Representative’s Chief Administrative Officer, Philip Kiko, requesting his salary be suspended until a deal is reached and the partial government shutdown ends: Dear Mr. Kiko, I am writing today to ask you to withhold my salary as long as the government is partially shut down. I do not believe it is appropriate for Members of Congress to be paid during a lapse in appropriations while hardworking border security agents and other civil servants are furloughed. Please accept this letter as notice that I will refuse any salary until the government is funded. In November, Green was unanimously elected president of the Republican Freshman Class by 33 members-elect of the 116th Congress, The Tennessee Star reported at the time. Before he won the House seat in November, Green served as Tennessee state senator for the 22nd District for Stewart/Houston/Montgomery counties. Green’s thinking is in line with that of former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. Haley, also a former governor of South Carolina, tweeted Thursday, “Today the new Congress takes office. No member should get paid while the…

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U.S. Rep.-Elect Green Announces Town Halls, Constituent Survey

U.S. Rep.-elect Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) announced he is holding six town halls across Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District from Dec. 11-13. Green will discuss the issues facing the 116th Congress and hear from constituents. All residents in the 7th District are invited to attend and participate. “As a state senator, I held town halls across my district before session every year to hear from constituents so I can better represent them. I’m excited to continue these as we head to Congress. I hope everyone will come and let us know how they feel about the issues,” said Green. Green was unanimously elected president of the Republican Freshman Class Tuesday night, The Tennessee Star reported Thursday. Congressman-elect Green also launched an issues survey for constituents of the district to fill out. The survey is available online here. The details on the town halls are: December 11, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Williamson County Administrative Complex 1320 West Main Street Franklin, TN December 12, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Samuel’s on the Square 117 North Court Square Waverly, TN December 12, 7-8 p.m. William O. Beach Civic Hall 350 Pageant Lane, Suite 201 Clarksville, TN December 13, 2-3 p.m. Square-Forty Restaurant 40 Public Square Lawrenceburg, TN December 13,…

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Congressman-Elect Mark Green Elected Republican Freshman Class President

U.S. Rep.-elect Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) was unanimously elected president of the Republican Freshman Class Tuesday night, he announced in a statement. Thirty members-elect for the 116th Congress selected Green to lead the class. “I’m honored to be elected by this distinguished group of colleagues as president of the Freshman Class,” said Congressman-elect Green. “I ran for Congress to take our successful leadership in Tennessee to Congress, and am excited to be able to lead the freshman class.” I’m honored to be elected by this distinguished group of colleagues as president of the Freshman Class. I ran for Congress to take our successful leadership in Tennessee to Congress, and am excited to be able to lead the freshman class. — Mark E. Green, MD (@DrMarkGreen4TN) November 28, 2018 U.S. Rep.-elect Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) said, “Mark is a veteran and served our state as a leader in the legislature. As new members of Congress, we need someone advocating for us who understands the process. That’s why I was honored to nominate Mark to be our freshman class president.” Entering a Democrat controlled House, Green previously said he will “look for areas of commonality” with Democrats to conduct business, Brentwood Home Page…

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Congressman-Elect Mark Green Appoints Stephen Siao as Chief of Staff

Congressman-elect Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) announced his appointment of Stephen Siao as his chief of staff in the U.S. House of Representatives. Siao will lead the transition over the next two months and lead the congressional office starting in January. Green will succeed Marsha Blackburn in the 7th Congressional District as she moves over to the U.S. Senate. Green was elected to the 22nd Tennessee State Senate in 2012. “I’m excited to announce Stephen Siao as my chief of staff,” said Congressman-elect Green. “A well-respected leader in his own right, Stephen led my campaign team flawlessly and will help me serve the people of the Seventh District well. Our paths first crossed the night I announced my first campaign seven years ago, and since then, he has become a trusted advisor and friend to Camie and me.” A graduate of Vanderbilt University, Siao was previously state director for U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) presidential campaign, grassroots manager at Heritage Action, and started his career in Washington, D.C. at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. Siao has served a total of nine years on the executive committees of four different Republican Parties and auxiliary organizations, including five years as chairman or…

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