Republican National Committee Won’t Comply with Trump Order to Stop Using His Name, Likeness

The Republican National Committee will not comply with a cease-and-desist order by Donald Trump’s lawyers to stop using the former president’s name and likeness in fundraising materials.

Tump’s legal team sent a letter Friday to the RNC demanding the group stop using the “unauthorized use of President Donald J. Trump’s name, image, and/or likeness in all fundraising, persuasion, and/or issue speech,” according to Politico.

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Republican Party Treasurer Ron Kaufman Worked with Democrat Howard Dean, Their Firm Helped Major Bernie Backing PAC

As the Republican National Committee’s annual winter meeting approaches, GOP insiders are voicing concern over a top RNC establishment figure who is up for reelection.

The RNC will meet for three-days on Amelia Island, Florida, starting on January 6, the same day Congress convenes for what is shaping up to be a contentious session for the certification of the Electoral College vote for Joe Biden.

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Evidence Shows Raphael Warnock Is an Anti-Semite, Says Republican National Committee

A member of the Republican National Committee said this week that Joe Biden is traveling to Georgia to campaign for an anti-Semite — Democrat Raphael Warnock, who wants to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate. “Now that Joe Biden is headed down to Georgia to campaign with Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, Joe Biden must be asked if he agrees with Warnock’s anti-Semitic comparisons,” said RNC Rapid Response Director Steve Guest.

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Republican Organizations File Lawsuit to Ensure Georgia Follows State Laws for January 5 Runoff Elections

The Republican National Committee and the Georgia Republican Party filed a lawsuit to ensure Georgia election law is properly followed for the January 5 runoff election.

The lawsuit demands that poll watchers be allowed to do their jobs as permitted under Georgia law, and safeguards in the law for ballot “drop boxes” are upheld, according to a statement issued Tuesday by the Republican National Committee.

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Michigan Leader: Trump Didn’t Ask for Election Interference

President Donald Trump did not ask Michigan Republican lawmakers to “break the law” or “interfere” with the election during a meeting at the White House, a legislative leader said Sunday, a day before canvassers plan to meet about whether to certify Joe Biden’s 154,000-vote victory in the battleground state.

House Speaker Lee Chatfield was among seven GOP legislators who met with Trump for about an hour on Friday, amid his longshot efforts to block Biden’s win.

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Exclusive: GOP Influencer Alexander Ali Warns Rookies Blowing Trump’s Relection

  Ali Alexander is something of veteran in the Republican digital game and he sees warning signs for the reelection of President Donald Trump–and he cannot keep quiet about. When Alexander was growing up he learned politics when his lawyer mother took him with her to phone-bank for local judges, but he said he did not start helping Republicans with websites and digital communications after the party lost the House and Senate in 2006, so 2008 was his first cycle. “I penned a piece criticizing the John McCain campaign during the primaries and they invited me onto the campaign,” he said. Back then, he said there were about 25 people working GOP digital communications and he was at the right place at the right time. Now, he is the old-timer, looking at a Trump campaign led by a first-time campaign manager, Brad Pascale, with a first-time leader of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel, he said. Trump’s campaign advantages are not leveraged In the 2016 campaign, Pascale ran the Trump campaign’s digital communications and outreach from his offices in San Antonio, Texas, as the rest of the campaign was run out of Trump Tower. Before the Trump presidential campaign,…

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RNC Slams Elizabeth Warren as ‘Total Fraud’ Amid 2020 Presidential Speculation

by Henry Rodgers   Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called Sen. Elizabeth Warren a “total fraud” Monday, the day the Massachusetts Democrat announced she was forming a presidential exploratory committee. In a fiery statement from the RNC, McDaniel called out Warren for her “phony claim to minority status,” referencing Warren’s claims that she is part Native American, also calling her an “extreme far-left obstructionist and a total fraud.” McDaniel also said she is confident President Donald Trump would defeat Warren in 2020 if she decides to run. “Senator Warren couldn’t be more out of touch,” McDaniel said. “With her lack of support from voters – including in her home state – on top of her phony claim to minority status, now that she is formally running Americans will see her for what she is: another extreme far-left obstructionist and a total fraud. Voters know President Trump’s agenda gets results and they will make their voices heard at the ballot box in 2020.” This all comes as Warren announced Monday that she is officially forming a presidential exploratory committee in a bid to run for president in 2020 against Trump. Warren made her first national political move by donating…

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RNC Breaks Yet Another Fundraising Record In July

Rhonna McDaniel

by Hanna Bogorowski   The Republican National Committee (RNC) raised a record-breaking $14.2 million in July, the most the organization has ever raised for that month in a non-presidential year, bringing its cycle total to $227.2 million. The RNC reports having $41.9 million cash on-hand and zero dollars in debt. “We’ve used our unprecedented grassroots support to build the biggest field program we’ve ever had to defend our House and Senate majorities,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a press release to CBS News. “History might be against us, but we’re making sure every voter knows we’re the party of results. All the Democrats have is resistance,” she added. Not only is the fundraising haul substantial in itself, but the press release also notes it raised record-breaking funds despite transferring $4 million to the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and another $4 million to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) in July for GOP candidates. July’s fundraising numbers are more than the RNC raised in the month of July in 2010 and 2014 combined. According to its last filing with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) at the end of June, the RNC also had a 5-to-1 cash on-hand advantage compared to the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Accounting for…

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Latinos For Tennessee’s Raul Lopez Featured in Republican National Committee Q&A

Raul Lopez, executive director of Latinos For Tennessee, was tapped last month by the Republican National Committee to participate in a Q&A for its website on being Hispanic and Republican. “The RNC recently reached out to outstanding Hispanic leaders and asked them what being a Republican means to them,” the committee says in an introduction to the Q&A. Begun several years ago, Latinos For Tennessee is a conservative political action group. In addition to its involvement in politics, the group aims to help Hispanics in their communities by sponsoring events such as health fairs. In recent weeks, the group has helped with relief efforts for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. However, as a conservative group, Latinos For Tennessee struggles to get funding in an environment in which most support for Hispanic groups goes to those that are progressive. Latinos For Tennessee has taken stances against sanctuary cities and in support of President Trump’s immigration policies. It also promotes family values, including traditional marriage. The group is based in Nashville but has a presence in other parts of the state. Here is the full text of Lopez’s interview with the Republican National Committee: 1. What are the 3 most important values that…

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