Virginia Attorney General Encourages Law Enforcement to Act Against SCOTUS Protestors

As Democrat extremists continue to encourage protests outside the homes of United States Supreme Court Justices, Virginia’s attorney general is urging localities to take action.

“Section 18.2-419 of the Code of Virginia states that protesting in front of an individual’s private residence is a class 3 misdemeanor. Under Virginia law, local Commonwealth’s Attorneys are responsible for prosecuting violations of this statute. Attorney General Miyares urges every Commonwealth’s Attorney to put their personal politics aside and enforce the law,” Victoria LaCivita, spokeswoman for Attorney General Jason Miyares (R) told The Virginia Star Tuesday. 

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Biden Tells Alito He Can Ignore Stare Decisis, Overturn Roe in 2006 Exchange – If He Has the Votes

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, reports on how during the 2006 confirmation hearings for then-Judge Samuel Alito, then-Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., suggested to Alito that he would be in his rights to engineer the overturn of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, regardless of concerns for precedence–if he had the votes.

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AP Urges Media to Hold Off on ‘Pregnant People’ in the Wake of Roe Leak

The Associated Press updated its style guide on pregnancy and abortion Wednesday to discourage journalists from using gender-neutral phrases when writing about abortion despite having previously encouraged the terms.

Corporate media outlets use phrases like “pregnant people” to replace “pregnant women” in order to be more inclusive of transgender people. As the abortion debate has heated up after a leaked draft opinion revealed the Supreme Court would likely overturn Roe v. Wade, the AP told journalists to only use these gender-neutral phrases when specifically discussing transgender and nonbinary individuals.

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Post-Leak Poll: Enthusiastic Voters Support Overturning Roe by Huge Margin

Voters who support the overturning of Roe v. Wade are almost twice as likely to say they are extremely enthusiastic about voting in the fall than those who want it to stay, according to a CNN poll released Friday.

The poll, taken after the leak of a Supreme Court draft decision that indicates the court could overturn the case, showed that 38% of those “happy” Roe could be overturned are “extremely enthusiastic” about voting, while only 20% of those “angry” said they had the same level of enthusiasm, CNN reported.

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Vice President Harris Dodges Questions About Abortion Comments at Tennessee State University Graduation Ceremony

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Vice President Kamala Harris’ press team refused to answer The Tennessee Star’s questions about her comments on abortion and allusion to the leaked draft of the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v. Wade in her Tennessee State University (TSU) commencement address.

In her Saturday morning speech to the TSU 2022 undergraduate class, Vice President Harris said, “In the United States, we are once again forced to defend fundamental principles that we hoped are long settled. Principles like the freedom to vote, the rights of women to make decisions about their own bodies.”

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Democrats Quietly Scrub Abortion Bill Language Saying Men Can Get Pregnant

The latest version of the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), which would effectively make abortion a statutory right, scrubbed references to transgender and nonbinary people’s pregnancies as well as language related to “reproductive justice.”

Earlier versions of the bill used language tying race and transgenderism to the issue of abortion in its non-binding “Findings” section. Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, the bill’s sponsor, told Politico the language had been removed from the bill due to objections from some Democrats.

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Corporations Stay Quiet on Abortion After Disney’s Disastrous Tangle with DeSantis

Ron DeSantis

Corporations previously outspoken about hot-button social issues have stayed quiet on the likely overturning of Roe v. Wade after a dramatic fight between Disney and Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis over the company’s political activism.

Following the leak of a draft opinion indicating the Supreme Court is likely to overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats are trying to ram through a bill legalizing third trimester abortions; however, corporations are largely staying out of the fray, following Disney’s disastrous battle with Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that ended with the company losing its special tax privileges.

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Commentary: I Had an Abortion When I Was Young, Now I Want Roe Reversed

The recent leak of a draft opinion from the Supreme Court potentially striking down Roe v. Wade is as shocking as it is gratifying.

Shocking because, if adopted by the court, the opinion would reverse a horrendous decision America has been suffering under for nearly 50 years. And gratifying because, even though I myself had an abortion when I was very young, I grew to deeply regret it and have done all I can in the years since to end this horrible injustice in our land.

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Prosecutors Could Pursue Charges Against the SCOTUS Leaker, According to Legal Expert

The government’s best shot at prosecuting the individual who leaked the Supreme Court’s draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization may involve having potential suspects testify to their innocence in signed statements, a legal expert told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Politico published a leaked draft opinion Monday revealing the Court would likely overturn Roe v. Wade, leading to speculation about whether the leaker’s actions were illegal. However, many of the potential charges that could be levied against the leaker aren’t a perfect fit for the unprecedented incident, Zack Smith, a legal fellow for the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, told the DCNF.

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Far-Left Group Doxxes Six Supreme Court Justices

A group of far-left extremists published a list of addresses that they claimed belong to the six conservative Supreme Court justices, declaring their plans to target the homes and terrorize the justices over their apparent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Daily Caller reports that the group, “Ruth Sent Us,” published alleged home addresses for Chief Justice John Roberts, as well as Associate Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. The move came after the Monday leak of a draft opinion written by Alito that appears to completely overturn Roe, as well as the 1992 ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which would eliminate the nationwide legalization of abortion and return the matter back to the individual states to decide.

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Connecticut Governor Signs First Pro-Abortion Legislation After Anticipated End to Roe

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) on Thursday became the first state leader to sign legislation affirming abortion rights after a news leak revealed that the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision is likely to soon be overturned.

The bill provides legal protections to those performing or seeking abortions — including those coming in from other states to do so — and expands the list of practitioners who are permitted to perform abortion procedures.

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Perdue Slams Kemp and Calls for Special Legislative Session to Ban Abortion in Georgia

Former U.S. Senator David Perdue slammed opponent Governor Brian Kemp’s lack of current action on abortion in Georgia in the wake of the leaked U.S. Supreme Court draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

“I was extremely disappointed by the governor’s bureaucratic response to the news that the Supreme Court may soon overturn Roe v. Wade,” said Perdue on Thursday. “Georgia voters deserve to know where their governor stands on this issue. I’m calling on Brian Kemp to join me in calling for an immediate special session of the legislature to ban abortion in Georgia after Roe v. Wade is overturned. You are either going to fight for the sanctity of life or you’re not.”

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Minnesota Democrats Renew Calls to Pack the Court, Codify Roe

Rep. Ilhan Omar and her communications director both made radical calls to upend the Supreme Court after a leaked decision indicated that the court plans to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The leak, obtained by Politico, is the initial draft of the majority opinion of the court which holds “that Roe and Casey must be overruled.” This decision would end federal protection of abortion, although states like Minnesota, which have legally guaranteed it locally, can continue the practice.

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Ohio Bill Would Be Impacted If Roe v. Wade Overturned

An Ohio bill that would penalize doctors who perform abortions and came under fire after its sponsor’s comments regarding rape drew more attention Tuesday following the leak of a draft of a pending U.S. Supreme Court decision.

House Bill 598 would ban doctors from performing medication or surgical abortions in Ohio, making it a fourth-degree felony. There is no exception for rape or incest. Doctors could, however, defend charges if an abortion was performed to save the life of the mother and specific steps were followed.

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Newt Gingrich Commentary: Roe v. Wade Is Inevitably Going Away

The current uproar over the leaked draft from the U.S. Supreme Court deliberations over abortion – and the rage of the pro-abortion Left over the likelihood that the conservative justices (three of whom were nominated by President Donald Trump) will now repeal Roe v. Wade – is in some ways a lot of noise about the inevitable.

Roe v. Wade was a 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion across the whole country and made America one of the most extreme abortion systems in the entire world. Importantly, it was a court decision by appointed judges – not legislation made by elected legislators. It was inevitably going to be overturned sooner or later.

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Beth Harwell Celebrates Tennessee’s Role Defending the Unborn in Wake of SCOTUS Decision Leak

Former Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives Beth Harwell is enthusiastic about the role Tennessee will play in the defense of unborn babies in light of the leaked draft of a U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

“If SCOTUS’s decision to overturn Roe is confirmed and the responsibility is rightfully left up to the states, Tennessee is ready to defend the lives of all unborn children and the life of the mother, thanks to the constitutional amendment we passed under my leadership as Speaker and the Human Life Protection Act,” the candidate for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District said.

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Carrie Severino: Leaked Supreme Court Opinion ‘Outstanding,’ but ‘Latest Iteration of Left’s Shameful Campaign to Intimidate and Undermine Court’

The president of Judicial Crisis Network (JCN) observed Tuesday on Twitter that while the leaked draft of the majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito in the Mississippi Dobbs abortion case is “outstanding” in that it “explicitly rejects” the notion that it is the Supreme Court’s job to legislate abortion, the breach once again reveals that “forces on the radical Left that seek to undermine the institution of the Court” are a bottomless pit when it comes to their demands.

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Wisconsin Democratic Senate Candidate Mandela Barnes Reaffirms Support to Abolish Filibuster amid SCOTUS Leak

Mandela Barnes, a Democrat running to represent Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate, utilized a leaked document from the Supreme Court to reiterate his call for an end to the filibuster.

The document from the Court was an initial draft from Justice Samuel Alito that suggested the Court favors overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that federally legalized abortion across the country.

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Ohio Right to Life Reacts to Supreme Court Abortion Case Leak

Ohio Right to Life Tuesday reacted after a leaked draft of an opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade, the infamous Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal at the federal level, was published in German-owned Politico. 

Mary Parker, the Director of Legislative Affairs at Ohio Right to Life, emphasized that if the leaked opinion holds, abortion will not be made illegal, but decisions about whether abortion should be legal will be left up to individual states.

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GOP VA-07 Candidate Crystal Vanuch Wants to Focus on Economy, Border, and Supporting Law Enforcement

Crystal Vanuch is running for the GOP nomination in Virginia’s seventh congressional district, and wants to bring a focus on six issues: the economy and energy independence; border security; constitutional protections in the wake of COVID-19 mandates; public safety; transportation; and veterans issues.

“As soon as I get to Congress, I’m going to be pushing forward specific things to address the economy,” Vanuch told The Virginia Star. “So from a budget perspective, and an American policy perspective, the number one thing I want to do is deregulate. The Biden administration signed executive orders to increase regulation and undid a lot of the Trump-era regulations that loosened up the economy.”

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Youngkin in ‘Utter Disbelief’ over Supreme Court Decision Leak

Virginia’s Governor Tuesday reacted strongly to the news that the Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) confidentiality had been violated, and a draft of its decision in a high-profile abortion case has been released. 

“I am in utter disbelief that the sacred confidentiality of the Supreme Court would be violated in this manner,” said Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) in a press release.

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Rep. John Rose Blasts ‘Radical and Unethical’ Leak of SCOTUS Draft Opinion

Congressman John Rose (R-TN-06) blasted a “radical and unethical” leak from the Supreme Court, disclosing an initial draft of a potential ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson.

The leaked document, obtained by Politico, signals that a majority of justices on the Court favor overturning Roe v. Wade, a landmark ruling that detailed a constitutional right for abortions in the country.

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SCOTUS Authenticates Leaked Document, Orders Investigation

A message from the Public Information Office of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) says a report in German-owned Politico containing a leaked draft of the Court’s opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade is authentic.

“Yesterday, a news organization published an opinion in a pending case,” said the statement from the Court. “Justices circulate draft opinions internally as a routine and essential part of the Court’s confidential deliberative work. Although the document described in yesterday’s reports is authentic, it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position on the issues of the case.”

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Biden: Women Have a ‘Fundamental’ Right to an Abortion

President Joe Biden on Tuesday called a woman’s right to abortion “fundamental” after a draft of a U.S. Supreme Court opinion leaked to Politico indicates a majority of justices will rule to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental,” Biden said in a statement. “Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned.”

The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade established abortion as a constitutional right.

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German-Owned Politico Publishes Purported Leaked Draft Decision Suggesting Supreme Court Vote to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court of the United States

A draft of the majority opinion from Justice Samuel Alito leaked to Politico suggests the Supreme Court voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights decision.

The reported 98-page opinion of at least five justices offers a sharp rebuke of Roe and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, both of which protected abortion rights.

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Gov. Lamont Vows to Keep Abortion Legal in Connecticut If Roe v. Wade Goes

Gov. Ned Lamont (D-Connecticut) gathered at the Lyceum Center in Hartford with abortion advocates on Tuesday to promise abortion rights will continue in the state regardless of any forthcoming decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.

“The right to choose is under attack in numerous states across America,” Lamont declared, flanked by representatives of Planned Parenthood of Southern New England and the Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund. “We won’t let that happen in Connecticut.”

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Connecticut Dems Move Forward on Constitutional Amendment to Guarantee Abortions

Mae Flexer

Connecticut’s elected Democrats are pushing to amend the state’s constitution to include access to abortions, in case abortion becomes illegal at the federal level.

“A legislative committee on Friday endorsed a proposal to enshrine the right to abortion in the Connecticut Constitution,” The Hartford Courant said. “The concept is in its earliest stages — the language of the proposed constitutional amendment has yet to be drafted — but it has already drawn support from Democrats and criticism from Republicans.”

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After ’49th March For Life,’ Ohio Right To Life Leader Says: ‘We’re Really Living In A Pro-Life Generation’

The executive director of Ohio Right to Life told The Star News Network he and the more than 100 young people he bused to Washington for Friday’s 49th March for Life could have marched for the last time under the current abortion regime.

“We believe in the power of prayer, and we believe prayer through all these years of the movement has brought us to this point,” said Peter Range, who just joined Ohio Right to Life after working as the director of the Life and Justice Office at the Diocese of Toledo.

“A point – that this could literally be the last March for Life that happened under Roe v. Wade, because of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case the Supreme Court will rule on,” said Range.

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Wisconsin Politicians, Abortion Organizations Call on State Legislators to Pass Abortion Rights Preservation Act on 49th Anniversary of Roe

Wisconsin politicians and abortion organizations took to Twitter to ask state legislators to pass the Abortion Rights Preservation Act on Saturday, the 49th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade court decision. A Better Wisconsin, a self-proclaimed research and communications organization for progressives, tweeted out, “Together, we must ensure that abortions are legal and safe for ALL who seek one.”

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Gopher State’s ‘The Bible in a Year’ Host Father Mike Headlines 49th March for Life

  WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Minnesota priest, who hosts the No. 1 podcast in the country “The Bible in a Year,” headlined the 49th March for Life rally Friday joined by tens of thousands of abortion opponents gathered at Washington’s National Mall, along with religious leaders, members of Congress and performers braving the windy 25 degree-chill. “Wow, it is an honor—an incredible honor—to be here with you today,” said Father Michael Schmitz, whose podcast finished its first year on December 31 with more than 140 million downloads. “You guys have been such troopers—it is so cold.” The march is notorious for its cold weather, so much so that the Knights of Columbus, in addition to providing the marshals for the march up east on Pennsylvania Avenue and then up Constitution Avenue to its finish at the Supreme Court, always do a brisk business handing out free KofC-logoed hats and scarves. Marchers at the 2016 marchers endured a blizzard and more than 20 inches of snow. The priest of the Duluth Diocese and a chaplain at the University of Minnesota told the pro-life crowd that far exceeded the 50,000 organizers estimated on their event permit for this year’s march with the…

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Gov. Evers Joins Push to Repeal Wisconsin Abortion Ban Law

Governor Tony Evers (D) joined the push to pass Senate Bill 75, to repeal Wisconsin’s 172 year old abortion ban, which will eliminate certain abortion prohibitions and felony charges associated with obtaining an abortion under the old law. The abortion ban law has been unable to be enforced due to the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, but if that court decision were to be overturned, the law would have taken effect.

The bill reads, “This bill repeals a statute relating to abortion that has been held unenforceable by a federal court. Under that statute, any person, other than the mother, who intentionally destroys the life of an unborn child is guilty of a Class H felony.”

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New York Attorney General Letitia James and 22 Attorneys General Fight Arizona’s Law to Ban Abortions Based on Fetal Abnormalities Like Down Syndrome

This past year, the Arizona Legislature passed a law banning the abortion of babies for reasons of genetic abnormalities such as Down Syndrome, but a federal judge who was appointed by President Barack Obama halted it from going into effect due to a legal challenge. Democratic New York Attorney General Letitia James and 22 other attorneys general jumped into the litigation, filing an amicus brief supporting the challenge to SB 1497, which is also known as the “Reason Ban.”

James stated, “Arizona is just the latest in the long line of conservative-led states that are seeking to impose their will on millions of women with laws that aim to control our bodies, our choices, and our freedoms, but we will never stop fighting them. We’re asking the appeals court to uphold the lower court’s decision and strike down this unconstitutional law.”

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Arizona Attorney General Brnovich Asks SCOTUS to Reinstate Arizona’s Ban on Aborting Fetuses with Genetic Abnormalities

A federal appeals court temporarily blocked Arizona’s new law preventing abortions for reasons of genetic abnormalities like Down syndrome, and so Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to remove the injunction while he is appealing the decision on behalf of Arizona. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals also upheld the injunction, and it will be up to Justice Elena Kagan, who handles emergency appeals from the 9th Circuit, to rule on the request or have the full court decide. 

“Every society will ultimately be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable,” Brnovich said in a statement to Fox News. “I am proud to stand up for Arizona’s law protecting the unborn.”

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Wisconsin Attorney General Says He Would Not Enforce Bans on Abortion

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul said in an interview with Associated Press that he would not enforce bans on abortion if Roe v. Wade gets overturned. Kaul said that he would not “investigate or prosecute anyone for having an abortion.” Wisconsin has an abortion ban law that is currently unenforceable under Roe v. Wade provisions, but that could change depending on if the Supreme Court decides to overturn the 1973 decision this summer.

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Should Roe v Wade Be Overturned, Arizona’s Abortion Restrictions Still Stand

The U.S. Supreme Court appears very likely to uphold Missouri’s 15-week abortion ban, which will gut a significant portion of Roe v. Wade, leaving much of abortion regulation to the individual states. Roe v. Wade prohibited the states from restricting abortion before fetal viability, around 23 weeks. If the Supreme Court rules for Mississippi in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, it is expected that 26 states will then start restricting abortion as early as 15 weeks, including Arizona, which already has an old law on the books.

When Arizona was a territory, a law was passed in 1901 banning abortion. A.R.S. 13-3603 punishes the facilitation of an abortion with two to five years in prison. A woman who attempts to obtain one, whether successful or not, unless necessary to save her life, was penalized by one to five years in prison. That law was repealed this year by the Arizona Legislature. 

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Minnesota Democrat Farmer Laborer Party: ‘Abortion Rights Under Attack at National Level’

The Minnesota Democrat Farmer Laborer Party (DFL) released a statement on Friday, criticizing all the Republican gubernatorial candidates for their stances on abortion, saying “Abortion rights are under attack at the national level.” The DFL was referencing the Supreme Court case, Dobbs v. Jackson, where the state of Mississippi is challenging Roe v. Wade.

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Commentary: Court’s Legitimacy Depends on Overturning Roe v. Wade

When the U.S. Supreme Court takes up Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization today, it will be asked to overrule Roe v. Wade, the court’s 50-year-old precedent that created a constitutional right to abortion.  Legions of commentators are turning out to defend Roe, claiming that the Supreme Court’s legitimacy depends on reaffirming it.  They are wrong.

The majority’s opinion in Roe has undermined the court’s legitimacy for nearly a half-century. Roe relied on dubious reasoning to remove a contentious policy issue from the reach of the American people, placing all abortion policy in the hands of the unelected and unaccountable judiciary. As a result, Roe has politicized the court and poisoned the judiciary. The most legitimate thing the Supreme Court can do is overrule Roe.

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