Catholic Churches Have Suffered 118 Attacks Since SCOTUS Dobbs Leak

A recent report found that Catholic churches have suffered 118 attacks since the leak of the Supreme Court draft majority opinion on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Center in May 2022.

Churches and pregnancy centers across the United States came under attack after the opinion was leaked to Politico, indicating that the Supreme Court intended to overturn Roe v. Wade. CatholicVote (CV) updated its tracker Sunday that keeps track of assaults on Catholic Churches and found that 118 churches had reported attacks since May 2022.

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Goldwater Institute Calls on Tucson School District to Cease Unlawful Union Practices

The Arizona-based Goldwater Institute (GI) demanded Thursday that the Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) stop an unlawful practice of making it difficult for employees to leave a union.

“We think it is critically important for government employers to respect public employees’ constitutional rights. Under the U.S. and Arizona constitutions, no one can be forced to remain a member of — or make payments to — any private organization, particularly if it engages in speech or political activity the person disagrees with. Unions are no exception and should not be making deals with government entities to trap public employees into being union members or paying union dues,” said GI Staff Attorney Parker Jackson in a statement emailed to The Arizona Sun Times.

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Denied: Supreme Court Will Not Hear 2020 Election Case; Petitioner Seeks Reconsideration

The Supreme Court announced Monday it will not hear a 2020 election lawsuit against former Vice President Mike Pence, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, 291 House members, and 94 senators.

The lawsuit alleges the defendants violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate evidence of fraud in the 2020 election before accepting the electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021, allowing for Biden and Harris to be “fraudulently” inaugurated.

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SCOTUS to Vote on Hearing 2020 Election Case Against Biden, Harris, Pence, Senators, Congressmen

The Supreme Court is set to consider hearing a 2020 election case regarding actions taken on Jan. 6, 2021 by former Vice President Mike Pence, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, 291 House members, and 94 senators.

The lawsuit, filed by Raland J. Brunson, alleges the defendants violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate evidence of fraud in the 2020 election before accepting the electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021, allowing for Biden and Harris to be “fraudulently” inaugurated.

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Nearly 30 Pro-Abortion Attacks Against Churches Have Occurred Since SCOTUS Overturned Roe v. Wade, Report Shows

Dozens of U.S. churches have been targets of pro-abortion “hostility” since the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a Family Research Council (FRC) report found.

On June 24, the Supreme Court overturned the ruling, causing an uproar among pro-abortion supporters. Nearly 30 attacks on churches were reported after the Dobbs decision that had explicit pro-abortion rhetoric, according to the report.

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Commentary: Moore v. Harper Terrifies Democrats for Good Reason

The U.S. Supreme Court finally heard oral arguments in Moore v. Harper last week. The case involves a mundane constitutional issue concerning the definition of “legislature” as used in the elections clause. Yet it has produced panic among Democrats and a torrent of portentous predictions about the death of democracy from various leftist law professors. In the Washington Post, for example, Harvard University’s Noah Feldman expressed alarm that the court took up the “insane” case at all.

Is Moore v. Harper really insane? Of course not. The case arose early this year when the North Carolina Supreme Court struck down a redistricting map produced by the state Legislature, then replaced it with a redistricting scheme of its own. The North Carolina General Assembly petitioned SCOTUS for relief on the grounds that this action violated Article I, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

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Vermont Backs Down on Religion-Free School Choice after SCOTUS Knocks Down Maine Policy

Vermont families that want to send their children to religious schools will no longer be excluded from the state’s tuition benefit program, as a result of legal settlements in two cases brought by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

The plaintiffs who were denied funding under the Town Tuition Program, which provides tuition for students who live in areas without local public schools, will get reimbursement for money spent out of pocket on tuition. Other families denied funding can apply as well.

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Commentary: The Systemic Racism of the Teachers Unions

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that could reverse the 2003 Grutter v. Bollinger decision, in which SCOTUS asserted that the use of an applicant’s race as a factor in an admissions policy of a public educational institution does not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The current case specifically cites the use of race in the admissions process at Harvard and the University of North Carolina. The plaintiffs, Students for Fair Admissions, maintain that Harvard violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, “which bars entities that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, because Asian American applicants are less likely to be admitted than similarly qualified white, Black, or Hispanic applicants.”

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SCOTUS Considers Upending Legal Shield for Administrative State

Federal agencies can “trap” businesses and individuals for years in proceedings before administrative law judges (ALJs) who work for the agencies, rarely rule against them and can’t be removed by the president, constituting “here-and-now constitutional injuries,” according to lawyers for these targets.

Nonlethal weapons supplier Axon Enterprises and certified public accountant Michelle Cochran want the right to challenge the constitutionality of Federal Trade Commission and Securities & Exchange Commission ALJs in real courts, before the expense and emotional drag compels them to settle regardless of their guilt or the legitimacy of the proceedings.

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Commentary: Cake Maker Jack Phillips Is STILL in Court

Jack Phillips

The endless travails of the Colorado Christian baker Jack Phillips are a measure of America’s pathetic descent into coercive secularism. Phillips has spent at least a decade in court, beating back the ludicrous claims of ACLU-style militants who can’t rest until everyone has been dragooned into the LGBTQ revolution. Phillips was at first persecuted for declining trolling customer demands that he design cakes for gay nuptials. He survived that assault, but now faces fallout from the transgender lobby’s mau-mauing of his business. In 2017, a man pretending to be a woman sued him for not designing birthday cakes in honor of “gender transitions” — an obvious nuisance suit that the state of Colorado and activist judges have humored. Phillips is back in court fighting it.

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Mark Brnovich Joins Effort Supporting Religious Liberty of Navy SEALs to Refuse Vaccine Mandate

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) recently joined a coalition of 22 states in support of the religious liberty of Navy SEALs seeking exemption from universal COVID vaccination.

“It is absolute hypocrisy for an administration that purports to embrace diversity and inclusion to categorically dismiss the religious liberty and sincerely held beliefs of our most heroic service members,” Brnovich said in a press release. “Our Constitution and the brave men and women of our military are far more time proven than any COVID-19 vaccination.”

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Mark Brnovich Works to Protect the Best Interests of Native American Children

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) recently joined an effort to support the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA), which helps a Native child’s ability to stay within their tribe.

“The greatest treasure of the Tribal Nations is their children,” Brnovich said in a press release. “The Indian Child Welfare Act works to protect the unique interests of these youngsters while promoting the stability and security of their tribes.”

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Rhodes College Alumni Petition School to Have Justice Barrett Removed from Hall of Fame

A pro-abortion contingent of alumni from Rhodes College in Memphis are circulating a petition to have Supreme Justice Amy Coney Barrett removed from the school’s Hall of Fame. 

“We, together with the undersigned alumni, are writing to you today to request that you remove Justice Amy Coney Barrett from the Rhodes College Hall of Fame. Our firm belief in the Rhodes Honor Code we all signed impels us to make this request,” said a letter notifying Rhodes College of the petition. “This request is based on Justice Barrett’s public breach of the Honor Code in her testimony before the United States Senate during her October 12 -15, 2020 confirmation hearings to become an  Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.”

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Mark Brnovich Files Lawsuit Against the USDA over Regulations That Threaten Nutritional Assistance for Schools

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Monday, which aims to stop the department’s recent guidance that makes a school’s nutritional assistance dependent on its gender policies.

“USDA Choice applies to beef at the market, not to our children’s restrooms,” Brnovich said in a press release. “This threat of the Biden administration to withhold nutritional assistance for students whose schools do not submit to its extreme agenda is unlawful and despicable.”

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Mark Brnovich Files Motion to Fully Reinstate Arizona Abortion Law Which Aims to Ban the Procedure

Mark Brnovich

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a motion in Pima County Wednesday, which seeks to lift a 50-year-old injunction that puts Arizona’s law banning abortions on hold following the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health decision.

“We believe this is the best and most accurate state of the law,” Brnovich said in a press release. “We know this is an important issue to so many Arizonans, and our hope is that the court will provide clarity and uniformity for our state.”

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Mark Brnovich Opposes Stay in Judgement Involving a Dangerous Department of Homeland Security Policy

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich led a coalition of 19 states on Wednesday in filing an amicus brief at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in opposition to the federal government’s application for a stay regarding the U.S. Department of Homeland Securities’ (DHS) dangerous Permanent Guidance policy.

“The federal government’s plan would intentionally and substantially increase illegal immigration when border crossings are already at unprecedented levels,” Brnovich said in a press release. “Instead of seeking solutions, the Biden administration is attempting to further inflame the crisis.”

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Mark Brnovich Files Brief Urging Supreme Court to Protect Consumers in Class Action Settlements

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) recently led a coalition of 20 state attorneys general in filing an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) to protect the rights of consumers in class action settlements.

“Class action settlements should benefit people who have been harmed and not just the attorneys,” Brnovich said in a press release. “That’s why we are asking the court to ensure consumer interests are being faithfully represented.”

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Mark Brnovich Fires Back After Department of Justice Threatens to Sue Arizona over Election Integrity Law

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) recently fired back after receiving a letter from the Department of Justice (DOJ) stating they are prepared to file a lawsuit against Arizona over an election integrity law.

“In addition to free rooms and transportation for those illegally entering our country, the DOJ now wants to give them a chance to vote. It’s another round of Brnovich v. Biden. I will once again be in court defending Arizona against the lawlessness of the Biden administration,” Brnovich shared with the Arizona Sun Times via email.

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Mark Brnovich Praises the SCOTUS Decision Against Environmental Protection Agency Overreach

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) applauded the recent Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) opinion, which curbed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) overreach in the nation’s power sector.

“Today’s decision is a victory for the separation of powers and the ability of the free market to bring prices down,” Brnovich said in a press release. “The federal bureaucrats at the EPA do not get to pick and choose how America produces its energy.”

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Supreme Court Grants Brnovich’s Request to Allow an Arizona Pro-Life Law to Go into Effect

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) granted Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s (R) request that pro-life law Senate Bill (SB) 1457 go into effect during litigation.

“I am pleased with today’s ruling and proud to defend Arizona’s law that protects the unborn,” Brnovich said. “The best of any society can be seen in how it treats its most vulnerable.”

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Arizona State Senate Republicans Join Cleanup Effort After Pro-Abortion Demonstrators Caused Damage at State Capitol

Arizona State Senate Republicans joined the clean-up effort Monday after the recent violent pro-abortion demonstrations caused damage at the State Capitol.

“Starting around 6:30 a.m. today, Senator Paul Boyer (R-20), Senator Kelly Townsend (R-16) and Senator Sine Kerr (R-13) joined a team of about 30, consisting of state groundskeepers and inmate work crews, to remove graffiti from more than a dozen areas around the plaza,” according to a press release from the Arizona State Senate Republican Party (GOP).

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Mark Brnovich Applauds SCOTUS for Upholding the First Amendment Rights of a Former Public High School Coach

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) applauded the Supreme Court of the United States for upholding the First Amendment rights of Joseph Kennedy, a former Washington high school football coach.

“This is a great win, strongly affirming our constitutional recognition for freedom of speech, religion, and personal expression for all,” Brnovich said. “The First Amendment is at the core of who we are as Americans, and we must vigorously uphold it not only in court but every day of our lives.”

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Nashville DA Glenn Funk Vows to Violate State Law and Defend Abortion

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Davidson County District Attorney Glenn Funk issued a statement on Friday in which he vowed to violate Tennessee’s Human Life Protection Act in the wake of the SCOTUS decision returning the power to regulate abortion to the states.

In a statement reacting to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Funk said, “Today’s Dobbs decision joins Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson to create an unholy triumvirate of the most hateful and hurtful Supreme Court decisions that will forever stain the Court and this nation.”‘

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Individuals Call for Assassination of Justice Clarence Thomas after Roe v. Wade Ruling

Individuals have been calling on social media for the assassination of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after he issued a separate concurring opinion on Friday in a ruling that struck down Roe v. Wade. Abortion activists have also published his home address, and others have called to burn down the Supreme Court.

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned two landmark abortion cases, Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, returning the legality of abortion to the states. Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the majority and Justice Thomas wrote a solo concurring opinion in which he argued that the Supreme Court should also reconsider rulings on contraception, same-sex relationships and marriage.

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Walter Blackman and Shawnna Bolick Among Arizona Officials Who Applaud the Landmark SCOTUS Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Arizona State Representatives Walt Blackman (R-Sedona) and Shawnna Bolick (R-San Miguel) are among Arizona officials who released a statement applauding the landmark decision from the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in Dobbs v. Jackson, which overturns Roe v. Wade.

“As state legislators, we support protecting all lives, especially our most vulnerable. We will continue to advocate for families and promote life. Now that Roe has been overturned, decisions about abortion policy become a states’ rights issue,” the representatives said in a joint statement.

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Supreme Court Overrules Roe v. Wade in Mississippi Abortion Case

The Supreme Court released a decision Friday that strikes down the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade case, which, for nearly half-a-century has offered a constitutional protection to a woman’s right to an abortion.

The majority opinion, which was issued in the Mississippi case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, was written by Justice Samuel Alito and joined by justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Amy Coney Barrett.

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Center for Arizona Policy Reacts to SCOTUS Opinion That Upholds Parental and Religious School Rights

Cathi Herrod, policy president of the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP), released a statement Tuesday following the Supreme Court’s opinion that said not including religious schools in taxpayer tuition assistance funds was unconstitutional.

“In a victory upholding for parents and private religious schools, the U.S. Supreme Court has, again, stymied attempts to chip away at American’s right to freely practice their religion. The Court affirms that a state cannot offer financial programs to students attending secular schools, while refusing to offer those same programs to students attending religious schools,” Herrod said in a statement.

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Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life Talks Pending Supreme Court Decision on Abortion

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life spoke with The Tennessee Star on Thursday at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Policy Conference which is taking place from June 16-18 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center.

Pavone spoke with The Star about the pending U.S. Supreme Court decision potentially overturning Roe v. Wade.

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Supreme Court Delivers Major Immigration Ruling

United States Supreme Court

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that illegal aliens detained for six months don’t have the right to a bond hearing for release in a decision released.

The decision addressed two separate cases involving three illegal aliens, two of which were Mexican nationals that entered the U.S. illegally after being previously deported. After they were detained, they filed a putative class action for a bond hearing after six months of detention.

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Commentary: Democrats Show Their True Colors in Attempt to Intimidate and Coerce U.S. Supreme Court Justices

Following the leak of a draft United States Supreme Court ruling that would overturn Roe v. Wade, the country and our Commonwealth have seen Democrat extremism on full display. They have seen the release of a draft, pre-decisional document, which is itself a threat to the judicial process. They have also seen extreme pro-abortion activists gather outside the private residences of Supreme Court Justices in Virginia, threatening their safety and that of their families. These blatant acts of intimidation go far beyond legitimate political protest and should be condemned by Republicans and Democrats alike.

Since Roe v. Wade was first decided in 1973, legal scholars on both the right and the left have held that the decision has no basis in Constitutional law and was wrongly decided. For liberals, Roe is merely a mechanism for leveraging the power of the federal judiciary to produce a preferred policy outcome. For conservatives, Roe is an affront to both an originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and basic human decency.

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AG Garland Pointedly Refuses to Say If He Would Prosecute Protesters Outside Justices’ Homes

Attorney General Merrick Garland is pointedly refusing to say if he’s open to prosecuting protesters who demonstrate outside of Supreme Court justices’ homes, which a growing number of office-holders are urging him to do.

Republican Governors Larry Hogan of Maryland and Glenn Youngkin of Virginia and members of Congress want Garland to uphold federal law that prohibits actions to intimidate judges at their private residences.

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Virginia Attorney General Encourages Law Enforcement to Act Against SCOTUS Protestors

As Democrat extremists continue to encourage protests outside the homes of United States Supreme Court Justices, Virginia’s attorney general is urging localities to take action.

“Section 18.2-419 of the Code of Virginia states that protesting in front of an individual’s private residence is a class 3 misdemeanor. Under Virginia law, local Commonwealth’s Attorneys are responsible for prosecuting violations of this statute. Attorney General Miyares urges every Commonwealth’s Attorney to put their personal politics aside and enforce the law,” Victoria LaCivita, spokeswoman for Attorney General Jason Miyares (R) told The Virginia Star Tuesday. 

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Biden Tells Alito He Can Ignore Stare Decisis, Overturn Roe in 2006 Exchange – If He Has the Votes

Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, reports on how during the 2006 confirmation hearings for then-Judge Samuel Alito, then-Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., suggested to Alito that he would be in his rights to engineer the overturn of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, regardless of concerns for precedence–if he had the votes.

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Vice President Harris Dodges Questions About Abortion Comments at Tennessee State University Graduation Ceremony

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Vice President Kamala Harris’ press team refused to answer The Tennessee Star’s questions about her comments on abortion and allusion to the leaked draft of the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v. Wade in her Tennessee State University (TSU) commencement address.

In her Saturday morning speech to the TSU 2022 undergraduate class, Vice President Harris said, “In the United States, we are once again forced to defend fundamental principles that we hoped are long settled. Principles like the freedom to vote, the rights of women to make decisions about their own bodies.”

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Newt Gingrich Commentary: Roe v. Wade Is Inevitably Going Away

The current uproar over the leaked draft from the U.S. Supreme Court deliberations over abortion – and the rage of the pro-abortion Left over the likelihood that the conservative justices (three of whom were nominated by President Donald Trump) will now repeal Roe v. Wade – is in some ways a lot of noise about the inevitable.

Roe v. Wade was a 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion across the whole country and made America one of the most extreme abortion systems in the entire world. Importantly, it was a court decision by appointed judges – not legislation made by elected legislators. It was inevitably going to be overturned sooner or later.

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Ohio Right to Life Reacts to Supreme Court Abortion Case Leak

Ohio Right to Life Tuesday reacted after a leaked draft of an opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade, the infamous Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal at the federal level, was published in German-owned Politico. 

Mary Parker, the Director of Legislative Affairs at Ohio Right to Life, emphasized that if the leaked opinion holds, abortion will not be made illegal, but decisions about whether abortion should be legal will be left up to individual states.

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SCOTUS Authenticates Leaked Document, Orders Investigation

A message from the Public Information Office of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) says a report in German-owned Politico containing a leaked draft of the Court’s opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade is authentic.

“Yesterday, a news organization published an opinion in a pending case,” said the statement from the Court. “Justices circulate draft opinions internally as a routine and essential part of the Court’s confidential deliberative work. Although the document described in yesterday’s reports is authentic, it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position on the issues of the case.”

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German-Owned Politico Publishes Purported Leaked Draft Decision Suggesting Supreme Court Vote to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court of the United States

A draft of the majority opinion from Justice Samuel Alito leaked to Politico suggests the Supreme Court voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights decision.

The reported 98-page opinion of at least five justices offers a sharp rebuke of Roe and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, both of which protected abortion rights.

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