Kirk Cameron Welcomes Critics at His Library Events as ‘Opportunity’ to Change Their Mind

Actor and author Kirk Cameron told Just the News that he welcomes his critics at the library events he’s holding for his national book tour as an “opportunity” to potentially change their mind.

“I hope that they all come to the events,” Cameron said following his “Brave Story Hour” book tour event at the Cleveland Park Library in Washington D.C. on Wednesday. “I will give you the red carpet treatment because we’re here not to cancel people, we’re here to love people. I don’t see people who oppose love, joy, peace, patience and kindness as enemies so much as an opportunity to maybe hear something that could change your mind.

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Minnesota Democrats Ilhan Omar and Dean Phillips Silent on Biden’s Attempt to Fire Trump Appointees from Military Academy Advisory Boards

Minnesota Democrat Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-05-MN) and Dean Phillips (D-03-MN) have been silent on President Biden’s unlawful attempts at firing Trump era appointees from military advisory boards. The Biden Administration has sent letters to several Trump appointees including Russ Vought, Kellyanne Conway, and Sean Spicer, telling them to quit by 6:00 p.m. on September 8 or be fired.

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Arizona GOP Leaders Respond to Biden Kicking Trump’s Appointees Off Military Boards

The Biden administration told 11 Trump-appointed individuals they must resign or be fired from their positions on military service academy boards of visitors, and leading Arizona Republicans are speaking up about it. The appointees include former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, former senior counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, former national security adviser H.R. McMaster, and former director of the Office of Management and Budget, Russell Vought. Others include top former military brass.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who served in the National Guard reserves, including as a Command Staff Judge Advocate, told The Arizona Sun Times, “It is abundantly clear that choosing the right people to lead our nation’s military is not the Biden Administration’s strength. Categorically removing distinguished men and women who have faithfully served our military boards for years is a shameful example of how the Biden Administration continues to put its radical politics above the safety of all Americans.”

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Biden Attempts to Kick Trump Appointees Off Service-Academy Boards; Pennsylvania GOP Silent So Far

President Joe Biden’s decision to fire 18 of his predecessor Donald Trump’s appointees to the advisory boards of U.S. service academies has so far elicited no comment from Pennsylvania’s Republican Party.

On Thursday, The Star News Network contacted the Pennsylvania GOP, the office of Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) and the offices of each Republican member of Congress from Pennsylvania asking for their response to the action the White House took the day before. At this writing, none have provided comment.

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Early Ohio Endorsements for Donald J. Trump for President in 2020

  Just ahead of President Trump’s official campaign kickoff Tuesday, the conservative group Ohio Value Voters (OVV) announced their full-throated endorsement of the unconventional incumbent.   “President Trump’s social conservative agenda has galvanized the support of faith-based and conservative Ohioans,” OVV President John Stover said in a statement; adding that the reasons for the early endorsement was based on a list accomplishments that support the conservatives’ agenda including: 2 Constitutional Supreme Court Justices: Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh 188 nominees to the federal court who support the rights of the unborn and the first amendment moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem defending the unborn reinstating and expanding the “Mexico City Policy” which prohibits US foreign aid to be used for abortion overturning the Obama regulation that prohibited States from defunding abortion service providers signing the bill to allow States to restrict funds to Planned Parenthood eliminating the US Department of Education’s transgender policy, which allowed students to play on sports teams and use the locker rooms and bathrooms of the sex they chose rather than the sex they were born President Trump is set to announce the official start of his 2020 campaign at an evening rally in Orlando, Florida Tuesday –…

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Tuberville Announces Bid for Democrat Jones’ U.S. Senate Seat in Alabama

Storied former Auburn University football coach Tommy Tuberville has come up with a new game plan – running for the U.S. Senate in Alabama to keep America great. Tuberville will run as a Republican against incumbent Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL), CBS Sports said. Jones won Jeff Sessions’ old seat by half a percentage point in a bitterly contested special election in 2017 after Sessions became U.S. attorney general. The Republican primary is March 3, 2020. The general election is Nov. 3, 2020. Auburn’s coach had once thought of running for Alabama governor in 2017, CBS Sports said. Sean Spicer, a former press secretary for President Donald Trump, is with Tuberville’s campaign. Tuberville tweeted on Saturday, “After more than a year of listening to Alabama’s citizens, I have heard your concerns and hopes for a better tomorrow. I am humbled to announce the next step — I will be a @GOP candidate for US Senate. I invite you to join my team.  #TeamTommy #ALSen #MAGA”. After more than a year of listening to Alabama’s citizens, I have heard your concerns and hopes for a better tomorrow. I am humbled to announce the next step — I will be a @GOP…

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Steve Cohen Blocks Critics on Twitter

Steve Cohen

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, is prone to fits of hyperbole and spastic verbal outbursts, mostly directed at Republican politicians, seemingly the bane of his existence. There’s that time he warned of a massive outbreak of Ebola if Republicans didn’t expand Medicaid in Tennessee. There’s that time he compared Republicans to Nazi propagandists Joseph Goebbels. Heck, most recently he said Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn should kill herself. But Cohen evidently can’t handle what he throws out, even when what he gets back is sarcasm — and nowhere near the verbal overkill he’s delinquent of. This, according to this week. Cohen blocked the account of Twitter user Sean Spicier, a parody account and a play on the name of President Donald Trump’s former White House communications front man Sean Spicer. “Our favorite parody account and yours, @Sean_Spicier, seems to have gotten himself blocked by the one and only Rep. Steve Cohen,” the website reported. “Granted, Cohen blocks anyone with a pulse who disagrees with him even slightly but part of us would like to think the representative who wanted to award Peter Strzok the Purple Heart for ****-talking Trump thought for just a moment Spicer himself was busting on…

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Internet Goes Wild After Sean Spicer Resigns As Press Secretary,

Sean Spicer resigned Friday as press secretary to President Donald Trump. Spicer reportedly stepped down after opposing the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as the administration’s new communications director. Spicer “vehemently objected” to Scaramucci’s appointment, according to New York Times White House correspondent Glenn Thrush. Trump asked Spicer to stay on as press secretary, but Spicer thought…

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Sean Hannity to Interview Spicer, Scaramucci and Priebus on Fox News at 10 p.m. Eastern, 9 p.m. Central, Tonight, Friday

It is what broadcasters call the “good get.” Fox News Channel’s prime-time anchorman Sean Hannity will feature separate interviews on Friday night with former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and newly appointed White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci. The interviews cap off a day of drama in the…

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White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Steps Down

Tennessee Star

Several news outlets are reporting that President Trump has reluctantly accepted Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s resignation. Via the Associated Press: White House press secretary Sean Spicer is resigning his position, according to two people with knowledge of the decision. One of those people said Spicer is quitting because of objections over the appointment of a new White House communications director, New York financier Anthony Scaramucci. The NYTimes adds: Mr. Trump offered Mr. Scaramucci the job at 10 a.m. The president requested that Mr. Spicer stay on, but Mr. Spicer told Mr. Trump that he believed the appointment was a major mistake, according to a person with direct knowledge of the exchange. After the news broke, Spicer tweeted: It's been an honor & a privilege to serve @POTUS @realDonaldTrump & this amazing country. I will continue my service through August — Kayleigh McEnany 45 Archived (@PressSec45) July 21, 2017   Developing…        

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McCarthy Dons “Spicey” Spicer Gear, Takes to the Streets of New York

Tennessee Star

  Melissa McCarthy reprised her role as White House Press Secretary Sean “Spicy” Spicer on the streets of New York Friday in preparation to host the upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live. Locals tweeted McCarthy’s antics: The things you see in New York City. Melissa McCarthy riding Sean Spicer's podium through Midtown #SNL — Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) May 12, 2017 As well as the New York Post: Melissa McCarthy took her "Sean Spicer" act on the road — New York Post (@nypost) May 12, 2017 NBC News reported:    

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Sean Spicer Comments Show Reince Priebus Is In Trouble as White House Chief of Staff

By: George Rasley, CHQ Editor   The establishment media would like Americans to believe that after the implosion of the Ryancare bill there is an unbridgeable rift between conservatives and President Trump, but the facts are quite the opposite. In our article “The Deal Breaker In #Ryancare” we reminded President Trump that in his book The Art of the Deal he offered the following advice about negotiation, “What you should never do is pay too much, even if that means walking away…”. Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said at his daily briefing, President Trump sensed that he was going to end up with a “bad deal” if he kept making changes to the bill to repeal Obamacare, so he walked away. “That’s one of the traits,” said Spicer. “It’s not just about making deals, it’s knowing when to walk away from deals, knowing when there’s a bad deal that’s the only solution.” The President “recognizes when there’s a deal to be made,” Spicer said, and “when to walk away.” “I think the president understood that while you can get a deal at the time, that sometimes a bad deal is worse than getting a deal,” Spicer told reporters.…

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Man of the Hour Sean Spicer

Before President Trump arrived Wednesday evening at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium, his press secretary Sean Spicer had his moment in the spotlight. And what a moment it was. Trump fans clamored for a spot at his side, eager for a chance to say hello and have a photo taken with him. Spicer could barely manage his way through the crowd, but he handled it all with a smile and gracious spirit that any Southerner could appreciate. The enthusiasm for Spicer was so great that Bloomberg News wrote an article about it, noting that while he is lampooned in liberal parts of the country, “in Nashville, Spicer was a bona fide celebrity.” The news outlet quoted Spicer as asking his fans, who praised him for standing up for Trump, “You guys want to come to a briefing?” Spicer, 45, previously worked as chief strategist and communications director for the Republican National Committee. Prior to that, he was assistant U.S. trade representative for media and public affairs under former President George W. Bush. Spicer has also served as an Easter Bunny at the White House Easter Egg Roll.

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