Battle Wages with Sales Tax Threat over Memphis Gun Control Ballot Referendum

Tennessee’s Secretary of State and Legislative leaders pushed back against a Memphis referendum regarding firearms regulations.

Secretary of State Tre Hargett told media outlets he would not allow the measures to reach the Nov. 5 ballot and Tennessee Coordinator of Elections Mark Goins reportedly sent a letter to Shelby County Election Commission Chairman Mark Luttrell saying the same.

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Tennessee Secretary of State Says State Democrat Lawmakers are Trying to ‘Weaponize’ DOJ


Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett stated that state Democrat lawmakers are trying to “weaponize” the United States Department of Justice against the state.

“Tennesseans should not be surprised that some want to weaponize the Department of Justice against the state ranked number one in election integrity,” Hargett said in the statement obtained by The Tennessee Star on Friday.

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