Alleged Cyberstalker McKenzie McClure Ordered to ‘Open-Door’ Psychiatric Center in East Tennessee

McKenzie McClure, Pasaenda Villa

The mental health facility alleged cyberstalker McKenzie McClure was ordered to be released to on Monday to an “open-door” psychiatric treatment center in East Tennessee.

Pasadena Villa in Sevierville, Tennessee, houses patients who voluntarily stay there, according to testimony by Admissions Coordinator Sabina Shakoor. Personnel cannot force patients to stay, and patients have left the facility voluntarily in the past, she continued.

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Judge Who Temporarily Released Alleged Cyberstalker Failed to Ask for Victim Statements

McKenzie McClure

Federal District Court Judge Alistair Newbern ordered the temporary release of transgender alleged cyberstalker McKenzie McClure on Monday but did not hear victim statements beforehand.

Newbern ordered McClure, who is charged with cyberstalking, to be released the same day to voluntary mental health in-patient treatment in Sevierville, Tennessee, rather than keep her in federal custody. Before Monday, McClure was held in solitary confinement.

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Transgender Alleged Cyberstalker McKenzie McClure Ordered to be Temporarily Released to Mental Health Facility

McKenzie McClure

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – Transgender alleged cyberstalker McKenzie McClure was ordered by a federal district court judge on Monday to be temporarily released to a residential mental health facility rather than stay in federal custody.

McClure’s representation proposed the plan to temporarily release her in a Monday hearing. The prosecution agreed with the plan after negotiating several conditions for McClure’s release and initially preferring that she remain in federal custody. McClure’s charges were not discussed in the hearing.

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Sevierville Police Department Announces Participation in ‘No-Shave November’ to Raise Cancer Awareness

The City of Sevierville Police Department (SPD) announced this week that it would participate in the national No-Shave November program. SPD is extending its participation in the national program to include October.

No-Shave November is a ”web-based, non-profit organization devoted to growing cancer awareness and raising funds to support cancer prevention, research, and education,” according to its website. No-Shave November is a “month-long journey during which participants forgo shaving and grooming in order to evoke conversation and raise cancer awareness.”

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Staff Sgt. Celia Riffey from Sevierville Makes History as First Female to Win Tennessee National Guard Shooting Competition

Staff Sgt. Celia Riffey, a military police Soldier with the 252nd Military Police Company and native of Sevierville, became the first female in Tennessee history to ever place first at the Tennessee National Guard’s annual Adjutant General Rifle Match, the Tennessee Department of Military announced Thursday in a press release.

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