UAW President Shawn Fain Under Investigation by Federal Court-Appointed Monitor

Auto Workers President Shawn Fain

United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain is currently under investigation by a federal court-appointed watchdog, according to a court filing released on Monday.

Neil Barofsky is leading the investigation into whether Fain abused his power as head of the union in violation of a 2020 consent decree between the UAW and the U.S. Department of Justice that prevented a full federal takeover of the union.

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United Auto Workers’ Push for Unionization in Tennessee Sets Up Industry Disruption, Expert Says

Volkswagen Plant Chattanooga

After recent wins, the United Auto Workers (UAW) looks poised to take on the non-unionized automakers and, if successful, could disrupt the whole industry.

The UAW recently filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold a vote at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, which employs around 4,000 autoworkers, as it looks to expand its reach to other automakers. A successful union vote in Chattanooga could be a key stepping stone in the UAW’s effort to break into the currently non-unionized auto plants, especially in the south, which has historically been less receptive to unions, all the while the UAW is being emboldened by labor-friendly regulators from the Biden administration, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Worker Freedom Group: There Are Protections for Auto Workers Who Don’t Want to Strike

Striking UAW workers

As Big Labor-bought President Joe Biden made his trip to Detroit on Tuesday for a photo-op stop on the United Auto Workers (UAW) picket lines, a worker freedom organization reminded those swept up in the UAW action that there are protections for workers who don’t want to strike. Nearly two weeks in, the UAW strike against Detroit’s “Big Three” automakers has grown to include 38 parts distribution plants in 21 states and more than 18,000 workers walking off the job. The union is targeting facilities and, at this point, is not calling its 145,000-plus auto workers to strike. A Reuters/Ipsos poll last week found 58 percent of respondents support the striking workers in general. “There may not be anyone who agrees with us right now, but I think if this [strike] goes as long as we think it might, there may be people who say, ‘I just can’t afford’ [the strike],’” said Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. Every work stoppage has employees who don’t follow the union line, in this case, demands for a 40 percent wage hike, a 32-hour workweek at full 40-hour pay, and retirement and health plan enhancers. The powerful…

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Trump Plans to Skip Debate and Visit UAW Members in Detroit, Michigan Dems Freak Out

Say what you will about former President Donald Trump, but he has a knack for ruffling the feathers of the elite while hob-knobbing with the regular folk and making connections.

While the Democrat Party likes to tout itself as the sole savior of the blue-collar worker, it’s the former president who is planning to speak to the rank-and-file in Detroit at an event next week. In fact, Trump plans to skip the second GOP presidential debate on September 27 to do so.

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Potential UAW Strike Looms in Michigan

Up to 146,000 United Auto Workers could strike starting this week if the Big Three auto companies don’t reach a new union contract agreement by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday. 

UAW Union President Shawn Fain has repeated his mantra “record profits mean record contracts.” He says Big Three executives at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis have received hefty pay raises while inflation has eaten away at UAW workers’ paychecks.

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Major Auto Union Authorizes Strike for 150,000 Workers

The United Auto Workers (UAW) union authorized a strike on Friday in negotiations with major automakers, according to the union.

The union voted 97% in favor of a strike for its 150,000 autoworkers as negotiations continue with the Big Three automakers, which include Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, according to a union press release. The union is demanding wage increases to counter inflation, defined benefit pensions, retiree healthcare, the elimination of tiers for wages and benefits among other demands.

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UAW President Encourages Unions to Vote Yes on Strike Authorization, Results Expected This Week

With less than a month until the expiration of a contract between the United Auto Workers and the “Big Three” Detroit automakers, UAW President Shawn Fain is encouraging union members to vote in favor of a strike, with a strike authorization vote expected this week, with results anticipated by Thursday.

Meanwhile, UAW Local 51 is seeking a “peaceful gathering” on Wednesday.

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