Amazon Still Gives Southern Poverty Law Center Veto Power Over Charity Program

by Peter Hasson   The Southern Poverty Law Center’s ongoing crisis hasn’t cost the left-wing nonprofit its privileged status with Amazon, which gives the SPLC broad authority to determine which charities and nonprofits can participate in its AmazonSmile charity program. The SPLC has lost three top figures — including both its president and a co-founder — within the past month, as the organization has struggled to deal with accusations of racism and sexual harassment. The SPLC is known to label pedestrian conservative organizations as “hate groups” but is given broad power over AmazonSmile, a charitable program that allows shoppers to identify a charity to receive 0.5 percent of proceeds from their purchases. AmazonSmile has raised more than $100 million for charitable causes, but participation in the program is dependent on the SPLC’s approval. “Organizations that engage in, support, encourage, or promote intolerance, hate, terrorism, violence, money laundering, or other illegal activities are not eligible to participate” in the program, Amazon’s website states. “Amazon relies on the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Southern Poverty Law Center to determine which organizations fall into these groups.” The SPLC doesn’t just police AmazonSmile — it participates in the program as well.…

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SPLC President Richard Cohen Resigns From Embattled Left-Wing Nonprofit

by Peter Hasson   Southern Poverty Law Center president Richard Cohen resigned Friday, in the latest blow to the embattled left-wing nonprofit. Cohen’s resignation came nine days after the SPLC fired co-founder Morris Dees on March 13, citing unspecified conduct issues. Cohen announced his resignation in a staff-wide email Friday evening, the Los Angeles Times reported. “Whatever problems exist at the SPLC happened on my watch, so I take responsibility for them,” Cohen’s email read, according to the Times. Current and former SPLC employees have accused the organization of turning a blind eye to sexual harassment and racial discrimination within its own ranks. Cohen took responsibility for unspecified “problems” at the SPLC in a statement released to the Montgomery Advertiser. “Whatever problems exist at the SPLC happened on my watch, so I take responsibility for them,” Cohen said in the statement. Cohen asked the SPLC’s board “to immediately launch a search for an interim president in order to give the organization the best chance to heal,” according to the Advertiser. SPLC employees were long aware of racial issues and sexual harassment within the organization, former SPLC staffer Bob Moser recounted in a scathing essay published in The New Yorker on…

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Left-Wing SPLC Abruptly Fires Co-Founder Morris Dees

by Peter Hasson   The Southern Poverty Law Center fired co-founder Morris Dees on Wednesday, the left-wing nonprofit announced on Thursday. The group, which is known to label pedestrian conservative organizations as “hate groups,” is a key resource for Amazon, Google and other tech companies in policing “hate speech.” “Effective yesterday, Morris Dees’ employment at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was terminated. As a civil rights organization, the SPLC is committed to ensuring that the conduct of our staff reflects the mission of the organization and the values we hope to instill in the world,” SPLC President Richard Cohen said in a statement released to The Daily Caller News Foundation. “When one of our own fails to meet those standards, no matter his or her role in the organization, we take it seriously and must take appropriate action,” Cohen said. Cohen’s statement hinted that Dees’ firing was related to the nonprofit’s internal climate. “Today we announced a number of immediate, concrete next steps we’re taking, including bringing in an outside organization to conduct a comprehensive assessment of our internal climate and workplace practices, to ensure that our talented staff is working in the environment that they deserve – one…

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Left Wing SPLC, Same Group That Has Teamed up with Williamson County Schools, Establishes Political Action Fund to Attack Conservatives

Even as ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is building up a huge cash reserve, it has formed a political-action fund to step up its attacks against conservatives. The Washington Free Beacon reported on the SPLC’s $518 million in assets, including $121 parked in offshore accounts, based on financial filings in the State of California. Now, PJ Media is reporting that the SPLC last summer created the SPLC Action Fund to fight legislative battles at all levels of government and to push for ballot initiatives. The SPLC is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3), meaning it cannot participate in political activities. The Action Fund applied for tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(4) so it can lobby and participate in advocacy, PJ Media and The Washington Free Beacon reported. The SPLC website solicits funds for both the SPLC and the SPLC Action Fund on the same webpage. The SPLC is also busy educating Tennessee teachers its ideology, The Tennessee Star reported. Williamson County Schools will send teachers to a series of workshops in Franklin this coming May that is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, according to a source. Those workshops, called Teaching Tolerance, are scheduled for May 3 and May 4…

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Southern Poverty Law Center Holds Over Half a Billion Dollars in Assets, Including $121M Overseas

The Southern Poverty Law Center will not run short on cash in its work to attack conservatives, one newspaper reports. The SPLC has amassed more than half a billion dollars in assets, including $121 million in overseas accounts, The Washington Free Beacon reported. According to audited statements and tax forms filed in 2018 with the State of California that were obtained by the paper, the group’s assets totaled a $518 million from November 2017 to Oct. 31, 2018. That represents an increase of $41 million from $477 million in total assets a year ago. The SPLC has $91 million in U.S. public equity funds and $60 million in private equity funds, plus $24 million in real asset funds. And, the SPLC last year formed an Action Fund as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, to fight legislative battles. According to their consolidated financial statements ending Oct. 31, 2018, the SPLC and Action Fund have cash and cash equivalents of $9.3 million. Other significant incomes include contributions and receivables of $8.2 million and investments of gift annuity program at just over $10 million. It pays to work for the SPLC. The Organization has a 401(k) Retirement Plan for its employees. For the year ended…

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Report: Williamson County Schools Teaming Up with Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center 

Williamson County Schools will send teachers to a series of workshops in Franklin this coming May that is a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, according to a source. Those workshops, called Teaching Tolerance, are scheduled for May 3 and May 4 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton in Franklin, according to The event’s website clearly states that Teaching Tolerance is “a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center.” “Social Justice 101” is one of the scheduled topics. The move is seen as further evidence that Williamson County Schools superintendent Mike Looney, who created and launched a series of videos titled Williamson County Schools Cultural Competency Series that promote the concept of “white privilege” and the anti-American exceptionalism “privilege theory”–now required viewing by all teachers in the system during in-service training, has his own educational agenda. The Teaching Tolerance project has a full time staff of 20 who are dedicated to teaching teachers about left wing views of America that are inconsistent with Gov. Bill Lee’s statement on March 4 at his State of the State address that Tennessee public schools will teach students “unapologetic American exceptionalism.” The project’s website notes that “Teaching Tolerance Educator Grants support educators who…

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Gavin McInnes Sues SPLC for Defamation Over Hate Group Label

Gavin McInnes

by Grace Carr   Political commentator and writer Gavin McInnes filed a Monday lawsuit against a group dedicated to combating intolerance, alleging that its actions have contributed to his loss of employment and slandering on social media. McInnes sued the U.S. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for its label of the Proud Boys as a hate group. The Proud Boys is made up of “western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world,” according to its website. SPLC lists the Proud Boys’ ideology as “general hate,” describing the group as a white nationalist organization known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. McInnes equates the description with defamation. He is a Vice Media co-founder and founded the Proud Boys in 2016. The Proud Boys allows and has members from multiple races. SPLC “combats hate, intolerance, and discrimination through education and litigation,” according to its Twitter handle. It was founded in 1971. McInnes filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama, Reuters reported. “They [SPLC] have harassed me, my family, and my friends to a level of tortious interference that goes well into sabotage,” McInnes said in a statement, according to Reuters. “I am doing…

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North Carolina Middle School Promotes ‘Black Lives Matter In School Week of Action’ to Staff

A text message sent out to staffers of a middle school in Wake County, North Carolina is promoting the upcoming “Black Lives Matter In Schools” week of action. Staffers at the West Cary Middle School were sent a text message by Assistant Principal Charlesa Peoples with information about the week of February 4th being “Black Lives Matter In Schools” week of action. “Yes, I know all lives matter,” wrote Peoples in the text message. “But the week of February 4th is focused specifically on our black students ok? “And if we don’t see why this is important, we are part of the problem,” Peoples wrote. The text message sent to West Cary Middle staffers also informed teachers that they could obtain materials such as the “13 guiding principles of Black Lives Matter” from the “Teaching Tolerance” website, which is a project of the controversial Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The “13 guiding principles” have been assigned to activities throughout the week of action: Monday: Restorative justice, empathy and loving engagement Tuesday: Diversity and globalism Wednesday: Trans-affirming, queer-affirming and collective value Thursday: Intergenerational, black families and black villages Friday: Black women and unapologetically black The website provides a ‘starter kit’ for teachers and…

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Dennis Prager Commentary: The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Smear Campaign Against PragerU

Dennis Prager

by Dennis Prager   “Antifa” is to violence what the Southern Poverty Law Center is to words. In short, it is a hate group on the left. The SPLC smears individuals and groups it differs with by labeling them as some form of “hater:” “racist,” “white supremacist,” “extremist,” and the like. That it is cited and even relied upon by The New York Times, Facebook, Amazon, Google, CNN, and others, and that Apple gave the organization a million dollars, is testimony to the moral state of mainstream media and corporate culture in America today. Were the SPLC not quoted and used as a source, there would be no reason to pay it any attention. All the SPLC does is politicize, and thereby trivialize, the fight against racism and other evils. Any organization that labels Ayaan Hirsi Ali—the extraordinary Somali-American woman who devotes her life to fighting for oppressed women, especially in the Islamic world—an “extremist,” as the SPLC has done, is not a moral organization. No wonder it just agreed to pay Muslim reformer Maajid Nawaz $3.4 million and issued a retraction for smearing him as an “anti-Muslim extremist.” [ The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American…

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Carol Swain Commentary: Facts, Myths, and the Rewritten History of the Left, as Tweeted By Princeton’s Kevin Kruse

Carol Swain

by Dr. Carol Swain   Princeton Professor Kevin Kruse’s May 7, Twitter streamed attack on one of my Prager University videos (“Why did the Democratic South become Republican?”) comes at a time when some blacks in America are beginning to question the Democratic Party’s history and intentions. The attack also comes at a time when Prager University has a pending appeal with the Ninth Circuit Court challenging Google for selectively demonetizing about 50 of its conservative YouTube videos. So much is at stake for the Democratic Party, that the Prager videos have caused the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to cite the Twitter stream in a fresh attack on Prager University for its ability to reach millions with its five-minute videos. The Left often coordinates its attacks in a manner meant to discredit and discourage inquiry. Professor Kruse’s criticism deserves a response and so do Prager University subscribers.  After carefully reviewing his data and its claims, I stand behind the substantive message of my Prager University video. I will, however, concede the need to make a small correction about the date of President Eisenhower’s deployment of the 101st Airborne to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce desegregation, the deployment of troops…

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Local Christian Group Asks Jewish Community Center to Cancel Christian-Hating SPLC Event

“Catholics for Charity in Truth” whose members are parishoners of St. Henry’s Catholic Church located within walking distance of the Gordon Jewish Community Center, is asking the Center’s board to cancel the May 23rd event featuring Joseph Levin, co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Levin’s talk is titled, Then and Now: Hate in the Mainstream. A letter signed by members of “Catholics for Charity in Truth” lays out in detail many of the biased attacks leveled at pro-family Christian groups and asked that “[r]espectfully, in consonance with basic civility, please cancel the speaking engagement of Southern Poverty Law Center co-founder Joseph J. Levin, Jr.” May 10, 2018 Board of Directors Gordon Jewish Community Center 801 Percy Warner Boulevard Nashville, TN 37205 Dear Board of Directors: Re: Southern Poverty Law Center As Catholics, in unison with many voices, we respectfully request that you cancel the speaking engagement of Southern Poverty Law Center co-founder, Joseph J. Levin Jr., at the Gordon Jewish Community Center of May 23, 2018. The Southern Poverty Law Center silences Christian voices in the public square through reprehensibly vilifying pro-family Christian groups as akin to the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis.  The Southern Poverty Law Center smears…

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Soros Funded Southern Poverty Law Center Challenging Governor Haslam on Anti-Sanctuary City Legislation

The Soros funded Southern Poverty Law Center has issued a legal throw-down to Governor Haslam challenging his campaign promises to “do everything within my authority to be sure that Tennessee does not attract illegal activity.” Working with the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), another Soros funded amnesty-for-lawbreaker advocacy organization, the SPLC has promised to provide legal representation to  illegal aliens arrested in the Bean Station workplace raid who are in detention and facing possible deportation. TIRRC and its allies want to stop federal immigration authorities from detaining and/or deporting criminal illegal aliens and instead, have them released from ICE detention and returned to Tennessee communities. Shortly after the election of President Trump, TIRRC issued a public call to all Tennessee communities to refuse cooperation with ICE. In other words, TIRRC wants Tennessee to operate as a sanctuary state. Approximately half of the 100 workers taken into custody in the Bean Station raid are in detention and 10 of them face federal charges for evading prior orders of removal. The FY2016 DOJ Executive Office for Immigration Review data for illegal aliens who were never detained, immigration court hearings held in absentia, meaning when the illegal alien fails to show up to court, increased…

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Nashville’s Jewish Federation Community Relations Committee Sponsors SPLC Talk on Hate Speech

The Community Relations Committee (CRC) of the Nashville Jewish Federation has invited Joseph Levin, Jr., co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to speak at an event titled “Then and Now: Hate in the Mainstream.” The May 23rd event is free and open to the entire community. The Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee exists “to promote the general welfare, viability and cohesiveness of the Jewish community of Nashville and Middle Tennessee and to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people locally, in Israel and around the world.” The CRC is a committee that operates under the umbrella of the Jewish Federation and shares similar goals related to advocacy for “Israel and World Jewry,” Additionally, the CRC described as the “central public affairs arm of the Federation” says  part of its mission is “stand[ing] up for social justice.” In July 2017, Imam AhmedulHadi Sharif at the Islamic Center of Tennessee, preached against Zionist oppressors who he calls “the number one terrorists in the world,” directing hatred against Jews who believe that Israel is the Jewish homeland. Since the Imam’s sermon intersects with the missions of both the Jewish Federation and the CRC, The Tennessee Star contacted Mark Freedman, the Executive Director of the…

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Christian Ministry Sues Southern Poverty Law Center Over ‘Hate Group’ Label

A Christian ministry in Florida is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) over the SPLC’s designation of the ministry as a “hate group.” The Fort Lauderdale-based D. James Kennedy Ministries filed its suit Aug. 23 in an Alabama federal court, alleging the SPLC “trafficked in false and misleading descriptions” of the ministry, reports WORLD Magazine, The suit also names other entities alleged to have spread the libel. According to WORLD: Christian ministries that affirm the biblical view of marriage and human sexuality have earned the SPLC’s “hate group” designation, a designation repeated by many media outlets without question. Groups like D. James Kennedy Ministries, Alliance Defending Freedom, and the Family Research Council have demanded retractions and apologies to no avail. It would have cost the SPLC and three other entities named in the lawsuit nothing to apologize. But with no apology forthcoming and the ministry’s reputation sullied, D. James Kennedy Ministries now seeks restitution. However, Brad Dacus, president of the Christian legal group Pacific Justice Institute, is not optimistic about the suit. Dacus, whose organization is also on the hate group list, told WORLD that it’s hard to prove libel and that the SPLC’s “well-paid attorneys make sure what they say will hold up in…

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Big Labor Donates to Left Wing Propaganda Outfit Southern Poverty Law Center Following Charlottesville

Some of the nation’s largest labor unions have pledged to fight hate and violence in response to the events of Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees announced contributions to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. Following President Donald Trump’s response to the violence, numerous business leaders…

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Anti-Extremist Muslim Turns ‘Identity Politics’ On Its Head, Vows To Sue Southern Poverty Law Center

The founder of the anti-Islamist think tank Quilliam received a public gesture of support from Bill Maher while appearing on HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher” Friday night. Maajid Nawaz announced his plan to sue the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) for defamation over its inclusion of his name on their “A Journalist’s Manual: Field Guide…

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