President Donald Trump says he would “totally be willing” to partially shut down the government next week if he does not get more funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border to thwart Central American migrants from entering the country. The U.S. leader, who almost daily unleashes verbal attacks on migrants trying to cross into the United States, told Politico he is insisting that $5 billion for wall construction be included in measures Congress needs to approve to keep several federal agencies open after their current spending authority expires December 7. Opposition Democrats have said they will approve $1.6 billion for the wall, leaving the two sides far apart. Some Republicans are also opposed to Trump’s wall, which he vowed in his 2016 presidential campaign would be paid for by Mexico, although he now wants U.S. taxpayers to foot the bill. “I am firm,” Trump said of his $5 billion demand. “I don’t do anything … just for political gain,” Trump said. “But I will tell you, politically speaking, that issue is a total winner. People look at the border, they look at the rush to the police, they look at the rock throwers and really hurting three people, three…
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GOP Lawmakers in House Pass $15 Billion Spending Rescission Package
by Rachel del Guidice The House of Representatives voted 210-206 Thursday night to claw back $15 billion in appropriated spending, making good on the lead of President Donald Trump, who submitted the rescission request last month. “The administration applauds today’s passage of H.R. 3, the Spending Cuts to Expired and Unnecessary Programs Act, in the U.S. House of Representatives and urges the Senate to quickly act on the legislation,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement released after the House vote Thursday night. The measure cancels expired funding from the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, among other federal programs and will have a “$1 billion or so impact on the government’s budget deficit,” the Associated Press reported. It also includes over $4 billion in cuts to a loan program for boosting fuel-efficient, advanced-technology vehicles. The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more >> Lawmakers who voted for the package said it was a significant step toward fiscal responsibility. I voted tonight on a $15B rescissions package, a bill that “de-obligates” unused funds from of a variety of programs. This is a fiscally responsible step forward in how we govern, and…
Read the full storyBREAKING: Paul Ryan Retiring as Speaker of the House
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced on Wednesday he will not seek re-election and will be retiring as Speaker at the end of his term, Reuters reported: U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican in Congress, told Republicans in the House of Representatives on Wednesday he will not seek re-election in November, his office said. Ryan will serve his full term and retire in January, Brendan Buck, spokesperson for the Speaker, said in a statement. “After nearly twenty years in the House, the speaker is proud of all that has been accomplished and is ready to devote more of his time to being a husband and a father,” Buck said. Ryan’s retirement sets off a mad scramble to succeed him. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Majority Whip Steven Scalise (R-LA) are considered the leading candidates to replace Ryan as leader of the GOP in the House. Whether or not that translates into the job of Speaker in January 2019 will depend on the outcome of the November 2018 midterm elections. Democrats are hopeful they can win a net gain of 23 seats to take back control of the House.
Read the full storyHouse Passes $1.4 Trillion Tax Cut, 227-205
With spines stiffened by a presidential pep talk, House Republicans easily approved a $1.4 trillion tax cut Thursday, taking the first big step toward a decades-overdue overhaul that the GOP hopes will send the economy soaring. Desperate for a legislative win, Republicans linked arms and plowed ahead, brushing aside Democratic warnings that the bill will be…
Read the full storySenate and House Face Off Over Tax Reform
After an embarrassing off-year election in New Jersey and Virginia last Tuesday, the Republican Party now faces the very real possibility that it could stumble on tax reform, perhaps sinking its majorities in the 2018 midterm elections. The Senate Republicans announced on Thursday the latest iteration of the White House tax plan, hoping to delay the…
Read the full storyBob Corker Contradicts Paul Ryan, Says He Will Not Support Tax Reform Unless Deficit Neutral
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan thinks the Republican tax plan will make it through the U.S. Senate, saying the framework was negotiated on the front end unlike the failed attempts at repealing and replacing Obamacare. “We have more consensus on tax reform as Republicans, and we have less consensus on healthcare reform as Republicans,” the…
Read the full storyCommentary: Will Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McConnell Pass President Trump’s Tax Plan?
by CHQ Staff President Trump has released the framework for his tax reform and reduction plan to positive reaction from conservatives. Our friends at the Club for Growth issued a statement saying, “Fundamental tax reform comes around only once in a generation, and this is our chance. The outline is both aggressive and very pro-growth with its rate reductions. Club for Growth congratulates the members of the Big Six for their hard work and will continue to support the pro-growth efforts of the Trump administration and Congress as they seek to make tax reform a reality. To this end, the Club will also work with Congress to pass a budget in order to get reconciliation tax instructions.” The House Freedom Caucus, the steadfast conservative warriors who have held establishment Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s feet to the fire on many issues were also positive about the President’s Plan: President Trump has delivered a forward-looking tax reform framework that will let hard working Americans keep more of their money, simplify our system, end carve outs for special interests, and will help make our businesses competitive abroad. The Freedom Caucus looks forward to sending a final bill based on this…
Read the full storyCommentary: Speaker Paul Ryan’s Implosion Staff For the better part of the past decade establishment Republicans have promoted the myth that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is the smartest guy in the room, and certainly the smartest guy in Washington, maybe even the smartest guy in the world – and if you question that, then his taxpayer-paid spin machine and his legion of DC establishment sycophants will soon straighten you out. However, since the election of President Donald Trump the myth of Paul Ryan’s genius has come crashing down to earth because for the first time in his life Ryan has actually had to produce measurable results. And when the results have been compared to the myth Ryan has failed. Spectacularly. Consider that a large part of the Ryan myth was built on the various plans to balance the budget and bring the deficit under control that the Speaker propounded when he was the top Republican on the House Budget Committee. Ryan’s various budget proposals, such as his 2011 “Path to Prosperity” showed that it is possible to balance the budget, preserve the Social Security and Medicare safety nets and in short do everything liberal Democrats and moderate Republicans claim is impossible without…
Read the full storyCommentary: Establishment Snakes on the Trump Train
by Richard A. Viguerie, CHQ Chairman The recent Twitter attacks emanating from the White House against the conservative heroes of the House Freedom Caucus have baffled and alarmed conservatives. However, the tweets shouldn’t be a big surprise. Personnel is policy. So, these tweets are an entirely predictable result of President Trump’s failure to staff his White House, Cabinet and sub-cabinet posts, and his political operation with reliable limited government constitutional conservatives who believe in the Trump campaign agenda. What’s so alarming and frustrating to conservatives is that it has begun to appear that, while the President has many good instincts on our issues, he somehow expects to run the Trump administration without any actual Trump supporters being brought in to run the government on his behalf. We told CHQ readers about John Boehner confidant JohnDeStefano, now Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Personnel. Johnny DeStafano’s job as Director of White House Personnel isn’t to hire Trump’s loyal outsiders or check the SAT scores of potential hires to make sure the top applicants get the jobs, it isn’t to vet them for their security clearances or potential conflicts of interest – it is to funnel Capitol Hill staffers loyal to…
Read the full storyCommentary: Repeal Means Repeal!
For the past six years the Republicans in Congress have repeatedly demanded that Obamacare be repealed and replaced. In fact the House has voted over 60 times to repeal Obamacare but were regularly blocked by the Democrat-controlled Senate under Majority Leader Harry Reid. When Republicans took control of the Senate the House was able to pass a bill in 2016 to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood that finally came to a vote and also passed in the Senate. President Obama vetoed it. As long as President Obama could wield the veto pen there was no hope of actually repealing Obamacare. But now, with President Trump in place and with his oft-repeated campaign pledge to “repeal Obamacare,” Republicans are positioned to keep their promises and kill the disastrous and costly government health insurance scheme. Yet, here we are on the verge of success and moderate Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan and House Budget Chair Diane Black are desperately trying to simply replace Obamacare with a watered down version that replaces subsidies with credits and keeps the foundations of Obamacare firmly in place. Instead of “promises made, promises kept” the Republicans will claim “promises made, promises continued until phases two…
Read the full storyCommentary: Republicans Should Remember the Lessons of the Scurrilous Path to Obamacare Passage
By George Rasley, CHQ In 2009 Democrats, flush with victory in the 2008 election and in control of the White House, Senate and House – a victory won largely on jobs and economic issues – embarked, not on the passage of a job creation and economic reform agenda, but on a costly and politically debilitating government takeover of the healthcare and insurance industries. The legislation, written behind closed doors by a handful of Democratic leaders in consultation with liberal consultants, was rammed through Congress by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi and then-President Barack Obama. Pelosi famously said at the time, “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy” and Obama spent enormous amounts of his political capital framing the healthcare takeover as one of government acting to improve and reform the healthcare insurance market and selling the socialist utopian idea that access to healthcare unlimited by market forces is a “right.” Both of these sales points turned out to be lies and everyone on the inside knew them to be. MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber, the architect of the bill said that if Americans knew the truth “the…
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