Commentary: The Emerging Trump Coalition

Donald J. Trump

Will Hispanics and young voters help propel former President Donald Trump to a second term in the White House? New polling suggests so, strongly.

But first some background on the larger macro shifts in the electorate and party identification: Bigger picture, the populist-nationalist revolt continues to reshape politics in America in ways that are systemic and, likely, generational. This political tectonic shift is transforming the Republican Party into a party of workers, claiming whole demographic groups that were formerly considered the political provenance of the Democrats.

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Founder of Tea Party Nation Judson Phillips: 15 Years Later, the Tea Party Movement Was an ‘Abject Failure’

Judson Phillips

Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, said 15 years after the Tax Day Tea Party, the movement’s effect on fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free markets in federal politics has been “an abject failure.”

“The Tea Party movement was an abject failure. There’s just no other way to put it. Look at where we are today. When the Tea Party movement started, it was triggered by Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package. Today, that’s a rounding error. The deficit was $10 billion when Obama took over in January 2009. Today, it’s $34 trillion. It’s going up by a trillion dollars every hundred days, and that rate is accelerating,” Phillips explained on Monday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

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America’s Right Turn, Chapter 3: The Recipe for Creating a New Mass Movement

Tea Party Washington, DC

by Richard A. Viguerie   This is an excerpt from Chapter 3 (“The Recipe for Creating a New Mass Movement”) of America’s Right Turn: How Conservatives Used New and Alternative Media to Take Power, by Richard A. Viguerie and David Franke. In this chapter we ask:  How can a grassroots political movement emerge and succeed in our media-dominated world?  For answers, we use the revolutions of 1517 and 1776 (Chapters 1 and 2) as laboratory examples. Then, in coming chapters, we will show how these factors resulted in the emergence, growth, and success of the conservative movement in the second half of the 20th century. In this first excerpt from the chapter, we consider two factors in creating a new mass movement—“Issues that motivate” and “A dedicated vanguard.” As you read the excerpts from this chapter, ask yourself these questions:  Did these same factors contribute to the Trump Revolution of 2016?  Indeed, did his election in 2016 signify the emergence of a new mass movement, or was it rather the evolving of the conservative movement?  I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section that follows this article.   Chapter 3: The Recipe for Creating a New Mass Movement The media…

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Judge Okays $3.5 Million to Tea Partiers in IRS Smackdown

Tennessee Star

Oh, happy day. Once in a while, justice is served, the good guy does win and the Big Bad Wolf at the Little American’s door gets the kick in the arse it deserves. The Internal Revenue Service was just smacked with a preliminary order from a federal judge to pay up $3.5 million in settlement monies to tea party and conservative groups who were targeted for political abuse by “wayward agents.”

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