Another Ohio Grown Terrorist in a Long List Pleads Guilty

Another Ohio-grown terrorist pled guilty this week to federal charges that included, “…attempting to provide support to a terrorist group and threatening to kill President Trump and his family.” Demetrius Nathaniel Pitts, also known as Abdur Raheem Rafeeq, was indicted in January on those charges which included scouting locations for a possible July 4th attack in Cleveland.

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Omar Once Claimed America Was ‘Founded by Genocide,’ Called International Terrorism ‘Avoidance Tactic’

  A 2017 tweet from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) was uncovered last week and shows the freshman member of Congress saying that America “was founded by genocide.” “We must confront that our nation was founded by genocide and we maintain global power through neocolonialism,” Omar wrote, linking to an op-ed she wrote for Time. Her tweet was retweeted by the Minnesota House DFL Twitter account. We must confront that our nation was founded by genocide and we maintain global power through neocolonialism. — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) August 17, 2017 In the article itself, Omar discussed the tragic events in Charlottesville and how to prevent it from happening again. “The solution is to educate. It is imperative we collectively overcome and make amends with history. We must confront that our nation was founded by the genocide of indigenous people and on the backs of slaves, that we maintain global power with the tenor of neocolonialism,” Omar wrote in the article. She then claimed that America’s “national avoidance tactic has been to shift the focus to potential international terrorism.” “With constant misinformation and fearmongering, it is easy to exacerbate external threats while avoiding our internal weaknesses. Our apathy has placed immense…

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Three Michigan Residents Arrested After Pledging Their Support to ISIS

Three Michigan residents were arrested Monday afternoon for conspiring to provide material support to ISIS and pledging their allegiance to the terrorist organization, the Department of Justice announced this week. According to a DOJ press release, Muse Abdikadir Muse, Mohamud Abdikadir Muse, and Mohamed Salat Haji were arrested Monday by members of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. Muse Abdikadir Muse was taken into custody at the Gerald R. Ford Airport in Grand Rapids where he was attempting to board a flight to Mogadishu, Somalia with intention of joining ISIS. His two coconspirators drove him to the airport and were arrested shortly after. MLive reports that undercover investigators began monitoring the three in April 2016 in response to questionable Facebook posts they had made, and began communicating with the ISIS aspirants via social media. One of the agents posed as an ISIS recruiter, and was told by Muse Abdikadir Muse that he “wanted to join ISIS in Raqqa, Syria,” and that “he planned to die with a gun in his hand fighting for ISIS,” according to a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Michigan. The complaint reveals that the three men exchanged numerous Facebook…

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Bredesen’s Bipartisan Policy Council Pushes Discredited Leftist Narrative That ‘Refugees Most Vetted Travelers to U.S.’

Phil Bredesen

  After serving his last term as governor of Tennessee, Bredesen dabbled in “partisan politicking” and working to help other Democrats get elected: As a loyal Democrat, Bredesen this year declared his support for President Obama’s re-election, endorsed the party’s 4th Congressional District nominee, Eric Stewart, and did “robo-calls” supporting a handful of legislative candidates such as former Rep. Eddie Yokley, D-Greeneville, who lost this week to Republican David Hawk. Bredesen also chose to serve on the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Governors Council. The mission statement of the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), a think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C., suggests that bipartisan analysis and consensus-based decision-making results in obviating any political bias from the BPC’s policy proposals. On the issue of the United State’s refugee resettlement program, however, BPC analysts have repeatedly pushed the left’s narrative that “[r]efugees seeking admission to the United States undergo the most stringent security screening process for anyone entering the country.” Three refugees living in the U.S. arrested last week for falsifying information in their immigration applications make claims about stringent refugee vetting less credible even though federal agencies have been aware of vetting obstacles for years. As far back as 2008, the State Department discovered through random DNA testing…

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‘Enemies of Allah’ Turn Rockets of Hate into Peace Art

Yaron Bob, an Israeli artist whose community has been repeatedly attacked with Kassam rockets fired from Gaza by Palestinian terrorists, turns the rockets of hate into metal art called “Rockets into Roses.” Bob’s work was inspired by his own close calls with rocket attacks. According to his website, “I take the Kassam, the instrument of death and I change it, I transfer it into something of beauty.” After the rockets are checked by a bomb squad, the police give Bob the metal to create the roses which he “plants” in a base shaped as a map of Israel, “so that the rose literally ‘grows’ from the place of destruction – where most of the rockets have landed.” Until very recently, HAMAS has controlled the government in Gaza and has been primarily responsible for the rocket attacks. Founded in 1987, HAMAS, an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, is a U.S. designated terrorist group and the self-described Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its charter makes it clear that Jews are the enemies of Allah and that the HAMAS mission is to destroy Israel and kill Jewish people. Quoting Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood founder, the HAMAS charter states: Israel will exist and will continue to…

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Memphis Imam Raises Money For Islamic Charity U.S. Congressman Says Has Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

Last week, Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, introduced an amendment to the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Act blocking any U.S. funding to Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW). Between 2015 and 2016, IRW received $370,000 in federal funding. DeSantis explained to the Free Beacon that: U.S. tax dollars cannot go to groups involved in funding terrorism. Any group tied to Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood should be ineligible for funding.  It is a slap in the face of the American taxpayer to allow such groups to receive federal funding. Founded in 1984, IRW is headquartered in the UK but operates as a franchiser of sixteen charity affiliates comprising the largest Islamic charity in the West with revenues in the hundreds of millions. Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA), reputed to be one of the largest affiliate funders of IRW, is also inter-connected to IRW through leadership. For example, IRUSA’s former CEO, Abed Ayoub also served on the governance committee of the IRW. Between 2012 and 2016, Memphis Imam Yasir Qadhi has been helping IRUSA raise money speaking at a dozen fundraising events. More recently, he undertook an eight-date tour in the UK to raise money for the parent organization IRW. Britain’s Charity Commission which…

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Europe Under Siege: Venetian Mayor Pledges to Send Terrorists ‘Straight to Allah’

Mayor of Venice Luigi Brugnaro isn’t taking any chances when it comes to protecting The Floating City from radical Islamic terror. The controversial mayor has ordered Venice police to shoot on sight anyone who shouts “Allahu Akbar” in public and has reportedly ordered permanent sniper nests to be stationed around the city’s famed St. Mark’s Square.…

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Aziz Sayyed Practiced Knife Skills For Beheadings And Planned To Bomb Buildings In Huntsville, Prosecutors Say

A Huntsville, Alabama man arrested on a terrorism charge last month told people he wanted to practice beheadings and was learning how to make an explosive device to bomb public buildings, a prosecutor said in court this week. Aziz Sayyed, 22, downloaded ISIS beheading videos in February and in April obtained plywood that he allegedly used to practice knife skills for beheadings, said Madison County Assistant District Attorney Jay Town at a bond hearing Wednesday. According to WHNT News 19, Town also said Sayyed made statements he watched videos to learn how to make an explosive similar to the one used in the May 22 attack at the Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena in England, which killed 22 people and injured more than 200. The prosecution alleges in court filings that Sayyed admitted he wanted to plant explosives in Madison County public buildings and had specific plans to bomb a law enforcement center in Huntsville. Authorities said materials to make bombs were found in his apartment after his arrest. Investigators said after his arrest that Sayyed is a U.S. citizen born in North Carolina. His arrest came after a tip from a citizen. A Madison County judge is still considering whether…

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Aziz Sayyed Arrested On Terrorism Charges in Huntsville, Alabama

Police in Huntsville, Alabama, last week arrested a man who was charged with soliciting or providing support for an act of terrorism, reports WHNT News 19. Aziz Sayyed, 22, of Huntsville, was taken into custody Thursday after police received a tip. Police say he is a North Carolina-born U.S. citizen. “We successfully mitigated a threat today with this arrest,” said FBI agent Roger Stanton in a news conference. The Huntsville Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are working together on the case with support from the Madison County Sheriff’s Office. No specifics on the threat were disclosed, but officials said the arrest eliminated any threat to the area, including Redstone Arsenal. Police Chief Mark McMurray encouraged the public to let the police know when something doesn’t seem right. “If you see something, you need to tell us,” he said. “You need to say something. This investigation actually started as a tip.” Sayyed was staying at an apartment complex near the University of Alabama at Huntsville. He faces state charges but no federal charges as of Thursday.

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President Trump Urges Muslim Leaders to Cut Off Islamic Terrorism at the Root in Their Own Countries

Tennessee Star

President Trump called on Muslim leaders Sunday to begin stamping out radial Islamic terrorism within their own countries, giving a blunt assessment to the poisonous ideology within their religion and offering a path forward to peace. In a historic speech to leaders from 50 Muslim countries, Mr. Trump described the struggle against Islamic extremists as a…

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Illegal Immigrant Lawfare Could Turn Nashville Into a Sanctuary City

Tennessee Star

  On April 7, 2017, Saudi national Abdullah Mansour Abriq, a former student at Tennessee State University, sued Metro Nashville, Davidson County and their sheriff Daron Hall alleging that being held in the Davidson County jail on a detainer request from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), violates his constitutional rights and that the sheriff is prohibited from cooperating with ICE. The lawsuit, filed in federal court with Abriq as the lead plaintiff, is a class action on behalf of “hundred and likely thousands of immigrants” being held because of ICE detainer requests, and will be heard by Obama nominated Chief Judge Waverly Crenshaw whose lifetime appointment was supported by Tennessee Senators Alexander and Corker. Abriq is identified in the complaint as a “foreign national who immigrated to the United States under an F-1 student visa.” The F-1 visa is a type of non-immigrant visa that allows a person to be educated in the U.S. if they meet certain conditions. Typically, absent an extension, the student must leave the country once the term or conditions of the visa expire. Visa overstayers are considered unlawfully present in the U.S. and can be deported. In 2016, a bill endorsed by the Haslam administration…

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TVA To Eliminate Handguns For Security Officers, Raising Concerns About Safety

Tennessee Valley Authority security officers will no longer be able to carry handguns, a change in policy that has prompted one employee to speak out about the danger he thinks it poses. Paul Tackett told WRCB Channel 3 in Chattanooga that nuclear power plants are considered high value targets to terrorists. “Radiological release, that’s what they’re after. Terrorists are after to kill as many as they can in the quickest way,” he said. Tackett, who has worked as a senior nuclear security officer at TVA’s Watts Bar Nuclear Plant for seven years, is currently required to carry a handgun and pepper stray. He recalled an incident four years ago in which someone fired at an officer at the East Tennessee plant. The officer wasn’t hurt, but the incident shows that anything can happen at any time and that officers need to be able to protect themselves, Tackett said. “Everyone I talk to over there says the same thing, I mean, they’re just like me, saying what are we going to do if something happens?” Tackett said. Tackett said he won’t be able to carry a handgun after August 15. The TVA told WRCB the changes will be complete by the end…

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