Schweizer: U.S. Institutions of Higher Learning Fail to Report Millions of Dollars from China

TRANSCRIPT: McCabe: Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, in his new book Red-Handed, reports how the Chinese Communist Party has targeted American institutions of higher learning. Schweizer told The Star News Network how these institutions, after receiving funds from communist China, have worked to suppress criticism of the communist regime there and also have misreported or even failed to report millions of dollars received from China. Schweizer: Section 117 of the Education Act in 1965 is very explicit. It says that if U.S. colleges and universities take in foreign donations, substantial foreign donations, they are required to report those to the federal government. McCabe: Many American colleges fail to report any or all of their Chinese cash haul, Schweizer said. Such as Yale University and the millions of dollars it received from Joseph Tsai, co-founder of Alibaba and owner of the Brooklyn Nets. Schweizer: This is particularly applicable to China today, because hundreds of millions of dollars are flowing to American colleges and universities from Chinese nationals, many of them linked to the Chinese Communist Party and to the Chinese state. He’s donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Yale. He says that they come from his foundation based in California. The…

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Stephen K. Bannon’s WarRoom and The Star News Network Announce Strategic Partnership

The Star News Network and Stephen K. Bannon’s WarRoom Monday announced a strategic partnership to cover state, city and county news in battleground states ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. 

“Our strategic partnership with The Star News Network will enable us to feature stories that highlight the hyper local nature of the precinct strategy, moms taking over school boards, and American patriots becoming election officials. The idea that everyday supporters of MAGA can become an increasingly powerful force within the Republican Party by engaging in the process of selecting committeemen has become a national movement,” Bannon said of the partnership. 

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WarRoom: Pandemic’s Steve Bannon Talks to The Star News Network CEO and Editor in Chief Michael Patrick Leahy About Local Level News and Hyperlocal Effects

Stephen K. Bannon welcomed The Star News Network’s CEO and Editor in Chief Michael Patrick Leahy on Wednesday’s WarRoom: Pandemic to discuss the launch of The Connecticut Star to the family of online news outlets with The Star News Network and the appetite for hyperlocal media. Bannon: I want to make sure people can get access to what you guys are doing because I think it’s important. Every day you get a great snapshot of what’s happening around the country, particularly at the local level – in local state legislatures and little county supervisors, of what’s happening at the local level of these key states. In key areas where really the future direction of the country is being driven every day. So walk us through The Star News. It’s like an AP, Associated Press for more local news. And then what are the states you’ve got? Leahy: Yes, The Star News Network – and Steve, thank you for having me on – we’re now in 11 states around the country. We focus on state and local news that matters from a state and local perspective, not from a national perspective, but what’s going on in the state. And so we just…

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The Tennessee Star Celebrates Fifth Year Anniversary

On Monday The Tennessee Star celebrates its fifth anniversary.

Shortly after midnight, after The Star’s first full day in 2017, Managing Editor Christina Botteri, noted the news outlet had more than 3,000 unique visitors.

“The remarkable thing about our traffic on launch day,” she said at the time, “is that each visitor came back and visited different stories on the site several times during the day.” The total number of pageviews was well over 9,000 that inaugural day, she said.

Across Middle Tennessee, conservatives who had not had a reliable media outlet cheered the arrival of The Star. The outlet provided a marked contrast to the editorial voice of the dominant left-leaning newspapers in the Middle Tennessee area.

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