Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed The Epoch Times reporter, Nathan Worcester to the newsmaker line to discuss his recent article addressing bias at the National Archives and links to the Penn Biden center document scandal.
Read the full storyTag: The Swamp
Commentary: It’s Time to Dismantle the Dysfunctional, Self-Serving, Gluttonous Company Town That Is D.C.
Gertrude Stein famously warned that it was important to know how far to go when going too far.
It pains me to admit that Democrats seem to have a far better sense of all that than do Republicans. Perhaps it’s because Democrats have a visceral appreciation of William Hazlitt’s observation that “those who lack delicacy hold us in their power.” The Democrats, that is to say, long ago became expert at the game of holding their opponents to standards that they themselves violate not just with impunity but with ostentatious glee.
Read the full storyGrant’s Rants: ‘The Swamp Is Real and Its Creatures Are Terrifying’
Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed official guest host Grant Henry in studio for another edition of Grant’s Rants.
Read the full storyFormer Congressman Tom Tancredo Describes Why He Left the Swamp and His New Team America PAC
Thursday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed former Congressman Tom Tancredo and Founder of Team America PAC live from Washington, D.C. to discuss his new mission and why he left the swamp.
Read the full storySwamp Alert: Host Michael Patrick Leahy and Crom Carmichael Connect the Dots to Georgia’s Unqualified Political Hack, Gabriel Sterling
Wednesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio to discuss Georgia Voting System Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling’s ties to the Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger.
Read the full storyFormer Trump Deputy National Security K. T. McFarland Details Her Experience with the Swamp and Trump’s Decision to Deny a Virtual Debate
Thursday morning on the John Fredericks Radio Show, host Fredericks talked to former Deputy National Security Advisor to the Trump administration K.T. McFarland about the vice presidential debate and the deep state in Washington D.C.
Read the full storyCommentary: The Great, Steaming Heart of ‘The Swamp’ Beats in the U.S. Senate
by Rachel Bovard Donald Trump was elected in 2016 on a platform that, broadly, called for draining “the swamp.” The definition of swamp, for the most part, was left to the listener, but generally, it was assumed to represent the established interests that dictated federal policy toward the ends of a few, and away from the benefit of the country. This week, the depth, breadth, and scope of the swamp made itself clear. It started with the unraveling of the case against former national security advisor Michael Flynn. The FBI initially had accused Flynn of violating the Logan Act – an 18th-century statute that has never successfully been used to prosecute anyone, not in the least because of its dubious constitutionality. Ultimately, Flynn was charged with lying to federal agents – a process crime but hardly treason. This week, it was revealed that members of the Obama Administration, many of whom had no real role in counterintelligence operations, repeatedly unmasked (that is, requested their identities and activities from intelligence gathering sources) Trump’s incoming staff – including Flynn. This is damning for at least two reasons. First, the very day former Vice President Joe Biden, and others, received this classified intelligence,…
Read the full storyFormer Trump Deputy National Security Advisor KT McFarland Talks to Leahy About FBI Intimidation and the Trump Revolution
Live from Music Row Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed former Trump Deputy National Security Advisor and author of Revolution: Trump, Washington and “We the People” KT McFarland to the newsmakers line.
Read the full storyVictor Davis Hanson Commentary: Defeat and the Dossier Explain Everything
by Victor Davis Hanson Donald Trump’s former consiglieri Michael Cohen, along with being charged with tax avoidance and improper business deals, allegedly is guilty also of trying to leverage money and attention by exaggerating his influence with candidate and later President Trump. In other words, Cohen to spec followed the standard creepy daily fare for Washington and New York wannabe fixers. But did we need Robert Mueller’s 18 months and $40 million to uncover and redirect to federal attorneys what was largely self-evident? Could not the U.S. government long ago, without the prompt of a special counsel, have uncovered that Michael Cohen did not fully pay his taxes—in the manner of an Al Sharpton, Timothy Geithner, and Tom Daschle? The diabolical Cohen also tried to enforce, extend, or create non-disclosure agreements (Swampese for hush money) with two women from Trump’s past. The two reappeared out of nowhere in 2016, apparently to translate their alleged Trump hookups of a few hours in years past to notoriety and additional profit in the new age of “President Trump.” Swamp Crimes In other words, Michael Cohen was a sort of rough-hewn version of former Bill Clinton crony Vernon Jordan. The latter, remember, was…
Read the full storyCommentary: The New York Times Belatedly Discovers The Deep State
by George Rasley, CHQ Editor The New York Times recently published what it touted as a bombshell anonymous op-ed by a “senior” Trump administration official that trashed President Trump for being among other things “amoral” and showing “little affinity for ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people.” The op-ed, which we have read and re-read several times, is all about Trump’s style, as opposed to the substance of his policy accomplishments. Indeed, it reads like nothing so much as a #NeverTrump manifesto ghostwritten by a NeverTrumper, like Bill Kristol or Jonah Goldberg, rather than a senior White House or administration official with inside knowledge of Trump’s decision-making process and the alleged failures thereof. It will surprise no one who voted for Donald Trump that he does not hew to the Republican establishment’s idea of “presidential” style – that’s one reason why we voted for him. And Trump understands that better than the #NeverTrump gang in and out of the halls of government. One of the more compelling (and hilarious) moments of Trump’s recent speech and rally in West Virginia was when he did an imitation of a “presidential” establishment Republican robotically walking back and forth behind the…
Read the full storyCommentary: Media and Republican Establishment Nay-Sayers Frantic to Spin Ohio Primary Victory into Defeat for Trump’s GOP
by Jeffrey A. Rendall It should come as no surprise to conservatives that the media took last week’s mostly positive Republican election results and spun them as though they were lopsided losses for President Donald Trump and his party – and that they represented a giant leap forward for the notion of a “blue wave” forming ahead of November’s midterm elections. The Republican win in the Ohio special election was particularly singled out by political talkers as constituting yet another “warning sign” for the GOP. Republican Troy Balderson’s narrow one-point victory in the Buckeye State’s 12th District meant the GOP held onto what was effectively an open seat – something GOP faithful should be proud of accomplishing rather than taking it as an apprehensive sign that the party ship is listing badly and is about to sink as the opening act on its inevitable journey to the depths. Still, many are concerned. They wanted to win by more, apparently, which is only natural since Balderson’s district is a traditional GOP stronghold that’s gone Republican for decades. President Trump was having none of the negativity, however, boldly claiming his assistance helped carry Balderson (and the others) over-the-top. Seth McLaughlin reported in the Washington Times last…
Read the full storyConservative Pundit Warns Republicans: ‘Drain the Swamp’ Is Not Just a Slogan, It’s a Mandate
Conservative political commentator and Tennessee Star contributor Steve Gill said on The Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville Friday that every politician currently serving in office is being evaluated by voters right now as to how effectively they have lived up to concerns about the overreach and bloat at all levels of government. The remedy for this is commonly referred to ‘Draining the Swamp.’ Gill began by citing a new poll, conducted by McLaughlin and Associates, who sought to learn who voters blame when they start thinking about the so-called “D. C. Swamp.” “Is it the Democrats? Or is it the Republicans?” Gill asked rhetorically. He continued: Well, it might not surprise you that nearly half of Americans believe that the Republicans leadership are the ones responsible for the swamp-like culture in Washington, D.C. Now, actually, they blame both parties – but Republican leadership is getting the same amount of blame as the Democrats, according to a new poll by McLaughlin and Associates. A poll of a thousand likely voters, trying to understand how concerned American voters are about the D.C. swamp and who they attribute it to, show why it remains undrained. Now, they went in to find out who blames…
Read the full storyCommentary: Surprising No One, Poll Shows the Majority of Americans Associate DC Swamp With GOP Leadership
by CHQ Staff The public’s disapproval of a Washington, D.C, “Swamp-like” culture crosses party and ideological lines, and nearly half of Americans believe Republican leadership is supporting that same Swamp, according to a new poll from the Ear to the Ground Listening Project, in which is a partner. The poll of 1,000 likely voters, conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, sought to understand how concerned Americans are about a “D.C. Swamp,” who they attribute this atmosphere to, and why it remains “undrained.” “Our dive into voter perceptions of the D.C. Swamp show that Americans view their leadership in DC as having utterly failed in dealing with the Swamp and that Washington is on a different page from the American people, “said Anne Sorock, Executive Director of The Frontier Lab’s Ear to the Ground Listening Project. Concern about The Swamp: 55% of voters and 66% of Republicans are concerned about the Swamp, and nearly half (46%) of Americans think the GOP leadership is supporting it. 41% of conservatives, 44% of moderates, and 50% of Independents believe the GOP leadership supports the Swamp 45% of voters who reside in states Trump won in the 2016 presidential election believe the GOP leadership supports the Swamp Moreover,…
Read the full storyPaul: The Deep State is Real – And Dangerous
Yes, the Deep State is real, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Tuesday. The libertarian-leaning former presidential candidate said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that the term — maligned by Democrats and the liberal mainstream media — accurately describes how unelected officials in national security positions exercise power without checks from America’s elected representatives.
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