Faithful Catholic Colleges See ‘Unprecedented’ Enrollment Numbers, Financial Support

Catholic University of America

As most collegiate institutions grapple with disappointing enrollment, a slew of faithful Catholic colleges are reporting surprising enrollment numbers and financial support.

Their success is heralded by the Newman Guide, a list of higher education options consulted by Catholic parents throughout the world, as evidence of the positive impact that authentic Catholic education has upon society. The Newman Guide recognizes colleges that are determined to provide a thoroughly faithful Catholic education (and removes colleges from the list when they fall short).

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Small Catholic College Produces Priests, Nuns and Other Religious Vocations

A small Catholic college with locations in California and Massachusetts continues to produce priests, nuns and other religious vocations year after year.

Around 10 percent of Thomas Aquinas College alumni enter priesthood or religious life, according to Christopher Weinkopf, communications director for the 500 student school. This summer, Augustine Wilmeth (pictured) became the 80th alumnus priest. Five years prior, the college reached 71 alumni priests, meaning it has had nine more priests ordained in five years.

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