Tennessee’s 2nd District: Tim Burchett Releases New Ad Promoting His Support for President Trump

Donald Trump, Tim Burchett

Knox County Mayor and Republican candidate for Congress in Tennessee’s 2d Congressional District has a new television commercial airing that promotes his support for President Trump.  This is Burchett’s second ad and it is airing on both broadcast and cable throughout the district. TIM BURCHETT “TRUMP” ad: Hey, I’m Tim Burchett, and I’m running for Congress to help President Trump shake up Washington. Everyone says they’re for Trump, but I’m the only candidate who supported Donald Trump in the 2016 primary. As mayor, I took on the tax-hikers and the big-spenders. And I fought to ban hiring illegal immigrants over Americans. I’m proud to be pro-life, pro-gun, pro-America. I’m Tim Burchett and I approve this message because I’m a true conservative and I will never pretend to be otherwise. Early voting in the primary election began Friday with Election Day on August 2. The winner of the primary in the heavily Republican district will be highly favored to replace retiring Congressman Jimmy Duncan who has held the seat for three decades. Burchett announced a big fundraising total in the second quarter of 2018 earlier this week.              

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Tennessee’s 2nd District: Tim Burchett Reports Huge Fundraising Haul for Second Quarter

Tim Burchett

Knox County Mayor and Republican congressional candidate in the 2nd Congressional District had an impressive second quarter fundraising report according to a release from his campaign on Thursday. Burchett reports raising $225,000 during the most recent reporting period that ended on June 30th. To date Burchett has reported raising over $590,000. “I am honored and humbled by the outpouring of support our campaign has experienced across the Second District,” Burchett said in announcing his fundraising totals. “From fundraisers, to local events, to volunteers who spend their weekends knocking on doors in the sweltering heat, I am lucky to have the hardest-working, most enthusiastic supporters this state has ever seen.” Burchett hired highly regarded Republican fundraiser Kim Kaegi as he headed into the quarter and the results speak for themselves, one political insider noted in reviewing the numbers. “The biggest question mark about Tim was whether he could raise the money to wage a competitive race against two significant self-funders in Jason Emert and Jimmy Matlock. Clearly he and his team have answered that question in the affirmative and added an exclamation point this quarter.” Early voting in the primary election begins today with Election Day on August 2. The winner…

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Tennessee’s 2nd District: Jason Emert Ad Touts Support for Trump Wall; Hits Butch Jones (Who Isn’t on the Ballot)

Jason Emert

A new Jason Emert ad in the 2nd Congressional GOP Primary race is drawing some national attention, but its because of the sports reference in the ad rather than policy.  The Emert spot takes a shot at former UT football coach Butch Jones, who once made a comment that he would  rebuild the football program “brick by brick.” “Unlike Butch Jones, when I say I’m going to do something, I actually mean it,” Emert says in the ad. But trolling Jones, who once appeared in a Farm Bureau commercial building a brick mailbox, doesn’t end there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgoGEDW9Z8g In his commercial, which is virtually identical to the Farm Bureau ad featuring Jones, Emert is literally building a brick wall to demonstrate his support for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall. At the end Emert looks at his wall and says: “Brick by brick.” While Jones isn’t on the ballot in August, Emert clearly hopes the creative ad will draw attention to his campaign. Recent polls indicate that Emert is lagging well behind two of his competitors for the vacancy created by the retirement of Congressman Jimmy Duncan. Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett and State Representative Jimmy Matlock are locked in a heated…

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Retiring Representative Jimmy Duncan (R-TN-02) Endorses Longtime Friend Jimmy Matlock to Replace Him In Washington

Former State Representative Jimmy Matlock received an enthusiastic endorsement Tuesday from the man he is seeking to replace in the House of Representatives. In a statement released by the Matlock campaign, the 15-term retiring Representative Jimmy Duncan (R-TN-02) said: Jimmy Matlock is one of the finest men I have ever known, and he is running for Congress for all the right reasons. Jimmy Matlock is running because he has a real heart for service and because he wants to help as many people as he can by doing the right things for this nation, this state, and this district. He has served in our part-time state legislature with great honor and distinction, and he is a man who knows the important national and international issues we face. Jimmy Matlock will make a great Congressman, and I am proud to endorse him to replace me. “Congressman Duncan and his family are the standard by which public service is measured,” Matlock said of his longtime friend’s endorsement. “He has been an excellent representative, and I am sad to see him go. I am truly humbled and honored to have earned his support in this race.” The field is a crowded one, with no less…

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