OFF THE RECORD: Bill Lee Cabinet Speculation Begins

Although Election Day is still two weeks off, the fact that Republican candidate for Governor Bill Lee appears poised to win handily over Democrat nominee Mayor Karl Dean has speculation already underway about who might fill his Cabinet. One name generating a lot of buzz is State Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma). Bowling was one of Lee’s earliest supporters in the State Senate, publicly endorsing Lee while most of her colleagues in the Legislature were siding with the perceived front runners Diane Black and Randy Boyd. While the Lee team is avoiding any discussion of what role Bowling or any other potential Commissioners might fill, Education, Transportation and DCS would all fit her areas of expertise. Lee might prefer to keep her closer to the Governor’s office as a Legislative liaison with a portfolio that would include dealing with county and municipal leaders as well. (Bowling is a former Alderman in Tullahoma.) She is definitely high on the “secret” draft board at this point. Another name drawing attention is former legislator Jamie Woodson, who served in both the State House and State Senate before becoming Executive Chairman and CEO of SCORE in 2011.  As a former Chair of the Senate Education…

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New NBC/Marist Poll of Likely Tennessee Voters Shows Bredesen and Blackburn Neck-and-Neck While Lee Leads Dean by Double-Digits

Bredesen, Blackburn, Lee, Dean

A new survey of Tennessee voters indicates that the race for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) is essentially a dead heat between Democrat Phil Bredesen and Republican Marsha Blackburn, with Bredesen ahead among likely voters by a 48-46% margin with 5% undecided. Republican Bill Lee has a large lead over Democrat Karl Dean in the race for Governor, 53-40%, with 7% undecided. The NBC/Marist poll of Tennessee was conducted August 25-28 of 940 adults (which has a margin of error of plus-minus 4.0 percentage points), 730 registered voters (plus-minus 4.5 percentage points) and 538 likely voters (plus-minus 5.1 percentage points). Respondents were contacted both by landline and cell phone. While the poll data indicates that the respondents were sampled across regions in Tennessee based on population, there is no indication of the percentages of Republicans, Democrats and Independents who were surveyed. Among likely voters, Bredesen leads among Democrats (97 percent to 0 percent), African Americans (86 percent to 8 percent), women (55 percent to 40 percent) and independents (49 percent to 45 per-cent), while Blackburn leads among Republicans (86 percent to 9 percent), men (54 percent to 40 percent) and whites (53 percent to 42…

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Gravis Poll Says Lee Leading Dean by 11; Blackburn Over Bredesen by 4

Phil Bredesen, Marsha Blackburn, Bill Lee, Karl Dean

A new post-primary poll conducted by Gravis Marketing shows the Tennessee Republican candidates for Governor and Senate leading their Democratic Party opponents. The poll of likely November voters indicates that Bill Lee has an 11 point margin over Karl Dean, with 9% uncertain, in the Governor’s race. In the Senate battle to fill the seat of retiring Senator Bob Corker, Marsha Blackburn leads Phil Bredesen by a 48-44 margin with 8% uncertain. [pdf-embedder url=””] The poll surveyed surveyed 620 likely voters between Aug. 9 and 11. Polls by Gravis Marketing have not always been considered among the most reliable in political circles. In fact, they have been identified as the worst polling company in America by some. Based upon the relatively low approval numbers for President Donald Trump in this poll, 54% approval in a state he carried with over 60% of the vote, and 79% approval among Tennessee Republicans when other state and national polls have shown him with approval ratings in the mid to high 80s among his party, the Gravis Poll may be showing less support for the Republican candidates than they actually have. Nevertheless, there are some interesting tidbits within the data. Both Blackburn and Lee…

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Governor Bill Haslam Wades Into Governor’s Race with Endorsement for Republican Bill Lee

Bill Haslam, Bill Lee

Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam, current Chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA), is working to ensure that while he works to keep or expand the number of Republican Governors across the country he doesn’t drop the ball in his home state. He’s endorsed Republican nominee Bill Lee in a new television ad purchased by the RGA. In the ad, Haslam touts the progress that Tennessee has made during his tenure as Governor and says Bill Lee is the “right choice” to take the state to the next level. The RGA has put $500,000 behind the ad buy. RGA ad “Right Choice” transcript: Bill Haslam: “For eight years I’ve had the privilege of being your Governor. Together, we’ve made a lot of progress. More people have jobs than ever before. Our taxes are lower, our students are improving faster than anywhere in the country. Tennessee is stronger than ever. Bill Lee is the right choice to take Tennessee to the next level. We can trust him to make the right decisions, not the political ones. He’s been doing that his whole life. I’m asking you to join me in supporting Bill Lee for Governor.” Ironically, much of the criticism directed at…

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Mark Skoda Commentary: Diane Black for Governor

Mark Skoda

Over the years, I have observed Diane Black support pro-life issues, our 2nd Amendment gun rights and more recently, President Trump.  Her conservative bona fides are clear reasons for this endorsement.  Her experience and tenacity in the face of vocal opposition are what we need in Tennessee’s next gubernatorial term.   During her tenure as a Congressman, I have watched as Diane worked to ensure that conservative ideas were given voice. Her pro-life support and her stance on the importance of the family as the fundamental building block of society are well known.  She submitted her first bill as a Congressman to overturn funding to Planned Parenthood and has continued that effort fighting for the Defund Planned Parenthood Act. When it comes to healthcare, Diane, a nurse, is well versed in legislative issues related to healthcare and its impact on people.  She also recognizes the importance to Tennessee both as a function of quality of life for Tennesseans generally and the business environment in particular.  She has been a steadfast opponent of Obamacare and worked to eliminate certain elements of that law that saved taxpayers over $13 billion dollars. More recently, Congressman Black has served on the House Ways and Means…

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Nashville Businessman Lee Beaman Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Diane Black, Lee Beaman

Well-known Nashville businessman and conservative stalwart Lee Beaman endorsed Rep. Diane Black  (R-TN-06) for Governor on Monday. “There is only one true conservative in the race and her name is Diane Black,” Beaman said in a statement. “Diane will fight to protect and defend out Tennessee values. She will be an advocate for Tennessee businesses of all sizes, and she will always fight for families and the unborn. With Diane leading the way, we can become the most business friendly state in the nation while keeping our values intact,” he concluded. Rep. Black responded, “I am delighted to have Lee on my team;” adding: Lee is a man guided by his conservative beliefs who has worked hard for every success. From standing against the AMP and Metro Transit Plan, when he gets behind something, everyone better move out of the way. He is a stalwart fighter for the conservative cause who never waivers in his conviction. “Nobody in Tennessee has been a more consistent and dependable donor, leader and advocate for conservative causes,” Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill said. “From personally dropping off cases of bottled water to protesters at Legislative Plaza to providing funds for countless conservative candidates at…

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David Fowler Commentary: Summing Up the Republican Gubernatorial Primary

David Fowler

by David Fowler   I don’t watch much television for fear it will rot my mind, but I’ve sure heard complaints about all the “negative” television ads and mail pieces paid for by some Republican gubernatorial hopefuls. Whether perceived by voters as negative or not, ads and literature that truthfully point out another candidate’s record provide helpful information. But what I’ve heard from many is that they don’t know what to believe or what to make of the information they’ve been given, so here are some thoughts about some of what I’ve seen and read. The Bottom Line First, this thought keeps running through my head: There is none righteous, no not one. Though, as a Christian, I believe that God, by grace alone and by no merit of my own, has imputed to me the righteousness of Christ, I am not righteous in myself and fall short of the mark every day. I fall short of God’s standards individually, as a state senator, and as a lobbyist. The same is true of all the candidates of both parties. I can give you reasons why you might not want to vote for any one of the Republican gubernatorial candidates, though…

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EXCLUSIVE: Marsha Blackburn Tells The Tennessee Star ‘Chuck Schumer Has Bought and Paid For Phil Bredesen’s Vote’

Steve Gill, Marsha Blackburn

In an exclusive interview with Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill on Friday, U.S. Senate hopeful Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) hit her Democratic opponent square in the jaw, calling him out over one of his greatest vulnerablities. “Chuck Schumer has bought and paid for Phil Bredesen’s vote,” Blackburn told Gill. Senator Schumer (D-NY)- who is currently the Senate Minority Leader and is poised to become Senate Majority Leader should the Democrats’ “blue wave” come to the U.S. Senate in this November’s midterm elections – is said to have personally recruited Bredesen out of retirement to run when Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) opted not to run for a third term “When you look at the Senate race that you’re in the midst of, what we hear from Phil Bredesen is that he’s going to be a different kind of Democrat – but you don’t see different kinds of Democrats in the Senate. And when we look at what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are saying – Chuck Schumer has recruited Phil Bredesen into this race – they want to raise taxes if they get back in control of the Senate and the House,” Gill noted. Blackburn made it clear Bredesen is…

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PAC Ad Supporting Harwell Says Legalized Marijuana Will ‘Create a State That Lets People Live in a Better State’

Bruce Wolfe

A new ad from a PAC called TN State Victory touting gubernatorial candidate Beth Harwell’s support of medical marijuana has hit the airwaves. Sources tell The Tennessee Star the PAC is spending $87,000 to run the ad on broadcast and cable television stations around the state, beginning today and continuing until Wednesday, the day before the Thursday August 2 primary election. Accompanyed a dramatic piano musical score, the 30-second spot features Dr. Bruce Wolfe. He says: All my training tells me to do everything I can to help my patients. Suffering comes in all forms, and patients need options for relief. We need to legalizae medical marijuana so we can regulate its use and help cancer patients, people with siezure and anxiety disorders, and give patients in pain an alternative to avoid addictive opiates. The only candidate for governor that is for medical marijuana is Beth Harwell. Beth will help Tennesseeans create a state that lets people live in a better state. Watch the ad: According to polling, the Tennessee State House Speaker Beth Harwell is in a distant fourth place behind front-runners Bill Lee, Diane Black, and Randy Boyd. Last Friday, Harwell promised a ‘major announcement.’ Many political watchers…

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Vice President Mike Pence Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Mike Pence, Diane Black

Vice President Mike Pence tweeted his strong endorsement for Diane Black for governor of Tennessee on Friday, as early voting is set to close in the August 2 Republican gubernatorial primary. He wrote, “@DianeBlackTN is running for Governor of TN & a strong supporter of #MAGA agenda of tax cuts, military $$ & a champion of right to life policies. There are great candidates running but Diane has been my friend for years, we served together in the House, & she has my support!” .@DianeBlackTN is running for Governor of TN & a strong supporter of #MAGA agenda of tax cuts, military $$ & a champion of right to life policies. There are great candidates running but Diane has been my friend for years, we served together in the House, & she has my support! — Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) July 27, 2018 Black said in a statement, “I am honored that Vice President Pence would choose to support me in a state like Tennessee that overwhelmingly supported him and President Trump in 2016. Even before he became Vice President, Pence was an exceptional leader for the state of Indiana, leading with his faith and values. I am proud to call…

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Gov. Haslam Says Possible Endorsement of Gubernatorial Candidate by President Trump ‘Not Helpful’

Diane Blakc, Bill Haslam, Donald Trump

Outgoing Governor Haslam told reporters Thursday that he hoped President Trump would stay out of the Tennessee Republican primary to name his replacement. “I don’t think it’s helpful for the White House to be involved in primaries,” Haslam said, citing that as the current chairman of the Republican Governors Association, he and his group will not participate in primaries where the GOP candidates are running for open seats. Haslam said: I had a conversation with them back in February, them being the White House, saying we’re going to have 36 governors races. They’re going to be very competitive. We would like it if y’all would not get involved. We just think that’s best. We’re not going to get involved as [the RGA] unless we have an incumbent governor. If there’s an incumbent governor, we welcome your involvement. When he was asked if President Trump’s involvement in some gubernatorial races despite his request was frustrating, Haslam told reporters, “Well, they’re the White House. They can do what they want. But like I said, we would rather them not.” He said he believes there is “good reason for that in any mid-term election,” noting the November general elections “are difficult. And we…

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Mark West Commentary: When Men are Unwilling to Lead – Tennessee’s Gubernatorial Race

Mark West, Bill Lee

by Mark West   There is a story in the Old Testament (Judges 4), where we read about two leaders in Israel, Deborah and Barak. The people of Israel were facing a serious threat from an oppressive enemy, King Jabin and the Commander of his army, Sisera. God had told Deborah to instruct Barak, a leader of men in his own right, to march out against Sisera to defeat the infidel. When Deborah informed Barak of God’s charge to him, Barak’s answer was: “If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.” In that brief response, Barak revealed a lack of trust in God, a fear of men, and an unwillingness to go into enemy territory alone, without someone of greater courage and faith. Deborah’s response to Barak was: “Very well, I will go with you. But you will receive no honor in this venture.” Like all stories in the Bible, there are typically modern day applications to our lives and even our nation. Rewind twelve months ago to July 2017. I was contacted by Bill Lee to sit down with him, one-on-one, to discuss his campaign…

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Can’t We All Just Get Along? Republican Candidates Sling Mud Before Election

Randy Boyd, Diane Black, Beth Harwell, Bill Lee

On Monday’s edition on The Gill Report – broadcast on Knoxville’s 92.3 FM WETR – Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill discussed the unscrupulous battle between Republican nominees for Governor elections August 2nd in Tennessee and the support that the winning candidate may or may not receive from members of their party once elected. Steve Gill observed, “The Republican primary for governor is getting brutal and bitter. You’re seeing attack ads flying back and forth. Beth Harwell’s attacking her opponents with one ad that features them as little children dressed up as you know, a working construction guy, she’s got Diane Black with a blonde wig and her glasses, and then Randy Boyd with his suit. But these are all young kids.” He continued: You’ve got Diane Black and Randy Boyd both viciously attacking each other and Bill Lee. And Bill Lee is kind of using the attack, “I’m the only nice guy vote for me!” The bottom line is there is a lot of vitriol and bitterness that has been built in, baked in to this primary process. And on August 2nd the votes will be counted. Someone, one of these four, will win the Republican primary for Governor. And…

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Norm Partin Commentary: Bill Lee for Governor

Bill Lee

by Norm Partin   Are you the person that says to yourself, “If I were Governor, this is what I would do…”? Do you tend to vote AGAINST people instead of FOR someone? Are you constantly disappointed by politically influenced legislation on both national and state levels? Are you “that person”? I’m “that person” too, but for the first time in decades I am voting FOR someone. As I reach my twilight my focus is now on my grandchildren and their future, and as such I take my politics very seriously. Why am I supporting Bill Lee for Governor, you ask? There are several reasons that matter to me and should also matter to YOU: Crisis management In the last decade Tennessee has suffered tornadoes, forest fires, floods, and civil disobedience. A leader should not be judged on performance when all is well, a leader should be judged on his performance when the chips are down. I trust Bill to make decisions with sound logic, even when under tremendous pressure. Bill Lee has fought back and succeeded in the face of personal tragedy and business adversity. THAT takes a leader. Fiscal competence This is where elected officials have failed the…

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Carol Swain Commentary: Is Randy Boyd Hoodwinking Conservatives?

Carol Swain, Randy Boyd

by Dr. Carol M. Swain   Christian conservatives dividing their votes between Diane Black and Bill Lee will play a decisive role in electing the next governor of Tennessee. With four candidates in the Republican race (Randy Boyd and Beth Harwell are the others) for a primary that does not include a runoff, the winner will be the person who gets the most votes, period. That person could well be Randy Boyd. Boyd is poised to benefit from the perennial divisions among conservatives and from crossover votes from Democrats voting in the open primary. It behooves us to take a closer look at the man who might be the state’s next chief executive. Without question, Boyd is the most fascinating candidate in Tennessee’s 2018 GOP gubernatorial race. He is a youngish, fiftyish man of the world with a big vision for change. Boyd wants to use government to eradicate poverty and open up opportunities for all Tennesseans, using education and jobs as the great equalizers they can and should be. Boyd’s vision is utopian, and his heart seems compassionate and optimistic about the possibilities of what government can and should do. Who in their right mind would be against new…

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Rick Santorum Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Rick Santorum, Diane Black

Former Senator and 2012 presidential contender Rick Santorum announced his strong endorsement of Diane Black for Governor Tuesday. “I’ve always known Diane to be a strong conservative leader, a passionate advocate for the unborn and a champion for religious liberty and traditional values,” Santorum said in a statement. “With Diane Black in the Governor’s office, I am confident that the conservative values that make Tennessee great will be protected and preserved.” Diane Black responded, “Rick Santorum is a champion for conservative principles,” Black said. “He’s a leader who is not afraid to fight for conservative values. Tennessee stood behind Rick in his 2012 race for President, and I’m proud to have him behind me in my race for Governor.” Throughout Rick Santorum’s career he has enjoyed a high level of popularity in the Volunteer State. During the nine-way Tennessee presidential primary election of 2012, Santorum received an extraordinary 40 percent of the vote. The Black campaign points out that in addition to Santorum’s endorsement, Representative Black has received endorsements from: – NRA – Susan B. Anthony List – National Right to Life – Tennessee Right to Life – Family Research Council – American Conservative Union – Nearly 3,000 elected officials and community leaders across…

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Statewide Early Voting Numbers Are Starting with a Bang

early voting

In the first two days of early voting there are signs that turnout may be higher than normal in both the Democratic and Republican primaries. Early voting started on Friday and continued on Saturday, though the locations and schedule for the Saturday voting was limited in several counties. Additionally, some counties have only reported their Friday totals at this point. Nevertheless, 30,262 votes have already been cast in the Republican Primary and 12,205 in the Democratic Primary. Early voting continues until July 28 with Election Day on August 2. There were 668,039 total GOP Senate Primary votes cast in August 2014.  That election featured a contested primary between Senator Lamar Alexander (331,705 votes) and Joe Carr (271,324). Alexander prevailed by a closer than expected 49-40% margin. A third Republican, Dr. George Flinn received a little over 34,000 total votes. That race may give guidance in predicting final turnout as we move through the early voting period. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill expects the turnout to increase dramatically over the next few weeks. “Not only do we have a hotly contested Republican Primary for Governor, in which we will see perhaps $10 million in spending in the next few weeks…

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Beth Harwell Airs Attack Ad Targeting Black, Boyd and Lee as Children

Beth Harwell

As the heat intensifies in the Tennessee Republican Primary campaign for Governor House Speaker Beth Harwell has aired her first negative ad. In the Harwell ad each of her three opponents are depicted as bickering children while she’s the “adult” in the room. Harwell touts the fact that as Speaker she has balanced the budget, lowered taxes, outlawed sanctuary cities and reduced the size of government. Beth Harwell “ADULT IN THE ROOM ad: ANNCR: “You have a choice for Governor. Behind all the fighting and posturing Diane Black, Randy Boyd and Bill Lee only offer political promises.” HARWELL: “I am the only candidate who offers proven results instead of political promises. Under my leadership as your Tennessee Speaker we’ve already balanced the budget and lowered your taxes. Already outlawed sanctuary cities and reduced the size of our state government.” ANNCR: “Beth Harwell, the adult in the room.” As Harwell’s critics have noted, EVERY Speaker has balanced the budget because it is required by law. And while some taxes were lowered as part of the IMPROVE Act, the tax cuts primarily went to big businesses while the fuel tax increase of over $300 million a year hits working families in Tennessee. Tennessee…

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Bill Lee’s Contributions to Bredesen and Barry the Focus of New Billboards in Middle Tennessee

anti-Lee billboard

Diane Black is hitting Bill Lee hard for his financial support for Democrats like Phil Bredesen, Megan Barry and Karl Dean. A new Black ad, “Burn”, specifically targets Lee for his donations to Democrats Phil Bredesen and Megan Barry. Diane Black “BURN” ad: You know the old saying, fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me. Will Bill Lee fool you again. The last time Bill Lee got involved in politics he pushed liberal Megan Barry for Mayor. She pushed sanctuary policies and gun control and we got burned. Now we learn Bill Lee gave money to liberal Phil Bredesen, too. Bill Lee’s the kind of Republican who helps Democrats get elected. Don’t let Bill Lee burn you again. Now, electronic billboards by an independent expenditure group, Jobs4TnNow, have popped up in Middle Tennessee that are hitting Lee on the same theme. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill says Black has clearly realized she has a Bill Lee problem. Lee is taking voters away from Black and she has to bring them back. The biggest question, Gill has pointed out, is whether and how Bill Lee would respond to the attacks. “If he hesitates to…

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Black Blasts Boyd on Taxes in New Ad

Black blasts Boyd on Taxes

The gloves are definitely off in the Tennessee Republican Primary for Governor. Diane Black has unleashed a vicious television hit on Randy Boyd based upon a Tennessean story claiming that Boyd has used the location of his company’s foreign operations in order to avoid U.S. taxes. “From 2014 to 2016, the company sheltered millions of dollars in European profits from any taxes because of this corporate structure, according to two experts who analyzed Radio System’s Irish tax records obtained by the USA TODAY NETWORK – Tennessee,” The Tennessean reported on Monday. One of two “experts” quoted by the Tennessean was a California-Irvine School of Law Professor. “Analyzing the company’s tax records, University of California-Irvine School of Law professor Omri Marian estimated the company paid an effective tax rate of a little more than 1 percent,” The Tennessean said. However, as The Tennessee Star has reported, whatever documents were provided by the Tennessean for review by the professor could not have been obtained from public records, raising questions about the legality of the means by which The Tennessean procured them.  The Tennessean has refused to make the “tax records” they obtained available for review by the public or other news media outlets, nor…

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Diane Black Announces Her Campaign’s County Leadership Team Members Number Nearly 3000

Diane Black

In the final weeks of Rep Diane Black’s campaign for the GOP nomination for governor, she announced on Thursday her County Leadership Teams – made up of dedicated activists, elected officials, and community leaders – has swelled to nearly 3,000 members. “I am excited and humbled to announce my County Leadership Teams have reached nearly 3,000 members,” Black said in a statement. “I have had a lot of wonderful endorsements in recent weeks, but these are the ones that mean the most to me. To have the support of nearly 3,000 activists, elected officials and community leaders from all over our state is an honor. I am confident their support will help us win this election.” The first 50 members are listed below – click here for the complete list: Jonathan K Alderson, Anderson County Robert J Arowood, Anderson County William Arowood, Anderson County Earl H Barton, Anderson County Alan Beauchamp, Anderson County Sabra Beauchamp, Anderson County Kendall L Brady, Anderson County Laura Capozzola, Anderson County Oak Ridge Vice Mayor Rick Chinn, Anderson County County Clerk Jeff Cole, Anderson County Gale L Cook, Anderson County Barrington Cox, Anderson County Rick Daley, Anderson County Frank Damiano, Anderson County Maureen Fricke, Anderson County Roberta Hamlington, Anderson County Bradley…

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Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Lee Introduces Legislative ‘Contract with Tennesseans’ He Calls ‘Ten for Tenn’

Bill Lee

Drawing on his experience in business, Republican candidate for governor Bill Lee announced his “contract with Tennesseeans” called Ten for Tenn that highlights the key items Lee plans to focus on and enact as the Volunteer State’s 50th governor. “As a CEO, it is important to set the vision for my company, and I believe it is just as important to set the vision for the state as governor,” Lee in a statement. “‘Ten for Tenn’ is my contract with Tennesseans, and I look forward to working to enact my conservative vision for Tennessee.” The plan lists ten general agenda items that range from rethinking public education and ‘getting tough’ on the state budget, to pursuing term limits and creating a new Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. The Lee campaign posted the details online, and are listed here: Foster an Environment Where Jobs Continue to Grow Rethink Public Education with Major Vocational Reforms, Real School Choice, and Civics Education Stand up for Rural Tennessee by Expanding Economic Opportunity and Winning the War On Opioids Get Tough on the State Budget by Making Government Smaller and More Efficient Ensure New Voices in Nashville by Passing Term Limits and the Challenging the…

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Black Campaign Hits Lee in a Pair of New Attack Ads

Diane Black political ad feat Bill Lee

In yet another indication that the Republican Primary for Governor has tightened, with a surge by Bill Lee in Middle Tennessee threatening Diane Black in her own 6th Congressional District, the Black campaign has begun airing two new attack ads targeting Lee in the last 24 hours. Black aired an ad targeting both Lee and Randy Boyd as “Two Moderates” just last week. She added a second ad that focused solely on Boyd as being “anti-hunter” while touting Black’s endorsement by the NRA. In fact, the ad is titled “Anti-hunter” to make the point clear. Now Black has launched two new ads that hit Lee hard. The first is similar to the “Two Moderates” ad but focuses more on Lee than Boyd. The second “Two Moderates” Black ad transcript reads as follows: Steve Schmidt, former Republican campaign manager: [Trump is] An imbecilic former reality tv show host and con man. George Will, columnist: “He [Trump] would flunk a sixth grade civics exam. Announcer: Don’t you hate it when Republicans undermine President Trump? Randy Boyd disavowed Trump, and Bill Lee’s the kind of Republican who helps Democrats get elected. Bill Lee pushed for liberal Mayor Megan Barry. Bill Lee’s candidate pushed…

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Bill Lee Reports Campaign War Chest at $3.5 Million

Bill Lee

Franklin-area business man and gubernatorial candidate Bill Lee reported Monday that as of the close of this fiscal reporting period, his campaign has over $3.5 million cash-on-hand. The campaign noted that amount includes receipts of over $400,000 in the second quarter of the year. “Momentum is building for Bill Lee at the perfect time. He has the resources and the support to win, and he is outworking every candidate in the field,” Lee’s Campaign Finance Chairman Stuart McWhorter said in a statement. “I’m honored to work with Bill as he gets ready to win the August Primary, and I’ll be proud to call him ‘Governor’ after he wins in November.” Senior Advisor and Campaign Manager Chris Devaney added, “Our strong second quarter fundraising numbers, along with our solid cash on hand, show that Bill Lee has the resources to continue his surge in the polls and ultimately to win the primary race for governor on August 2nd. “Our fundraising momentum continues as Bill is rising in the polls and continues to outperform other candidates in debates and forums. Donors and voters alike recognize that Bill Lee is the only conservative outsider in the race,” Devaney concluded. With primary election day less…

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The Tennessee Star Announces A Week Long Letters to the Editor ‘Endorse-A-Rama’ for the Last Week of July

Letter to the Editor

The 2018 election season is in full swing, and with primary election day just a few short weeks away, we thought we would ask who your candidate of choice is for the record number of candidates running for open seats this year! Starting Monday, June 25th, we will begin accepting Letter to the Editor Endorsements for publication consideration. We will continue receiving them until Friday, July 20. The letters will appear throughout the week of July 22. Are you a ‘Matheny Man,’ or is Judge Bob Corlew your candidate of choice? John Rose? Tell us why! Who should replace State Rep. Charles Sargent? And State Rep. Shelia Butt? Should Bill Lee be the next governor, or do you think Diane Black can bring more to the table? We want to hear about it! Now, let’s remember this is a family website, so no profanity or un-sourced, ad-hoc attacks, please. Here is a comprehensive list we put together from The Tennessean and The Green Papers of the all the candidates – Gubernatorial, US House and Senate, and State House and Senate – in challenged races qualified to run as of the last candidate deadline April 5: Tennessee Governor Republican: Diane Lynn Black, Randy Boyd,…

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Bill Lee Wins GOP Gubernatorial Straw Poll in Robertson County

Bill Lee

Williamson County businessman Bill Lee won the gubernatorial straw poll at the Robertson County Republican Party’s annual Reagan Ranch dinner on Friday. Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) finished in second place, followed by Knoxville businessman Randy Boyd in third place and Tennessee Speaker of the House Beth Harwell (R-Nashville) in fourth place. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill served as master of ceremonies for the evening, which had about 200 people in attendance. Though straw polls at official Republican Party functions are not necessarily a predictor of voting behavior in primaries, they are a good indication of the local organizational skills of the contending candidates. The Lee campaign considered the straw poll win significant, coming as it does less than two months before the August 2 Republican primary in a county that Black represents in Congress. Robertson County Republican Party officials announced only the order of finish of the candidates in the straw poll, not their actual vote totals. One source who attended the event who was not affiliated with the Robertson County Republican Party or on the official program provided The Tennessee Star with they claimed was the unofficial but accurate vote tally from the gubernatorial straw poll. Those results…

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Tennessee Jobs Now Demands Diane Black Repay Taxpayers for Missed Votes

Diane Black

TN Jobs Now  is calling on Congresswoman Diane Black (R-6) to reimburse taxpayers $31,320.00 for her failure to show up for work and has submitted an invoice on behalf of taxpayers to her office requesting payment to the Bureau of Fiscal Service. That amount represents 36% of Black’s $87,000 congressional salary for the first half of the year. The Tennessean reported Wednesday that Black had missed 36% of the votes in the House during the time period from January 1 – June 8 this year, although the story also acknowledged that the votes missed passed by wide margins and that Black’s vote would not have affected any of the outcomes. TN Jobs Now spokesman David Carney said: “Black likes to say she ‘fights for what’s right,’ but she can’t fight for us when she doesn’t even bother to get in the ring. Regular, hardworking Tennesseans who skipped work 36% of the time would get fired and not expect a promotion like Diane Black is seeking.” TN Jobs Now has submitted an invoice to Diane Black, payable to U.S. taxpayers, for $31,320, representing 36% of her $87,000 congressional salary for the first half of the year. “An honest caretaker of our tax…

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GOP Gubernatorial Hopeful Bill Lee Trolls Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Over Chick-Fil-A Kerfuffle

Bill Lee

Franklin-area businessman and Republican candidate for governor Bill Lee showed his support for Chick-Fil-A while at the same time poking fun at Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey’s apology over the weekend for the “crime” of enjoying a chicken sandwich. Had a hankering for some @ChickfilA today. Cc: @jack — Bill Lee (@BillLeeTN) June 11, 2018 At issue is a tweet by the social media giant’s founder proudly displaying his app-enabled purchase of a Chick-Fil-A meal. Reaction from the activist Left – especially from the LGBT quarters – was withering, and soonafter, Jack Dorsey capitulated, replying to former CNN anchor, “You’re right. Completely forgot about their background.” The ‘background’ Dorsey is referring to is a series of statements made by Chick-Fil-A’s Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy from 2012 regarding his support of the biblical definition of marriage of one man and one woman, which triggered simultaneous boycotts by the left and BUY-cotts by the right. Ultimately, the fast-food stores’ sales rose an astonishing 12 percent, though the company’s owners stepped back from their support of conservative causes. “Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena,” the company said in a statement in…

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Tea Party Leaders Declare in TV Ad ‘I’m Voting for Diane Black’

Diane Black

Diane Black’s campaign released a new ad Thursday featuring several Tea Party group leaders from around Tennessee, stating they would cast their primary vote in August for Diane Black for Governor. The fast moving, supercut-style series of endorsements fits five Tea Party group leaders, including Mark West (Chattanooga Tea Party),  Steve Osborn and Dan Napieralski (Sevier County Tea Party), Wayne Schnell (Cross County Patriots), and Theresa West (Knoxville Tea Party) into a single thirty second spot.   TRANSCRIPT: Mark West: I’m supporting Diane Black Theresa West: I’ll be voting for Diane Black Dan Napieralski: I’m voting for Diane Black Steve Osborn: She will fight for our conservative values Mark West: Defined by life and marriage Theresa West: She’s fought for lower taxes Steve Osborn: She has good Christian morals Wayne Schnell: She would be one excellent candidate and a super governor for the State of Tennessee Mark West: I’m Mark West, founder of the Chattanooga Tea Party Steve Osborn: Chairman of the Sevier County Tea Party Wayne Schnell: … leader of the Cross County Patriots Tea Party Theresa West: … Knoxville Tea Party Dan Napieralski: … Sevier County Tea Party, and I’m voting for Diane Black        

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Diane Black’s Demand to Block ‘Driver’s Licenses for Illegals’ Ads Fails to Stop Them from Airing

Diane Black

Tennessee Jobs Now, a SuperPAC that supports Randy Boyd in the Tennessee Governor’s race, began airing a television commercial two weeks ago that continues on the theme of their recent statewide radio buy.  The television ad hits Black for a 2001 vote during her time in the State Legislature that provided driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and also hits Black for her March 22, 2018 vote against the Omnibus Spending Bill (HR 1625) that funded a small portion of the border wall embraced by President Donald Trump. The television ad features pictures of a tattooed MS-13 gang member, a “Muslim terrorist” wearing a keffiyah, and a black clad man with a stocking cap identified as a “sex trafficker” on Tennessee driver’s licenses while the announcer says: “MS-13 gang member? Driver’s license. Terrorist? Driver’s license. Human trafficker? Driver’s license. In the legislature, Diane Black voted to give Tennessee driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Then in Washington, Black voted against funding president Trump’s border wall. Diane Black is making it easier for criminals, even terrorists, to come here illegally and stay. Dishonest Diane Black. Good for illegal immigrants, bad for Tennessee.” The Diane Black campaign responded to the ads by demanding that television stations…

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Randy Boyd Bus Tour Hits the Road for 95 County Stops Over 9 Weeks

Boyd Bus Tour

Randy Boyd, Republican candidate for Governor, rolled out of Sevier County last week on a 95 county tour across the state heading towards the August 2 Republican Primary date. The first week of stops included visits to Clinton, Cleveland, Athens, Knoxville and Maryville.  This week’s stops will include Millington, Pulaski, Lynchburg and Collierville. The Boyd campaign has laid out a detailed schedule for their bus tour through June 16th on their website.  Erik Schelzig at the Tennessee Journal notes that while other campaigns are in stealth mode with their candidates’ schedules, Boyd is putting his own appearances into transparent public view.  Schelzig’s admittedly unscientific assessment of the transparency level of the Democrat and Republican candidates in terms of their schedules is: 1. Boyd, 2. Lee, 3. Fitzhugh, 4. Black, Dean (tie). 6. Harwell. Tennessee Star political Editor Steve Gill points out that candidate bus tours across the state are nothing particularly new, with Bill Lee already having done an RV tour and a tractor tour since launching his own campaign for Governor. “A nine-week, 95 county tour with rallies and events scheduled in each county is a pretty big commitment of candidate time and campaign resources,” Gill says. “Boyd is…

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TENN Values PAC Supporting Bill Lee Launches Radio Ad Campaign

Bill Lee

A Tennessee-based political action committee, TENN Values PAC, has begun to air radio ads to support conservative businessman Bill Lee’s bid for the Republican nomination for governor.  The group has also launched a targeted digital advertising campaign aimed at likely Republican primary voters across the state. “TENN Values PAC is an independent political organization that supports conservative businessman Bill Lee to be the next governor of Tennessee because he understands hardworking families want a high-quality education for their kids, good-paying jobs in their communities and safe neighborhoods,” according to the description of the organization on its website, The organization will began airing its first radio ad, “Conservative Outsider,” in the Knoxville media market last week.  The 60-second ad highlights Bill Lee’s outsider status as a “successful businessman and seventh-generation Tennessean,” and calls attention to several of the GOP gubernatorial hopeful’s positions, including “term limits and a lobbying ban for politicians” and “new work requirements for TennCare recipients.” “Conservative Outsider” Transcript: Bill Lee is a conservative businessman, not a politician. Lee has created over 1,000 good-paying jobs for electricians, pipe fitters and plumbers. Now, this successful businessman and seventh-generation Tennessean is running for governor. Bill Lee knows how to create jobs and…

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Tennessee Jobs Now Launches Television Ad Targeting Diane Black’s Support for Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Anti Black Ad

Tennessee Jobs Now, a SuperPAC that supports Randy Boyd in the Tennessee Governor’s race, began airing a new television commercial last week that continues on the theme of its recent statewide radio buy.  The radio spot aired by the group criticized Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) for voting to issue Tennessee driver’s licenses to illegals in 2001. The television ad does the same thing but also hits Black for her March 22, 2018 vote against the Omnibus Spending Bill (HR 1625) that funded a small portion of the border wall embraced by President Donald Trump. The bill passed both the House and the Senate and was signed into law by President Trump, who vowed that he would never again sign such an “ridiculous bill” that consisted of more than 2,000 pages, failed to follow regular order and was jammed through by the Republican House and Senate leadership unto the membership with less than two days to read and review. Almost every conservative member of the House of Representatives voted against the Omnibus Spending Bill, including Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07), Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04), and Rep. Jimmy Duncan (R-TN-02). President Trump was so unhappy with the bill’s failure to fully fund the border wall,…

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Beth Harwell Locks Down Teachers’ Union Endorsement for Governor

Beth Harwell

The Tennessee Education Association Fund for Children and Public Education (TEA-FCPE), which is the PAC and political arm for the teachers’ union in Tennessee, has endorsed House Speaker Beth Harwell for the Republican nomination for Governor.  The TEA’s PAC also endorsed House Minority Leader Craig Fitzhugh in the Democratic Party primary. Harwell welcomed the endorsement: “I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Tennessee Education Association,” Harwell said. “Education is my top priority, and as Speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives, I have led some of our boldest reforms that resulted in Tennessee being one of the fastest improving states in education.” “As a former teacher, I understand and value the work our educators do day-in and day-out, and I am grateful for TEA’s support,” Harwell went on to say. “As governor, I will continue to have an open door and listening ear for teachers and parents, always keeping in mind the best interests of students who represent the future of Tennessee.” The endorsement of the liberal TEA will not play well for Harwell in a contested Republican Primary for Governor. A Tennessee Star Poll conducted a few months ago reveals that accepting TEA money and support may…

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Randy Boyd Announces 95 County Bus Tour to Launch on May 30 in Sevier County and Span Nine Weeks

Randy Boyd

Republican businessman Randy Boyd has announced that he is embarking on a nine week, 95 county bus tour across Tennessee as his campaign for Governor moves towards the August 2 primary election date.  The tour will kick off from the Sevier County Courthouse in East Tennessee on May 30 at 9:30 am Eastern Time. From there, Boyd is set to travel to Blount County for a Meet and Greet Lunch starting at 11:30 am followed by an appearance in Loudon County at 2:00 pm at The Venue at Lenoir City. Then in Monroe County at the Tellico Plains Community Center, he will finish the day’s events with a Meet and Greet D inner. “Just as we have during the campaign, we want to send a clear signal, that as Governor, we will be working for all 95 counties to make sure no one is left behind,” Boyd said. “This 95 County Bus Tour is just one more way to show Tennessee voters that we will never stop working on your behalf to make Tennessee the State of Opportunity for everyone.” Last Fall Boyd, who has run a few marathons, made his longest run as he ran across the state to promote his campaign…

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American Center for Law and Justice’s Jordan Sekulow Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Gubernatorial candidate Representative Diane Black (R-TN-06) announced Thursday she has picked up another endorsement – this time, from prominent radio host and Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) Jordan Sekulow. “I’m thrilled to endorse Diane Black for Governor,” Sekulow said. “Diane has always been a champion for the rights of the unborn and for religious freedom, and I know that she will put her conservative principles and tenacious attitude to good use as the next Governor of our state.” Jordan and his family are residents of Williamson County, where the organization has a large production facility. “I’m proud to have Jordan on my team,” Black responded.  “He and his family have been tireless advocates for conservative values, including the rights of the unborn and protecting our religious liberties. These are values that I will always fight for as Tennessee’s next Governor.” Founded in 1990 with the mandate to protect religious and constitutional freedoms by Pat Robertson and Jay Sekulow, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) engages legal, legislative, and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education, and litigation that includes representing clients before the Supreme Court of the United States and international…

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Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Lee Set to Hit the Road with a ‘Tennessee Town Hall Tour’

Bill Lee

Gubernatorial hopeful Bill Lee announced Tuesday he will embark on a statewide sojourn to host a series of ‘Tennessee Town Halls’ Tour Wednesday and continuing throughout the duration of the primary campaign. Lee, the first candidate in the race to visit all 95 counties in the first 95 days of campaigning, says he will revisit some 50 locations in each of the three grand divisions in the state. “We’re running the most aggressive grassroots campaign in Tennessee, and Maria and I can’t wait to hop on the RV and hit every corner of the state in this Town Hall Tour,” Lee said in a statement. “Tennessee is a remarkable place, and I’m going to continue to meet one on one with as many people as I can to hear from them and make my case. ” The campaign will announce the dates and locations for the Tennessee Town Halls on a “rolling basis,” beginning with event details though May 31: May 16 – Morrison in Warren County May 22 – Rogersville in Hawkins County May 24 – Jackson in Madison County May 30 – Goodlettsville in Davidson, Sumner County May 30 – Somerville in Fayette County May 31 – Germantown in Shelby County “Bill…

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Boyd and Black Campaigns Battle Over ‘Enhanced Modeling’ Poll Claiming She Leads in Governors Race

If the first real salvos in the Randy Boyd versus Diane Black race for Governor are any indication, then the upcoming Republican primary battle will definitely be heated. The Black campaign leaked a May 9 internal campaign memo Thursday that showed her “surging ahead” of her Republican rivals. The survey, conducted by Grassroots Targeting, was conducted between May 4-6, 2018 and polled “800 registered Tennessee Republican primary voters matched directly to the voter file.” The polling firm then “modeled an enhanced voter file” to get their results. The “enhanced model” polling shows Black with 40.6%, compared with 26.3% for rival Randy Boyd of Knoxville.  Bill Lee had support from 11.4% while Beth Harwell was at 6.4%. Only 15.3% were recorded as “undecided.” That “undecided” figure is markedly lower than virtually every other poll of the race thus far. The polling memo, from Grassroots Targeting principle Tim Saler, says Black has a substantial lead (43.2% to 21.9%) in the Nashville media market that she leads in Boyd’s home Knoxville market (40.3% to 29.5%). The polling memo made no mention of any West Tennessee results. The Boyd campaign was quick to issue a response to the Black poll data from campaign spokesman…

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New Randy Boyd Ad Focuses on Immigration: ‘Illegal Is Illegal,’ Build the Trump Wall, and No Licenses for Special Benefits for Illegals

Randy Boyd

A new Randy Boyd television ad airing across the state starting Monday hits hard on the issue of illegal immigration with “professional politicians” in Washington getting the blame. “Illegal is illegal,” Boyd says in the ad, which specifically pledges Boyd’s support for President Trump’s border wall, opposition to sanctuary cities, elimination of violent gangs like MS-13 and “no driver’s licenses or special benefits for illegal immigrants.” Notably, while two of Boyd’s primary opponents–Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-07) and Williamson County businessman Bill Lee–have issued public statements on the anti-sanctuary city bill sponsored by State Sen. Mark Green (R-Clarksville) and State Rep Jay Reedy (R-Erin) passed by the Tennessee General Assembly last month that is awaiting Gov. Haslam’s signature, Boyd has not offered a comment yet whether Haslam should sign or veto the bill. Black has urged Haslam to sign the anti-sanctuary city bill, while Lee has said as governor, he would sign the bill. You can watch the ad here: Rep. Black has also been the focus of ads sponsored by Tennessee Jobs Now PAC for her support for legislation in 2001 that granted Tennessee driver’s licenses to illegal aliens (see pages 921-922). That legislation was repealed following the 9-11 terrorist…

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Long Time Conservative Activist Judson Phillips Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Judson Phillips and Diane Black

Tea Party Nation founder and long time conservative activist Judson Phillips endorsed Diane Black for Governor Wednesday, in a statement posted on his personal website. “In four months, Tennesseans will go to the polls and select the Republican nominee to be governor of this state,” Phillip’s statement begins, adding: The Primary will decide the governor’s race.  It doesn’t matter who the Democrats nominate, because they are not going to win. It does matter who the Republicans nominate. There is only one choice on the Republican side. There is only one conservative option. That is Diane Black. The GOP field consists of Congressman Black, liberal Randy “La Raza” Boyd, Bill Lee and Beth “tax hike” Harwell.  None of them are conservative.  Randy Boyd is the choice of the Haslam wing of the party. The eight years of Bill Haslam have been nothing short of a disaster.  Haslam has governed to the left of the Democrats. Bill Lee does nothing but talk about how his wife died and he had to raise his children without her. That is noble but that does not make him a conservative.  When asked a few months ago about the Haslam tax hike, Lee called it, “water…

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Randy Boyd Declines to Endorse Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate

Randy Boyd Declines to Endorse Marsha Blackburn for U.S. Senate

Tennessee Republican gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd appeared on WNWS Radio in Jackson, TN Thursday to talk about a variety of issues, including the need for more focus on West Tennessee economic development. Boyd is former Tennessee Commissioner of Economic Development and noted that he is a 7th generation Tennessean with 6th of those generations living in West Tennessee. After pointing out several of the economic development projects he successfully helped bring to the area Boyd noted that the region is very important to him. “West Tennessee has been left behind the last twenty years,” Boyd said. “We need a Governor who will focus on it and I will be that Governor.” “We are going to finish the Megasite,” Boyd promised, “land a big major manufacturer and several smaller manufacturers, and generate 34,000 forty jobs that will transform West Tennessee just like Middle Tennessee was transformed when Nissan landed there 34 years ago.” Host Dan Reaves asked Boyd for his thoughts about Congresswoman Diane Black (who is also running for Governor) endorsing Marsha Blackburn in her Senate primary earlier this week. “I’m not really thinking too much about what Diane Black is or isn’t doing,” Boyd said. “I think Marsha’s been…

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Letter to the Editor: Tennessee’s Best Option for Conservative Leadership Is Bill Lee

Dear Tennessee Star, In 2010, Obamacare was pushed through on a party-line vote in the dead of night. While it has absolutely eviscerated our health care system, there was a silver-lining: It galvanized the forces of conservative voters across the country to stand up and speak up. The silent majority would be silent no more. But since that day, we have seen our Republican leadership compromise on key values of spending, debt, life, immigration, and we have watched them oversee the ever-growing expansion of government into our lives. At the federal level, we continue to see a budget that funds Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, while increasing the burden of debt on our children and grandchildren. In Tennessee, we’ve seen state government expenditures grow by over 30% in the last 8 years alone. We’ve seen bills to strengthen the Copeland spending cap amendment die. And we’ve seen Common Core simply rebranded and repackaged and redeployed into our classrooms. We now have a new silent majority: Voters and activists who are ready to see results, not more campaign rhetoric and kicking the can down the road. Two years ago, we had a Republican presidential primary field that had many good candidates with…

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Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Lee Launches New Website Dedicated to Reinstating Faith in the Public Square

Bill Lee Faith in the Public Square

Franklin-based businessman Bill Lee launched a new website Tuesday that discusses the gubernatorial hopeful’s views on Faith in the public square, along with a list of events with faith-based community organizations, and a video introducing the effort called, “Faith in Tennessee.” (embedded below) “Too often, our leaders in government work to create government-first solutions to address some of the challenges we face,” Lee said in a statement. “This comes at the expense of many fantastic organizations that are already doing the work and are looking for willing partners, not a government-sponsored competitor.” The website’s singular purpose is to lay out Lee’s thoughts on how to better engage leaders in the faith and nonprofit groups and also lists more than a dozen events scheduled across the state with nonprofits and faith-based organizations.  The tour, which the campaign says will continue through the end of March, highlights groups Lee sees as some of Tennessee’s most effective organizations. “People of faith have been called to serve,” Lee said. “Faith and community leaders are consistently at the forefront because they are often the ones on the front lines battling addiction and improving education.  As I continue to travel across this state, I know that engaging them even more will lead to better results. Also,…

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GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Bill Lee Announces 100-Member Activist Coalition, ‘Students for Bill’

Franklin-area businessman-turned-gubernatorial candidate Bill Lee announced “Students for Bill,” a new addition to his coalition of grassroots and citizens’ groups that support his bid to be the state’s next top executive. The Saturday announcement comes the same day Lee will address the 14th Annual Tennessee College Republican State Convention. “With this initial coalition of student activists from across our state, I’m so honored to see the continued grassroots support for this campaign and my vision for Tennessee,” Lee said in a statement. “These students make up a diverse group of leaders working to ensure our victory in November.” The Lee campaign says the coalition, which spans schools across the state, “will serve as an essential component of Lee’s grassroots support and help spread Bill’s ideas within their campus communities.” Students for Bill will have three Co-Chairs – to represent East, Middle, and West Tennessee – to lead the effort. University of Tennessee student Janey Green, the Co-Chair for East Tennessee said, “For some, running to be governor is just part of their political career. We don’t need a politician for governor; we need a businessman, a farmer, and a man of faith, working to improve the lives of Tennesseans. Bill…

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Randy Boyd Supporter and Industrial Real Estate Mogul Joe Hollingsworth Aids Anti-Diane Black Ad Campaign

Tennessee Jobs Now, the Super-PAC who made news by airing an anti-Diane Black radio ad featuring a repeatedly flushing toilet, received a $200,000 check in December from Randy Boyd donor Joe Hollingsworth, Jr., the Associated Press reports. After Diane Black complained that the radio ad was inaccurate, some radio stations pulled the spot. However, the A.P. reports “Tennessee Jobs Now then tweaked it and returned it to air,” adding that the Boyd campaign – through spokesperson Laine Arnold – asserts “the campaign had nothing to do with the ad.” Hollingsworth, the successful, second-generation businessman behind the Clinton, Tennessee-based Hollingsworth Companies Industrial Building Program – a commercial and industrial construction company and real estate firm –  previously contributed $8,000 to Boyd in May. This is not the first time Hollingsworth has sought to influence the outcome of an election. In 2016, the A.P. notes he “spent heavily” to help his son Trey Hollingsworth run for and win the race to represent the people of  Indiana’s 9th congressional district in the U. S. Congress in 2016. The 34-year-old Republican replaced Todd Young, who in turn ran for and won the open U.S. Senate seat after incumbent Senator Dan Coats announced he would not run for re-election in 2016. Coats…

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Steve Osborn Commentary: It’s Time for Tennessee’s Grassroots to Back Diane Black for Governor

by Steve Osborn   The folks in the grassroots conservative movement have been working hard these last few years trying to be the Vanguards of Liberty, and trying to undo the damage inflicted on our nation by liberals. We may disagree from time to time on issues, tactics, or candidates, but we remain steadfast and united in our common goals: defending the Constitution, restoring our constitutional Republic, and preserving our long-held American values. However, some of us have been choosing to support one candidate over another because of what is said on the campaign trail or what we’ve heard from someone else without doing any research from reputable sources on our own. In many ways, we’ve acted like we’re electing a high-school class president based on a popularity contest without truly knowing who best shares our values, or who would best represent us in the state. We have to grow beyond that. Just doing basic research of the candidates would either support what is said on the trail, or prove that a candidate is simply pandering for votes. Consequently, we’ve been electing Republicans in Tennessee who’ve run as conservatives only for them to show that they’re actually liberals once they’re in…

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Diane Black Picks Up Her Petition to Officially File Her Run for Governor

Gubernatorial hopeful Diane Black picked up her petition to run for Governor in her hometown of Gallatin Monday as friends and family looked on. “I was honored to join my family and supporters from middle Tennessee today,” Black said in a statement. “I’ve been humbled and energized by the outpouring of support I’ve received all across this state since announcing my campaign, and I’m grateful to all of those who have come out to show their dedication to having a strong conservative leader in the Governor’s office.” In the latest fundraising reporting, Diane Black outraised all other gubernatorial candidates, with a total of nearly $1.75 million dollars between August and January, representing more than 1,000 contributions from all 95 Tennessee counties. The Tennessee Star / Triton Poll released last week found that in a head-to-head contest, Black leads Democratic frontrunner Karl Dean by 11 percentage points.

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Businessman Bill Lee Launches His First TV Ad for Governor

Williamson County businessman Bill Lee announced Friday he will launch his first television ad in his bid to win the Republican nomination for governor later. The sixty-second spot, titled “Why,” will begin appearing statewide starting today, Saturday, January 27th. Its emotional message is largely biographical, focusing on Lee’s personal journey leading to his decision to run for office. “We believe it is important that voters know Bill’s personal story and what shaped him,” said Chris Devaney, Bill Lee’s campaign manager. “This ad gives a real look at who Bill is.” The commercial opens with an early morning shot of a dewy pasture, blanketed in a thick fog. In the background is a hint of piano music. “I waved good-bye to Carol-Ann and my four-year-old and they rode off on horseback,” Bill Lee says, in voiceover. “I found my daughter, later, crying and alone. Then I found Carol-Ann,” he says. “Her horse had thrown her. She lived for three days.” The video fades from the pasture through black to show Lee, in an open-collar plaid shirt. “We cried, we mourned, we struggled. We prayed.” “We healed, we started laughing again,” he says, with the camera looking over his shoulder at his personal photo album of…

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Vice President Mike Pence’s PAC Gives the Nod to Gubernatorial Candidate Diane Black with a Campaign Donation

Republican gubernatorial candidate Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) received an early Christmas present in the form of a donation from Vice President Mike Pence’s leadership PAC, Great American Committee, the campaign announced in a statement on Tuesday. Black tweeted her appreciation for the support later that afternoon: Thanks to my friend @VP Mike Pence for donating to my campaign! Proud to work with you and @realDonaldTrump to make America great again! — Diane Black (@DianeBlackTN) December 13, 2017 Along with the donation was a letter of encouragement from Mr. Pence. “President Donald Trump and I are grateful for your steadfast support, your principled leadership, and your strong stand with our administration. It’s remarkable to think about everything we’ve accomplished in partnership with leaders like you,” it begins. The letter continues on Great America Committee letterhead: We’re keeping our promise to Make America Prosperous Again. We’ve slashed regulations at a record pace, unleashed American energy, and laid the groundwork for historic tax cuts, infrastructure reform, and more. Noe the American economy is roaring once again. And to Make America Safe Again, our administration is rebuilding our military, supporting out veterans, standing with the men and women of law enforcement, and restoring the credibility…

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