DNC Chair Tom Perez Claims America Is ‘At War’ With Russia and Says Trump Is ‘Compromised’

by Nick Givas   Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez said America is “at war” with Russia and claimed President Donald Trump is “compromised.” “Our fiercest foreign adversary attempted to interfere with our election to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton,” he said Thursday on CNN’s “New Day.” “We are at war right now,” Perez added. “It is a cyber war. Unfortunately, because our commander in chief is compromised, the federal government is asleep at the switch. And that is why the DNC and others in the Democratic Party ecosystem are working tirelessly to make sure that we are protecting our data. We’re working with every campaign to provide cybersecurity training because we can’t expect help from this administration.” Host Alisyn Camerota asked Perez if Democrats would use stolen information to even the score with Trump, and he said their findings would be the result of subpoenas. When Camerota followed up about possible Democratic leaks, Perez did not give a direct answer. “Maybe it’s going to be leaked. What if that’s leaked to you? Are you saying that the Democrats shouldn’t use that?” she asked. “Well, again, we are entitled to that — if you look at the law…

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Fox News Will Host Klobuchar for Town Hall While DNC Refuses to Partner with Network for Debates

  2020 Democrats are reportedly “flocking” to Fox News to participate in the network’s town hall events, the next of which will feature Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), the network announced Wednesday. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) Monday night town hall event on Fox News was the most-watched town hall of the 2020 campaign thus far, according to The Daily Beast. More than 2.5 million viewers tuned in for the event, compared to CNN’s recent town hall with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), which attracted 1.95 million viewers. On the night of the town hall, rival network MSNBC had 1.44 million viewers, while CNN had just 913,000. The event was described as a “ratings smash,” but that isn’t stopping the Democratic National Committee from refusing to partner with Fox News for any 2020 debates. In fact, during a Monday morning interview on Fox News, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said he wouldn’t reconsider the decision. “Here is why we won’t do that. Because I don’t have faith in your leadership at Fox News at the senior levels,” Perez told anchor Bill Hemmer. “I have great respect for Bret and for Chris and for you, but you’ve demonstrated, above your pay grade, they don’t trust…

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Democrats Select Milwaukee for 2020 National Convention

Democrats selected Milwaukee to host their 2020 national convention Monday, setting up the party’s 2020 standard-bearer to accept the presidential nomination in the heart of the old industrial belt that delivered Donald Trump to the White House. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez chose Milwaukee over Houston and Miami after deliberations lingered longer than party leaders or officials from the three finalist cities had expected. The convention is scheduled for July 13-16, 2020. It will be the first time in over a century that Democrats will be in a Midwest city other than Chicago to nominate their presidential candidate. Instead, the political spotlight will shine for a week on a metro area of about 1.6 million people. Once dubbed as “The Machine Shop of the World,” the famously working-class city also is known for its long love affair with beer and as the birthplace of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Republicans are set to gather in Charlotte, the largest city in battleground North Carolina, on August 24-27, 2020. Democrats see plenty of symbolism in Milwaukee after a bitter 2016 election defined by Hillary Clinton being nearly swept in what her campaign aides had confidently called a “Blue Wall” across the upper Midwest and…

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DNC Fundraises Off Of Parkland Shooting on One Year Anniversary

by Peter Hasson   The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Thursday used the one year anniversary of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting that left 17 people dead to push for campaign donations. The DNC sent out an email from Manuel Oliver, whose son died in the Parkland shooting, asking recipients to “stand with Democrats who will work to solve our nation’s gun violence epidemic” by giving the DNC their name, email address and zip code. “No other country has to live through mass shooting after mass shooting like the United States. It’s not just a coincidence. It’s what happens when [National Rifle Association]-backed politicians refuse to act while the gun lobby fills their pockets. It’s why we have to be doing everything in our power to elect Democrats who will finally act to make a change,” read the email from Oliver. Those who “stand with Democrats” by giving the DNC their personal information are immediately redirected to a page asking for money “to stand up against the GOP and the gun lobby.” Thursday wasn’t the first time that the DNC fundraised off of the Parkland shooting. The day after the shooting, the DNC sent out an emotional email, signed by…

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DNC Chair Tom Perez Complains That Voters Influenced by Church

by Peter Hasson   Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Tom Perez on Wednesday complained that voters are influenced by what they hear in church on Sundays. Perez claimed that Republicans have an advantage because “people buy” what they hear at church. “And we all have to make sure that we’re fluent in what’s happening across our ecosystem so we can come to each other’s defense because we need to build a bigger orchestra. They’ve had a big orchestra for some time and they’ve got the megaphones to amplify it, whether it’s Sinclair at the local level or Fox at the national level,” Perez said at an event for Demand Justice, a left-wing political group. “I’ve learned this from the outreach we’ve done at the DNC. Why aren’t we penetrating, I ask? And I had someone in northwest Wisconsin tell me: ‘You know what? For most of the people I know, their principle sources of information are Fox News, the NRA newsletter and the pulpit on Sunday.’ And it should come as a surprise to no-one that our message doesn’t penetrate,” Perez continued. “It should come as a surprise to no-one that that person has elevated the issue of courts to…

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Democratic Leader Says ‘There Are No Moderate Democrats Left,’ Begging the Question of Whether That Applies to ‘Fibber Phil’ Bredesen

Call it a Freudian slip at best, an unfortunate encounter with the truth at worst, with a top Democrat saying all the moderates have fled the party. That likely applies to Phil Bredesen as well. Speaking on MSNBC, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said “There are no moderate Democrats left…” https://twitter.com/michael_ahrens/status/1049455723107762176 Whoops. Garren Shipley, Republican National Committee spokesman, said, “Tom Perez had it right the first time. Moderate Democrats are a thing of the past. Phil Bredesen, who has based his entire campaign on the false promise of independence, is raising money today with billionaire Mike Bloomberg – an anti-gun zealot who has spent millions of dollars in an effort to abridge our Second Amendment rights. He is bought and paid for by Chuck Schumer, Michael Bloomberg, and national Democrats. Today’s Democrat party isn’t just Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi at the top, it’s like-minded people all the way down.” Bredesen is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Senator Bob Corker (R-TN). U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) is his opponent. Shipley referred to a Tuesday fundraiser that billionaire Bloomberg hosted for Bredesen at his Manhattan home. The event was billed to financiers as an opportunity to “join Mike Bloomberg for an evening in support…

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DNC Chair Tom Perez Runs Away When Asked If He Believes Keith Ellison Accuser

Tom Perez

Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Tom Perez is refusing to state whether or not he believes the recent domestic-violence allegations leveled against his right-hand-man Keith Ellison. In a recent video first obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation, Perez is shown running away as he is asked if he believes “the allegations against Keith Ellison.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xcglLBOn38 “Why haven’t you asked Keith Ellison to step down while the review is being conducted? These are pretty serious things that deserve serious answers,” the man recording asks while Perez is escorted into a private office by his staff. Throughout the video, Perez not once addresses the questions, nor does he even acknowledge that they are being asked. In an interview with CBSN that appears to have been conducted that same day, Perez places responsibility for investigating the allegations on the Minnesota Democratic Party, though the DNC previously claimed that it would review the matter. “These allegations recently came to light and we are reviewing them. All allegations of domestic abuse are disturbing and should be taken seriously,” the DNC told NPR in a statement. “We take all allegations of sexual misconduct very, very seriously and that is something we’ve always done, and that’s…

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Far Left Ideologue Tom Perez Elected Democratic National Committee Chair

Tom Perez, new DNC Chair

ABC is reporting that Tom Perez, Secretary of Labor and former President Barack Obama, has been named chairman of the Democratic National Committee: More than 400 party insiders gathered in Atlanta this weekend to cast their ballots. The former Obama appointee will try to rally the party of Democrats still reeling from its presidential election defeat and crippled by down-ballot losses across the country over the last decade. Many in the party’s progressive wing had rallied around Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, expressing their frustration with the status quo of the party. They felt strongly that Ellison better identified with the grassroots movement growing across the country in opposition to Trump. Perez had fallen one short shy of victory in the first round of voting. NBC is reporting Perez has asked that his main rival, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), a Muslim Member of Congress, be named deputy chair. JUST IN: Tom Perez moves to elect Keith Ellison as deputy chair of Democratic National Committee https://t.co/piJvs5dfK9 — NBC News (@NBCNews) February 25, 2017 Earlier this week the New Republic, liberal publication of long standing, argued that “the case for Tom Perez Makes No Sense.” If Perez is like Ellison—in both his politics…

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