Reporter Tom Pappert Analyzes Democrat Senator Bob Casey’s Attempt to Blame ‘Greedflation’ for Record High Prices

Bob Casey

Tom Pappert, reporter at The Pennsylvania Daily Star, said Pennsylvania Democratic Senator Bob Casey’s (D-PA) speech at the Democratic National Convention last week about “greedflation” is an attempt by the lawmaker to “parrot” a “socialist talking point” in an effort to prop up both his and Vice President Kamala Harris’ economic policies leading up to the election.

During his speech at the convention last week, Casey said, “Prices are up because these corporations are scheming to drive them up.”

Casey described the behavior as “greedflation” and went on to claim that he and Harris were both longtime opponents to the practice.

Pappert, however, pointed out on Monday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show that the term “greedflation” is now being used by Democrats like Casey in an attempted to prop up their own economic records, which he said actually have “resulted in our runaway inflation and our insane economy.”

“I think this shows the direction Bob Casey thinks he’s going to have to go to continue to keep his lead until Election Day and secure another six years in the Senate, and that is we’re going to attack greedflation. It worked out so well for President Biden that he dropped out of the race and has now been on a two month vacation at various beaches, but Bob Casey is going to bring up greedflation,” Pappert said.

“Bob Casey has voted 98 percent with Kamala Harris while she’s been vice president and 99 percent when she was in the Senate. He is responsible for all of the Biden-Harris administration’s legislative accomplishments, the ‘American Rescue Act,’ the CHIPS Act, all of this massive really corporate welfare, printing money to give to big businesses so they’ll donate to Democrats that has resulted in our runaway inflation and our insane economy,” Pappert added.

Pappert pointed out that the Democrats appear to be attempting to invent new phrases to blame businesses for raising goods prices through a process called A/B testing.

“I think [Democrats] are doing a little bit of A/B testing here to see what works out,” Pappert explained.

“To put it in simple terms, they’re throwing you-know-what at the wall and seeing what sticks. If people start parroting shrinkflation, then that will be the word we all use. The new one that Bob Casey has also tried but quickly seems to have abandoned is ‘streamflation.’ That is where Netflix and Amazon Prime and Hulu are charging more for you to watch your shows. But, of course, Bob Casey did not mention one of the streaming platforms that happens to be, in my opinion, a big culprit of this – Amazon – because he gets money, I understand this is why, because he gets money from Jeff Bezos,” Pappert said.

Despite Casey’s attempt to blame the nation’s economic shortfalls on businesses rather than reckless policy, Pappert pointed out the pushback coming from the media and economists on the issue.

“I think this is causing a lot of lack of consensus in the Democratic party, especially with their friends in the media. There have been multiple media outlets that have stopped and said, ‘No, Bob Casey, you were actually very wrong about this. Every economist in the country, in the world, says that you’re wrong about this, as a matter of fact.’ The Soviet Union no longer exists. One of the groups to immediately fact check Bob Casey after he gave his DNC speech last week was CNN. So even CNN is telling their diehard left wing viewers that Bob Casey and Kamala Harris are wrong about the economy,” Pappert said.

Watch the full interview:

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Pennsylvania Daily Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Bob Casey” by Bob Casey.





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