Gavin McInnes Sues SPLC for Defamation Over Hate Group Label

Gavin McInnes

by Grace Carr   Political commentator and writer Gavin McInnes filed a Monday lawsuit against a group dedicated to combating intolerance, alleging that its actions have contributed to his loss of employment and slandering on social media. McInnes sued the U.S. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for its label of the Proud Boys as a hate group. The Proud Boys is made up of “western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world,” according to its website. SPLC lists the Proud Boys’ ideology as “general hate,” describing the group as a white nationalist organization known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. McInnes equates the description with defamation. He is a Vice Media co-founder and founded the Proud Boys in 2016. The Proud Boys allows and has members from multiple races. SPLC “combats hate, intolerance, and discrimination through education and litigation,” according to its Twitter handle. It was founded in 1971. McInnes filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama, Reuters reported. “They [SPLC] have harassed me, my family, and my friends to a level of tortious interference that goes well into sabotage,” McInnes said in a statement, according to Reuters. “I am doing…

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Nashville Journalist Phil Williams Displeased with The Tennessean

Things are so out-of-kilter at The Tennessean that even investigative reporter Phil Williams of News Channel 5 said he dropped his subscription. That’s because, going by Williams’ Twitter feed, the newspaper’s staff gypped him out of a lot of money. Williams, in his tweets, said nothing about the content of the paper — only the staff’s billing practices. “As much as I want to support my fellow journalists, today I became a FORMER @Tennessean subscriber b/c of the company’s billing practices. If you are a longtime EZ Pay subscriber, you should check your bank account,” Williams wrote, before posting several follow-up tweets. “My automatic drafts from my checking account had sneaked up on me, from $35/month in 2017 to an average $81/month now. For the record, my @Tennessean account lists me at $81/month, but I’ve been charged more in some months.” The problem, Williams went on to say is The Tennessean staff advertising $16 a month for seven-day home delivery that is 50 percent off. “That would make the regular price $32, right?” Williams wrote. “Apparently, NOT! The customer service representative told me that, because of where I live, the actually price is $81. BTW, I live in Davidson County.…

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Democratic Rep Wants to Ban Teens from Wearing MAGA Hats after False Reports of Harrassment

by Neetu Chandak   House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth called for banning teens from wearing Make America Great Again (MAGA) hats after a video circulated on social media of an encounter between some Kentucky high school boys and an American Indian group after the March for Life rally Friday. After facing criticism on Twitter, he mentioned it was an “obvious joke.” “I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on,” Yarmuth posted Sunday on Twitter. “They seem to be poisoning young minds.” I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on. They seem to be poisoning young minds. [1/2] — John Yarmuth 🥃 (@JohnYarmuth) January 20, 2019 Yarmuth, a Democratic representative from Kentucky, also blamed President Donald Trump for the allegedly negative behavior displayed in a separate tweet. “The conduct we saw in this video is beyond appalling, but it didn’t happen in a vacuum,” another tweet by the chairman said. “This is a direct result of the racist hatred displayed daily by the President of the United States who, sadly, some mistake for a role…

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Twitter Meets with Conservatives for Input on Social Media Practices

by Evie Fordham   Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey hosted dinners to pick the brains of conservative leaders, including Grover Norquist, about criticism over content policing or lack thereof, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. Norquist, founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform, told TheWSJ he asked for help for two unnamed “prominent conservatives” who faced setbacks when placing pro-life ads on Twitter. Dorsey held outreach dinners, one in Washington, D.C., in June and another in New York, to get feedback from conservatives and others across the political spectrum, reported TheWSJ. Twitter came under fire from conservatives over summer 2018 when they accused the social media platform of “shadow banning” figures on the right, including Republican congressman. Twitter executives eventually admitted an algorithm meant to punish “bad-faith actors” had affected certain Republican congressmen’s visibility. Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz is one of the members of Congress who said he was shadow banned. “When you search Matt Gaetz, you don’t get the account that is @MattGaetz which has 33,000 follower. You don’t get @RepMattGaetz, which has over 80,000 followers. Instead you get @NotMattGaetz, that’s what you get. I think @NotMattGaetz has fewer than 12 followers. But that’s what happens when you…

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President Trump Mulls Declaring ‘National Emergency’ to Build Wall, Predicts Movement in Negotiations with Democrats by Mid-Week

Echoing remarks from a White House press conference Friday, President Trump reiterated Sunday his option to declare the United States’ porous southern border a national emergency, thereby circumventing Congress in order fund the construction of a physical barrier to halt illegal immigrants from simply walking into the country. “I may decide a national emergency depending on what happens over the next few days,” President Trump told reporters from the White House lawn, several news outlets reported. He added: We have a meeting. Vice President Pence and a group will be going to a certain location – and you know where that is – and they’ll be having another meeting. I don’t expect anything to happen at that meeting, nor does the Vice President, but I think we are going to have some very serious talks come Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. We have to have border security. If we don’t have border security we are going to be crime-ridden and it’s going to get worse and worse. And we’re so sad watching the funeral of the slain police officer yesterday. Officer Singh. It was a very sad thing. But this is going on in many places. If you go back to the…

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Commentary: Healthcare Will Follow the Dangerous Politicization of Big Tech

by Tho Bishop   As tech executives continue to be grilled in front of Congress, the growing Bernie Sanders-wing of the Democratic Party is preparing to push its misnamed “Medicare for All” into the political mainstream after its political gains in the midterms. While these two stories seem to have very little in common, it’s not difficult to imagine a not-so-distant future where the two are dangerously connected. After all, so long as the scope of government grows, the continued politicization of all aspect of life will follow – the inevitable consequences of which could be quite horrific. The State’s Shadow over Silicon Valley First let’s consider some of the overlooked causes behind the increased censorship from Silicon Valley. While Republican politicians relish in collecting cheap soundbites railing against the censorship practices of widely despised tech executives, few are willing to point out the obvious influence of government in Big Tech’s growing hostility to free speech. For example, just recently Facebook announced it was following the lead of Tumblr by cracking down on “sexualized content” on its platform. While both decisions were widely ridiculed by users and pundits alike, largely ignored was the role that recent Congressional laws aimed at…

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Democrats Spent Same Amount of Money Building Fake Russian Bots as Russia Did on Real Russian Bots

by Joe Simonson   While the debate rages on over how much Russia really influenced the results of the 2016 presidential elections, one detail put the entire controversy in perspective: Democratic operatives spent an identical amount of money on their project to create a Russian bot “false flag” campaign during the Alabama 2017 special election. Multiple reports detailed the Russian government-backed Internet Research Agency spent up to $100,000 on Facebook advertisements throughout their entire disinformation operation. As The Daily Caller News Foundation reported Wednesday, billionaire-backed Democrats “created more than a thousand Russian-language accounts that followed [Roy] Moore’s Twitter account overnight.” The group of Democrats behind the “elaborate ‘false flag’ operation,” as described in an internal report obtained by The New York Times, also created fake conservative Facebook accounts for the purpose of convincing voters not to support Republican candidate Roy Moore. The cost of the effort totaled $100,000 — the identical amount Facebook says the Russian IRA spent during the last presidential election. Much of Russia’s activity during the 2016 campaign, however, cost little-to-nothing. According to analyses of the IRA’s activity, many of the Facebook posts created by the organization were seen by millions of Americans without a single dollar spent. The $100,000 spent by the Russian…

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New Poll Shows Good News for Trump in Iowa

by Molly Prince   President Donald Trump currently has the support of an overwhelming majority of Iowa’s Republicans, according to a Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa poll released on Sunday. The poll shows that two-thirds of Republicans in Iowa say they would “definitely vote to re-elect Trump” if the general election for president were held today. Trump also has a positive approval rating, with 81 percent of respondents approving of his job as president thus far — alternatively, only 14 percent disapprove. Furthermore, over three-quarters of Iowa’s Republicans view him favorably. Interestingly, the poll shows that despite the support that Trump is receiving in Iowa, the state’s Republicans would also welcome a challenge to the presidency in 2020. Sixty-three percent of respondents backed a Republican challenger, while 26 percent thought a challenger should be discouraged. With all of the issues facing Trump, the only issue that polled underwater was his use of Twitter. When asked if it has been a good move to post “potentially inflammatory messages on Twitter on a regular basis,” only 19 percent of Republican voters agreed. More than 70 percent of respondents referred to the move as a “mistake.” The issue most commended by respondents was sending…

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Scientist Bullied By Fellow Faculty, Students For Climate Change Heresies Speaks Out

by Michael Bastasch   Climate scientist Cliff Mass is speaking out against “academic political bullying” from University of Washington faculty and students, stemming from Mass’s rejection of a carbon tax initiative favored by activists. “Science can only flourish when there is tolerance for a diversity of viewpoints and ideas,” Mass told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Name calling and politicization of science are toxic to the scientific enterprise, and undermines our credibility in the general community.” “I am hopeful that the exposure of such intolerance will lead to an improved working environment in my department and among others in my discipline,” Mass said via email Wednesday. Climate scientist Judith Curry detailed in a blog post Wednesday the actions UW and student activists have taken against Mass in recent months. Curry said Mass was a “victim of academic political bullying.” There are clearly UW faculty “that don’t like Cliff Mass,” including, his department chair, and “most fundamentally, they seem to dislike that his blog is getting in the way of their own political advocacy,” Curry wrote. Mass joined UW’s Atmospheric Sciences Department in 1982 where he specializes in numerical weather modeling and weather patterns in the Pacific Northwest. Mass also publishes…

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Twitter Dings 285,000 Different Accounts for ‘Hateful Conduct’ in Six Months

by Peter Hasson   Twitter took action against more than 285,000 different accounts for “hateful conduct” in the first six months of 2018, according to data the company released Wednesday night. Twitter dinged more accounts for “hateful conduct” — 285,393 to be exact — than for any other violation of Twitter rules during that time. That amounts to roughly 1,900 accounts per day that Twitter found in violation of its “hateful conduct” rules. It’s unclear how Twitter’s policing of “hateful conduct” in the first half of 2018 compares to other years, as Wednesday was the first time the company included those numbers in its biannual transparency report. “We use the term ‘action’ to refer to our range of enforcement actions, which include possible account suspension,” Twitter explained in an accompanying post. The numbers also show how Twitter’s content monitors are flooded with requests for punitive action. Just under 2.7 million individual accounts were reported for hateful conduct from Jan. 1 through June 30. Twitter took action against roughly 11 percent of the reported accounts during that time. The company also took action against 248,629 accounts for violating Twitter rules prohibiting “abuse” on the platform. Twitter stepped up its speech policing…

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Google CEO Splashes Cold Water On a Major Russian Meddling Narrative

by Chris White   Google CEO Sundar Pichai appeared to catch Democratic lawmakers off guard Tuesday after disclosing in a congressional hearing the paltry amount of money Russia spent on ads on the 2016 election. Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler asked Pichai about the extent to which Russia used Google to interject itself in that year’s presidential election. Pichai’s answer seemed to genuinely surprise the New York Democrat. “We undertook a very thorough investigation, and in 2016, we now know of two main Russian accounts linked to Russia which advertised on Google for about $4,700 in advertising,” Pichai said. Nadler then asked him to repeat the number one more time. Facebook came under similar scrutiny in 2017, when the Silicon Valley company admitted to congressional investigators to selling political ads to a suspicious Russian outlet in 2016. Most of the ads did not focus on then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump or then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and the ad sales cost roughly $100,000. Instead, the ads touched on hot-button issues, like race, gun rights, gay rights and immigration. Meanwhile, Twitter told lawmakers it found about 200 Russian-linked accounts based on what Facebook had identified. Twitter sold more than $274,000 worth of ads to the news outlet RT, a…

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FAKE NEWS: Google and Facebook’s Official Fact Checker ‘Snopes’ Botches Republican-Bashing Fact Check

by Peter Hasson   Snopes, a left-leaning fact-checking website given preferential treatment by Facebook and Google, botched its fact-check of a viral meme that was mocked within political circles for spreading false information. The meme showed a picture of President Donald Trump with Republican lawmakers and members of his administration following the House’s vote to repeal Obamacare in 2017. Thirty-three people in the photo Snopes used had a red X over their face, though it cropped out a 34th person included in others. The caption accurately claimed the photo was taken at the White House following the House’s Obamacare vote, then falsely claimed that “Everyone with an X has since been voted out of Congress.” DeSantis ran for gov. Tom Price went into the Cabinet. Steve Pearce didnt run for the House This is quite literally insane fake news. — Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) November 18, 2018 Amazing. This photo illustration — posted by @nicholaskitchel — is actually more incorrect than correct. — Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) November 18, 2018 Or to be clear, it’s just flat out inaccurate. — Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) November 17, 2018 Politico reporter Jake Sherman observed that the meme “is actually more incorrect than correct.”…

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Al Gore Combating Climate Change With 24-Hour Live-Stream

by Michael Bastasch   Former Vice President Al Gore kicked off his live 24-hour broadcast calling for solutions to man-made global warming Monday as waves of protests against the very types of policies Gore champions rocked major French cities. “All of it is felt most keenly by the world’s most disadvantaged people,” Gore said during the live broadcast Tuesday from southern California’s Los Angeles State Historic Park. “It’s up to each and everyone of us now to demand that our leaders do more.” “A dramatic shift is underway, but it must be accelerated by new policies,” Gore said, pushing for policies to phase out fossil fuels and use more green energy. Gore noted this year’s 24-hour broadcast coincides with the United Nations climate summit in Poland, which is meant to further hash out the Paris climate accord agreed to at the 2015 conference. The theme of this year’s 24-hour broadcast is climate and health, Gore told the “Today Show” in an interview Tuesday. "The problem is still getting worse…this is a global emergency," – @algore talks climate change during a 24-hour livestream event to raise awareness. — TODAY (@TODAYshow) December 4, 2018 But Gore’s concern for the Paris accord…

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Taylor Swift Named ‘Most Influential’ Person on Twitter in 2018

Taylor Swift is the most influential person on Twitter this year, despite only tweeting 13 times, CNET says. Social media analysis company Brandwatch released on Wednesday its annual lists of the top 10 most influential women and top 10 men on Twitter. With an “influencer score” of 98 points out of a possible 100, Swift is the winner. Topping the list of most influential men – and playing second to Swift – is Liam Payne. The former One Direction band member turned solo artist scored 97 points. Payne was followed by President Donald Trump, singer Katy Perry, celeb Kim Kardashian West and singer Demi Lovato, all of whom scored 96 points. Perhaps it is good for Taylor that Brandwatch did not look at Instagram. Swift in October endorsed Tennessee Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen on Instagram, as media outlets previously reported. She cited issues like LGBTQ rights and flamed Bredesen’s opponent, U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07). Bredesen lost spectacularly to Blackburn, who took a commanding lead of 54.73 percent to Bredesen’s 43.89 percent. Meanwhile, do not expect to see Bredesen on the list of most influential Twitter men. He was mocked online for using Swift’s popular song “Look What You Made Me Do”…

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Twitter Bans Misgendering Trans People but Allows Porn

by Grace Carr   Twitter banned the use of biological pronouns to refer to transgender persons, adding a clause prohibiting the practice to its policy regarding hateful conduct. The social media platform updated its policies on hateful conduct in October, but the move wasn’t largely noticed until Friday and Saturday when users began commenting on the change, Pink News reported. “Targeted harassment or expressing hate towards a person, group, or protected category,” is banned, according to Twitter’s Hateful Conduct Policy. The media platform also writes it is “committed to combating abuse motivated by hatred, prejudice or intolerance.” ” … targeted mis-gendering or dead naming of transgender individuals,” is also banned, according to the updated policy rules. Mis-gendering refers to using biological pronouns for a transgender person as opposed to pronouns that accord with their new gender identity. Dead naming refers to using the “dead name,” the name they used before transitioning, to describe or address a transgender person. Conservative speaker Ben Shapiro commented on the change. So Twitter is now banning people for stating the basic scientific fact that men are men and women are women, and that men cannot become women simply by thinking themselves so. Twitter vs. reality. — Ben Shapiro…

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Commentary: Tech Giants Didn’t Deserve Public Trust in the First Place

by Zachary Loeb   Amazon may have been expecting lots of public attention when it announced where it would establish its new headquarters – but like many technology companies recently, it probably didn’t anticipate how negative the response would be. In Amazon’s chosen territories of New York and Virginia, local politicians balked at taxpayer-funded enticements promised to the company. Journalists across the political spectrum panned the deals – and social media filled up with the voices of New Yorkers and Virginians pledging resistance. Similarly, revelations that Facebook exploited anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to undermine its critics’ legitimacy indicate that instead of changing, Facebook would rather go on the offensive. Even as Amazon and Apple saw their stock-market values briefly top US$1 trillion, technology executives were dragged before Congress, struggled to coherently take a stance on hate speech, got caught covering up sexual misconduct and saw their own employees protesting business deals. In some circles this is being seen as a loss of public trust in the technology firms that promised to remake the world – socially, environmentally and politically – or at least as frustration with the way these companies have changed the world. But the technology companies need to do…

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Lost Video Rant By State Representative-Elect London Lamar Saying ‘Tennessee Is Racist’ Retrieved

A livestreamed video showing newly-elected State Rep. London Lamar (D-Memphis) complaining Tennessee is full of racists and uneducated white people got removed from Lamar’s Facebook page Friday. But The Tennessee Star has a copy, which readers may find here:   The video was apparently originally published Wednesday morning, and includes Lamar’s analysis of the midterm election results. “Looking here at Tennessee, let’s just call a spade a spade,” Lamar said in the video, beginning at the 2:01 mark. “Tennessee is racist, period. Period. And if you for one moment thought that white people in Tennessee were going to leave their own to jump over here and give us more access, they just told you last night it’s not happening,” Lamar continued. “If we look at some of the numbers last night, white men voted Republican well over 60 or 70 percent,” the newly elected Democrat State Representative from Memphis added. “Obviously, that is a particular base of people who believe in superiority. They don’t believe in sharing their wealth. They don’t believe in sharing resources. They believe that you need to work for your own, and they went to the polls and voted,” Lamar added. Later in the video, at…

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Phil Bredesen Supporters Threaten on Twitter to Leave Tennessee

Some of Phil Bredesen’s most ardent supporters are so furious over his election loss Tuesday they’re threatening to pack up and leave Tennessee forever, according to public posts they’ve made on social media. According to those posts, some of them are sounding the alarm to progressive thinkers all around the country and warning them never to move to the Volunteer State. Some of them were quite candid over their disgust with Marsha Blackburn and the people who voted for her. If you voted for Blackburn, more than a few of them said, then your mother most likely works in a profession of ill repute — but that’s just the polite version of what they actually said. Their exact quotes on the matter are unsuitable for print and do not meet The Tennessee Star’s content standards. These angry people also like to use the F-word — a lot. The Star, however, will only embed the family-friendly posts. To politely paraphrase what Twitter user “thedarthsarah,” said in her (very) early morning tweet, she wants to leave the state — now. Facebook user Mia Sagara, meanwhile, said she’s on her way out, because Bredesen lost. “I’ve never had any kind of + expectations…

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Commentary: The Left Goes Full Open Borders

by Jarrett Stepman   It wasn’t long ago that both sides of the aisle believed America’s border laws should be enforced. As President Donald Trump pointed out on Twitter, even former President Barack Obama, at least rhetorically, said that illegal immigrants couldn’t be let into the country en masse and without restrictions. (He said that as a senator.) I agree with President Obama 100%! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 23, 2018 “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants into this country,” Obama said. This dynamic has dramatically shifted, as the American left now increasingly sees any level of border enforcement as beyond the pale. The Honduran migrant caravans heading north to the U.S. border are testing just how far the left will go in embracing this new narrative. The position Obama held just over a decade ago is now considered offensive in some circles. Some are even demanding that the U.S. let the caravan into the United States. “Every one of these people are coming from a real fear. These are refugees,” Cambridge, Massachusetts Mayor…

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Phil Bredesen Tweet to Taylor Swift Shows Why 74-Year-Olds Should Not be Allowed on Social Media

Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Phil Bredesen has led to a lot of flaming online – and Bredesen is receiving some of the backblast for attempting to be hip while in turn flaming Marsha Blackburn. Swift endorsed the Democratic Senate candidate on Instagram while also blasting U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07), Bredesen’s opponent. Swift said of Blackburn, “As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me.” (emphasis added) Bredesen tweeted, “.@VoteMarsha, look what you made her do. @taylorswift13 doesn’t like your little games and she wants Tennesseans to know that you’ve been in the swamp long enough. It’s time for some fresh air up in Washington.” .@VoteMarsha, look what you made her do. @taylorswift13 doesn’t like your little games and she wants Tennesseans to know that you’ve been in the swamp long enough. It’s time for some fresh air up in Washington. — Phil Bredesen (@PhilBredesen) October 8, 2018 The 74-year-old former Tennessee governor was referencing Swift’s popular song “Look What You Made Me Do,” which has been interpreted as an attack against her enemies, including Kanye…

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Steve Cohen ‘Condescending’ and ‘Despicable’ to Conservative Female Columnist

Only days after he scolded Republicans for supposedly mistreating women, U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, insulted a conservative female Boston Herald columnist at a subcommittee hearing in Washington, D.C. That columnist, Adriana Cohen, apparently of no relation to the Tennessee congressman, came to discuss how social media censors conservatives, including her popular column. In a new article, Adriana Cohen described Steve Cohen as putting on “a condescending, despicable display” as she testified. “Cohen kicked off his opening statement trashing the president, saying the hearing was a huge waste of time, while accusing conservatives of ‘making a fetish out their own supposed victimhood,’” Adriana Cohen wrote. No one in Steve Cohen’s office returned a request for comment Tuesday. “Voters know full well that if any Democratic-favored special interest group was being wrongfully discriminated against by an American company, liberal lawmakers would be screaming from the rooftops,” Adriana Cohen wrote. “But since social media censorship is squarely impacting Trump supporters, Democrat lawmakers — many who receive hefty donations from Silicon Valley — don’t give a hoot. Why would they bite the hand that feeds them?” Powerful tech companies, she went on to say, meddle in elections by allowing Democrats to connect with…

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Fox News Guest Who Called Out Abortion Advocates For ‘Irresponsible Sex’ Now Faces Death And Rape Threats

DC McAllister

by Grace Carr   Fox News guest and PJ Media contributor Denise McAllister stated that abortion advocates regard the procedure as an easy solution for irresponsible sex and has since been met with death and rape threats, she told The Daily Caller News Foundation. After McAllister sent out a Sept. 6 tweet “reacting to the Kavanaugh insanity,” she said she received a deluge of direct messages calling her “hateful, awful, terrible,” and that she should be aborted, she said Wednesday. She said her tweet prompted a slew of threats against her life and family’s safety. “The vitriol and the way they were delivered is quite frightening,” McAllister told TheDCNF. “I am facing legit death & rape threats because I have dared to call out women who are hysterical about abortion and to challenge them to be responsible and not to elevate sex to the point that they’re willing to kill human life to avoid their responsibilities,” she tweeted Sunday. McAllister also said a number of people had gotten hold of her private number and have been threatening to rape and strangle her over the phone. Her home is now on police watch. “I can’t go outside with having someone who is armed accompany…

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Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen Possibly Breaking Law for Blocking People on Twitter

One could argue U.S. Rep Steve Cohen (D-TN-9) breaks the law every time he blocks someone on Twitter who speaks up against him. A federal judge, for instance, said it’s unconstitutional for U.S. President Donald Trump to do the same thing. There is legal precedent to say the same rules apply to Cohen. Cohen, like Trump, is an elected federal official. No one in Cohen’s office returned repeated requests for comment Tuesday. “Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald, addressing a novel issue about how the Constitution applies to social media platforms and public officials, found that the president’s Twitter feed is a public forum,” according to The New York Times. “As a result, she ruled that when Mr. Trump or an aide blocked seven plaintiffs from viewing and replying to his posts, he violated the First Amendment.” The newspaper said the ruling would have implications far beyond Trump and his Twitter feed. “Public officials throughout the country, from local politicians to governors and members of Congress, regularly use social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to interact with the public about government business,” the newspaper said. “This ruling should put them on notice, and if they censor critics from social media accounts used for…

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Politico: House Committee Considers Subpoena For Twitter CEO For Shadow Banning Conservatives

Jack Dorsey

by Kyle Perisic   A House committee is reportedly considering issuing Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey a subpoena for the social media’s allegations of shadow banning conservatives. An unnamed staffer on the House Energy and Commerce Committee told Politico that it is considering issuing Dorsey a subpoena to testify before the panel after a “tense” meeting with representatives Thursday, Politico reported. After negotiations to convince Dorsey to testify before the committee over its data and content policies, the Republican source told Politico that the social media giant is “delaying” and “stonewalling” the committee. “I appreciate your willingness to speak publicly on issues facing Twitter and agree complex algorithms must be better communicated to consumers. After many good faith efforts from staff, this is your formal invitation to appear before @HouseCommerce on Sept. 5,” Republican Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon, tweeted at Dorsey Thursday. A representative from Twitter, along with representatives from Facebook and Google, met with the House Committee on the Judiciary on July 17 to discuss the allegations of the giant platforms censoring conservatives. During the hearing, Democrats claimed that the major platforms — which control nearly every aspect of social media, internet searches, and internet ads — don’t have a bias against conservatives. “There’s been…

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Twitter Suspends Libertarian Commentator Gavin McInnes And His Activist Group, ‘Proud Boys’

Gavin McInnes

by Rob Shimshock   Twitter suspended libertarian commentator Gavin McInnes and his fraternal organization, the Proud Boys, Friday evening. The social media giant claimed that McInnes, who hosts “Get Off My Lawn” and “CRTV Tonight” on CRTV, as well as the activist group he founded, violated its “violent extremist groups” policy, reported BuzzFeed News. “We can confirm that these accounts have been suspended from Twitter and Periscope for violating our policy prohibiting violent extremist groups,” Twitter spokeswoman Raki Wane told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Nothing more to share at this time.” The company struck not only McInnes and the national Proud Boys account from its platform, but also regional Proud Boys chapters like @ProudBoysCA and ProudBoysOhio. It is unknown whether Twitter suspended the accounts temporarily or permanently. “Gavin McInnes has repeatedly and clearly denounced racism, the alt-right, and neo-Nazis,” CRTV president Gaston Mooney said. “Twitter’s censorship of such a strong voice for freedom for people of all races and creeds is an assault on American values.” “It goes without saying #ProudBoys have NOTHING to do with this and won’t go near it,” the CRTV host before he was suspended Friday, referring to the Unite the Right 2 rally planned for Washington, D.C. on Sunday.…

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Commentary: Exposing Antifa, the Shock Troops of the Democrats’ Civil War

by George Rasley   Police in the Far-Left enclaves of Berkeley, California and Portland, Oregon had to deal with riots created by violent Far Left so-called Anti-Fascist (Antifa) thugs over the weekend. Now, according to our friends at the Berkeley police department posted the arresting information via Twitter, with Department’s tweets including arrested individuals’ names, ages, city of residence, as well as the charge on which they were arrested. According to the UK’s Guardian, the Berkeley PD said it had arrested 20 people on Sunday at an “alt-right” rally, citing many of them for “possession of a banned weapon” or “working with others to commit a crime.” Most, if not all, of the people arrested were counter protesters, according to lawyers and activists working with the “demonstrators.” Fox News reported that Berkeley police characterized the riot as being caused by “an extremist element among a large group” that damaged 21 city vehicles, setting one on fire, and slashed their tires. The group also set fires in trash bins. Keep in mind that in addition to sundry assaults and acts of vandalism, these thugs also trashed the local Marine Corps recruiting office (naturally no Marines were present). Videos taken during the “protest”…

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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Begins Media Tour to Explain Why He Didn’t Censor Alex Jones . . . Yet

Alex Jones

by Kyle Perisic   Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey began his tour with media networks to explain Twitter’s speech policies after the backlash he faced from not banning Alex Jones like other tech giants. Dorsey is planning on speaking with Lester Holt on NBC’s “Nightly News” later in August and Brian Stelter on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Aug. 12. Stelter’s interview with Dorsey, the last CEO of a major platform not to ban Jones or InfoWars, has reportedly been in the works for several weeks, Axios reported Wednesday. Dorsey began his tour Wednesday with Fox News host Sean Hannity on his radio program, where he clarified the company’s decision not to ban Jones. “This is not easy,” Dorsey said, adding that Twitter hasn’t done a great job explaining the company’s use of the algorithms to enforce its policies. Dorsey also said Twitter hasn’t done a good job communicating what the company’s principles are or why certain accounts are banned to those users or to the media. “We have a lot more work to do there,” he said. Dorsey also insisted on Hannity’s radio show that Twitter does not shadowban users. Shadowbanning is using algorithms to make users or content harder to search for on social…

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Republican Rep. Gaetz Threatens Twitter with FEC Complaint Over Twitter Suppression, Claims Twitter May Be Giving Opponent Illegal Advantage

Matt Gaetz

by Peter Hasson and Joe Simonson    – Twitter’s recent algorithm change suppressed, or “shadow-banned,” prominent conservatives, including Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, a new report found.  – Gaetz is considering filing a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Twitter, he told The Daily Caller News Foundation.  – Gaetz said his Twitter account’s growth slowed immediately after Twitter’s recent algorithm change. Twitter acknowledged the “inaccurate” search results but said it was unrelated to politics. Rep. Matt Gaetz is considering filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) over Twitter’s alleged suppression of his account, the Florida Republican told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday. Gaetz was one of several prominent conservatives, including members of Congress and the chair of the Republican National Committee, whose accounts Twitter suppressed by making it harder to find in the site’s search function, a Vice News investigation published Wednesday found. “Democrats are not being ‘shadow banned’ in the same way,” the report concluded, noting: “Not a single member of the 78-person Progressive Caucus faces the same situation in Twitter’s search.” Twitter announced in May that the company would rely on “behavior-based signals” to boost the visibility of some accounts and to suppress the visibility of others, as…

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Twitter Suspends Conservative Pundit Kathleen McKinley For Opposing Trans In Military, Tying ‘Extreme Muslim Beliefs’ To Honor Killings

Kathleen McKinley

by Peter Hasson   Kathleen McKinley, a conservative blogger and political commentator for a local Fox station in Houston, was surprised Friday to find an email from Twitter announcing her account had been suspended. Twitter listed two tweets that it claimed violated rules against “hateful conduct,” emails that McKinley shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation show. In the first tweet, McKinley stated her opposition to an Obama-era rule allowing transgender troops serving in the military, which she felt the Obama-era “was normalizing a mental disorder (gender dysphoria) (called ‘distress’ now) which has no place in our military. Certainly not our $$ for surgery.” The belief that biological males who believe they’re women shouldn’t be cleared for military service is well within the conservative mainstream. McKinley’s second tweet referred to “extreme Muslim beliefs” — rather than mainstream Muslim beliefs — “that condone honor killings.” That tweet had a specific context: McKinley’s friend Obianuju Ekeocha, an African pro-life activist, was in a Twitter debate about abortion with Bill Prady, a producer on CBS’ “The Big Bang Theory.” At issue was whether pro-lifers should support exemptions for someone who claimed a religious right to abortion. Ekeocha’s answer was no, for the same reason that she…

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Google, Microsoft, Facebook And Twitter Reveal ‘Data Transfer’ Partnership

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft

by Eric Leiberman   Google, Microsoft, Twitter and Facebook are teaming up to provide users with the capability of transferring data across platforms and services, the latter two social media giants announced Friday morning. After heightened concerns over data utilization (even exploitation and manipulation), companies appear to be trying to give users at least a little more say over how their personal information is managed. The four U.S. tech giants want users to be empowered with the ability to seamlessly access their data across their multiple, respective platforms in an initiative known as the Data Transfer Project. “For example, you might use an app where you share photos publicly, a social networking app where you share updates with friends, and a fitness app for tracking your workouts,” Steve Satterfield, privacy and public policy director for Facebook, wrote Friday in a blog post. “People increasingly want to be able to move their data among different kinds of services like these, but they expect that the companies that help them do that will also protect their data.” Due to the inherent and proprietary differences of the companies’ technology, this wasn’t always an option. “Information that is housed on one platform can not be easily and securely…

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California Congresswoman Says There’s No Bias Against Conservatives In Tech – Here’s Why She’s Wrong

Zoe Lofgren

by Kyle Perisic   A Democratic congresswoman said on Tuesday that conservatives and Republicans’ concerns over bias on the Facebook, Google, and Twitter platforms are unjustified. Here’s proof she’s wrong. Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California said at a hearing addressing political discrimination against conservatives and Republicans on Facebook, Google, and Twitter, which dominant Internet traffic, is “motivated by a sense of persecution, on the part of Republicans and conservatives that somehow they’re being unfairly treated when they have a majority in House, the Senate, the White House.” Despite the hearing specifically addressing discrimination against conservatives on the Facebook, Google, and Twitter platforms — not on their conservative news sites — Lofgren brought up “conservative news sites have three times more user engagement that liberals do.” “There’s been no evidence whatsoever that I have seen and that the majority has been able to provide that there’s any bias whatsoever,” she added. YouTube, a subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet, admitted in March it “may misapply some of our policies resulting in mistaken removals,” which in this case involved a number of conservative channels being removed from the platform, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported. Additionally, Google, utilizing Wikipedia, mislabeled a Republican candidate…

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Commentary: Should Congress Break Social Media’s Stranglehold on Free Speech?

US Capitol at night

by Jeffery Rendall   Strolling towards the capitol on one of our recent trips to Williamsburg, Virginia, a thought struck me as we neared the reconstructed building; so much went on inside those walls but the people in the street had nary a clue about what was happening at the time. Sure, there were three newspapers in town (in the late 18th century), but they were somewhat crude enterprises by today’s standards, receiving and reprinting tidbits of intelligence from townspeople, passers through, other newspapers and let’s face it – plain gossip and hearsay. Just steps away great men were debating and deciding everyone’s future yet few common folk understood what was taking place except for what the men – or the royal governor and his council – chose to divulge. Not even the town crier was much help in this regard. Fast forward to today when practically everything that’s “official” is a matter of public record. Granted the government and its agents still keep plenty of secrets – the fallout from the Mueller investigation certainly revealed it – but we know a lot more than the Virginians of the 1760’s and 70’s did. Heck, they were about to sever ties with the…

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Carol Swain Commentary: Facts, Myths, and the Rewritten History of the Left, as Tweeted By Princeton’s Kevin Kruse

Carol Swain

by Dr. Carol Swain   Princeton Professor Kevin Kruse’s May 7, Twitter streamed attack on one of my Prager University videos (“Why did the Democratic South become Republican?”) comes at a time when some blacks in America are beginning to question the Democratic Party’s history and intentions. The attack also comes at a time when Prager University has a pending appeal with the Ninth Circuit Court challenging Google for selectively demonetizing about 50 of its conservative YouTube videos. So much is at stake for the Democratic Party, that the Prager videos have caused the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center to cite the Twitter stream in a fresh attack on Prager University for its ability to reach millions with its five-minute videos. The Left often coordinates its attacks in a manner meant to discredit and discourage inquiry. Professor Kruse’s criticism deserves a response and so do Prager University subscribers.  After carefully reviewing his data and its claims, I stand behind the substantive message of my Prager University video. I will, however, concede the need to make a small correction about the date of President Eisenhower’s deployment of the 101st Airborne to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce desegregation, the deployment of troops…

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Twitter CEO Caves To Liberal Backlash, Says He Was Wrong To Eat Chick-Fil-A

Jack Dorsey

by Peter Hasson   Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Sunday expressed regret over eating at Chick-fil-A, because of the chicken company’s CEO’s personal views on gay marriage. Dorsey tweeted a screenshot from his phone that showed a purchase he had made at Chick-fil-A using a mobile application. After a liberal backlash, however, Dorsey apologized for eating at the popular fast food restaurant.   At issue was Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy’s 2012 support for defining marriage as between a man and a woman, which he described as “the biblical definition of a family.” “Please delete this or follow up with how much free advertising you’re going to give GLAAD” Former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien was among those to call out Dorsey for eating at the self-described home of the original chicken sandwich. O’Brien indicated that Dorsey had sinned by publicly eating at Chick-fil-A during gay pride month. “You’re right,” Dorsey conceded. “Completely forgot about their background.” – – – Peter Hasson is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Hasson on Twitter @PeterJHasson.                        Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide…

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GOP Gubernatorial Hopeful Bill Lee Trolls Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Over Chick-Fil-A Kerfuffle

Bill Lee

Franklin-area businessman and Republican candidate for governor Bill Lee showed his support for Chick-Fil-A while at the same time poking fun at Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey’s apology over the weekend for the “crime” of enjoying a chicken sandwich. Had a hankering for some @ChickfilA today. Cc: @jack — Bill Lee (@BillLeeTN) June 11, 2018 At issue is a tweet by the social media giant’s founder proudly displaying his app-enabled purchase of a Chick-Fil-A meal. Reaction from the activist Left – especially from the LGBT quarters – was withering, and soonafter, Jack Dorsey capitulated, replying to former CNN anchor, “You’re right. Completely forgot about their background.” The ‘background’ Dorsey is referring to is a series of statements made by Chick-Fil-A’s Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy from 2012 regarding his support of the biblical definition of marriage of one man and one woman, which triggered simultaneous boycotts by the left and BUY-cotts by the right. Ultimately, the fast-food stores’ sales rose an astonishing 12 percent, though the company’s owners stepped back from their support of conservative causes. “Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena,” the company said in a statement in…

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Plaintiff in Trump Twitter Lawsuit is Let Go by Vanderbilt UMC


As The College Fix reports, Eugene Gu, a plaintiff in the President Trump Twitter “block” lawsuit in which he prevailed has been let go by the Vanderbilt University Medical Center for “performance issues” in the wake of the suit. Gu’s been on paid leave since originally Tweeting a picture of himself “kneeling with a raised fist — in protest against “white supremacy” — and the mother of a patient under his care had complained.” According to The (Duke) Chronicle, the VUMC cited “performance issues” in its decision not renew Gu’s contract. A letter to Gu from VUMC General Counsel Michael Regier cites his “lack of sufficient improvement in performance and conduct in key areas” and notes “the most ‘significant areas of concern were ‘patient care, communication, and medical knowledge.’” Gu alleges he dealt with a hostile work environment after VUMC “pinned” a tweet of its response to The Chronicle’s investigation into the kneeling incident. The Duke Chronicle reported on June 1 that Gu’s contract was not renewed. VUMC cited “performance issues” in reaching their decision. Less than a year after Vanderbilt University Medical Center placed Gu—School of Medicine ’15—on administrative leave, he no longer works there. He was placed on leave…

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Commentary: Cambridge Analytica’s Marketers Weren’t Mind-Readers or Brain-Washers

President-elect Donald Trump

by Andrew McKie   When examining the alleged role played by Cambridge Analytica, Facebook and “big data” in the Brexit referendum and the election of Donald Trump, it’s worth looking at a book which opens by declaring that “is an attempt to explore a strange and rather exotic area of modern life.” It continues: It is about the way many of us are being influenced and manipulated – far more than we realise – in the patterns of our everyday lives. Large-scale efforts are being made, often with impressive success, to channel our unthinking habits, our purchasing decisions, and our thought processes by the use of insights gleaned from psychiatry and the social sciences. Typically these efforts take place beneath our level of awareness, so that the appeals which move us are often, in a sense, ‘hidden’.” The only thing is that the book was written before the elections, before the founding of Cambridge Analytica or Facebook, indeed before the birth of Mark Zuckerberg. It was published in 1957 – before even the period in which Mad Men, the television series set amongst pioneering advertising men, is set. Donald Trump was 11 when it came out. It’s Vance Packard’s The Hidden Persuaders,…

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Donald Trump Moves to Discredit James Comey, Andrew McCabe; Claims Bias in Robert Mueller Probe

President Trump on Sunday used his Twitter platform to try and discredit James Comey and Andrew McCabe, whose FBI careers were cut short amid acrimony over the Russian-meddling probe and how the bureau handled probes into the Clinton family. Both men reportedly kept memos detailing their interactions with Mr. Trump, which could factor into Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of any ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, or fuel potential obstruction of justice charges against the president.

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Twitter Says Employees Were Openly Speaking of Censorship ‘in a Personal Capacity,’ Not for Company

Twitter says that individuals shown in an undercover video casually talking about how they plan on censoring certain viewpoints on the social media platform were speaking only “in a personal capacity.” They “do not represent or speak for Twitter,” a company spokeswoman said. The video in question, secretly recorded by Project Veritas, shows eight current or…

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Tennessee State Senator Frank Niceley Lists ‘Eight Ways to Annoy Liberals’ in Fun Thanksgiving Tweetstorm

In response to Senator Chuck Schumer’s tweet encouraging Thanksgiving revelers to challenge their family members regarding the Republicans’ developing tax reform package, our own State Senator Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains) delivered a series of eight well-crafted suggestions for Trump supporters to do and say in return. “There have been so many articles about politics at the Thanksgiving table and how Trump has divided friendships and everybody’s afraid to talk politics,” Niceley told the Knoxville News Sentinel. “I think everybody’s taking it too seriously and we just need to lighten up a little bit.” “Everybody talks about how strained relationships are over this Trump making America great again,” he said. “It’s almost like some people don’t want America to be great again. I’ve been in politics 30 years and I’ve never seen it so divided. But there are a lot of good things going on. The stock market is up. Unemployment is down.” Niceley’s suggestions touch on all the liberal hot buttons, from Russia to climate change, Trump’s talking style, Hillary Clinton, and more. And so, without further delay… Frank Niceley’s Eight #WaysToAnnoyFamilyLiberalsAtThanksgiving #WaysToAnnoyFamilyLiberalsAtThanksgiving Let's get this party started! 1. Wear your #MAGA cap to the dinner table2. End the blessing with "even the…

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The CMA Awards Kick Off Tonight’s Festivities Online with ‘All Access’ LiveStream Coverage with Kellie Pickler and Ben Aaron

Walmart will bring together a special group of Country Music fans at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville to enjoy a special rendition of “Get Together” performed by Vocal Duo of the Year nominee Dan+Shay, in collaboration with New Artist of The Year nominee Lauren Alaina. The song is featured in one of Walmart’s recent advertising spots, which promotes the importance of people from all walks of life coming together in the spirit of inclusiveness and kindness. Viewers are encouraged to share their reaction to the song and their thoughts on how music brings people together using #GetTogether. “The 51st Annual CMA Awards” broadcasts live Wednesday, Nov. 8 (8-11 PM ET) from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on the ABC Television Network. Walmart is also sponsoring “The CMA Awards: All Access,” which offers viewers exclusive access to the evening’s entertainment. Country Music artist and previous two-time CMA Awards nominee Kellie Pickler and television personality Ben Aaron (“Pickler & Ben”), “Today In Nashville’s” Kelly Sutton and Country Music artist Clayton Anderson are hosting this year’s show, which will stream globally, exclusively on beginning with the red carpet stream at 6 PM ET (5 PM CT) Wednesday,…

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REPORT: President Donald Trump’s Twitter Suspension Caused by Contract Worker, Not Employee

President Trump’s personal Twitter account was briefly suspended this week by a rogue contractor and not a company employee as previously claimed, according to a new report. Sources familiar with the matter said that a third-party contractor temporarily deleted the president’s Twitter account this week, The New York Times reported Friday, calling into the question the…

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President Trump: Democrats Using Russia Collusion ‘Witch Hunt’ for ‘Evil Politics’

President Trump on Sunday accused Democrats of using questions about Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign for “evil politics” and said the issue is uniting Republicans like never before. “Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?) … the Uranium to Russia…

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Twitter Bans Marsha Blackburn’s Campaign Announcement Because She Makes Strong Pro-Life Statement

Twitter on Monday blocked Senate hopeful Marsha Blackburn’s campaign announcement video over comments she made about the sale of fetal body parts, The Associated Press reported. The Tennessee congresswoman says in the video that she “stopped the sale of baby body parts,” which the social media site said would “evoke a strong negative reaction,” according to…

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Senator Bob Corker Lashes Out After President Trump Tweets Corker ‘Didn’t Have The Guts’ to Seek Re-election

President Trump on Sunday morning launched a Twitter attack against retiring Sen. Bob Corker, saying he “didn’t have the guts” to seek re-election. The Tennessee Republican quickly fired back, calling Mr. Trump’s White House “an adult day care center.” In his tweets, the president said Mr. Corker – who previously had questioned Mr. Trump’s competence -…

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Ingraham: ‘Despicable’ Hillary Comments Demonstrate Profound ‘Level of Ignorance’

LifeZette editor-in-chief Laura Ingraham said that she found 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s “idiotic” comments about the Las Vegas massacre “despicable” in a way that demonstrated a profound “level of ignorance,” during an interview Tuesday on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.” On Sunday night, gunman Stephen Paddock opened fire on an outdoor music festival in…

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Texas Supreme Court Judge Don Willett Nominated to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Outspoken conservative and Texas’ official Tweeter Laureate Justice Don Willett was nominated to the join the federal bench as a Circuit Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit by the Trump Administration, the White House announced Thursday. Upon hearing the nomination was made public, Judge Willett took to Twitter to let his 101,000 followers know: No words. I am honored & humbled by @POTUS's nomination to the 5th Circuit. Thank you, Mr. President—also Senators @JohnCornyn & @TedCruz. — Judge Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) September 29, 2017 “For over a decade on the Texas Supreme Court, Don Willett has proven himself to be a jurist of the highest order,” Ted Cruz said in a statement lauding the Administration’s decision. “His service on the court was simply one more step in a career of public service, from the Texas Governor Office, to the White House, to the Department of Justice, to the Texas Attorney General’s office. Every step along the way, Justice Willett has stood out as man of intellect and principle, and I am excited to see what he will accomplish on the Fifth Circuit.” Justice Don Willett was appointed to the Texas Supreme Court by Governor Perry in…

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