U.S. Rep. Mark Green on ‘End Washington Waste’ of Joe Biden’s $4 Trillion Infrastructure Plan at Americans For Prosperity Event in Nashville

Congressman Mark Green (R-TN-07) was the featured speaker along with Americans For Prosperity (AFP) President Tim Phillips at an “End Washington Waste” event hosted by AFP-Tennessee Monday evening.

The discussion focused on President Joe Biden’s $4 trillion infrastructure proposal, which was called out several times throughout the evening for being a “tax and spend” bill.

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Rep. Green Introduces Bill to Open Federal Reserve Board Meetings Once More

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green wants the governing board of the Federal Reserve to resume meeting in public to comply with the Sunshine Act.

The CARES Act has allowed the board of governors to meet in secret for the most part, Green said. So, he and U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI-02) this week introduced the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act, HR 8007, to make the board transparent once again.

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Rep. Green Selected to Serve on House Foreign Affairs Committee

U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) was selected by the House Republican Steering Committee to serve as a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Green said in a tweet, “I’m honored to be selected by the Steering Committee to join the House Foreign Affairs Committee. I look forward to working with @RepMcCaul and the committee to confront the global challenges facing the US during this difficult time.”

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Rep. Green Questions Security of Military Program That Recruits Non-Citizens For Vital Defense Work

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) is questioning the security of a program that helps the military recruit foreign citizens for vital jobs.

Green said he sent a letter to National Security Subcommittee Chairman Stephen Lynch (D-MA-08) calling for a hearing to examine vulnerabilities in the Department of Defense’s MAVNI (Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest) program.

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Democrats Are ‘Fishing’ for Impeachment of President Trump, Rep. Green Says

  Democrats’ insistence on an impeaching President Donald Trump are “endless fishing expeditions,” U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) says. On his Facebook page Thursday, Green said, “President Donald J. Trump released the transcript of his call so every American can see there is no evidence of wrongdoing. The Department of Justice reviewed this “whistleblower” complaint and found no reason to take action.” He also tweeted, “The American people put us in Congress to do their work. These endless fishing expeditions only distract and waste precious taxpayer dollars. Instead of trying to impeach the President, we could be addressing the debt, fixing our broken healthcare system, and securing our Nation.” The American people put us in Congress to do their work. These endless fishing expeditions only distract and waste precious taxpayer dollars. Instead of trying to impeach the President, we could be addressing the debt, fixing our broken healthcare system, and securing our Nation. — Rep. Mark Green (@RepMarkGreen) September 26, 2019 Green also tweeted, “This is what President @realDonaldTrump said it was, and what the President of Ukraine said it was—a friendly conversation. (1/2)”. This is what President @realDonaldTrump said it was, and what the President of Ukraine said…

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Rep. Jim Cooper Joins House Speaker Pelosi in Calling for President Trump’s Impeachment

  U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) is in with the “Squad” in the move to impeach President Donald Trump. Cooper on Tuesday tweeted, “It’s time for the House of Representatives to begin the impeachment process against President Trump. The President’s invitation to yet another foreign power—this time Ukraine—to undermine U.S. elections requires that Congress begin the process in our” It’s time for the House of Representatives to begin the impeachment process against President Trump. The President’s invitation to yet another foreign power—this time Ukraine—to undermine U.S. elections requires that Congress begin the process in our — Jim Cooper (@jimcoopertn) September 24, 2019 The tweet continues, “Constitution to levy formal charges against him. This is a very serious step, but the President’s continuing misconduct requires that Congress uphold our Constitution and the laws of the land. No one, not even the President, is above the law.” Constitution to levy formal charges against him. This is a very serious step, but the President’s continuing misconduct requires that Congress uphold our Constitution and the laws of the land. No one, not even the President, is above the law. — Jim Cooper (@jimcoopertn) September 24, 2019 The calls for impeachment are based on allegations…

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Mark Green Files Legislation to Allow Taxpayers to Designate Funds on IRS Form to a Border Wall Trust Fund to Build a Wall

  U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) announced he introduced legislation Thursday that would replace the Presidential Election Campaign Fund checkbox on the IRS 1040 with a Border Wall Trust Fund checkbox to allow taxpayers to designate their tax money toward building a southern border wall. “Taxpayer dollars should never be used to advance political campaigns,” Green said in a press release. “But, keeping Americans safe must be our #1 priority. My bill will give every American the opportunity to directly help President Trump build the wall.” Green tweeted, “Americans spoke loud and clear in 2016 that we want a wall to secure our southern border. Congress has clearly been unable to get the job done. My new bill will give every American the opportunity to directly help @realDonaldTrump #BuildTheWall.” Americans spoke loud and clear in 2016 that we want a wall to secure our southern border. Congress has clearly been unable to get the job done. My new bill will give every American the opportunity to directly help @realDonaldTrump #BuildTheWall. https://t.co/UYCbynv1AT — Rep. Mark Green (@RepMarkGreen) July 11, 2019 The current IRS 1040 form allows taxpayers to check a box to direct $3 (or $6 for married filing jointly)…

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