Coffee County Election Board Alleges Serious Flaws with Electronic Voting Systems and Processing Procedures

Coffee County Election Board testified that there are serious flaws with the state’s electronic voting systems. In a video presented during Georgia House hearing on Thursday, Coffee County Elections Director Misty Martin walked the viewer and other officials through use of the scanning and uploading software, pointing out several key issues that she claimed allowed for voter fraud.

During the video, Martin presented examples of how the voting system could allow elections supervisors to override votes or accept double votes within the electronic adjudication process, as well as scan and electronically vote on blank ballots. Additionally, the video depicted monitors’ inability to watch the adjudication process from the accepted amount of social distancing.

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Georgia Secretary of State Backs Out of Testifying Before Georgia House Committee Hearing on Election Fraud Due to Legal Advice

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger declined to testify before the Georgia House of Representatives about potential fraud in the 2020 general election on Thursday. The House Governmental Affairs Committee oversaw the hearing.

Many of the claims presented during the hearing resembled those offered during the State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing last week. The secretary of state’s office reportedly declined to attend that hearing as well. 

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Trump Campaign’s Georgia Lawsuit Goes Public, Alleges Nearly 453,000 Fraudulent Votes Cast

The Trump campaign’s lawsuit in Georgia became public yesterday, alleging nearly 453,000 fraudulent votes were cast. 

The lawsuit claimed that thousands of voters and the named defendants broke Georgia’s Election Code. It quoted Georgia Supreme Court precedent indicating that plaintiffs only had to show enough irregular ballots to cast doubt on the election results – not how voters would’ve voted normally.

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Fulton County, Georgia Dominion Voting Systems Technician Files Affidavit Alleging Absentee Ballot Irregularities, Potential Fraud

A Fulton County voting technician stepped forward as another whistleblower, alleging severe mishandling of mail-in ballots. The Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) certified technician, Bridget Thorne, swore in an affidavit that the ballots weren’t handled securely at State Farm Arena. 

Thorne stated that their testing and calibration process involved printing series of “test ballots” on actual ballot paper, making them “indistinguishable” from live ballots.

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GoFundMe Launched for Two Election Fraud Whistleblowers

Got Freedom, Inc., created a GoFundMe to support whistleblowers Jesse Morgan and Ethan Pease as they transition back to everyday life. The fundraiser stated that all funds will go to the men to supply a year’s worth of their work salaries.

Morgan and Pease appeared as new witnesses contesting the election last week, alleging that they had witnessed election irregularities and potential voter fraud.

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Federal Judge in Georgia Dismisses Sidney Powell Case: ‘You Should’ve Filed Months Earlier’

A federal judge in Georgia dismissed attorney Sidney Powell’s case on Monday, citing lack of standing and timeliness in filing the suit. Judge Timothy Batten presided over Pearson, et al. v. Kemp, et al – ultimately, he asserted that he lacked the authority to grant the relief sought by Powell.

Batten stated that the plaintiffs lacked standing to challenge the consent decree established by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Powell disagreed, arguing that the electors are part of the constitutional clause entitling voters to standing.

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Organization Founded by Stacey Abrams and Previously Chaired by Warnock Under Investigation for Voter Fraud

Georgia’s secretary of state’s office is investigating the New Georgia Project for voter fraud connected to registering dead or out-of-state voters. The organization was founded by Stacey Abrams and chaired previously by Senate Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock.

In a press conference on Monday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger confirmed that his office had received substantiated evidence of the organization’s involvement in voter fraud. Raffensperger’s office confirmed their evidence included the organization soliciting registration for a dead individual, an ineligible voter, a multiple residents of other states.

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Trump Campaign Estimates 38K to 45K Illegal Absentee Ballots Cast in Georgia Election

The Trump Campaign alleged that between 38,000 and over 45,000 illegal absentee ballot votes were cast in Georgia. According to their estimations, the campaign requested that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger do a complete audit on the absentee ballot envelope signatures.

The letter marked the campaign’s fifth petition filed to Raffensperger.

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Commentary: Simplest Source of Voter Fraud Is Baked Into the System

Back in 2016, when broadcaster Lars Larson attempted to find out whether one Arcan Cetin was a citizen of the United States, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency told him, essentially, “Sorry, our obligation is to protect this migrant’s privacy.”  

“Who,” you ask, “is Mr. Cetin”? Cetin is a contributor to the phenomenon I term “murder-by-Muslim-immigrant.” He murdered five innocents, north of Seattle. 

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FBI Requests Voter Integrity Project Data on Absentee Ballots for Investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has requested the Voter Integrity Project’s (VIP) findings indicating illegal ballots in Georgia and other contested states. VIP was started by Matt Braynard immediately following this most recent general election. VIP has claimed to discover significant evidence of voter fraud that would impact the election’s outcome.

Braynard is the Executive Director of Look Ahead America, a voting registration and informational nonprofit, and former Data Chief and Strategist for Trump for President.

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Voter Integrity Project Leader Matt Braynard to Submit Absentee Vote Findings to Georgia Case

Evidence of voter fraud gathered by Voter Integrity Project (VIP) will be submitted to the Georgia lawsuit and four other contested states. VIP was started by Matt Braynard, the former Data Chief and Strategist for Trump for President, after widespread distrust in absentee ballots arose following the 2020 election results.

Braynard has stated in multiple interviews that VIP findings are enough to flip states.

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Breakdown of Sidney Powell’s Lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan

Attorney Sidney Powell delivered on her promise to file massive election fraud lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan. The Georgia lawsuit was the weightier of the two, totaling 104 pages, with the Michigan lawsuit reaching 75 pages. Both lawsuits and all evidence are included on Powell’s legal defense fund website.

Thanksgiving Eve was an action-packed day for Powell – she followed up the presidential pardoning of her client, General Michael Flynn, by filing both lawsuits just before midnight.

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Seven Ways the 2005 Carter-Baker Report Could Have Averted Problems With 2020 Election

They called on states to increase voter ID requirements; to be leery of mail-in voting; to halt ballot harvesting; to maintain voter lists, in part to ensure dead people are promptly removed from them; to allow election observers to monitor ballot counting; and to make sure voting machines are working properly.

They also wanted the media to refrain from calling elections too early and from touting exit polls.

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Commentary: Something Rotten in Pennsylvania

An October 29 story in the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that election officials in several Pennsylvania counties were debating how to alert voters that their mail-in ballot might not meet state requirements. “Officials across Pennsylvania are trying to help voters fix mail ballots that would otherwise be disqualified because of technical mistakes in completing them, creating a patchwork of policies around how—or even whether—people are notified and given a chance to make their votes count,” reporter Jonathan Lai explained. Some jurisdictions were contacting voters directly; one county, according to the paper, sent the “flawed” ballots back to the voters.

But there was a much bigger story behind Lai’s article: Election officials clearly violated the law by inspecting mail-in ballots before November 3. According to Pennsylvania’s election rules, county election boards were required to “safely keep the ballots in sealed or locked containers” until pre-canvassing legally began at 7 a.m. on Election Day.

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Sidney Powell ‘Releases the Kraken’ in Georgia Lawsuit

Attorney Sidney Powell filed her “Biblical” lawsuit on Wednesday in Georgia, making good on her promise to “release the Kraken.” The defendants were named as Governor Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and State Election Board members David Worley, Rebecca Sullivan, Matthew Mashburn, and Anh Le. The lawsuit called into question around 146,600 votes at minimum.

The 104-page lawsuit claimed that Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) engaged in virtual ballot-stuffing through its electronic voting software. It bolstered its claim by alleging that the software design was created to manipulate the Venezuelan elections of Hugo Chavez, and was designed in a way to hide vote manipulations from any audits.

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Analysis: USA Today & Facebook Use Slanderous ‘Fact Check’ to Suppress Facts About Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

A “fact check” by USA Today is defaming a Ph.D.-vetted study by Just Facts that found non-citizens may have cast enough illegal votes for Joe Biden to overturn the lawful election results in some key battleground states. The article, written by USA Today’s Chelsey Cox, contains 10 misrepresentations, unsupported claims, half-truths, and outright falsehoods.

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Attorney Lin Wood Confirms Trump Legal Team’s Evidence Will Be Enough to Overturn Election

ATLANTA, Georgia – Attorney Lin Wood stated that the evidence from Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell will overturn the election. Wood filed suit against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, alleging that the state official changed election law. He confirmed this during The John Fredericks Show for an exclusive interview following his court loss on Thursday.

“I’ve not only talked with Sidney, I’ve met with her in length. I’ve seen the evidence. So I know what she said in her press conference yesterday is one hundred percent accurate,” stated Wood. “The elections in this country have been fraudulent for several election cycles.”

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Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger and Gov. Kemp Certify Election Results, Leave it to Trump Campaign to Contest Results

ATLANTA, Georgia – Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified the election results on Friday afternoon officially, following completion of the statewide vote audit. Raffensperger held a brief press conference in which he validated the results of the recount and indicated that election integrity could be improved upon.

“Working as an engineer throughout my life, I live by the motto that: ‘Numbers don’t lie.’ As Secretary of State, I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct.”

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Trump Lawyers Bombshell: We Have More Than Enough to Overturn the Election

President Trump’s lawyers hosted a press conference saying they have more than enough evidence to overturn the election. Attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis gave the joint preliminary presentation.

Giuliani offered state-by-state breakdowns outlining evidence of voter fraud; Powell delved into the fraud committed using electronic voting systems, including Dominion Voting Systems; and Ellis explained how the legal process would work to investigate the alleged multi-tiered orchestration of fraud that occurred.

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Lin Wood: Affidavits Can Expose Massive Georgia Vote Fraud

Ahead of the emergency hearing, famed attorney Lin Wood shared affidavits indicating a massive, layered orchestration of voter fraud. At the time of publication, Wood attached 17 affidavits.

One of the key affidavits included within the filings came from a purported aid of Hugo Chavez. The redacted filing tells the story of an ex-military, ex-security guard for Chavez who witnessed how the dictator “creat[ed] and operat[ed]” a “sophisticated electronic voting system that permitted the leaders of the Venezuelan government to manipulate the tabulation of votes.” The witness stated that they were involved directly in the creation of Smartmatic – a voting software that the witness claimed is a direct ancestor of Dominion Voting Systems.

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Republican Congressmen Introduce Bill to Combat Voter Fraud

Two Republican congressmen from North Carolina, U.S. Reps. Ted Budd and Dan Bishop, introduced the Combat Voter Fraud Act in the wake of multiple lawsuits in several states in which the plaintiffs claim election irregularities and voter fraud occurred on Nov. 3 and following days.

The bill would direct the Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney General’s Office to create a national strategy to combat and prevent voter fraud nationwide.

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Voter Integrity Project to Release Absentee Ballot Investigation Results by Friday

The Voter Integrity Project intends to release its complete investigation results in the coming days, including a report on mass amounts of dead voters.

Voter Integrity Project is the brainchild of Look Ahead America Executive Director and former Trump for President Data Chief and Strategist Matt Braynard. He started the project to discover if there was evidence that would lead to legal remedy or reforms for this election, mainly through affidavits and death certificates. 

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Trump Lawyers Powell and Giuliani Claim ‘Massive’ Vote Rigging by Dominion, Allege Company Link to Antifa

Two members of President Trump’s legal team and the president himself are claiming to have discovered evidence of massive election fraud generated by software produced by Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems.

Sidney Powell, lead lawyer for former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn, and Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani are both alleging that statistical evidence shows hundreds of thousands of votes switched from Trump to the “projected winner” Joe Biden and that President Trump actually won the election in a landslide.

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Famed Attorney Lin Wood Blows the Doors off Alleged Georgia Vote Scam; Predicts New Election

Attorney Lincoln “Lin” Wood Jr. stated that Georgia may undergo another election if his lawsuit succeeds.

Wood is best known for his work with high-profile clients such as Richard Jewell, JonBenet Ramsey’s parents, Gary Condit, and Kobe Bryant’s alleged victim. Most recently, Wood made headlines for defending teenagers Nicholas Sandmann and Jacob Blake.

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No New News: Mainstream Media and Democrats Recycle Arguments Against Mass Voter Fraud Allegations

A current narrative dominating mainstream media and many top Democratic officials is the total absence of voter fraud. Every top outlet or public figure mirrors the next in language. Reports are swept aside as “false or misleading,” and statements from various secretaries of state and county registrars are cited as proof that no fraud occurred.

The talking points in this election that argue against the possibility of voter fraud aren’t new, or even original. Especially in Virginia.

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Trump Campaign Updates Press on Legal Wins in Pennsylvania

The Trump campaign hosted a surrogate briefing call Thursday with updates on litigation, mostly concerning Pennsylvania. As in the previous call, the speakers reiterated that these legal proceedings take time to form and execute.

Speakers included Director of Battleground Strategy Nick Trainer, Director of Communications Tim Murtaugh, Deputy Campaign Manager Justin Clark, and Campaign Counsel Matt Morgan.

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RNC Chairwoman Confirms 12K Incident Reports and Over 400 Affidavits Filed for Voter Fraud

According to a press release, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has confirmed about 12,000 incident reports and over 400 affidavits filed concerning potential voter fraud.

McDaniel appeared on Fox Business to provide the brief update. The chairwoman shared that the campaign has issued nine lawsuits currently nationwide. 

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IT Professional, Software Expert Explains How Dominion Is Hackable – and How Georgia’s Voting Systems Are Vulnerable

IT professionals and software experts are coming forward to share how the controversial Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) can be hacked. They also call into question components within Dominion shared by other voting systems.

The Tennessee Star interviewed career IT professional and security software expert Garland Favorito to learn more about vulnerabilities within Dominion Voting Systems’ software in Georgia.

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Multiple Michigan Residents Swear They Witnessed Widespread Voter Fraud in Detroit

The media mantra that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the Nov. 3 election for the first time faces a real challenge. Several Michigan residents — ranging from a city worker to a former state assistant attorney general — swear under penalty of perjury they witnessed significant and widespread election tampering in the city of Detroit.

And by significant, they insist thousands of ballots were involved.

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Democratic Activists Are Inviting Temporary Voters for Runoffs, Georgia GOP Chairman David Shafer Says

Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer is reporting Democratic activists that invite temporary voters for the general runoff election. The chairman appeared on The John Fredericks Radio Show to discuss his role in current investigations concerning election integrity.

“Well, we are following up on Facebook posts [inviting individuals to establish temporary residency] and we’re reporting them to the appropriate authorities.”

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Trump Campaign Updates Press on Legal Efforts in Georgia: ‘It’s Not Over’

The Trump Campaign hosted a press call on Wednesday to discuss their ongoing legal efforts in Georgia. Featured speakers on the call included Trump 2020 Campaign counsel Stefan Passantino, counsel Mark “Thor” Hearne, Communications Director Tim Murtaugh, Representative Doug Collins (R-GA-09).

Passantino opened the call by reasserting the fact that the estimated 71 million people who voted for President Trump “deserve to know that this election is free, fair, and secure.” He added that supporters of Joe Biden deserve to know as well to maintain confidence in the propriety of the nation’s elections.

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Georgia’s Protections, Checks and Balances on the Vote Counting Process

In the disarray and distrust inspired by alleged voting irregularities in Georgia, it stands that the hallmarks of a trustworthy vote-counting process should be revisited.

The Tennessee Star contacted the elections officials a range of the most populated counties in the state to gain insider perspective and knowledge. However, several of the officials refused to offer comment, and the remainder didn’t respond by press time.

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Georgia Whistleblower: Officials Used Ballot Machines Missing Security Seals in Gwinnett County

A GOP poll watcher reported that officials allowed workers to use ballot machines that were missing security seals in Gwinnett County, Georgia. Beth Sexton first called into The Tennessee Star tipline to report the incident on Monday.

According to the report Sexton gave the tipline, a group of concerned-looking poll workers were gathered around a ballot machine. When Sexton approached them, she overheard them discussing missing security seals.

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Analysis Reveals Milwaukee Presidential Election Voting Irregularities

An analysis of the City of Milwaukee’s 2020 U.S. Presidential election votes reveals several irregularities related primarily to voter participation.

Wisconsin is a key battleground state with 10 electoral college votes. In 2016, then first-time presidential candidate Donald Trump won the state over Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, taking a little over 47 percent of the state’s nearly 2.9 million votes.

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