Ohio Property Tax Levy Issue Could See House Vote This Week

Suburban home

The Ohio House could take up a bill this week that would force clear language on ballots for potential property tax increases and stop school districts from using individuals to challenge tax assessments.

House Bill 344 could be on the House agenda when it meets Wednesday after it passed the chamber’s Ways and Means Committee on a Republican-majority 10-6 party-line vote.

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Congress Seeks to Unmask Funding for Students for Justice in Palestine and Its Anti-Israel Protests

National Students for Justice in Palestine

The National Students for Justice in Palestine is a driving force in the anti-Israel protests sweeping across the country at college campuses. The national group says it supports 350 “Palestine solidarity organizations” throughout North America, primarily SJP chapters across America.

The funding of the student chapters largely come from U.S. universities, however, National SJP is funded through intermediaries and it is not required to disclose its own finances. This dark money arrangement has obscured funding sources and donations to the group and has spurred congressional interest.

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McCabe Lays Out the Events Leading Up to the Stunning Implosion of Hunter Biden’s ‘Sweetheart’ Plea Deal

One America News’ national political correspondent Neil W. McCabe joined The Tennessee Star Report Wednesday morning to break down the very latest twists and turns on the bizarre developments surrounding the Hunter Biden and the attempt by someone to “disappear” a friend-of-the-court brief that hours later, gave the Delaware court pause on accepting the First Son’s sweetheart plea deal.

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Ohio House Passes Legislation Providing Tobacco Wholesalers a Bad Debt Refund

The Ohio House of Representatives passed legislation that aims to allow wholesalers experiencing “bad debt” to claim a refund on cigarette, tobacco and vapor products from the state for the tax they pay upfront when they are unable to obtain reimbursement from a retailer.

The House passed the legislation by an 85-3 vote with all Republicans and all but three Democrats voting in favor of the bill.

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Georgia Will Have Republicans in Top Three U.S. House Committees

Georgia will have four Republicans in three of the most powerful House of Representatives committees: Representative Andrew Clyde (R-GA-09) has been picked for the Appropriations Committee, and Representative Rick Allen (R-GA-12) has been selected for the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Representative Buddy Carter (R-GA-01) already serves on that committee, and Representative Drew Ferguson (R-GA-03) already serves on the Ways and Means Committee.

Committees decide the fate of legislation in Congress and hold hearings. The appointments of Clyde and Allen to the committees give them more personal power and opportunities to advance their careers, but the positions also give them the ability to more directly influence major legislation on behalf of their districts.

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Republican Derek Merrin Elected as New Speaker for the Ohio House of Representatives

State Representative Derek Merrin (R-Monclova Township) has been elected as the new Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives for the 135th General Assembly as reported by a release from the Ohio House.

The GOP Caucus selected Merrin, a 36-year-old Realtor, and real estate investor as the House Republicans’ pick for speaker over two rivals. State Representative Bill Dean (R-Xenia) organized and led the leadership election. The caucus’ newly elected and returning members participated in the vote.

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Robin Hood in Reverse: Democrats Plan $12,500 Tax Credits for Pricey Electric Car Purchases

House Republicans are arguing against a Democratic proposal to increase the $7,500 taxpayer-funded credit for electric car purchases to as much as $12,500, arguing that it would disproportionately help wealthy Americans who can afford to buy pricey electric vehicles.

Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee have proposed increasing the credit as part of their party’s filibuster-proof $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill, which includes new social programs and billions for electric vehicle infrastructure.

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