Michigan Legislators Chatfield, Shirkey Reportedly Invited to White House for Meeting with Trump

President Trump has reportedly invited Republican Michigan state legislators to visit the White House amid a campaign to overturn election results in the state.

An official familiar with the matter confirmed that the president will be meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, (R-16-Clarklake) and House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-107-Levering) on Friday, according to The Detroit News.

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White House to Block FDA Vaccine Guidelines That Would’ve Delayed Approval Past Election

The White House blocked new vaccine guidelines proposed by health officials within the Trump administration, which likely would have pushed the approval of a coronavirus vaccine past the election.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is in charge of approving vaccines, proposed the guidance on Sept. 21, according to The New York Times. White House chief of staff Mark Meadows raised concerns with one provision of the guidelines which said vaccine trial subjects should be examined for two months following their final dose, a senior administration official told the Times.

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Half Dozen Attendees at White House Announcement for Supreme Court Nominee Contract COVID

At least a half dozen attendees at last weekend’s White House announcement of Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court have tested positive for the coronavirus.

Most of those who became infected announced their diagnoses on Friday, hours after President Trump and first lady Melania Trump announced they had tested positive for COVID-19 and were quarantined. The president was later helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center for precautionary treatment.

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White House Officials Refute Governor Walz’s Claim About Warning Trump to Avoid Minneapolis

Prior to President Trump’s arrival in Minnesota Monday, Governor Walz claimed in a virtual interview that he had warned Trump to avoid Minneapolis. Twin Cities PBS reporter Mary Lahammer uploaded a segment of Walz’s statement on Twitter.

“My activism started sixteen years ago with a presidential visit to Mankato, and in a few hours President Trump will visit Mankato, my hometown. I spent this weekend trying to tell the White House why it was a really bad idea to have President Trump go down and stand at the George Floyd Memorial, and use [it] as a backdrop for his campaign and ignite the pain and the anguish that we’re feeling in Minnesota.”

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Critic of Trump Ukraine Policy, Co-Author of Infamous 2016 ‘Ukraine Plank’ Joins Trump Administration

President Donald J. Trump nominated Ilan L. Berman, a critic of his Ukrainian policy and one of the three authors of the proposed Ukraine plank to the 2016 Republican Platform that was cited as proof of the Russian Collusion Hoax, to be a member of the International Broadcasting Advisory Board for a term of three years, according to an Aug. 3 statement from the White House. Berman is the senior vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council, as well as a  member of the associated faculty at Missouri State University’s Department of Defense & Strategic Studies. Berman also fed the hysteria over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s influence over Trump in the early days of his administration. Ok, tweeps, a bit of personal news… https://t.co/kgvD8dpWNc — Ilan Berman (@ilanberman) August 3, 2020 Berman stoked rumors Trump gave Putin green light in Ukraine Berman, who is considered a regional expert regarding the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Russian Federation, wrote in a Feb. 6, 2017 column “Trump’s Ukraine Dilemma” for U.S. News & World Report there was reason to believe that Trump in a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, gave the Russians the green light to ramp up…

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Melania Trump Announces Rose Garden Renewal Project

by Darlene Superville   WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — Melania Trump has announced plans to redo the White House Rose Garden to make it more in line with the original design implemented during the 1960s Kennedy administration. The first lady says Monday in a statement that decades of use and changes made to support a modern presidency have taken a toll on the outdoor space just off the Oval Office. President Donald Trump has been using the Rose Garden a lot more lately to make statements and hold news conferences in the age of the coronavirus. The first lady also hosted a state dinner for Australia in the garden last year. Plans described by the first lady include returning the Rose Garden to its original 1962 footprint with improved infrastructure and drainage and a better environment for the plants and flowers. The renovation also includes making the space more accessible for people with disabilities, and improvements for audiovisual and broadcasting needs, she said. “The very act of planting a garden involves hard work and hope in the possibility of a bright future,” said Mrs. Trump, who adds the garden project to a list of other White House renovations, including refurbishing the Red…

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Swing Voters in Michigan Focus Group Say They Are Voting for Trump, Call Biden a ‘Puppet:’ Report

Former Vice President Joe Biden is not mentally fit for the presidency, and he would likely become a “puppet” for the “deep state,” several Michigan of swing voters said during an Axios focus group session released Monday.

The focus group included nine people who voted for former President Barack Obama in 2012 but voted for President Donald Trump in 2016. Seven of the nine swing voters said would vote for Trump in November’s election, Axios noted in a report Monday on the group.

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Commentary: Little-Known ‘Voter Expectation’ Predicts Another Trump Win in November

Lately, pollsters and pundits have been nervously pondering the following question: “If Trump is behind in the polls, why do most voters say, in the same surveys, that he will win the upcoming election?” As Harry Enten recently noted at CNN, “An average of recent polls finds that a majority of voters (about 55%) believe that Trump will defeat Biden in the election. Trump’s edge on this question has remained fairly consistent over time.” This is far more than mere statistical curiosity by number nerds. Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that surveys of voter expectations are far more predictive of election outcomes than polls of voter intentions.

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White House Coronavirus Task Force Report Classifies Tennessee a ‘Red Zone’

Six metro areas and 19 counties in Tennessee are designated as coronavirus red zones in a private report prepared for the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

The 359-page report, dated July 14, identifies local COVID-19 hotspots across the U.S. and recommends increased restrictions for those areas. It was obtained and published by The Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit newsroom based in Washington. The authors of the report are not specified.

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Carol Swain Reflects on Her Meeting with Vice President Pence and Expresses Her Concerns on Race Relations

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed Dr. Carol Swain to the studio.

During the second hour, Swain described her recent visit to the White House where she advised Vice President Mike Pence on race relations in America and in particular her concern of the Black Lives Matter protests. She disclosed to the listeners that Nashville, Atlanta and Dallas were on the radar for groups like Antifa.

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Commentary: Joe Biden’s Loyalty Is with China, Not America

by Charles Misfud   While our loyalty as Americans is with God and our country, Joe Biden’s loyalty is with China. During his decades in the U.S. Senate and eight years as vice president, Biden consistently supported globalist policies that sent millions of blue collar American jobs to China. In addition to helping Beijing secure permanent “most favored nation” status, Biden helped smooth the way for China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) — a disastrous decision that has resulted in the loss of more than 60,000 American factories. Biden continues to champion China’s economic interests, a position he has sought to justify by scoffing at the concerns of working Americans whose jobs are threatened by China’s abusive and illegal trade practices. We are blessed to have a President who is willing to stand up to China. Donald Trump challenged Beijing’s trade abuses from his very first days in office, imposing strategic counter-tariffs that forced Chinese leaders to the negotiating table and produced an historic “Phase One” agreement that starts us on a path to establishing genuinely fair and reciprocal trade relations with the world’s second-largest economy. Significantly for Ohio farmers, the deal obligates China to purchase an additional…

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DOJ Charges Four for Allegedly Trying to Dismantle DC Andrew Jackson Statue Near the White House

Four people have been charged following an attempt to dismantle a prominent statue of Andrew Jackson near the White House, the Department of Justice said Saturday.

All four of the men were purportedly caught on video allegedly either attempting to affix straps in order to bring down the monument or actively pulling the statue, according to the DOJ.

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Police Push Protesters Back From Andrew Jackson Statue in Front of White House as They Attempt to Pull it Down

The attack against American history continued Monday evening as police blocked protesters attempting to tear down a statue of Andrew Jackson in front of the White House.

Reporter Shomari Stone tweeted, “BREAKING: Metropolitan Police and US Park Police move demonstrators back from Lafayette Square Park. Two separate protesters tell me the groups want to tear down the Andrew Jackson statue near the White House. @NBCNews@MSNbc @nbcwashington”.

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President Trump: ‘I Swore an Oath to Uphold the Laws of Our Nation, and That is Exactly What I Will Do’

President Trump delivered remarks from the Rose Garden early Monday evening to address the widespread civil unrest concentrated in urban areas across the country.

Afterward, Mr. Trump surprised the media by walking out the front door of the White House to St. John’s Episcopal Church. The 204-year-old landmark was set ablaze by rioters Sunday night.

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Justice Department Says George Floyd Investigation ‘Top Priority,’ Trump Briefed

The U.S. Department of Justice promised a “robust criminal investigation” into the death of George Floyd in a statement released Thursday.

A joint statement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Minnesota, the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, and the FBI’s Minneapolis Field Office said the investigation into the fatal Monday night incident is “a top priority.”

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Trump Plans to Keep Borders Closed Until Coronavirus Isn’t a Threat: Report

The Trump administration is preparing an order that will extend current border restrictions indefinitely, until a top public health official declares the novel coronavirus is no longer a threat, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

The White House plans to keep border restrictions in place until it decides the coronavirus outbreak is not a significant threat to the public anymore, according to a draft of a public health order obtained by the NYT. If such an order is implemented, it would remove any concrete timetable to open up the U.S.-Mexico border to non-essential traffic.

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Mark Green Says Pandemic Has Been ‘Made Worse by China’s Deception’ at White House Meeting

U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-08) joined President Donald Trump at the White House Friday for a discussion on the administration’s plan for a “great American comeback.”

Green thanked the president for his leadership in responding to the coronavirus pandemic and criticized the mainstream media for laughing at decisions that have “saved American lives.”

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Top White House Economic Adviser Won’t Rule Out Blocking Coronavirus Relief to Sanctuary Cities

Larry Kudlow, the director of the U.S. National Economic Council, won’t rule out the possibility of prohibiting bailout funds to states that have sanctuary cities.

Appearing Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Kudlow spoke about a possible “Phase Four” of a coronavirus stimulus bill to help Americans struggling economically from the COVID-19 pandemic. The top White House economic adviser also was asked if a Phase Four would include funds for state and local governments.

“There may be additional legislation,” Kudlow began, noting the federal government has already green-lighted more than $3 trillion in “direct federal assistance” for individuals and struggling businesses in the country. “We probably will have some ideas.”

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White House Coronavirus Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx Forcefully Rejects Doomsday Scenario

Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House task force on coronavirus, took a crack Wednesday at scientific models that have projected doomsday scenarios for the coronavirus pandemic, saying the estimates do not take into account adjustments made to stop the spread of the virus.

“And I think the numbers that have been put out there are actually very frightening to people,” Birx said of some of the models that have projected that between 50% to 60% of the population could become infected.

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Commentary: When It Comes to Democrat Extremists, No One Tops Billionaire Tom Steyer

by Jeffery Rendall   Just when you thought the Democrat presidential primary race couldn’t get any nuttier came last week’s news that uber-liberal billionaire Tom Steyer’s joined the two dozen or so already declared candidates. The Democrat contest was showing signs of settling into a dull lull after the initial excitement wore off – but now Steyer is on scene to spice things up. Democrats lost a competitor too, as little-known California Congressman Eric Swalwell withdrew from the scrum having miserably failed to attract attention and adoration for his pathetic anti-Second Amendment platform and… well, not much else. Swalwell did participate in the first round of Democrat debates last month yet didn’t distinguish himself in the minds of party voters (at least according to the polls). Republicans made light of Swalwell’s quitting so early – and why not? Heck, we haven’t even reached mid-summer yet! We’re a long way off from Iowa’s snow and ice and the 2020 Democrat caucuses, scheduled for February 3rd. Swalwell didn’t admit as much during his withdrawal speech, but he likely couldn’t sustain a campaign with no money, no name recognition and no distinct niche apart from the rest of the Dems. Money, niche and to some extent,…

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Analysis: Trump White House Trims Administration Payroll Costs by $20 Million

by Bethany Blankley   During President Donald Trump’s first three years in office, the White House spent $19.8 million less on payroll costs than the previous administration did during the same time frame, adjusted for inflation, according to a new analysis from OpenTheBooks.com. The payroll data includes employee names, status, salary, and position title for all 418 White House employees as of June 28, 2019. “President Trump’s White House payroll has been a leading indicator of his commitment to ‘do more, with less’,” Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and founder of OpenTheBooks.com, told The Center Square. “The payroll discounts come from Trump’s refusal to take a salary, as well as big reductions in other areas including the absence of czars, expensive ‘fellows,’ and spending on First Lady of The United States (FLOTUS) staff,” he added. The Trump administration also has 36 fewer employees on the payroll than the previous administration. The nonprofit’s investigation compared one decade of White House payroll headcount and expenditures between 2009 and 2019. “Leaders demonstrate true commitment by their actions,” Andrzejewski said. “In the first few weeks of his presidency, Trump issued an order mandating an executive agency hiring freeze. The president has led by example.” At the same…

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White House Says Judge Is Forcing ‘Open Borders’ on the Whole Country

by Kevin Daley   The White House accused a federal judge of imposing an “open borders” agenda on the country Wednesday, after she issued an injunction against a new immigrant detention policy. U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman said in a Tuesday decision the Trump administration cannot categorically deny bond hearings to asylum-seekers. That would allow migrants to leave detention pending a decision on their asylum request. “The district court’s injunction is at war with the rule of law,” press secretary Stephanie Grisham said. “The decision only incentivizes smugglers and traffickers, which will lead to the further overwhelming of our immigration system by illegal aliens. No single district judge has legitimate authority to impose his or her open borders views on the country.” “We must restore our democracy and ensure Americans have the voice to which they are entitled under our Constitution,” she added. So-called nationwide injunctions prohibit the entire government from enforcing certain laws or policies. Such injunctions have proliferated since President Donald Trump took office — as of May, district judges have issued 37 injunctions against the Trump administration. Courts issued just 27 nationwide injunctions in the entire 20th century, according to a Justice Department tabulation. Critics of such…

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DHS Chief Adamantly Denies He Leaked ICE Raid Details to the Media

by Jason Hopkins   Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan vehemently denied that he was the source of a leak that led to the White House canceling its plan for mass deportation raids. “Absolutely not,” McAleenan said Thursday night when Fox News’s Laura Ingraham asked if he was the leaker. “I would not, and have not, ever leaked details of a sensitive law enforcement operation. My primary responsibility is the safety of the men and women who go out there every day to protect American people. It’s just not true.” McAleenan’s denial comes after President Donald Trump announced — and then abruptly canceled — a plan earlier this month to conduct mass Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrests of illegal aliens across the country. At first, Trump said the cancellation was to give time for his administration to reach a deal with Democrats on the immigration crisis. However, several sources within the administration began claiming that the president had to cancel the operation because key details of the plan were leaked to the media, revealing the day, number of people being targeted, and the cities involved. Executing the raid when such information was out in the open put ICE agents…

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Stephanie Grisham Is Named New White House Press Secretary and Communication Director

  Stephanie Grisham is becoming the new White House press secretary and communication director, according to First Lady Melania Trump. “I am pleased to announce @StephGrisham45 will be the next @PressSec & Comms Director! She has been with us since 2015 – @potus & I can think of no better person to serve the Administration & our country. Excited to have Stephanie working for both sides of the @WhiteHouse. #BeBest” I am pleased to announce @StephGrisham45 will be the next @PressSec & Comms Director! She has been with us since 2015 – @potus & I can think of no better person to serve the Administration & our country. Excited to have Stephanie working for both sides of the @WhiteHouse. #BeBest — Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) June 25, 2019 Grisham becomes the fourth women to hold this position after Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced her resignation earlier this month. Also, she replaces Bill Shine who left his position in March. Sanders showed support for her successor on Twitter. “@StephGrisham45 will be an incredible asset to the President and the country. I’m sad to leave the WH, but so happy to leave our team in such great hands. Stephanie will do a…

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House Democrats Are Planning to Sue Former White House Counsel Don McGahn, Force Him to Testify

by Shelby Talcott   House Democrats say Hope Hicks’ testimony Wednesday will help them win a lawsuit they plan to bring against former White House counsel Don McGahn to force him to testify. Hicks, a former White House communications director, refused to answer questions such as where she sat in the West Wing or if she lied to special counsel Robert Mueller. Hicks’ testimony is an example that shows how much the White House has begun to block witnesses from testifying and is exactly what Democrats need to win the lawsuit, according to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, Politico reported. White House lawyers blocked Hicks from answering hundreds of questions during her testimony Wednesday, according to transcripts. Many House Democrats expressed frustration after the private meeting, but Nadler said he knew it would happen and that it played into Democrats’ hands, Politico reported. “It very much played into our hands,” Nadler, a New York Democrat, said in an interview with Politico. “It’s one thing to tell a judge blanket immunity is not a right thing. It’s another thing when a judge can see what that means in actuality, and how absurd it is.” The White House has said Hicks…

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