Tennessee AG Skrmetti Will Not Pursue Charges Against Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk

Skrmetti and Funk

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti sent a letter to Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk on Wednesday announcing that he would not pursue charges against the 20th Judicial District Attorney General’s Office following a 19-month investigation into wiretapping concerns.

On February 10, 2023, Skrmetti launched a criminal probe into Funk’s office after revelations of listening devices being installed around the district attorney’s offices in downtown Nashville, as previously reported by The Tennessee Star.

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Wisconsin Senate Demands Green Bay Remove Audio Surveillance Devices in City Hall

An Attorney representing the Wisconsin State Senate sent a letter this week to Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich demanding he immediately disable the audio recording devices planted in city hall. The letter also demands the city destroy all illegally obtained audio recordings. 

“This surveillance activity is not only disturbing. It is unlawful,” writes Ryan J. Walsh, the attorney representing the lawmakers. 

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