300 Tennessee National Guard Troops Remain at Southern Border


A Friday report revealed that 300 Tennessee National Guard troops are deployed to the U.S. southern border with Mexico, and that they’ll likely remain there until October.

“We’ve had National Guard on the border on and off for many months, if not years,” Gov. Bill Lee (R) told The Tennesseean. “There’s a break in service between them, but right now we have 300.”

Star News Education Foundation Journalism ProjectThe troops were first deployed last October.

The question came up after reports that South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) was using private funding from a Tennessee megadonor to send 50 of that state’s National Guard members to the border.

“We have no plans to change that. We’re happy to join South Dakota, or have South Dakota join us, in that,” Lee said, adding that the troops are performing a number of duties” in their deployment.

Citing Lee’s office, The Tennesseean reported that “members of the 269th Military Police Company are helping train law enforcement and are supplementing the police presence at the border, while engineers from the 913th Company are assisting with road construction and border wall projects. The 2nd Battalion of the 151st Aviation Regiment is helping Customs and Border Protection.”

There is a growing trend among Republican-led states to send National Guard troops or state law enforcement to the border to quell the record-setting surge of illegal alien crossings that coincided with the beginning of the Biden Administration.

Both Arizona and Texas deployed National Guard troops to the border in June, while their Republican governors called on other states to do the same. That call was answered by the state of Arkansas, which this week announced that 40 members of the National Guard will be deployed to the border.

Florida is sending 50 state police officers to assist local law enforcement along the border. Nebraska is also sending state police. So is Idaho. Some state law enforcement officers will travel to the border in Texas. Others will go to the border in Arizona.

The trend comes amid a lackluster federal response to the growing numbers of illegal aliens crossing the border.

Vice President Kamala Harris was appointed “border czar,” after which it took her nearly three months to even visit the border. While there, she blamed the Trump administration for the ongoing crisis.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].









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5 Thoughts to “300 Tennessee National Guard Troops Remain at Southern Border”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    Seems like Bill could send those troops he had militarizing our county health departments administering unapproved, emergency use only PCR tests and mRNA gene therapy “vaccines”. Maybe deploy to DFW airport or the Illegal Alien American Airlines ticket counter there, or assist the TSA who can’t seem to do their jobs verifying the identity of illegals they are letting onto commercial aircraft flying into Tennessee.

    Or would the National Guard be any help, since the Department of Defense is complicit in aiding and abetting the trafficking of illegal aliens into Tennessee? Inviting additional foxes to guard the henhouse.

  2. William Delzell

    Bring the Tennessee Guard home! Their REAL enemies are not undocumented aliens fleeing for their lives from dangerous conditions that our country created for over a century and a half; rather, the Guard’s real enemies are the Tennessee Tea Party Republicans that are doing their damndest to destroy the safety net for our seniors, or children, the middle class, the working class, and for our state’s delicate ecological system.

    1. 83ragtop50

      William – You are so correct. The illegals are not the “root” danger. It is people who willfully ignore the facts of the true cost of illegals.

  3. Kevin

    I find it interesting that Bill Lee sent 300. I vaguely remember a story about how that number of brave men once tried to hold a pass against impossible odds, only to get betrayed and then overrun. This may well be our Thermopylae, and the question then becomes, will the USA have a Salamis?

    This is a good start, but I sure wish our Governor had more than a flare for the dramatic, and would send our entire contingent of National Guard, NOW!

  4. Ron W

    One of the Constitutional duties of the military is to “repel invasions’” and accordingly, “the United States SHALL…protect the States against Invasion…” (Article IV, Section 4).
