DeWine Calls for Phased-In Reopening Starting May 1 With Restrictions on Workforces


Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Dr. Amy Acton on Friday discussed how the state will develop its plan to reopen the economy.

DeWine said, “Ohioans have done a great job, a phenomenal job, fighting back, staying home, ensuring physical distancing. We’ve been doing all the things that needed to be done. I’ve never been prouder to be an Ohioan and I’m very grateful for what you have done. You have flattened the curve.”

Beginning May 1, the state will begin a phased-in reopening of the state economy. The plan will be fact-driven over a long period of time to minimize the health risk to business owners, employees, and customers.

DeWine says he will lead a group of economic advisors to find best practices, similar to the current requirements on essential business operations.

He said the goals to reopen are “common-sense,” meaning to protect employees and customers. “That’s it.”

Protecting people is “also good business.”

DeWine said he will work closely with the governors of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and Kentucky to reopen the region’s economy in a coordinated way.

The states will review four factors as they reopen their economies: the number of cases in the state and the number of hospital admissions, the amount of hospital capacity, the ability to test and trace cases of COVID-19, and best practices for social distancing in businesses.

DeWine on Friday tweeted, “As we move forward into this world, some things won’t change: Such as that we must assume every one of us is carrying the virus.”

“You’ll see people wearing gloves.

Staggered arrival times.

Staggered lunches.

Employees who can work from home will work from home.

You’ll see temperature checks of employees who can’t work from home.”

“In retail, you’ll see the limit of the number of people who can be in a store.

These are some of the things we’d expect to see.”

“After May 1, things will change some, but the essential reality is that this virus will remain out there, so our lives must be guided by that. We want to make sure every individual has as much info about their own condition and what risks there are.”

“We will see testing evolve over a period of time to help people know if they had #COVID19.”

Ohio State and the Ohio Health Department are making test kits with components that once were in short supply and are seeking federal approval, The Columbus Dispatch said. DeWine said he would contact the FDA on Friday to lobby for approval of the solution to allow more tests as Ohio begins a limited reopening.

There are 8,414 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and 389 confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths, DeWine said. A total of 2,331 people have been hospitalized, including 707 admissions to intensive care units.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Mike DeWine” by The Ohio Channel.








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