Renacci Blasts DeWine’s Ohio Vaccine Lottery


Former U.S. Representative Jim Renacci blasted Governor Mike DeWine’s vaccine initiative to giveaway $1 million to 5 random, vaccinated Ohioans.

Renacci’s criticism was fueled by the announcement that New York’s controversial Governor Andrew Cuomo will be following DeWine’s trend. In New York, people who receive a dose of one of the available coronavirus vaccines will be given a free, scratch off lottery ticket. Individuals can win money ranging from $20 to $5 million.

“Now NY’s disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo is adopting Mike DeWines’s COVID vaccine raffle program,” Renacci’s tweet began. “This is just further proof that Ohio is a red state with a blue Governor right now,” he continued.

DeWine has created a movement of taxpayer-funded vaccine giveaways. In addition to Cuomo, Larry Hogan, Governor and Maryland and long-time Trump critic, said the state will hand out $40,000 each day to individuals for a period of 40 days. The giveaway will end on July 4, with a $400,000 grand prize.

Many people have denounced these lottery-style campaigns, specifically the source for the money. While Maryland said the funds will be used from the state’s lottery budget, DeWine is using federal funds from a COVID-19 “relief” package passed earlier this year.

Renacci has called into question many of DeWine’s policy decisions, especially the severe COVID-19 restrictions that DeWine has let remain in place throughout the state. He previously called the vaccine lottery “a perfect example of how career politicians waste money.”

Renacci ended his tweet by saying, “It’s time for real conservative leadership in Ohio!”

This comment adds further speculation that Renacci will launch a primary challenge against DeWine. He has openly weighed the potential campaign, and he is being advised by President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Brad Parscale.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].


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