Renacci Encourages DeWine to ‘Come Clean’ on Knowledge of Ohio’s Corruption Scheme


Former U.S. Representative and GOP gubernatorial candidate Jim Renacci called on Ohio Governor Mike DeWine to “come clean” to voters on his knowledge of and potential involvement in corruption allegations that have become national news.

“What did DeWine know about the nuclear plant bailout scheme, and when did he know it?” Renacci questioned in his opinion piece published in The Columbus Dispatch.

Throughout the piece, Renacci linked DeWine to “dark-money” groups that have been active in the bribery scandal that took down Ohio’s powerful former Speaker of the House, Larry Householder.

Householder and four other individuals were arrested in July, related to a taxpayer-funded bailout of two nuclear power plants in Ohio. After FBI agents raided his home, the Department of Justice described the plot as likely the largest bribery and money-laundering scheme that had “ever been perpetrated against the people of the state of Ohio.” In exchange for supporting the bailout legislation, Householder received funds to support his candidacy, his allies, and prevent a ballot measure to end the bailout.

Renacci highlighted the allegations brought forth in a new book written by lobbyist Neil Clark. Clark claimed that DeWine agreed to support legislation for the company in exchange for a $5 million contribution to benefit his campaign.

Renacci claimed that the money was received by DeWine through various “dark money” groups that are run by former aides to the governor.

“Ohioans are fed up with these pay-to-play scandals. And it is long past time that DeWine came clean about his involvement with them. Step one is for him to return these apparently tainted donations,” Renacci said.

Under DeWine’s watch, Ohio recently ranked number 1 in the country for public corruption.

DeWine’s office has repeatedly denied allegations relation to the corruption allegations.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].










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