West Haven Misused Overwhelming Amount of Coronavirus Relief Funds, New Audit Finds

exterior of a brick building during the day

The city of West Haven misspent roughly 80 percent of the money awarded to the local government through coronavirus pandemic relief funds (CRF), according to a new audit.

The review, published by the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management, showed that approximately $893,000 spent by the government “did not meet the CRF criteria.”

In addition to outlining poor management, auditors found several questionable transactions: $7,675 for a 20-Piece Marching Band, $2,500 for a motivational speaker, $11,587 for “challenge coins and branded marketing items,” and more than $50,000 in “overtime” pay to high-ranking employees.

For many of the expenses, city officials did not properly store proper documentation to provide detail and authentication for the transactions.

“The lack of internal controls, policies and procedures and other weaknesses identified are not restricted to the CRF expenditures, but impact the overall financial operations and management of the City. The areas identified may expose other areas to the risk of fraud, waste and abuse. The City has the opportunity to improve policies, procedures, governance and controls over certain vendor management, cash management and accounting areas,” the report details.

Furthermore, the local leaders blatantly used some money for areas that were not approved for the federal funds.

“The audit findings are outrageous and a betrayal of the public’s trust. They require further analysis and investigation. The MARB has considerable work to complete in order assist West Haven with its finances and accounting practices. The legislature established the MARB process to improve municipal transparency and accountability and that process should continue for the benefit of the residents of West Haven and the State of Connecticut,” Max Reiss, spokesperson for Gov. Lamont, said.

The city may be forced to use taxpayer funds to repay the federal government for the improper expenses.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Connecticut Star and The Star News Network.  Email tips to [email protected].



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One Thought to “West Haven Misused Overwhelming Amount of Coronavirus Relief Funds, New Audit Finds”

  1. Joey Verge

    Too bad Metro Nashville won’t be investigated. Nobody is willing to touch some of the stuff either. For example, half a million dollars for a free survey monkey questionnaire used to collect voter information into a left leaning voting database. Heck, Metro even stupidly put the collecting of the voter information in the grant contract. The 501(3)c non-profit openly admits in made phone calls for Joe Biden too. Not sure many cities have the level of corruption Nashville has.
