Afghan Refugees Coming to Florida, Backed by Terrorist-Tied Groups


Since the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban and the military blunder by the President Joe Biden administration, Afghan refugees coming to the Untied States could be as high as 125,000. South Florida is likely one of the new landing spots for a chunk of the refugees.

Approximately 300 families will be brought to South Florida and provided with training to learn about American customs like banking, health care, and the legal system. The training will come from the Refugee Assistance Alliance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting refugees.

However, terrorist-tied Islamic groups are also backing the refugee resettlement in Florida.

The Florida Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Florida) is actively working with the Florida Refugee Assistance Committee (FRAC) to facilitate a transition for the Afghan families new to Florida.

“CAIR-Florida takes pride in the level of collaboration among the South Florida community organizations in FRAC,” said Wilfredo Ruiz, Communications Director for CAIR-Florida. “Our immigration team will continue to provide free immigration assistance to incoming Afghan refugees and to Afghan families residing in Florida. Our team is also proactively engaging with elected officials to advocate for policies across Florida that are welcoming of Afghan refugees, and supportive of the resettlement process through resource allocation.”

In 2014, CAIR-Florida’s parent organization, the Council an American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), was designated as one of 83 terrorist organizations by a high-ranking cabinet member in the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CAIR was given similar classification alongside the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State (ISIS).

CAIR was also funded and founded by Hamas. CAIR’s head, Nihad Awad, publicly declared support for Hamas in 1994, and CAIR sponsored a “We are Hamas!” rally in Florida in 2014 to raise money off of the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

Also taking part in the refugee resettlement effort is the Syrian American Council (SAC), whose previous chairman is Hussam Ayloush, who now serves as executive director for CAIR-Los Angeles.

Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) is another group assisting in the effort. IRUSA claims of ties to the Muslim Brotherhood accelerated after IRUSA has continually used the same name and logo as Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW). Then-Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis sought to ban funding for IRW in 2017 after confirmed terrorist ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

“U.S. tax dollars cannot go to groups involved in funding terrorism,” said then-Congressman DeSantis. “Any group tied to Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood should be ineligible for funding.  It is a slap in the face of the American taxpayer to allow such groups to receive federal funding.”

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Grant Holcomb is a reporter at the Florida Capital Star and the Star News Network. Follow Grant on Twitter and direct message tips. 

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