DeSantis Calls Out Biden, Big Tech on Fox News

Screen cap of live comments from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis called out President Joe Biden and Silicon Valley Big Tech companies for caring more about China’s interests than “middle America” on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News program.

Biden’s time last week was spent meeting with world leaders at the G-7 summit. DeSantis said Biden’s “performance may have played well with European elites, but not sure there was much in it for Middle America.”

At the summit, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson talked about “building back better,” harkening back to Biden’s campaign slogan, as well as a “more gender neutral and perhaps a more feminine society” as the world continues to move past COVID-19. DeSantis criticized the world leaders for their talking points and for a lack of messaging around “holding China accountable.”

DeSantis also talked about how Biden seems to be more “passive on the world stage” than his predecessor, former President Donald J. Trump.

“I think it’s quite a contrast from his predecessor,” DeSantis said. “I think that President Biden is someone that is much more passive on the world stage and not nearly as assertive as somebody as Donald Trump was. I think his energy level was obviously much lower, and so, I think that is something people are sizing up. I think that our adversaries are watching that.”

DeSantis continued to criticize how American bureaucratic officials, namely Dr. Anthony Fauci, used the same narrative as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Chinese Communist Party officials when considering questions about COVID-19’s origins.

“Here’s an example of working with Fauci where Facebook, you can argue, is essentially acting as an arm of the state. They’re suppressing what the government wants suppressed,” DeSantis said. “They’re not just censoring based on partisanship. Obviously, we’ve seen conservatives be censored. But when they’re censoring things about some of the most important issues — how COVID started? whether lockdowns work — they’re really doing damage to society.”

He also pointed out to Bartiromo, China was very supportive of lockdown measures at the beginning of the pandemic.

“China was very much invested in promoting lockdowns as we started getting into 2020, February, March,” DeSantis said.

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Grant Holcomb is a reporter at the Florida Capital Star and the Star News Network. Follow Grant on Twitter and direct message tips. 

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One Thought to “DeSantis Calls Out Biden, Big Tech on Fox News”

  1. william delzell

    Send De Santis back to Cuba where he belongs. He gives GOOD Cubans a bad name by his right wing thuggery!
