Florida Congressional Delegation Calls for More National Guard Resources


The entire Florida congressional delegation, led by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), signed a letter to National Guard Bureau Chief General Daniel Hokanson, urging additional resources for the Florida National Guard (FLNG).

The letter explains that, despite a high population, the state has a relatively low number of Guard personnel. Furthermore, in recent years, Florida has witnessed numerous events that required the attention of the Guard.

“Despite being the third-most populous state, the FLNG is ranked 53 out of 54 in the ratio of Guard personnel to total state population. We urge you to take state demographic and operational tempo into consideration when reviewing reallocation of force structure, when force structure is available, and address the pressing need that the FLNG has for additional resources,” the letter highlighted.

Furthermore, a higher level of resources would increase the response of the group.

“Resourcing additional personnel to the FLNG when available, considering our rapidly growing population and the operational tempo demands from the high rate of natural disasters, will enhance the readiness of FLNG and its ability to help the NGB respond to its Federal mission requirements,” the group added.

Similarly, the Florida Senate passed SM 826, sponsored by State Senator Tom Wright (R-DeLand). If fully approved, the measure would “impel the United States National Guard Bureau to examine the resource allocations of the Florida National Guard and allow an increase in its force structure.”

“We must increase the number of guardsmen for the protection of Florida, which has had the fifth-most-declared state emergencies over the last 70 years,” Wright said on the Senate floor. “The Florida National Guard is made up of many brave men and women who are heavily relied upon, and we must ensure that they have the necessary assets to respond.”

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Florida Capital Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Marco Rubio” by United States Senate. Photo “Daniel Hokanson” by U.S. Department of Defense. Background Photo “Florida National Guard” by Florida National Guard.



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