Georgia Gov. Kemp Says He’d Back Trump in 2024 Despite Election Tiffs


Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto Wednesday night that he will support former president Donald J. Trump in 2024, if Trump decides to run for president again and becomes the Republican Party nominee.

“Absolutely, I’m going to support the nominee,” Kemp said. “As I said, again, I worked very hard for the president. I think his ideas … will be part of our party for a long time in the future. And Republicans, we need to have a big tent. I mean, there’s a lot of great ideas out there.”

Kemp acknowledged that while the pair might not always get along, “the president deserves a lot of credit,” and that “he’s not going away.”

The governor made his comments despite a vicious battle with the former president over November’s election results. Kemp eventually took the side of Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who demanded that Trump accept the election results and leave office “quietly.” Georgia’s Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) also encouraged Kemp to move away from Trump.

Star News Education Foundation Journalism ProjectTrump’s campaign battled with the state over election results, especially as they pertained to absentee ballots. As of Thursday, legally-required chain of custody documents for more than 400,000 absentee ballots submitted by drop box on November 3 have not been produced by the state. Biden was declared the winner of Georgia by just fewer than 12,000 votes.

Late in November, Trump said he was “ashamed” that he endorsed Kemp for governor.

Earlier this week, Trump said that his support for Kemp during the 2018 gubernatorial primary was “an endorsement that hurt us.”

“I endorsed him, he ended up winning the election and he certainly was not very effective for the Republican Party, to put it nicely,” Trump said.

Trump also called for Kemp to resign in December, which Kemp brushed off by saying he was focused on the state’s January 5 U.S. Senate runoff elections.

In those elections, both incumbent Republicans, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, were unseated by Democrat challengers, giving Democrats control of the U.S. Senate.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].









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One Thought to “Georgia Gov. Kemp Says He’d Back Trump in 2024 Despite Election Tiffs”

  1. Kevin

    Ha! Kemp will support Trump in 2024! Isn’t Kemp up for reelection in 2022?

    Kemp needs Trump, not the other way around! And frankly, in 2020, when Kemp could have helped Trump, HE DIDN”T! So, in this case the old adage regarding a persons car being on fire on the side of the road applies. If I were Trump, I wouldn’t even stop if I had to take a p**.
