Anonymous Delta Airlines Employee Says Company Has Gone Woke, Blasts CEO Ed Bastian



Delta Airlines officials did not confirm Tuesday whether they received a letter from an anonymous company employee with two decades of experience who is reportedly angry about CEO Ed Bastian and the company’s Woke culture.

Delta officials did not return The Georgia Star News’ request for comment before Tuesday’s stated deadline.

The anonymous author sent the letter to political commentator Karlyn Borysenko, who posted about it on her YouTube channel Monday. Journalist Kyle Becker also published the letter on his website. They reported the letter is now in wide circulation.

The author said he or she was writing anonymously for fear of retaliation.

“Recently, a DL flight attendant (Lady MAGA), while not representing Delta, was terminated for posting political content on social media, which some Delta management deemed disagreeable. Delta claims employees represent the company 24/7 and can therefore terminate any employee should they express opinions management finds unacceptable even when not representing the company. But what [about] when management does the same?” the author asked.

“When employees are uniformed or in service of the company they are expected to abide by proper protocol and should be reprimanded or terminated when representing Delta’s brand in unflattering fashion. But if Delta isn’t mentioned Delta has no say in how employees express themselves, none. The change of our executive/management body SHOULD be to build our brand, hire employees of merit, provide the best customer service, build a strong company and create value and profit for stockholders. That’s all.”

The anonymous employee said Delta should never, among other things, contribute to political campaigns, endorse social causes, or contribute money to or promote “racist, Marxist, pseudo-terrorist political groups.” The writer also said company officials should never implement policies pitting the company against employees or customers.

“Delta management deemed fitting to terminate an employee who displayed personal political expression outsider their company roll. However, Mr. Bastian routinely attaches his personal political beliefs to the Delta brand. Mr. Bastian, we employees actually get along great without your help. Your job is to promote our brand, not to create racial divisions, advance political pet projects nor support socio-Marxist racial organizations,” the author said.

“And, while representing Delta you publicly boasted manipulating Georgia State voter law – Mr. Bastian, you  should not use Delta as a planform to virtue signal your personal (apparently, political) ambitions. It’s not your place. If you feel you must tell everyone how virtuous you are, then maybe… And if Lady MAGA deserved to be fired for expressing political opinion then you definitely deserve the same treatment. Remember, even Delta requires positive identification in advance of boarding an airplane.”

Delta Airlines, according to its website, requires its passengers prove they are who they say they are and present a government-issued ID.

The author concluded by asking Delta officials to appoint a competent CEO to rebuild the airline.

Earlier this year Delta Airlines officials criticized Georgia’s new voter integrity law, Senate Bill 202. This new voter reform law requires, among other things, voter ID on all absentee ballots and secured drop boxes around the clock.

Members of the Georgia House of Representatives in April struck back at Delta Airlines and decided not to renew a jet fuel tax credit that they bestow upon the company. The vote, however, was merely symbolic. Delta still has the tax credit. That’s because members of the Georgia State Senate did not have an opportunity to vote on the matter for this year’s legislative session before it ended.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].









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