Chris Carr Calls Out George Soros for Installing Partisan District Attorneys

Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr (R) called out billionaire and Open Society founder George Soros for his financial support of progressive district attorneys, a move that has resulted in crime spikes across the nation.

“George Soros has spent tens of millions to elect prosecutors who care more about coddling criminals than about protecting families. Now the Soros family is funding my Democrat opponent because they know I’ll stand up for YOU, not criminals,” Carr wrote on Twitter Tuesday.

“Soros-backed prosecutors coddle criminals and almost immediately release violent criminals back on to the streets with no bond and no guarantee they will appear for their court date,” Atlanta Tea Party president Debbie Dooley told The Georgia Star News Wednesday. She added that the victims of these criminals are the law-abiding citizens that are left alone to deal with the aftermath of soft-on-crime policies.

However, some constituents are pushing back.

Soros-supported San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin was voted out of his office in a recall election that followed a drastic increase in violent crime in the city that Speaker Pelosi represents.

Bun in a screed penned in The Washington Post, the 91-year-old billionaire survivor of the Siege of Budapest concluded in his statement that he has “no intention of stopping” his support of  “reform-minded” prosecutors.

Among the prosecutors who have been tapped to receive some of Soros’s vast wealth are Henry County’s Darius Pattillo, who received some $150,000 through the Georgia Safety and Justice PAC, a Soros operation.

Interestingly enough, Pattillo’s status as Soros’s DA has gone overlooked, as he seems less radical than the other Soros-tapped prosecutors.

Cook County DA Kim Foxx has presided over the largest spike in murders in more than 30 years in Chicago and dropped felony charges against 30 percent of felons in 2020.

Foxx was aided to her current position by $2 million in Soros cash.

Another infamous Soros DA is Los Angeles County’s George Gascon, who Soros spent some $4.7 million on through one of his PACs.

Los Angeles saw a 46 percent increase in homicide during Gascon’s first year in office.

The descent of Los Angeles into a city rife with broad daylight looting, shoplifting, and armed robbery has been noticed by people nationwide.

“Soros is intentionally doing everything physically in his power to destroy major cities in this country,” former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik said. 

Georgia’s Democratic Party gubernatorial nominee  Stacey Abrams received $2.5 million from the Soros-operated Political Action Committee (PAC) called Democracy PAC II.

“Far-left radicals from across the country are bankrolling Stacey Abrams’ campaign to bring the failed agenda of D.C. Democrats to Georgia,” a Kemp campaign spokesperson told The Star News.

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 Addison Basurto is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Follow Addy on Twitter and GETTR. Email tips to [email protected]


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