Georgia GOP Senators Introduce Special Session Petition


Four Georgia lawmakers – State Senators Brandon Beach (R-Cherokee), Greg Dolezal (R-Cumming), William Ligon (R-Brunswick), and Burt Jones (R-Jackson) (pictured above, left to right) – bucked their leadership  Monday to launch a petition to force a special session of the Georgia General Assembly. They need 29 signatures to force it. Republicans hold a 34-21 seat majority.

“As the petition makes clear, testimonial and other evidence given before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee demonstrated a systemic failure to observe Georgia election laws. Underage individuals and convicted felons registered and were allowed to vote,” stated the senators in a press release.

“People voted who were not listed in the state’s records as having been registered to vote. Voters who moved to a different county more than 30 days prior to the election and failed to re-register were allowed to cast votes. Voters registered using bogus addresses such as UPS facilities and other stores, yet their votes were counted. Ballots of individuals who were deceased prior to Election Day counted. Over and over again, ballots were counted outside the view of poll watchers or designated monitors, defying the law. Even the law itself was modified by an unconstitutional agreement which weakened signature verification requirements for absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots as set out in Code Sections 21-2-381 and 21-2-386.”

The senators claimed about 143,000 Georgia mail-in ballots are fraudulent and shouldn’t be counted.

Beach, appearing live on The John Fredericks Show, said that he has received an unprecedented level of calls.

“I’ve been in the Senate for eight years, I’ve had my cell phone [number] on my website and on my Senate site, [and] I’ve never gotten calls [like this] before. I have been inundated with calls, texts, emails, and the constituents are upset. They have lost confidence in our voter system. We’re an embarrassment to the United States right now. You think Florida was an embarrassment in 2000? We’re the same way right now. We’ve got to fix this.”

The state senator asserted that the evidence was compelling, despite what the secretary of state’s office had to say.

“We as a legislative body can fix it, and we should. There’s nothing wrong with fixing something that was wrong, and this election was wrong. Voter signatures, drop boxes – I mean, you can just name it – State Farm Arena video. If you look at that State Farm Arena video – [Voting Systems Manager] Gabe Sterling said there was nothing wrong. I just don’t know how you see that when you see a lady take the same ballots and run them through a scanner three times. There was something wrong. We need to get to the bottom of it.”

The petition serves as a formal notification to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger that an emergency exists. The senators have called for the legislature to convene on Tuesday, December 8th.

The petition claimed that any certification of electors by Kemp or Raffensperger wouldn’t align with Georgia election laws, pursuant to the legislature’s plenary power. These legislators are attempting to follow Bush v. Gore precedent, which enables state legislatures to assume the power to appoint their own electors.

Kemp has again rejected calls for a special session to investigate voting irregularities in Georgia concerning the November 3rd general election. A special session would address the consent decree that allegedly changed Georgia’s election procedures. The decree was signed by Raffensperger, Democratic activist Stacey Abrams, and the Georgia Democratic Party.

The gang of four senators argued that the consent decree is illegal and must be nullified for the runoff election.

Kemp has dismissed the notion, claiming the January 5th runoff election date doesn’t give enough time to change election procedure.

Beach, however, repudiated Kemp’s claims. He called on the governor to exercise his emergency powers by changing the election date to February 1st.

“Kemp has the emergency powers to delay the election to fix this,” Beach told The Georgia Star News. “The governor saw fit to change the date of my primary, so he has already set a precedent. The consent decree signed by Raffensperger is unlawful, and it violates the Georgia Constitution. We need to fix this and get signature matches for mail-in ballots – which is Georgia law – before the runoff. Kemp has a responsibility to do this.”

In a prepared statement, the four senators say the petition comes after the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee was inundated with affidavits. Citizens all over the state signed under the penalty of perjury that blatant election fraud occurred during the 2020 general election and the following recounts.

“It is such that a session of the General Assembly is being called for and convened on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, at 10:00 A.M. in order to attend to such emergency and for all purposes provided for pursuant to Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution of the United States,” their statement continued.

“We recognize our duty to move forward with this petition due to the level of fraud and violations of law which took place during this 2020 election cycle. We urge others to join us,” stated Ligon. “We need at least 29 signatures in the senate on the petition before 9 am Tuesday, December 8th, 2020. A similar petition in the [Georgia] House requires at least 91 signatures by that same time. Now is the time to call your senators and representatives to stand up and be counted on this effort to restore election integrity.”

The leadership of the Republican-controlled Georgia House of Representatives have booted the idea of a special session. Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) hasn’t endorsed it. Ralston called a session a prescription for “endless litigation” in a November statement.

Speaker Pro-Tem Jan Jones (R-GA-Milton) discharged the concept in a radio interview on The John Fredericks Radio Show.

According to committee members, the testimonies presented at last Thursday’s hearing were only a portion of all the testimonies.

“We believe we have reached the point that the results of this election are untrustworthy,” stated Jones. “Such pervasive disregard for election laws by our election officials requires a decisive response. It is time for our legislative body to do its job.”

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].







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5 Thoughts to “Georgia GOP Senators Introduce Special Session Petition”

  1. Rosemary

    where were these four senators the day after the election when they are now saying that the election was rigged in GA, there is no way that what you are saying has happened. How do you know that there were felons that voted did you see them vote and how do you know that deceased people voted impossible. I am a poll worker up in Ohio and all of the pol workers ask for drivers license if coming in person to vote and if a mail in ballot is recvd it must be clearly checked and a matched signature is done all 4 of you are in a cult and the leader is Donald Trump he lost get over it and start acting like responsible men because right now you are a disgrace to the people in GA and in the whole USA,shame on all of you what a disgrace. We are in a pandemic and instead of you 4 worrying about all of the deaths in the country due to covid and the pain that we Americans are going thru and yet you cannot believe the truth. This cult has to STOP and this current president is sick so help him, he needs to go out of the White House now before he makes all of you do something dangerous that will harm many people, which right now it has. He has spume hatred and lies every day and all of you fall into his lies. Stop what you are doing and accept the truth before it is too late and someone gets killed because it is going to happen and it will be to late for all of you to say We Are Sorry we were wrong. There is no fraud. Shame on all 4 of you

    1. Dawn Walker

      Rosemary, You need to attend to your own business in Ohio and stay out of ours because you have no idea of the hell voters who have been stripped of voter integrity and constitutional rights are going thru here in Georgia. We have been denied our rights and God Bless these 4 Georgia GOP Senators who saw the need for immediate attention to the Massive Election Fraud that has flooded our great state. Yes, there was Massive Election Fraud in our state and we know that for a fact. A lot of it was caused by mail in ballots which crooked workers changed by more than 1005 adjudicated ballots and also from software in Dominion Voting machines that switched Trump’s votes with Biden’s. They cheated and did not follow the rules. If they had, this mess never would have happened. People here will definitely cheat for money! You can’t tell me that I don’t know our election was rigged, just as the Jan. 5th runoffs tomorrow will be rigged. I know better and I now know what to expect. And the people who cheated here better know what to expect because we Patriots will not quit until these wrongs are righted, our election integrity is restored to us, and the people who cheated us pay for their crimes!!

    2. Jean Barnes

      SHUT THE HELL UP you stupid moron. You don’t know what you are talking about. Did YOU watch all the senate hearings and listen to the evidence? I DID. I watched all 5 days—every minute of it. THERE WAS FRAUD. You would do well to know what you are talking about before opening your idiotic mouth.

  2. Kenney Hall

    The 4 that stay behind and pull them vote out from under the table put them in jail it sealing from the real American people and when they tell how told them to do that they need to go to jail with them for a long time . We want have this problem next time.

  3. Mandi smith

