Georgia Republican Senate Candidate Gary Black Takes Aim at Herschel Walker

Herschel Walker and Gary Black


Georgia Agriculture Secretary and candidate for U.S. Senate Gary Black launched a new ad on Monday and took aim at Herschel Walker, a potential primary opponent.

In the nearly 30-second ad, Black mocks Walker for a recent video released by the former NFL running back that hinted at a campaign launch.

In Walker’s video, he exits a car and says, “I’m getting ready.” He proceeds to bend down to highlight the Georgia license plate of the car. Walker has previously lived in Texas.

“I’m ready. I’ve been ready. And, Herschel, I already run with the big dogs,” Black said in the ad. “For fun, my ride’s a tractor. And I’ve had Georgia plates all my life,” Black responded.

In a subsequent statement, Black said, “If my old schoolmate from UGA wants to join the conversation here in Georgia, I welcome hearing his ideas. But it takes more than pretending to change your car tags. Move here, pay taxes here, register and vote in some elections and learn what Georgians have on their minds.”

The Agriculture Secretary has attempted to build strong grassroots support throughout the state in his quest for the Republican nomination. He recently raised $703,000 from more than 670 donors, with the vast majority of donors residing in the state.

Walker has been widely encouraged to run in the state that he represented while playing football at the University of Georgia. Former President Donald Trump asked Walker to run for the highly competitive seat earlier this year.

“Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the legendary Herschel Walker ran for the United States Senate in Georgia? He would be unstoppable, just like he was when he played for the Georgia Bulldogs, and in the NFL. He is also a GREAT person. Run Herschel, run,” Trump said in a statement in March.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Gary Black” by Gary W. Black.



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3 Thoughts to “Georgia Republican Senate Candidate Gary Black Takes Aim at Herschel Walker”

  1. Hugh Brooks

    Are the people who want to force Mr. Black out the same people who told us how great a candidate Kelli Loeffler would be?

    She was an unmitigated disaster hand picked by Mitch McConnell.

  2. Dr Ken

    The only thing Black can do is split the vote and create dissention in the primary. He cannot win and one can only speculate as to the origins of his financial support. The Dems do not want Herschel as they know he will prevail in the general election. Please support Herschel!

  3. David H

    Black can’t win. He needs to step aside or be forced out so Walker can win. Is Black a Fake Conservative being sponsored by the Dems? He should be ridiculed. Republicans have to be smart and stop losing. Also, make a deal with the Libertarians to not run. The Republican lost in GA in 2020 by 60,000 votes – the Libertarian got 160,000 votes.
