Georgia Senate President Pro Tempore ‘Butch’ Miller: Kemp Told Me He Would Have Signed Election Integrity Bill

Georgia Senate President Pro Tempore ‘Butch’ Miller told John Fredericks on The John Fredericks Show that Governor Kemp told him he did not oppose SB 89, the election integrity bill killed by Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan.

Miller is also a candidate for lieutenant governor in the Republican primary which is slated to occur on May 24. His main opponent is fellow Georgia Senator Burt Jones.

Miller’s comment came several minutes after a discussion in which he explained his actions the night SB 89 was quashed by Duncan. The topic had been changed and they were in the middle of discussing taxes. Miller abruptly switched back to the topic of Senate bill 89.

“During that discussion, you believed that Governor Kemp was against that bill coming to the floor so he wouldn’t have to veto it.” he said. “I heard from Governor Kemp’s mouth himself, that he would sign the bill and he had no problem with it. Someone misinformed you there.”

Fredericks responded, “You’ve got to be kidding me, Butch. You really believe that Geoff Duncan killed that bill without having the direct consultation and orders from Governor Kemp? You really think he killed that bill on his own?”

After some back and forth, Miller repeated his point. “Let me point out that Governor Kemp’s floor leaders voted for it. And let me also point out that I heard it from Governor Kemp’s mouth himself. Let me also point out that I think he said he wasn’t looking for an overhaul of the elections bill. And we also have the GBI portion of that bill that passed. Let’s see what he does with that,” Miller continued. “Let’s see if he signs it or not. I think the proof will be in the pudding. He will sign the GBI portion of the bill. That’s the only portion that made it across and I think he would have signed it all had he had the opportunity.”

Those comments by Miller contradict what sources tell The Georgia Star News – that Kemp opposed the bill and had his lieutenant governor block the relevant action.

The Star News previously reported that State Senator Brandon Beach (R-Woodstock) accused Kemp of using Duncan to block the legislation. He said, “I don’t understand why the governor didn’t want us to address that outside money, whether it was Zuckerberg or Soros or whoever.”

Former U.S. Senator and candidate for Georgia governor David Perdue previously said that he implored Kemp to take action on election integrity issues prior to the January 5, 2021 Georgia U.S. Senate runoff, but that Kemp essentially blew him off at a meeting.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Georgia Star News and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR, Twitter, and Parler.
Photo “Butch Miller” by Georgia Senate Press Office. Photo “Brian Kemp” by Governor Brian Kemp. Background Photo “United States Capitol” by David Maiolo. CC BY-SA 3.0.


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