Gov. Kemp to Ban Mask Mandates in Schools


Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced that he will take action to prevent public schools across the state from implementing mask mandates for students.

Kemp announced on Wednesday that he will sign an executive order to prevent the mandates. However, though not required, Kemp highlighted that students will be allowed to wear a mask if they choose to do so.

“We’re not going to have a mask mandate for our kids. Our teachers have had the ability to get vaccinated. It certainly doesn’t keep anyone from wearing a mask. The time for mandates is over. Our numbers have plummeted,” Kemp told Fox News in an interview.

Students attending classes in schools — a normally noncontroversial issue — sparked debate after debate throughout the course of the coronavirus pandemic. Democratic politicians and leaders of various teachers unions pushed to keep schools closed and students learning online. Republicans leaders urged a safe return to in-person learning was achievable and needed. Further, it posed little to no risk to most students and teachers.

In the interview, Kemp went on to call for the continued reduction of coronavirus restrictions. “We have to continue to reopen the economy,” he said. “It is unfortunate that some continue to scare people when we know how to defeat this virus,” Kemp added.

Vaccination levels across the state continue to grow. Millions of Georgians are fully vaccinated, with an even higher number of individuals receiving at least one dose.

Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19 have plummeted in the state and throughout the country.

Kemp has continued to take actions to repeal government regulations in place and prevent new restrictions. He recently signed an executive order on Tuesday banning the use of vaccine passports throughout the state.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].





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