Henry County Judge Surprises Many with New Ruling in Fulton County Mail-in Ballot Inspection Case


Henry County Chief Judge Brian Amero late last week ordered that all parties involved in the Fulton County mail-in ballot case appear in court next month — for reasons unspecified.

According to court documents, Amero ordered the parties to appear at 9 a.m. September 20 in Courtroom A of the Henry County Courthouse in McDonough.

Garland Favorito of VoterGa.org is a petitioner in this case.

The Georgia Record reported late last week that Amero’s ruling surprised people.

“Amero was expected to issue a ruling to allow the ballot inspection to continue at a higher level of imagery than previously used to detect counterfeit ballots. Instead, he ordered a hearing on Sept 20th, 38 days from now. The ruling is a setback for those wishing to prove election fraud occurred in the 2020 election in the state of Georgia. Amero seems to be running out the clock,” The Georgia Record reported.

“Amero allowed ‘progressive’ law firm Perkins Coie to Pro-hac vice (join the case from out of state) in the Michael Daugherty election legality complaint and then dismissed the case in recent weeks. This ruling we understand will be appealed by Daugherty.”

Petitioners in a lawsuit to inspect Fulton County mail-in absentee ballots from the November 3, 2020 election added new claims last month. They provided new evidence they say proves the hand recount audit conducted after the election, “was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”

At a press conference last month in Roswell, Georgia, Favorito and other organizers of the lawsuit, said there was “a whopping 60 percent” error rate in Fulton County’s hand count audit held on November 14 and 15, 2020.

Most of the new allegations and evidence are based on VoterGA data team analysis of Fulton County’s mail-in ballot images from the November 2020 election, which were made available after the petitioners won a court order on April 13 and VoterGA lobbying efforts led the Georgia General Assembly to make all images public.

There were several significant findings from VoterGA’s data team in Fulton County for the November 2020 election and the subsequent hand count audit. Of 1,539 batch files containing 100 mail-in ballots each, 923 – or 60 percent – contained votes incorrectly reported in the official November 3, 2020 results as compared to the reported audit totals.

At least 36 batches representing 4,255 mail-in ballots were redundantly added into the audit results, including extra vote totals of 3,390 for Biden, 865 for Donald Trump and 43 for Jo Jorgensen.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Judge Brian Amero” by Henry County Court.





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One Thought to “Henry County Judge Surprises Many with New Ruling in Fulton County Mail-in Ballot Inspection Case”

  1. Tracy

    I want to know who paid this judge off sure changed his mind awfully quick all the voters in Georgia on either side of the isle was screw out of there vote and this judge knew it so who paid him off
